Drug Education and Vice Control 2

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(uppers) they produce effects opposite to that of depressants. Instead of bringing out relaxation and sleep, they produce increase mental alertness, wakefulness, reduce hunger, and provide a feeling of well-being. Their medical uses include narcolepsy. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug from the heavy abuser can result in a deep and suicidal depression.


- (Cannabis Sativa) it was credited by the historians to be the world's oldest cultivated plant started by the in incas of Peru.


- (Diacetylmorphine) the second attempt of treating opium and morphine addiction. Synthesized from the drug morphine, discovered by a british chemist in the name of Alder Wright. It was called the miracle drug because it is believed that it can cure both opium and morphine addiction. It was named after the word hero due to it's impressive power. It turns out later that heroin is the most addictive of all drugs.

Opium poppy plant

- (Papaver Somniferium) knowledge on this goes back about 7000 years BC cultivated and prepared by the Sumerians. Even the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, the father of medicine, prescribed the juice of the white poppy plant. In the belief that it can cure many illnesses booth in the internal and external use


- (downers) these are drugs which suppress vital body functions especially those of the brain or central nervous system with the resulting impairment of judgement, hearing, speech and muscular coordination.


- based Chinese syndicate- has been identified as the nucleus of the triad society.


- became the center for drug manufacture and synthesis.


- (psychedelic) the group of drugs that consist of a variety of mind altering drugs, which distort reality, thinking and perceptions of time, sound, space, and sensation. - the users experiences hallucination which at times can be strange. His trips may be exhilarating or terrifying good or bad. They may dislocate his consciousness and change his mood, thinking and concept of self.

Coca leaves

- Incas have also the common practice to use this during religious offering ceremonies.


- a condition characterized by an overwhelming to sleep.


- a derivative of morphine, commonly available in cough preparations. This cough medicine have been widely abused by the youth when Eberhart narcotics are difficult to obtain. Withrawal symptoms are less severe than other drugs.


- a tincture of opium in combination with camphor. Commonly used as a household remedy for diarrhea and abdominal pain.


- an active component in tobacco which acts as a powerful stimulant of the central nervous system.


- are drugs that Calm and relax and nervous states and some mental disorders without producing sleep.


- are drugs used for inducing sleep in persons plagued with anxiety, mental stress, and insomia. They are also in the value in the treatment of epilepsy and hypertension. They are available in capsules, pills or tablets, and taken orally or injected..


- are drugs, which increase alertness and activity such as amphetamines, cocaine and caffeine


- are drugs, which reduced anxiety and excitement such as barbiturates, non barbiturates, Tranquilizers and alcohol.


- are drugs, which relieve pain and profound sleep or stupor when introduced to the body.


- are group of drugs having the effect of stimulating the central nervous system.


- are group of drugs that has the effect of depressing the central nervous system.


- are group of drugs that has the effect of depressing the central nervous system.


- are group of stimulants drugs like Benzedrine, Dexedrine, Methedrine, Preludin.

Filipino-Chinese drug syndicates

- are groups responsible smuggling shabu into the country, Philippines.


- became the major consumer of cocaine and shabu from the united States and Europe.

United States

- became the over all center for drug marketing.

Demerol and Methadone

- common synthetic drugs with morphine like effects. - Is widely uses a painkiller in childbirth - is the drug choice in the withdrawal treatment of heroin dependent since it relieves the physical craving for heroin.


- commonly used among hospitality girls. Sudden withdrawal from these drugs is even more dangerous than opiate withdrawal. The dependent develops Generalized convulsions and delirium, which are frequently associated with heart and respiratory failure.


- derived from a poppy plant. Popularly known as "gum", gamot, kalamay or panocha. - a plant that can grow from 3 to 6 ft in height originally in Mesopotamia. - it's active ingredient is the meconic acid- the analgesic property.


- drugs that Relieve pain and often induce sleep.


- drugs which affect sensations, thinking, self awareness, and emotion.

Volatile solvents

- gaseous substances popularly known to abusers as "gas", "teardrops". Examples are plastic glues, hairspray, fingernail polish, lighter fluid, rugby, paint, thinner, acetone, turpentine gasoline, kerosene, varnishes and other aerosol products. They are inhaled by the use plastics bags, handkerchief or rags soaked in chemicals.

Friedrich W. Serturner

- german pharmacist discovered morphine, the first derivative of opium. he called this new drug as "Morphium" and later changed to morphine after the Greek god of dream, Morpheus

Drug abuse

- has become not only a national issue or a problem just a few countries but it is clear and present global danger

Northern Sumatra

- has traditionally been the main cannabis growing area in Indonesia.

Golden Crescent

- in Southwest Asia, is the major supplier of opium poppy, marijuana and heroin products in the western part of asia. It produces at least 85% to 90 % of all illicit heroin channeled in the drug underworld market.


- in fact physicians all over the world still consider it as the most effective pain reliever.

Golden Triangle

- in south East Asia approximately produce 60% of opium in the word, 90% of opium in the Eastern part of Asia. It is also officially acknowledged sourced of South East asian heroin.


- in the field of medicine, it is valuable as disinfectant, as an external remedy for reducing high fever among children, and as preservative and solvent for pharmaceutical preparations like Elixirs, spirits and tincture.


- is 3 to 5 times more powerful than morphine from which it is Derived and the most addicting opium derivative. -with continued use, addiction occur with in 14 days. It may be sniffed on swallowed but is usually injected in the veins.

Bali Indonesia

- is an important transit point for drugs en route to Australia and New Zealand.

Becka Valley of Lebanon

- is considered to be the biggest producer of cannabis in the Middle East. Lebanon is also became the transit country for cocaine from South America to European illicit drug markets.


- is derived from the surface part of a small gray brown cactus. - emits a nauseating odor and it's user's suffers from nausea. This drug causes no physical dependence and, therefore, no withdrawal symptoms, although in some cases psychological dependence has been noted.


- is known as the major transshipment point for international drug traffickers in Europe, and became the paradise of drug users in Europe.


- is known in the world to be the number one producer of marijuana( cannabis sativa)


- is produced in the golden triangle and past through nearby countries in relatively small quantities through air transport while in transit to the United States and European countries.

Medelline Cartel

- is reputedly responsible for organizing world's drug trafficking network.


- is second to Mexico as the production of marijuana. It also became the major transshipment point for the world wide distribution of illegal Drugs particularly shabu and cocaine from Taiwan and South America. It also noted that to be known as the drug paradise of drug abusers in Asia.


- is the center of the world's drug map, leading to rapid addiction Among it's people.

Bamboo gang

- is the influence of the green gang of the chinese triad.

Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand

- is the most favorable sites of drug distribution from golden Triangle and other parts of asia


- is the newest among the triads families established only in 1947.


- is the transit route for heroin from the golden Triangle to Hong Kong. It is also the country where the "Epedra " plant is cultivated

Hong Kong

- is the world's transshipment point of all forms of heroin.


- it is a take off on the motor oil additive. It is a chemical derivative of MESCALINE claimED to produce more violent and longer effects than MESCALINE dose.


- it is present in coffee, tea, chocolate, coia drinks, and some wake up pills.


- it is the alkaloid hallucinogens extracted from the peyote cactus and can also be synthesized in the laboratory. one to two hours after the drug is taken in a liquid form, delusions begin to occur


- it is white, colorless crystal or crystalline powder with a bitter numbing taste. It can be taken orally, inhaled, sniffed or injected.


- it was known to be sacred three in the beliefs of the Assyrians being used during religious rituals.

Middle East

- it's is noted that plants such as the opium poppy, as sources of dangerous drugs are cultivated and harvested mostly in the areas of.

RA No. 6425

- known as the dangerous drug act of 1972 on March 30, 1972 - signed into law by President Ferdinand Marcos. Amended by PD No. 44

Drug-laced wine

- mighty Samson was put to sleep by Delilah by means of this drug before cutting his hair.


- most commonly used and best used opiate. Effective as a painkiller 6 times potent than opium, with a high dependence


- our group of drugs such as Mandrax, Quaalude, Fardormir, and others


- poor man's Cocaine, chemically known as methamphetamine hydrochloride. It is a central nervous system stimulant sometimes call upper or speed


- read first to the group of drug opium and it derivatives, morphine, heroin, codeine including synthetic opiates

Dangerous drugs

- refer to the broad categories or classes of controlled substances. Controlled substances are generally grouped according to pharmacological classifications, effects and to their legal criteria.


- refers through the group of drugs like marijuana, LSD, MESCALINE


- refers to the group of depressants drugs known as "Veronal" like Luminal, Amytal, Nembutal, Surital, Butisol, Penthontal, Seconal.


- refers to the group of depressants drugs known as "Veronal" like Luminal, Amytal, Nembutal, Surital, Butisol, Penthontal, Seconal.


- refers to the group of drugs that are considered to be mind aletring drugs and give the general effects of mood distortion.


- refers to the group of the drug cocaine, alpha and betta Eucaine.


- source of the drug ephedrine, the principal chemical for producing drug shabu

Morning Glory seeds

- the black and brown seeds of the wild tropica morning glory that are used to produce hallucinations. The seeds are ground into flour, soak in Coldwater, then strained through a cloth and drunk. - they are sold under the names of heavenly blues, flying dancers, and pearly gates.


- the drug taken from the open bush plant( Erythroxylon Coca) grows in South America. It is usually in the form of powder that can be taken orally, injected for sniffed as to achieve euphoria or an intense feeling of highness.

Volatile substances

- the group of liquid, solid or mixed substances having the property of releasing toxic vapors or fumes which when sniffed, smelled, inhaled or introduced into the physiological system of the body produces or induces a condition of intoxication, excitement or dulling of the brain or nervous system. Examples of this drugs are glue, gasoline, kerosene,ether, paint, thinner, Lacquer.

Fermented alcoholic beverages and nga-nga

- the intoxicants and stimulants used by the early Filipinos


- the king of all drugs with potential for abuse. Most likely you, socially accepted and most extensively legalize drug throughout the world.

The Cali Cartel

- the newly emerged cocaine monopoly. Gilberto Rodriguez Orajuela better known as Don Chepe- the chess player heads the syndicated organization. Under him, the Cali Cartel was considered the most powerful criminal organization in the world. - the cartel produces over 90% of cocaine in the world due to this, it was called the best and the brightest of the modern underworld. They are professionals of the highest order, intelligent, efficient, imaginative, and nearly impenetrable


- the third derivative of a opium was discovered in france while in the process of discovering other drugs that could cure opium, morphine and heroin addiction but it also ended in the same tragic result. Today it is widely used as an ingredient in most cough syrup.

Lysergic acid diethylamide

- this drug is the most powerful of the psychedelics obtained from. ergot, a fungus that attacks rye kernels.


- this hallucinogenic alkaloid from small mexican mushrooms are used by Mexican Indians today. This mushroom induced nausea, muscular relaxation, mood changes with visions of bright colors and shapes, and other hallucinations.


- used medically for weight reducing in obesity, relief of mild depression and treatment.

Republic Act No. 953

- was enacted which provided for the registration of collection, and the imposition of fixed and special taxes upon all persons who produced import, manufacture, compound, deal in, dispense, sell, distribute, or give away opium, marijuana, opium poppies, or coca leaves or any synthetic drugs which may declared as habit forming. - the law also declared as a matter of national policy, the prohibition of the cultivation of marijuana and opium poppy.

Narcotic- laden wine

-- Cleopatra, in desperation over her desprized love druk this before allowing herself to be bitten to death by a poisonous asp from the River Nile.

1. Depressants 2. Stimulants 3. Hallucinogens

According to effects, the dangerous drugs are classified as:

1. Depressants 2. Narcotics 3. Tranquilizers 4. Stimulants 5. Hallucinogens 6. Solvents/ inhalants

According to medical pharmacology, dangerous drugs are classified as:

. Depressants . Stimulants . Hallucinogens

Classifications of dangerous drugs According to effects According to effects

. Sedatives . Stimulants . Hallucinogens / psychedelics . Narcotics

Commonly abused drugs

. narcotics . Opium . Morphine . Heroin . codein . Paregoric . Demerol and methadone . Barbiturates . Seconal . Tranquilizers . Volatile solvents . Alcohol

Depressants enumerate

.Middle East- discovery, Plantation, cultivation, harvest. .Turkey- preparation for distribution . Europe- manufacture, synthesis, refine. US- marketing

First important drug traffic route

. According to effects . According to medical pharmacology . Legal categories.

General drug classification

Burma/ Myanmar, Laos and Thailand.

Golden Triangle-

. Marijuana . Lysergic Acid Diethylamide . Peyote .MESCALINE .STP .Psilocybin . Morning Glory seeds

Hallucinogens enumerate

Golden Crescent-

Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India.

1. Prohibited drugs 2. Regulated Drugs 3. Volatile substances

Legal categories, Pursuant to Republic Act No. 6425, the dangerous drug Act of 1972, the dangerous drugs are classified as:

1. Narcotics 2. Stimulants 3. Hallucinogens

Prohibited drugs enumerate

a. Barbiturates b. Hypnotics c. Amphetamines

Regulated drugs enumerate

. amphetamines . Cocaine . Caffeine . shabu " poor man's cocaine" . Nicotine

Stimulants enumerate

. The Columbian Medelline Cartel . The Cali Cartel . The Chinese Triad

The organized crime groups behind the global drug scene.

. The Marijuana plant . The opium poppy plant . The Coca Bush Plant Santa

The three most popular plants as sources of dangerous drugs

. Middle East . Spain . South America . Mexico . Philippines . India . Indonesia . Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand . China . Hong Kong . Japan

The world's drugs scene

The Chinese Triad-

also called the chinese mafia is the oldest and biggest criminal organization the world. It is believed to be the controller of the golden Triangle witj international connections on drug trafficking.

Columbia, Peru, Uruguay, Panama-

are the principal sources of all cocaine supply in the world due to the robust production of the Coca plants- source of the cocaine drug.

Methamphetamine hydrochloride-

commonly known as shabu is the most popular drug of abuse today.

The Columbian Medelline Cartel-

founded during the 1980s by colombian drug lords in the name of Pablo Escobar Gaviria and drug bosses Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha and the top aid cocaine barons Juan David and Ochoa brothers.

Lysergic acid diethylamide

is 1000 times more powerful than marijuana as supply, large enough for a trip can be taken from the glue on the flab of an envelope, from the paste of a postage stamp, or from the hidden area inside one's clothes. - cause perceptual changes so that the user sees colors, shapes, or objects more intensely than normal and may have hallucinations of things that are not real.


it is the most commonly abused hallucinogen in the Philippines because it can be grown extensively in the country many users choose to smoke marijuana for relaxation in the same way people drink beer or cocktail the end of the day.

Morphine addiction-

known as soldiers disease


medically, they are potent painkillers, cough depressants and as an active component of anti diarrhea preparations.


opium and it derivatives like morphine, codeine, and heroin, as well as the synthetic opiates, meperidine and methadone, fire classified as this drugs.

Volatile substances-

the group of liquid, solid or mixed substances having the property of releasing toxic vapors or fumes which when sniffed, smelled, inhaled or introduced into the physiological system of the body produces or induces a condition of intoxication, excitement or dulling of the brain or nervous system. Examples of this drugs are glue, gasoline, kerosene,ether, paint, thinner, Lacquer.


these drugs, when taking in, generally decrease both the mental and physical activities of the body


they cause depression, relieve pain and induced sedation or sleep and suppress cough.


they dull the minds, slow down the body reactions to such an extent that accidental deaths and suicides usually happen.


they include the narcotics, barbiturates, Tranquilizers, alcohol and other volatile solvents.

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