Driving Permit Studying

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You are turning at an intersection, and you see no other vehicles around. Do you still need to signal?

Yes; you must signal for 300 ft where the speed limit exceeds 45 mph, and 100 ft everywhere else

When yellow lights are flashing, all drivers approaching a(n) ____ must obey the posted speed limit of 20 mph.

a school zone

On a divided highway, a ____ marks the left edge of lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.

a solid or broken yellow line

The likelihood of an accident if a driver is under the influence of ____, ____, and/or ____.

alcohol, prescription medication, or some illegal drugs

Before entering an intersection, you must look for ____, ____, and ____.

approaching vehicles from the left, approaching vehicles from the right, and crossing pedestrians

High-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes are reserved for ____ and/or ____.

carpools and/or vehicles with more than one passenger

Flashing arrow panels may be used in work areas or road construction to direct drivers to ____.

certain/designated traffic lanes

If you are changing lanes, preparing to pass another vehicle, or entering traffic, signal and check for passing traffic. First, use your mirrors, then ____.

check your vehicle's blind spots.

When entering a main road from a private road such as a driveway or an unpaved road, you must ____.

come to a complete stop and give the right-of-way to pedestrians, bicyclists, or vehicles on the main road

If you miss your turn or exit, you should ____.

continue driving till the next exit

Proactively looking ahead, to the sides, and behind your vehicle to anticipate problems is part of ____ driving.


When following a vehicle at night, always ____.

dim your high-beam headlights

When you are driving a vehicle, unbalanced tires and low tire pressure can cause ____.

faster tire ware

If a tire goes flat while driving, you must ____.

firmly hold the steering wheel and keep your vehicle steady until you have a safe place to stop

At intersections, before turning right, you should make sure there is no traffic approaching ____.

from your left and no oncoming traffic turning left into your path

If a driver behind you repeatedly flashes their headlines, you should ____.

get out of the way

When passing a large vehicle, do not pull back in front of it until you can see both of its ____ in your ____ mirror.

headlights in your rear-view mirror

If you are driving in the heavy rain on a highway, you must slow down to avoid ____.


On a highway with at least three lanes, a vehicle towing a trailer keeps right because ____.

it moves slower than other traffic

If you plan to turn beyond an intersection, you must signal ____.

just after you pass through the intersection

To avoid collisions on the road, you must ____.

keep a space cushion

When you see or hear an emergency vehicle approaching from any direction, you must ____.

lean to the right edge of the road as far and as soon as you can

On a highway with three or more lanes going in the same direction, fast-moving vehicles should use the ____ lane.

left lane

You may make a left turn at a red light if you are turning from the ____ of a ____ street, onto another ____ street.

left lane of a one-way street, onto another one-way street

On multi-lane roads, the ____ lane is intended to be used for passing slower vehicles.


You must maintain a constant speed when passing and reentering the lane in front of trucks or buses, because trucks and buses require ____.

longer distances to slow down than cars

For better visibility during rain, fog, or snow, you must keep your vehicle's ____ on.

low-beam headlights

When approaching a stationary vehicle (police car, tractor, etc.) that is parked alongside the road and is flashing lights, you must ____.

make a lane change / pass if it is safe to do so

The driver ahead has their left arm out their window and it is bent and pointing upwards. This driver intends to ____.

make a right turn

If there are three or more lanes going in the same direction on a highway, the ____ lanes usually have the smoothest flow of traffic.

middle lanes

What do double solid yellow lines in the center of a two-lane road mean?

no-passing zone / passing is not permitted

Trucks and buses both have blind spots on both sides of them where other vehicles/cars become invisible in when entering. These blind spots are called ____.


When you drive in city traffic, you should try to look at least ____.

one-block ahead

What does a flashing yellow signal mean?

proceed with caution / slow down

When turning corners, turn the steering wheel using the ____ technique.


It is dangerous and illegal to ____ while driving.

read/write/send text messages

In what order do drivers turn in/at an intersection? What is this called?

right-of-way; 1st driver to arrive goes 1st, 2nd goes 2nd, 3rd goes 3rd, and so on

A ____ offers you the highest possible protection in a car crash and therefore your best defense against a drunk driver.

safety belt / seat belt

When approaching an uncontrolled rural intersection, you should ____.

slow down and be prepared to stop for oncoming traffic

If you are about to pass a bicycle to your right and an oncoming vehicle is approaching on your left, you should ____.

slow down and let the oncoming vehicle pass

Before reaching the crest of a hill or before entering a curve, you must ____ and watch for oncoming vehicles.

slow down and move to the right side of the road

If you approach an intersection with a steady yellow light, you must ____.

slow down and proceed with caution if you cannot stop safely

The best way to handle a curve is to ____.

slow down before entering

When you exit from a high-speed, two-lane roadway, if traffic is following you, you should ____.

slow down gradually, not too suddenly

When you meet an oncoming school bus flashing yellow/amber lights, you must ____.

slow down to 20 mph or less and be prepared to stop

On multi-lane roads, avoid driving next to other vehicles because ____.

someone may crowd your lane / try to change lines and hit you

A school bus is stopping and flashing red lights. You are expected to ____.

stop no matter which direction you're traveling in

An uncontrolled intersection is an intersection without ____, ____, and ____.

stop signs, yield signs, and traffic lights

A person walking across the street has a white cane, or a white can with a red tip. You must ____ because ____.

stop; they are more than likely blind

If you are going to stop or slow down suddenly where driver(s) behind you may not expect it, you should ____ to let those behind you aware of what you're going to do.

tap your brakes 3-4 times quickly

When there are four or more lanes with traffic moving in opposite directions, what do double solid yellow lines mark?

the center of the roadway

While getting onto a freeway, you reach the end of the on-ramp. At this point you should be traveling at ____.

the speed closest to the speed of traffic

The most important vehicle control device to use in a skid is the ____.

the steering wheel

What does a reflective orange triangle on the rear of a vehicle indicate?

the vehicle is traveling at 35 mph or less

You may not pass another vehicle except when ____.

there is a broken / passing line next to your lane.

The shared center lane on a two-way road is reserved for ____, ____, and ____.

traffic coming in the opposite direction, legal/safe U-turns, and for making left turns

If you are being tailgated, you should ____.

try to slow down and encourage the driver tailgating you to pass

What is dangerous and should not be done while changing lanes?

turning your steering wheel while head is turned to check blind spots

To maintain a safe following distance, you should use the ____.

two-second rule

You should not start to pass or change lanes if you are ____ of a mile of a hill or curve.

within one-third (1/3)

If drivers arrive at an intersection at the same time on the same street, a driver desiring to turn left must ____.

yield the right-of-way to the driver in the opposite direction

If drivers arrive at the same time at an intersection on different roads, the driver on the left must ____.

yield the right-of-way to the driver on the right.

Vehicles approaching a roundabout must ____.

yield to the traffic in the roundabout

When driving on gravel or dirt, you must slow down because ____.

you do not have as much traction

Always use your ____ to exit a roundabout.

your right turn signal.

What is the maximum sentence for leaving the scene of an accident where a fatality occurred?

$5000 fine and 2 years in jail

To avoid last-minute braking or the need to turn, you should look down the road at least ____ seconds ahead.

10 seconds

At night, you must switch to low-beam headlights when you are within ____ ft of an oncoming vehicle.

1000 ft

At railroad crossings with an oncoming train, you must stop ____ ft from the nearest rail.

15-50 ft

If you are convicted of driving with a license that was suspended or revoked for reasons other than alcohol or drugs, ____ points will be added to your driving record.

2 points

The state of Iowa considers drivers who have been convicted of ____ or more serious violations within a six-year period to be habitual offenders.

3 violations

When the road is too narrow to make a U-turn, and you cannot go around the block, make a ____ turn instead.

3-point turn

The chances of hydroplaning increase at ____ mph.

35-55 mph

You must start to signal at least 100 ft before a turn if the speed limit is ____ mph or less.

45 mph or less

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