Drug Education Ch.1-Ch.4

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drug most commonly related to crime


Early efforts to enforce the Harrison Act focused on Blank______.


Identify an accurate statement about dendrites, which are structures of a neuron.

they specialize in receiving signals from other neurons

In the early 1800s, the most reliable and effective medicine of medical doctors, used for a variety of conditions but most notable as a pain reliever, was Blank______.


nonprescription misuse

not intended purpose

Pathways containing acetylcholine arise from cell bodies in the Blank______ in the lower part of the brain and project widely throughout the cerebral cortex.

nucleus basalis

Psychological dependence can be defined in terms of Blank______.

observable behaviors

The electrical signal transmitted along the axon when a neuron fires is known as the

action potential

True or false: Any drug that produces effects might produce some benefit when used carefully and has the potential to produce harm when abused.


True or false: Increased drug-control efforts by federal agencies has resulted in an unquantifiable cost in the loss of individual freedom that is inevitable


True or false: The largely unsubstantiated fear that cocaine use was responsible for an increase in violent crimes was important in building support for federal drug-control laws among Southern senators and congressmen in the United States despite their opposition to increasing federalism. True false question.


True or false: All drugs have reinforcing properties.


______ is a disease that results from a loss of myelin wrappings of neurons.

Multiple sclerosis

which is stronger psychological dependency or physical dependency?

psychological dependency

substantia nigra

substantia nigra

Identify the events that led to an enormous change in the development and marketing of legal pharmaceuticals over the past 100 years.

vaccines and antibiotics

Addiction is a controversial and complex term because Blank______.

different meanings


New Drug Application

What happened as more states and municipalities outlawed opium dens in the United States?

black market

Identify an accurate statement about attributing cause of dependence to a substance.

A substance itself cannot be seen as the entire cause of a dependence problem.

What were the provisions added by the 1962 Kefauver-Harris amendments to federal law?

Advertisements for prescriptions drugs need to summarize adverse reactions to the drug. Companies need to seek approval before conducting clinical trials on humans.

As part of international efforts aimed at reducing drug supply, the Blank______ has agents in more than 40 countries assisting the local authorities in eradicating drug crops, locating and destroying illicit laboratories, and interfering with the transportation of drugs out of those countries.


A critical change in the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act was the requirement that Blank______.

a manufacturer must test a new drug for toxicity before it could be marketed

When a company submits an application to investigate a new drug in human clinical trials (IND) to the FDA, it is also required to submit all information from Blank______.

animal tests and etc

______ typically refers to the use of prescribed drugs in greater amounts than, or for purposes other than, those prescribed by a physician or dentist. Multiple choice question.


According to the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), alcohol use disorder Blank______.

primary disorder

The animal research in the 1960s that led to the positive reinforcement model implied that Blank______ is critical to the development of frequent patterns of drug-using behavior.

psychological dependence

As of 2020, the legality of random, suspicionless urine testing for Blank______ has not been established at the federal level.

public school students

In 1929, Congress viewed the enormous expenditure for imprisoning drug offenders as an indicator that something was wrong with the current system and decided that Blank______.

users should be cured rather than repeatedly jailed

When does a pharmaceutical company, desiring to introduce a new drug, supply to the FDA a "Notice of Claimed Investigational Exemption for a New Drug" (IND)?

when it is ready to study the effects of a compound on humans

According to the Monitoring the Future study conducted annually by the University of Michigan on marijuana use among 12th-graders, which of the following statements is true of changes over time in the rates of drug use?

since 1997 changes are small

When are prescription drugs illicit?

sold illegally

Identify a true statement about genetic influence on substance dependence.

specific genes aren't known

To prove that all compulsive behaviors have some common physiological or biochemical action in the brain theorists have Blank______.

studying dopamine

The 1960s experiments on drug use by monkeys concluded that Blank______. Multiple choice question.

the drugs themselves positively reinforce the drug-taking behavior

Since every psychoactive drug acts at multiple sites, both in the brain and on other organs, Blank______.

the effect of a drug sought by a user is accompanied by other bodily reactions

The notion that Blank______ forms the basis of arguments in favor of passing laws to regulate drug use and drug users.

drugs change user's personality

According to a study conducted by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, identify the risk factors most likely associated with marijuana use among adolescents. Multiple select question.

perceiving that substance use is prevalent at one's school having friends who use marijuana engaging in frequent fighting, stealing, or other antisocial activities

Blank______ dependence on a drug is defined by the presence of a withdrawal syndrome in the user.


Toward the development of the Blank______ of drug use, monkeys and rats were given intravenous catheters for the self-administration of morphine.

positive reinforcement model

According to the early medical models, when is the dependence on a drug said to be cured?

no withdrawal symptoms

Identify an accurate statement about substance use.

not all use is abuse

Examination of the lives of alcohol-dependent individuals reveals that alcohol dependence Blank______.

often exists in a dysfunctioned family

In the early 1800s in the United States, physicians prescribed various forms of Blank______ liberally and with only limited concern about patients developing dependence. Multiple choice question.


When the United States imported Chinese workers after the Civil War, mainly to help build the rapidly expanding railroads, what did some of them bring with them?


The broadest impact on drug use in the United States during the late 19th century and early 20th century came from the widespread legal distribution of Blank______.

patent medicines

One of the guiding forces for the Blank______ was Dr. Harvey Wiley's findings on his careful study of the dairy industry and their foods.

pure food & drugs

The period between 1890 and 1920 has been called the "nadir" (lowest point) of Blank______ in the United States.

race relations

What do an 1875 San Francisco ordinance and an 1890 federal act in the United States all have in common?

regulated opium

A procedure in which a behavioral event is followed by a consequent event such that the behavior is then more likely to be repeated is known as .


Before adopting a disease model for dependency based on the experiences of the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), psychiatrists had commonly assumed that alcohol use disorder was Blank______.


A ______________-_________________ scale measures a person's preference for variety, risk, and various physical sensations


prescription misuse

more than prescribed

An accurate statement about psychoactive drugs is that Blank______.

drugs affect multiple sites

What did the 1912 Sherley amendment in the United States outlaw?

false claims on labels

In response to the end of Prohibition and to charges of corruption in the previous Narcotics Division, Congress formed a Blank______ in the Treasury Department in 1930.

Bureau of Narcotics

______, who became the first commissioner of the Bureau of Narcotics in 1932, was known as the first "drug czar" and had almost total control of federal efforts in drug education, prevention, treatment, and enforcement for 30 years until 1962.

Harry Anslinger

Identify an accurate statement about the role of homeostasis in alcohol or drug use.

Homeostatic processes mobilize to counteract some alcohol-related effects.

What changes were introduced by the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970?

It based drug control on both public health and law enforcement perspectives. It did away with mandatory minimum penalties.

Identify a true statement about the mesolimbic dopamine pathway in the central nervous system.

It has been proposed to mediate some types of psychotic behavior.

Identify a true statement about the action potential.

It initiates a chain of events that allows one neuron to communicate with another through the release of neurotransmitters.

Identify an accurate statement about the effect of psychoactive drugs on a user.

It is powerfully influenced by the user's history and expectations.

What did the Jones-Miller Act passed by Congress in 1922 do?

It officially made the user of illegally obtained opioids and cocaine a criminal. It more than doubled the maximum penalties for dealing in illegally imported drugs.

Identify the reasons why the new drug application provision under the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act was important.

It reduced the likelihood of companies run by untrained people introducing new drugs. It increased the power and responsibility of the FDA as well as its size.

In the context of the functions of glia, identify a condition for a drug to be psychoactive.

Its molecules must be capable of passing the blood-brain barrier.

Substantial loss of cells along the nigrostriatal dopamine pathway in the central nervous system leads to Blank______.

Parkinson's disease

Which sedative and sleeping pill caused a disaster in the late 1950s that raised public awareness and congressional concern about ineffective medicines in the United States, causing major reforms to be implemented?


The neurotransmitter at neuromuscular junctions in the somatic system is Blank______, which acts on receptors that excite the muscle.


Studies of risk and protective factors of substance use found that Blank______

an adolescent drug user's conduct is less influenced by society's expectations than most others of the same age

According to the 1956 Narcotic Drug Control Act, Blank______ had to result in a jail term, and no suspension, probation, or parole was allowed.

any drug offense except first-offense possession

According to a study from the 1970s that pointed out a typical sequence of involvement with drugs, arrange the stages of drug involvement in the order in which they occur. (Place the first stage at the top.)

beer/wine, hard liqour/cigars, and marijuana

cell body, dendrite, axon, and axon terminals

the central region of a neuron, branchlike structures extending from the cell body, a thin tube extending from the cell body, and the end structure of an axon

Identify the costs involved in drug enforcement.

the incalculable price of placing local and state police and federal agents in danger of losing their lives to combat the drug trade the cost of housing drug-law violators in state prisons, local jails, and federal prisons the cost of crimes committed to purchase drugs at black-market prices

From 1919 to 1929, the Narcotics Division in the United States charged users in possession of opioids and cocaine who could not produce a valid prescription with violating the Harrison Act; thus, for the first time, Blank______.

the use of opioids and cocaine was effectively criminalized

After the Narcotics Division in the United States arrested around 25,000 physicians between 1919 and 1929 for supplying opioids and cocaine to dependent users, Blank______.

there was no legal way to obtain these drugs

Identify a true statement about the peripheral nerves of the somatic nervous system.

they carry sensory information into the central nervous system

The first groups of American students to be widely subjected to urine screening for drugs were those Blank______.

those in sports

The most important change brought in by the 1962 Kefauver-Harris amendments was one requiring that every new drug be demonstrated to be Blank______. Multiple choice question.

to be effective

A criticism of the research work focused on explaining dependence through dopamine levels is that this model Blank______.

too simple

Cells in the nucleus accumbens region of the brain receive input from dopamine fibers that originate in the Blank______.

ventral tegmental area

In the 1960s, the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs faced widespread disregard of drug laws by large numbers of young people who Blank______. Multiple choice question.

were white, middle-class, and educated

People's understanding of the term addiction ranges from those who apply the term broadly to anyone who is especially interested in an activity to those who apply the term only to people Blank______.

whose lives have been completely taken over by substance use

The idea that substance use disorder is like a disease takes a broad, perspective that dependence might be related to dysfunctions of biology, personality, social interactions, or a combination of these factors.


Creation of the ______________-_______________barrier, which is a semipermeable structure that protects the brain from potentially toxic chemicals circulating in the blood, is an important function of glia.

blood, brain

Arrange the usual changes a user undergoes upon increasing his or her alcohol consumption in the correct order of occurrence. (Place the first stage at the top.)

chatty, slurred speech, blackout

The 1965 Drug Abuse Control amendments referred to amphetamines, barbiturates, and hallucinogens as Blank______.

dangerous drugs

According to several studies on cocaine self-administration using human subjects, drugs that block dopamine activity Blank______.

did not reduce euphoria produced by cocaine

Although the basic categorization of illicit drugs in schedules is similar in most American states, Blank______. Multiple choice question.

different penalties

The United States is providing increased military aid in the form of helicopters, defensive weapons, uniforms, and other supplies to be used in combating drug trafficking only to countries that Blank______.

do not engage in a consistent pattern of gross violations of human rights

The most prominent neurochemical theory of drug abuse is based on the idea that all rewarding drugs stimulate Blank______ neurons in the mesolimbic pathway of the central nervous system.


Which of the following is an obvious difficulty faced by people when classifying substances as drugs? Multiple choice question.

food vs drug

Which law was passed as a result of the poisoning of 107 people by Elixir Sulfanilamide?

food, drug, and cosmetic act

Which of the following factors increase the effect of a drug?

frequent doses and getting to brain

According to the findings of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, identify an accurate statement about the correlation between gender and rate of substance use

males are more likely

The greatest discrepancy between state and federal drug laws is in the realm of Blank______ regulation. Multiple choice question.


Which drug has been used as an indicator for much of the research on correlates of drug use?


Data on marijuana use can be used to make a broader statement that illicit drug use among high school seniors has not changed a great deal in the past 20 years because Blank______.

marijuana is most common

Private corporations, which may require drug testing before hiring new employees and/or may periodically test employees, have important reasons for adopting drug tests, but the bottom line in all cases is Blank______.


In the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system, or ANS, Blank______ is the neurotransmitter at the end organ.


Pathways arising from the locus ceruleus in the brain stem have numerous branches and project both up and down in the brain, releasing Blank______. Multiple choice question.


One of the consequences of the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act was that the federal law of the United States now recognized a difference between Blank______ drugs.

over-the-counter and prescription-only

According to the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, physicians are not allowed to prescribe Blank______ drugs, and they are not found in pharmacies.

schedule 1

The single most important legislation that has shaped the federal government's approach to controlled substances was the Blank______.

18th ammendment

What are the two main reasons for which private corporations adopt drug tests?

They believe that the company will be protected against suits for drug-related negligence. They believe that drug-free workers will have better productivity.

The 1988 amendment of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act brought back the death penalty for drug-related murders, and a further amendment in 1994 extended the death penalty to Blank______.

drug kingpins

In 1986, President Reagan first declared that random urine tests for drugs should be performed on all Blank______

federal employees in sensitive jobs

Identify an accurate statement about the biological basis for substance dependence.

genetics-drug use & dependency

After the passage of the Jones-Miller Act by Congress in 1922, illegal opioids were so expensive that many users came to prefer the most potent type available, which was Blank______.


One of the functions of the myelin sheath of a neuron is to Blank______.

increase the information-processing speed

One of the major concerns of the U.S. Senate in the late 1950s was that some of the most widely sold over-the-counter medicines were probably Blank______, and there was no law against this.


The introduction of Blank______ by the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act has contributed greatly to a huge growth in prison populations over the past 20 years.

longer sentences, mandatory minimums, and no-parole provisions

The people enforcing the Harrison Act changed in 1919, and they believed that the cure for narcotic dependence was to Blank______.

prevent users from having access to drugs

In the context of the action potential process for neuronal communication, an effect of selective blockade of sodium, or Na+, channels is that it Blank______.

prevents the action potential and thus disrupts communication between neurons

As FDA officials investigated more and more cases, they determined that many violations of the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act were unintentional and caused primarily by poor manufacturing techniques and an absence of Blank______.

quality-control measures

The Navy, followed by the other armed forces, was the first to Blank______ on a large scale in the United States. Multiple choice question.

random urine tests

Pathways containing serotonin arise from the Blank______.

raphe nuclei

The Orphan Drug Act passed by Congress in 1983 offered tax incentives and exclusive sales rights for a guaranteed seven years for any company developing a drug for Blank______.

rare disorders

According to the 1956 Narcotic Drug Control Act, anyone caught Blank______ could receive the death penalty.

selling heroin to underage persons

The mechanism through which local anesthetics reduce pain is selective blockade of Blank______.


Neurotransmitters are stored in the terminals of a neuron in small, round packages called Blank______.

synaptic vesicles

Why were morphine and heroin popular among lower-class opium users when states and municipalities in the United States began to outlaw opium dens?

easy and cheap

In the context of substance use, a significant development has been Blank______.

increased efforts by governments to limit access to dangerous drugs

True or false: For a chemist, it would seem logical to ascribe morality to the drug itself.


The enormous growth in government efforts for regulating dangerous drugs or drugs that produce dependence, both in expenditures and in the breadth of substances controlled, is termed as Blank______.

war on drugs

The 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act required habit-forming ingredients to be clearly listed on a drug's label, but Blank______.

no other regulations

Order of drug regulation in US

1. prohibition of food, drugs, etc... 2. taxes on said goods.... 3. prohibition of alchol

drug laws

A group of laws that regulates the practices of entities that manufacture or dispense legal drugs. A group of laws that has resulted in the criminalization of certain types of drug use, possession, and sales.

Which of the following is an example of behavioral toxicity the accompanies alcohol consumption? Multiple choice question.

Alcohol intake causes disorientation and makes normal activities, such as driving a car or swimming, dangerous.

Why has marijuana smoking been used as an indicator in much of the research on correlates of drug use?

Enough people have tried marijuana so that meaningful correlations can be done. Adolescent marijuana use has been a matter of some concern.

Which of the following is true of genetic influences on drug use? Multiple choice question.

Genetic factors play a large role in whether substance use develops into a serious problem.

Identify the diseases that are at an increased risk of transmission due to needle-sharing activities of intravenous drug users.

HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis

What is otherwise known as "An Act to provide for the registration of, with collectors of internal revenue, and to impose a special tax upon all persons who produce, import, manufacture, compound, deal in, dispense, or give away opium or coca leaves, their salts, derivatives, or preparations, and for other purposes?"

Harrison Act

When was the first time that dealers and dispensers of opioids and cocaine in the United States had to register annually, pay a small fee, and use special order forms provided by the Bureau of Internal Revenue?

Harrison Act

Why has measurement of impulsivity become more popular recently among studies aiming to correlate rate of substance use to personality of users?

Large-scale survey studies of the general population have yielded weak correlations with other personality traits.

One of the precursors to the Pure Food and Drugs Act was the 1906 publication of Blank______, which exposed the horribly unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry and shocked Congress and America.

The Jungle

How were physicians, dentists, and veterinary surgeons affected by the Harrison Act of 1914?

They had to be registered

Identify the true statements about the sale of patent medicines in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

They were dispensed by traveling peddlers. They were readily available at local stores for self-medication

Researchers studying extent of drug use have always been most interested in drug use by Blank______, because this is the age when drug use usually begins and reaches its highest levels.

adolescents and young adults

In the context of young adults with college degrees, identify an accurate statement about the trend in substance use according to the findings of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.


Identify the protective factors most likely associated with lower rates of marijuana use among adolescents according to a study conducted by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

believing that religion is important and frequently attending religious services participating in two or more extracurricular activities being committed to school

In the context of substance dependence being a family disorder, Blank______ facilitates further substance use by that user. Multiple choice question.

codependency of family

According to the Monitoring the Future Project by University of Michigan conducted on marijuana use by 12th-graders, the best way to achieve low rates of marijuana use is to Blank______.

convince students of the risks

Deviant drug use by an individual causes members of the individual's group to Blank______.

corrective action

true statement about crimes

crimes may be carried out for the purpose of obtaining money to purchase illicit drugs.

Studying antecedents of drug use is important because measurement of these factors before increase in substance use helps researchers Blank______. Multiple choice question.

determine cause of drug use

Blank______ is drug use that is not common within a social group and that is disapproved of by the majority.

deviant drug use

Identify an example of a withdrawal syndrome.

diarrhea after stopping

Peele and others argued that substance use disorders should not be classified as diseases because they Blank______.

do not have many of the characteristics of classic medical diseases

The term refers to any substance, natural or artificial, other than food, that by its chemical nature alters structure or function in a living organism.


More than half of all federal prisoners are convicted on Blank______.

drug charges

True or false: Scientists who conducted the experiments on self-administration of morphine by monkeys in the 1960s observed that only those monkeys who were initially made physically dependent on the drug continued pressing the lever for morphine intake.


Jacqueline, a social drinker, has never caused problems for herself or others after drinking. In this scenario, Jacqueline is not an alcoholic because Blank______.

her substance use is not abuse

In the 1960s, scientists held that only Blank______ produced true addiction.


Drug use might cause criminal behavior when a person is Blank______.


According to research, effects of psychoactive drugs on a user are influenced by Blank______.

his or her expectations of the effects they will produce

The 1850s in the United States saw the introduction of Blank______, which was a potent delivery system for morphine that led to increasing medical recognition of the negative aspects of "morphinism."

hypodermic syringes

A drug that is unlawful to possess or use is known as a(n) Blank______ drug.


In the experiments conducted in the 1960s, monkeys and rats were connected to an apparatus so that pressing a lever would inject morphine into their body through Blank______.

intravenous tubes

According to the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act, Blank______ covered "any statement, design, or device regarding... a drug, or the ingredients or substances contained therein, which shall be false or misleading in any particular."


is a narcotic and the primary active chemical in opium from which heroin is derived.


After determining that many violations of the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act were unintentional, the FDA began developing assay techniques for various chemicals and products and collaborated extensively with Blank______ to improve standards.

the pharmaceutical industry

When drug addiction and deviant drug use are talked about, it is Blank______ that is being referred to.

the way the drug is being used

According to research conducted on personality types that typically tend to be involved in drug-taking behavior, Blank______.

there is a relationship between a user's personality and drug-taking behavior

Which of the following typically precedes a user's physical dependence on a drug?


Identify the main concerns that motivated the federal government to pass laws that placed restrictive regulations on the sale and use of psychoactive drugs.

toxicity, crime, and addiction

According to early medical models, dependence was characterized by the Blank______.


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