Drug ID Test 1

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What was a speakeasy?

an illicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages

Describe how NASCAR has its roots in moonshining.

drivers would rush down the curvy mountain roads transporting and distributing moonshine

Describe the different forms of marijuana.

1) Sinsemilla meaning without seeds, this marijuana is made from the buds and flowering tops of female plants and is one of the most potent types 2) Hashish (or hash) contains the purest form of resin. 3) ganja, produced in India. Preparation consists of the dried tops of female plants.

Describe drug classification based on a drug's psychoactive effects. Know the five categories of psychoactive drugs. Be able to place specific drugs in each category.

1. Cannabis 2. Stimulants 3. Hallucinogens 4. Depressants 5. Narcotics or Opiates 6. Inhalants

How much alcohol is in a bottle of alcohol that is labeled as 100 proof?


What is the "copper worm?"

A coil that has cold water flowing into the top and then back out the bottom to keep the worm bathed in constantly circulating cold water, which condenses the alcohol steam into liquid.

How does the demand for a drug on the street affect the purity of a drug?

A drug is more pure if there is less demand

What is a psychoactive drug?

A drug that changes a user's thinking, perception, and emotions.

Who led the fight against the criminalization of marijuana?

Harry Anslinger

In the 1930s, what (official truth) did the U.S. government try to tell people would happen to them if they smoked marijuana? The government attempted to "sell" this belief through propaganda.

if they smoked marijuana, they would go insane and kill

Describe several current trends in the production and trafficking of marijuana.

it is packed into bricks and hidden inside cars to get through the borders. Grown in National Forests and synthetically indoors.

Explain the marijuana stamp tax act.

needed a license to prescribe or sell marijuana and needed a tax stamp to use or posses it.

Know the following terms: BC Bud, Skunk Weed, Spider Marijuana, Hash, Hash Oil, Thai Stick, Sinsemilla, Resin, hydroponics, blunts, wet, illy, Wac, Buyer's Clubs, Marijuana Cafes, Blunts, Fry, Spice, K2, and Marinol, shatter, bubble hash, kush = Indica, sour diesel = sativa.


Who is the most common user of inhalants?

young preadolescent and adolescent males

Describe the short-term physical effects of alcohol.

Heat Loss, Heart problems, decrease in Sensation, Perception, and Motor Skills.

How is hemp different from marijuana and what are the possible uses of hemp.

Hemp has very low THC levels. Hemp is used in making several commercial and industrial products.

What is HGN?

Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus: involuntary jerking of the eyes as you gaze toward the sides

Describe the government's drug classification system (drug schedules). How are marijuana, LSD, and cocaine, are scheduled?

I: high potential for abuse, no accepted medical use (heroin, LSD, marijuana) II: high potential for abuse (cocaine, morphine) III: high potential for abuse, accepted medical use (barbiturates) IV: low potential for abuse, accepted medical use (antidepressants, sleep medications)

What are several current trends in the cultivation and trafficking of marijuana?

Illegal immigrants and planting and producing in the National Forests.

What is mainlining?

Injecting a drug into the vein by needle

What is skin-popping?

Injecting a drug into tissue under skin

Discuss the medical uses of marijuana. What is marijuana used for medically?

It brings relief of pain and satisfaction. it stimulates other senses.

Describe how marijuana is sold and used on the street.

It is usually a mixture of dried out leaves, stems, flowers and seeds of the hemp plant. It is usually green, brown or gray in color. Marijuana can be smoked as a joint, a blunt, in a bong, mixed with food and eaten or brewed as tea (edibles).

What type of music was marijuana first associated with?


Know approximately how long drug such as marijuana, cocaine, LSD, and MDMA can be detected in a urine test.

LSD: nearly impossible MDMA: 3-4 days Marijuana: 3-27 days Cocaine: 2-3 days

What was the overall attitude toward drug legislation in the U.S. during the 1800.

"drug users paradise"

Describe three categories of inhalants and give an example of a drug that would be place in each category.

(1) commercial solvents and aerosols: glue, paint thinner, cleaning fluid, nail polish remover, and gasoline (2) anesthetics: nitrous oxide, ether, and chloroform (3) nitrites: amyl nitrite and butyl nitrite

Be familiar with illegal BAL levels for those charge with DUI that are over the age of 21 and under the age of 21.

.02 under 21 and .08 over 21

At what time in American history was alcohol use at its highest level?

.10 1940s-1960s

Describe two factors that led to an increase in drug legislation in the early 1900s.

Abuse of patent medicines and drug use with minority groups

Describe several factors which can effect BAL.

Age, Sex, body weight, type of alcoholic beverage being consumed.

What type of drugs will dilate one's pupils?


Describe the general trends of drug use in the United States. Discuss general historical trends for such drugs as marijuana, MDMA, methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, LSD, and alcohol.

Alcohol has had a steady decrease while illicit drugs have been on the rise. Marijuana has stayed steady for the most part.

Describe the biphasic effect of alcohol.

Although alcohol is classified as a depressant, at low levels, it acts like a stimulant, so its overall effect is called biphasic.

What happened to the LaGuardia report?

Anslinger desroyed all copies he could find and seized all publishment of the article

Describe drug use in the U.S. from 1945 to 1960.

Anticommunism drug era. Not a lot of heavy drugs and pills being taken. Alcohol was the most used drug.

Describe several physiological effects of marijuana. Describe two harmful effects of marijuana.

Anxiety attacks or feelings of paranoia. impaired short-term memory and ability to learn. Cardiac problems. impairs ones ability to drive.

What is a synergistic effect? Give an example of two drugs that have a synergistic effect.

Any hyperadditive effect produced by a combination of two or more drugs. 3 beers and a valium

What are the general effects of inhalants?

At higher doses users may undergo a numbing of the senses, hallucinations, and may even lose consciousness. Other side effects of inhalant use may include headache, loss of motor coordination, nausea, dizziness, slurred speech, shakiness, double vision, and muscle spasms.

In terms of medical use, what is the difference between barbiturates and benzodiazepines?

Barbiturates are used primarily as sleeping pills. Benzodiazepines are know as minor tranquilizers or sedative hypnotics, are among the most widely prescribed of all drugs.

What is the difference between cannabis Sativa and cannabis Indica?

Cannabis sativa is a plant that grows readily in many parts of the world and Indica is a variant of Sativa. Indica is sedating; short and bushy Sativa is uplifting; tall and thin

What drug is mentioned most in hospital emergency room data?


Describe drug use in the U.S. during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Describe four examples.

Cocaine, Marijuana, Heroin, LSD were highly used

In the 1950s, what argument did Anslinger use to get the Bogg's Act passed?


What ingredients go into the making of moonshine?

Corn, water, yeast, sugar

Describe the process of distillation.

Distillation is a process in which the solution containing alcohol is heated and the vapors are collected and condensed into liquid form again

What is DAWN and what are some recent findings of DAWN?

Drug Abuse Warning Network U.S. government gathers data about drug-related hospital medical emergencies. DAWN data can tell us not how dangerous a drug is, but how popular a drug is.

How have American drug laws been associated with racism in America?

Drug laws have been associated with many minorities, including blacks and cocaine that were accused of raping, the Chinese and opium, Mexicans and marijuana, prohibition

Some of the first drug laws in Europe centered around the use of this drug.


Be able to describe how alcohol is produced. Discuss fermentation and distillation.

Fermentaion-Certain yeasts act on sugar in the presence of water; this chemical action is fermentation. The yeast combines the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen of sugar and water into alcohol. Most fruits, including grapes, contain sugar, and the addition of the appropriate yeast, which is present in the air wherever plants grow, to a mixture of crushed grapes and water will begin the fermentation process Alcohol content of between 12-16%.

What is Rohypnol? What are its street names? It what form is it found on the street? What is the drug used for?

Flunitrazepam is a Schedule IV depressant that is marketed under the brand name Rohypnol. Street Names: Roofies, Rophies, Roche, Forget-me Pill, Circles, Mexican Valium, Rib, Roach-2, Roopies, Rope, Ropies, Ruffies, and Roaches Rohypnol is generally found in the form of a pill and is ingested orally, frequently in conjunction with alcohol or other drugs. The inexpensive cost attracts young users. College students using Rohypnol report mixing it with beer to enhance the feeling of drunkenness.

What is GHB? What are its street names? It what form is it found on the street? What is the drug used for?

Gamma Hydroxy Butrate Date rape drug, sleeping aid Street name: Georgia homeboy Found in liquid ecstasy

Discuss the long-term physical effects of alcohol and long-term consequences of alcohol.

Gastorintestinal disorders/heavy alcohol use can have devasting effects on the liver. Hormone Disorders. Nervous System Disorders, Heavy drinkers are more prone to infections such as pneumonia.

Discuss tolerance and addiction to marijuana. What is the gateway hypothesis? What is amotivational syndrome?

Majority of users do not become addicted.

What was the first marijuana law or act passed by the federal government?

Marijuana Tax Act 1937

Describe several correlates of alcohol use and alcoholism, including: race, education, and region.

Men are more likely to be addicted to alcohol than women In the US, the northern and midwestern states have higher drinking rates than the South Whites have higher drinking rates ** Lower education

What drug is often referred to as ludes on the street?


Describe America's attitude toward drug control during the 1980s.

Mood changed from "hippie" to "Yuppie". Cocaine became the new fixation and Reagan declared "the War on Drugs".

What drug was associated with the "soldier's disease" after the civil war.


What are poppers or snappers?


Describe Georgia's field sobriety test.

Observation of exiting the Vehicle, walking a straight line, saying the alphabet etc.

List one drug that will constrict one's pupils (eye).

Opium Heroin

List four methods of drug administration.

Oral administration Absorption Vaporous Inhalation Injection

What was the major negative consequence of prohibition?

Organized crime became more organized and more profitable as a result of prohibition

What is huffing?

Paint thinner in a handkerchief and pass it around

Discuss Georgia's two DUI laws.

Per Se- driving with an unlawful blood alcohol level. Less safe law- Someone is not above the legal limit however they are not driving in a safe manner.

Describe four types of tolerance. Which drug has a reverse tolerance?

Pharmacological Behavioral Cross-tolerance Reverse Tolerance Hallucinogens and marijuana have reverse tolerance

What is a shaman? How is shamanism related to drug use? What drug did Viking warriors use to put themselves in a "frenzy"?

Shaman: a healer through trances and plant-based medicines Drug use was always associated with religious ceremonies and healing rituals. mushroom: Amanita Muscaria

Describe the Harrison Act.

Regulate drug abuse through government taxation. Required anyone importing, manufacturing, selling, or dispensing cocaine or opiates.

Describe the Pure Food and Drug Act.

Required all packaged foods and drugs to list ingredients of the product. Required manufacturers to identify specific drugs contained in patent medicines

Be familiar with the drug classification system used by criminologists. Know what drug should go in each category.

Schedule I - IV

What is bagging?

Spray aerosol in a brown bag and inhale it

What was the 18th Amendment to the Constitution?

The 18th Amendment proposing a national prohibition of the manufacture, sale or transportation of intoxicating liquors was passed in 1919 and on January 16, 1920, national prohibition came into effect

Discuss "buyer's clubs" in American and coffee houses in Amsterdam.

The clubs are for either profit or nonprofit organizations whose sole intent is to distribute marijuana for medicinal purposes when prescribed by a licensed physician.

What is poly-drug use?

The use of two or more psychoactive drugs in combination to achieve a particular effect.

Define the definition of toxicity and explain the relationship it has with acute toxicity, effective dose, and the dose - response curve.

Toxicity: The quality of being toxic or poisonous

Discuss several DUI detection cues.

Turning with a wide radius Straddling the Center Lane Almost Striking an object Weaving

List at one brand name of a pill that is a benzodiazepine.


List and describe the three phases of the DUI detection process.

Vehicle in motion. personal contact. Pre-arrest screening.

What drug was associated with the witch craft in the Middle Ages?

Witches brew: induced hallucinations and a sensation of flying

What factors influence how a drug may affect a user?

age, gender, weight, mind set, expectations, environment

Who was Harry Anslinger?

first commissioner for the federal bureau of narcotics

What did the LaGuardia commission find?

that marijuana did not have the insane effects that the FBN claimed

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