DSB Test 2 Practice Problems

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Are CB-2 receptors located primarily in the periphery and not the brain? a. Yes. b. No


Are cannabinoid receptors slow and metabotropic? (p 66) a. Yes. b. No.


Are nicotinic receptors associated with brain sensitive to nicotine? a. Yes. b. No.


Are nicotinic receptors associated with muscle not sensitive to nicotine? a. Yes. b. No.


Are there endogenous opioids synthesized in the brain (and elsewhere) which act on three principal kinds of receptors? a. Yes. b. No.


Are there statistical treatments of data from experiments on the effects of a drug (e.g., assessing the effects of a drug on a disease) that allows one to estimate the "the number of people needing treatment for one person to benefit from" the use of the drug? (see p 18) a. Yes. b. No, but it would be nice if available.


Brains are the primary organ for thinking. Aside from blood vessels and similar tissue, the brain is composed to two kinds of cells, neurons and glia. True or false, all thought is a product of activity of neurons and glia. a. True. b. False


Chronic users of marijuana develop tolerance to all of the below except: A. Memory effects B. Cardiovascular effects C. Analgesic effects D. Motor effects


GABA is an abbreviation for ____. a. the name of the major inhibitory neurotransmitter b. the name of the major excitatory neurotransmitter c. the name of a part of the limbic system of the brain


How does the World Health Organization define a drug? a. "Any chemical entity or mixture of entities, other than those required for the maintenance of normal health (like food), the administration of which alters biological function and possibly structure." b. "Any substance that alters physiological or psychological functioning." c. "Chemical substances which have been determined to cause harm, either physical, psychological, or societal, in those who use them or who come in contact with those who use them." d. "Substances or activities which alter the user's emotional state."


Is it true that CB-1 receptors are wide spread in brain and there are more of these metabotropic receptors in brain than other kinds of metabotropic receptors. a. Yes. b. No.


Is it true, side-effects of drugs send more than 700,000 people in the USA to hospitals every year. (p 83) a. Yes. b. No, of course not.


Is it true, that the most commonly prescribed drugs average about 100 side effects? (p 83) a. Yes. b. No, of course not.


Librium (chlordiazepoxide) and Valium (diazepam) were the first widely sold ____. a. benzodiazepines b. barbiturates c. methaqualones d. psychomotor stimulants


Nine months after usual psychotherapy for alcoholism, based on average outcomes, one can expect that about ___% of those getting that therapy to be abstinent from alcohol (or to be drinking only occasionally and then only a moderate amount). a. 20 b. 60 c. 75 d. 85


True or false, Ritalin is a Schedule II drug? a. True. b. False


What is the most common neurotransmitter in the body, and found in the neuromuscular junction? a. Acetylcholine b. dopamine c. neurotransmitter X


Which is false about opioid receptors? A. The two main classes of opioids receptors are endorphins and enkephalins B. Opioid receptors are located in the cortex, but not the brain stem or spinal cord C. Opioid receptors are located both presynaptically and postsynaptically D. Opioids act as neuromodulators and affect the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, GABA, histamine, and acetylcholine


Which is the most common route of administration for sedative/hypnotics? A. Oral B. Transdermal patch C. Injection D. Inhalation


Which is true about Cannabis sativa compared to Cannabis indica? A. It is a taller, lighter colored plant B. It has a higher CBD to THC ratio C. It has a 10-12 month outdoor growing cycle D. It grows best in cooler climates


Which is true about MDMA? A. Slang terms include ecstasy and Molly B. It is a naturally occurring product derived from the Ecstasis mollinorum vine C. Is currently a schedule III drug D. First created in 1985


Which is true about cannabinoids and fertility? A. Endocannabinoids are involved in the normal fertilization process B. Those who smoke marijuana an average of 6 times a year have significantly reduced fertility compared to non-smokers C. Marijuana use during pregnancy is associated with a greatly increased risk of limb malformation in the fetus D. THC boosts the release of luteinizing hormone, which can cause ovulation of multiple eggs, leading to an increased likelihood of twins


Which is true about marijuana laws and their ramifications? A. The United States has a higher percentage of its population in prison than any other industrialized nation B. Possession of marijuana carries very high penalties in Italy and Spain C. Most of those convicted of marijuana possession serve 1-5 years in prison D. Cannabis use is about twice as high in the Netherlands than in the U.S.


Which is true about the cannabis plant? A. Only female plants produce flowers or buds B. Marijuana is the flowers and buds, and hemp is the stalks and leaves of the female plant C. After it is pollinated, the cannabis plant boosts its production of THC D. Cannabis sativa contains anandamide and Cannabis indica contains 2AG


Which is true about those who are more likely to approve of marijuana legalization? A. Democrats more than Republicans B. Baby Boomers more than Millennials C. Females more than males D. Hispanics more than whites


Which is true about vaporizing marijuana? A. Vaping marijuana does not get hot enough to burn the plant material B. All of the potential dangers of using marijuana are eliminated when vaping instead of smoking C. Since marijuana is fat-soluble, vaporizing gets significantly less of the active ingredient into the body D. Vaping marijuana gets THC to the brain faster than smoking it


Which of the following is not a reason why opiate addiction skyrocketed in the Western world during the 19th century? A. The U.S. Government traded opiates for slaves B. Civil War soldiers became addicted after using opiates to treat their injuries C. Morphine was isolated from opium D. Chinese workers on the railroad brought their habit of smoking opium to the U.S.


Which of the following is one of the potential severe side effects of MDMA? A. A significant increase in body temperature B. Dehydration C. Slowed heart rate D. None of the above—there are no severe side effects associated with MDM


Which of the list is NOT a catecholamine? a. Serotonin b. Dopamine c. epinephrine d. norepinephrine


Which one of the following neurotransmitters do benzodiazepines affect? Selected Answer: A. GABA B. Anandamide C. Acetylcholine D. Norepinephrine


Yes or no, are nicotinic receptors ionotropic and fast-acting and found in the heart and blood vessels? (p 64) a. Yes. b. No


____ are to the dendrites and cell bodies as action potentials are to the axons. a. Generator potentials b. All or none potentials c. Chemical potentials


ll else being equal, which of the following is most likely to lead to addiction or abuse? A. A short-acting barbiturate B. A long-acting barbiturate C. A benzodiazepine


Agonist is to antagonist as morphine is to ___. a. Ach b. naloxone c. dopamine d. receptor e. methadone


Most pharmaceutical sleep aids are ____. a. Ach antagonists b. GABA agonists c. GABA antagonists d. Ach agonists


Neurotransmitters are to ___ as keys are to locks. a. vacuoles b. receptors c. synapses


The text provides the "Top 10 myths about the Brain." Pick the one not a myth. a. We typically use only 10% of our brain. b. Glia function to the control of amount of excitatory neurotransmitter in the synapse. c. We have only 5 senses. d. The brain is hard wired.


Which gets into the brain faster a. amphetamine or b. methamphetamine?


Which is false about endocannabinoids? A. Endocannabnoids are synthesized and released from the postsynaptic neuron, travel backwards across the synapse, and bind to cannabinoid receptors on presynaptic nerve terminals B. Endocannabinoids were first discovered by Sol Snyder and Candace Pert in the 1970s C. Endocannabinoids include anandamide and 2-AG D. Endocannabinoids are not stored in vesicles


Which is false about marijuana? A. The active ingredient in marijuana is THC B. Tolerance develops quickly to marijuana use—after 2 weeks it takes almost twice as much marijuana to produce the same high C. Marijuana binds to anandamide receptors D. A joint has more tars and other carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substances than a cigarette of equal size


Which is the major reason that popular opinion turned against cocaine in the early 20th century? A. Fears of increased use by Asians in San Francisco B. Racist propaganda about its use by black men C. Increased knowledge about its addictive potential D. Sigmund Freud published hundreds of articles against its use


Which is true about LSD? A. About 3000 people overdose on LSD each year B. It mostly works by affecting serotonin C. It has one of the lowest therapeutic indexes of all drugs D. LSD must be taken intravenously


Which is true about barbiturates? A. Longer-acting barbiturates are more likely to be abused than shorter-acting barbiturates B. Shorter-acting drugs are more lipid-soluble and take effect rapidly C. A short-acting barbiturate has a duration of action from about 6 hours to 12 hours D. Shorter-acting barbiturates are more likely to be used as anti-convulsants than for anesthesia


Which is true about driving under the influence of marijuana? A. Those who drive while high are more likely to tailgate B. Those who drive while high have fewer accidents than those who drive drunk C. Those who drive while high are at no greater risk of being involved in an accident than non-smokers D. Marijuana increases users' risk-taking and stoned drivers increase their speed and passing


Which is true about the brains of chronic cocaine users? A. Have lost the neuronal connections that run from the medulla to the heart B. Show a loss of tissue in the prefrontal cortex C. Have signs of reduced aging D. Show more neuronal connections in the temporal lobe


Which is true about the history of marijuana? A. Marijuana was classified as a schedule I drug with the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 B. Marijuana was legal in the United States until the 20th century C. Marijuana use decreased during prohibition as the nation entered a period of abstaining from all drugs and alcohol D. Cannabis wasn't introduced to the Western hemisphere until the 19th century


Which of the following does NOT naturally occur in the poppy plant? A. Morphine B. Heroin C. Codeine D. Thebaine


Which of the following is NOT a mechanism by which MDMA exerts its effects? A.Increases release of serotonin into the synapse B. Increases actions of the enzyme MAO C. Blocks re-uptake of serotonin D. Increases release of dopamine


Which of the following is not classified as a volatile inhalant? A. Acetone B. Nitrous oxide C. Butane D. Toluene


Which of the following is true about marijuana? A. Marijuana is very water-soluble and is most effectively absorbed when eaten. B. Marijuana must be heated to chemically activate THC. C. After ingestion, marijuana remains in fatty tissues for as long as 12 hours. D. A vaporizer burns marijuana at a hotter temperature than smoking.


Which of the following is true about the history of LSD? A. In the 1950s, Americans voted on a referendum to approve testing LSD by the CIA B. LSD was invented by Timothy Leary C. In 2016, LSD was removed rescheduled and is now the 3rd most commonly prescribed drug to treat depression D. LSD use reached its peak in the 1980s


Which of the following is true of cocaine? A. It is a medically approved treatment for glaucoma B. Increases the amount of dopamine in the synapse C. Increases the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system D. It slows heart rate and reduces blood pressure E. It is actually one of the least dependence-causing of all drugs


Of the following, which reported medical benefit of marijuana has the most clinical and scientific support? A. Prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease B. Effective treatment for glaucoma C. Reduces nausea and vomiting D. Cure for diabetes


Recreational use of which of the following is not a schedule I drug? A. Quaaludes B. GHB C. Valium D. All of the above are schedule I


Which is a characteristic of a person who is most likely to abuse prescription pain medication? A. Middle or upper class B. Has a graduate degree C. Unemployed D. Lives in a city


Which is false about GHB? A. Binds to GABA receptors B. Binds to glutamate receptors C. Proven to increase skeletal muscle growth D. Approved to treat narcolepsy


Which is the most common source of drugs for nonmedical use? A. The internet B. Bought from a friend or a relative C. Received free from a friend or a relative D. Prescribed by a doctor


Which is true about heroin? A. Very water-soluble and only very slightly fat-soluble B. First synthesized in 1942, due to the need to find a more potent pain relieve to treat soldiers in WWII C. First marketed by the Bayer Company D. Was first marketed as a treatment for constipation and cocaine addiction


Which is true about the development of sedative/hypnotics? A. Today, there are only 6 benzodiazepines on the market B. There are more barbiturates available than benzodiazepines C. During WWI, the U.S. Congress passed an act which gave America free rein to manufacture patent-protected German-produced barbiturates and take the profits D. Barbiturates were synthesized by taking a derivative from Xanax and adding a methyl group


Which of the following has the highest therapeutic index? A. Belladonna B. MDMA C. LSD D. PCP


Which of the following is NOT a BZD? A. Valium B. Xanax C. Seconal D. Ativan


Which of the following is a physiological effect of opioids? A. Pupil dilation B. Diarrhea C. Itching D. Increased urination E. All of the above


Which of the following is not a psychedelic hallucinogen? A. MDMA B. Psilocybin C. Salvia D. Peyote


Which of the following is not an example of a Z drug? A. Lunesta B. Ambien C. Rozerem D. Sonata


Which of the following is true about REM sleep? A. The only stage during which dreams occur B. The body sweats the most during REM sleep C. Associated with a loss of skeletal muscle tone D. Brain waves are very inactive


Which of the following is true about marijuana's effects on the body? A. Increases gastrointestinal inflammation B. Constricts blood vessels to the skin C. Raises heart rate D. Makes sperm swim faster E. All of the above are false


Compared to morphine, methadone... A. Is significantly more potent B. Is not absorbed as well orally C. Causes a more severe withdrawal D. Is longer-lasting


In the 1930s, which condition was amphetamine marketed to treat? A. Hypertension B. Insomnia C. Anorexia D. Depression


Of the following opioids, 3 have a similar potency. Which is the outlier? A. Morphine B. Methadone C. Oxycodone D. Heroin


Pick the odd one. a. morphine b. codeine c. heroin d. beta-endorphin


Pick the odd one. a. serotonin b. 5-HT c. 5-hydroxy tryptamine d. PCP


Pick the odd one. a. morphine b. codeine c. heroin d. naloxone


The major advantage of the benzodiazepines over the barbiturates seems to be the ____. a. lower cost b. greater effectiveness c. shorter duration of activity d. greater safety margin


Which is false about sedative/hypnotics? A. They are fat-soluble B. More lipid-soluble drugs enter the brain more quickly C. They bind to plasma proteins D. They are metabolized by the kidney


Which is in order from least potent to most potent? A. Codeine, Buprenorphine, Heroin, Tramadol B. Morphine, Etorphine, Meperidine (Demerol), Methadone C. Hydrocodone (Vicodin), Codeine, Fentanyl, Oxycodone (OxyContin) D. Codeine, Morphine, Heroin, Fentanyl


Which is of the following is an incorrect definition? a. Illicit drugs are not necessarily illegal, but are forbidden by rules or customs b. Recreational drugs are psychoactive substances taken for non-medical purposes c. Illegal drugs are those that are restricted by law d. Drug abuse is the use of any illegal drug


Which is true about inhalants? A. Chronic use of inhalants has relatively few long-term effects B. Dr. Michael Aday received the 2001 Nobel Prize for medicine for discovering that inhalants exert their effects by blocking the opioid system C. Inhalants are one of the safest known drugs D. Some of the danger from using inhalants come from the ways the drugs are administered


Which is true about the mechanism of action of sedative/hypnotics? A. GABAA receptors are metabotropic B. All GABA receptors have the same conformation C. When barbiturates bind to GABA receptors in the brain, they increase the likelihood of new action potentials firing D. When benzodiazepines bind to the GABA receptor, they allow more chloride to enter the cell


Which is true about tolerance and cocaine? A. Chronic users of cocaine create more dopamine receptors in the brain B. Chronic users of cocaine become more sensitive to cocaine's euphoric effects C. Chronic users of cocaine become more tolerant to annoying events D. Chronic users of cocaine are more susceptible to convulsions and elevated body temperature


Which of the following is FALSE about the acute effects of marijuana? A. Raises heart rate B. Decreases motor activity and coordination C. Dilates blood vessels of the eye D. Increases sperm count


Which of the following is NOT a mechanism by which amphetamine exerts its effects? A. Blocks reuptake of dopamine B. Blocks reuptake of norepinephrine C. Increases release of dopamine D. Blocks postsynaptic dopamine receptors


Which of the following is a type of opioid receptor? A. Muscarinic B. Anandamide C. Beta D. Mu


Which of the following is false about opioids such as morphine or heroin? A. Causes constipation B. Cough suppressant C. Relieves pain D. Local anesthetic


Which of the following is not an effect of opioid withdrawal? A. Pain and irritability B. Insomnia C. Spontaneous ejaculations and orgasms D. Constipation E. Goosebumps


Which of the following is not seen with opioid withdrawal? A. Pupil dilation B. Increased blood pressure C. Goosebumps D. Respiratory depression


Which of the following is the incorrect association of generic name and trade name? A. Clonazepam—Klonopin B. Diazepam—Valium C. Lorazepam—Ativan D. Alprazolam—Librium


Which of the following is true of PCP? A. Users feel calmly centered and "at one with the all" B. Therapeutic index is over 1000 C. A fairly simple drug with well-understood effects D. Effects depend on dose, environment, and characteristics of the user


Which of the following is true of sedative hypnotic drugs? A. They improve concentration. B. They increase REM sleep and deep, restorative sleep. C. They have been proven to quadruple the fetus' risk of cleft palate. D. Benzodiazepines have a higher therapeutic index than barbiturates.


Which is a reason that barbiturates are more dangerous than benzodiazepines? A. High concentrations of barbiturates can directly increase the duration of channel opening even in the absence of GABA, but benzodiazepines require GABA to exert their actions B. Benzodiazepines are absorbed into the bloodstream more slowly than barbiturates C. Barbiturates are more fat-soluble than benzodiazepines are D. The GABA receptors that control respiration and other vegetative processes do not have many benzodiazepines sites E. All of the above are true


A user can only become addicted to cocaine if it is smoked, not if it is snorted, true or False


About 22% of Americans report using marijuana monthly or more, True or False?


All hallucinogenic drugs are schedule I, true or false?


Over 14% of adults in the U.S. use prescription benzodiazepines, true or false?


Psilocybin is the major psychoactive ingredient in peyote, True or False?


The La Guardia Report of 1944 found that marijuana was not addictive, but the Shafer Commission of 1972 found that marijuana was both addictive and dangerous, True or False?


True or false? Barbiturates and BZDs are not recommended for use in the elderly because they are metabolized too fast and are therefore less effective.


True or false? Bath salts, a synthetic form of cathinone, are schedule V and relatively safe.


True or false? Cocaine is no longer approved for medical use.


True or false? Deaths from heroin and prescription opioids have doubled since the year 2000.


True or false? Drinking alcohol can help a person come down off cocaine.


True or false? Inhalants are some of the safest drugs used by adolescents.


True or false? It takes a relatively high dose of LSD to produce an effect.


True or false? LSD was first synthesized by the CIA.


True or false? Long-term, heavy use of opioids is damag-ing to almost every organ system in the body.


True or false? Opioid users experience metabolic and cellular tolerance, but no behavioral tolerance.


Which is true about marijuana? A. There are no known instances of anyone becoming addicted to or dependent on marijuana B. Marijuana smokers have greatly increased rates of lung cancer compared to tobacco smokers C. Marijuana has been proven to improve memory D. People who drive after smoking marijuana drive more quickly and are more likely to take risks E. All of the above are true F. All of the above are false


Which is true about propofol? A. Schedule I drug B. Acts at GABA receptors C. Used as an oral anxiolytic D. Affects the endocannabinoid system E. A and C are correct F. B and D are correct G. All of the above are correct


Which of the following was not a claim made about marijuana. A. That it was the most violence causing drug in the history of mankind B. That it would cause American boys to become so peaceful, they would not want to fight in our wars C. That it would make the nation vulnerable to a communist takeover D. That casual users of marijuana were accomplices to murder E. A, B, and C F. All of the above were claims made about marijuana


5% of American adults, and 10% of Americans between the ages of 12 and 17, report using opioid drugs for non-medical purposes, True or False?


American Indians and Alaska natives report the highest rates of marijuana use, True or False?


Amphetamines are currently more popular in the United States than cocaine is, True or False?


Crack cocaine is more lipid soluble than powder cocaine, True or False?


Drugs that reduce anxiety are called anxiolytics, true or false?


During the nineteenth century, women outnumbered men in opium use, True or false?


Gram per gram, individuals in the United States consume more narcotic medication than any other nation worldwide, true or false?


Heroin use has increased significantly over the past years, true or false?


Heroin was developed by the Bayer Company, true or false?


Injecting opioids is more addictive than ingesting them, true or false?


Ketamine was used as a surgical anesthetic on the battlefields in Vietnam, true or false?


LSD is a schedule I drug, true or false?


MDMA increases levels of oxytocin, true or false?


Many benzodiazepines end with the suffice "-epam" or "-olam.", true or false?


Marijuana use among high school students goes up as perceived risk goes down, True or False?


Opiates are any drugs which occur naturally in the opium poppy, true or false?


Opioid pain relievers are responsible for more deaths than from heroin and cocaine combined, true or false?


Opium was a common ingredient in many patent medicines in the 19th century, true or false?


Repeated use of amphetamine over days or weeks can lead to a psychotic state that resembles schizophrenia, True or False?


The Marijuana Tax Act was in effect from 1937 til 1969, True or False?


The United States is one of the world's largest consumers of cocaine, True or False?


There is a specific benzodiazepines receptor, which means there is most likely an endogenous benzodiazepine-like substance in the body, true or false?


True or false? At low doses, GHB has an excitatory effect, but at higher doses, it has a depressant effect.


True or false? Crack is made by treating powder cocaine with baking soda.


True or false? Heroin is converted to morphine in the brain.


True or false? MDMA is chemically related to amphetamine.


True or false? Mescaline is to peyote as morphine is to the opium poppy.


True or false? Possession of 5 grams of crack cocaine car-ries a much harsher sentence than possession of 5 grams of powder cocaine.


True or false? There are more female BZD users than male users.


Withdrawal from sedative/hypnotics can cause insomnia, true or false?


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