Dynamics of Personality Ch. 13 Engler

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According to Rogers, ____________ subconsciously guide(s) an individual toward productive growth experiences in the absence of conflicting external rules and societal values. a) positive psychology b) peak experiences c) D-needs d) the organismic valuing process


Dr. Sanders is a practicing psychologist whose approach to her clients emphasizes their spiritual experience. She tries to help clients transcend their daily lives by achieving a stronger connection to others and to religious experiences. Dr. Sanders's orientation is best described as a) psychoanalytic. b) behavioral. c) humanistic. d) transpersonal.


In Rogers's theory, the ________ refers to the person as a whole, whereas the ________ refers to the person as he or she is perceived. a) organism; phenomenal field b) self; phenomenal field c) self; organism d) organism; self


Maslow identified many specific historical figures as self-actualized individuals; his list included a) only men. b) only political figures. c) the Dalai Lama. d) Abraham Lincoln.


Rogers contended that people use the defenses of ________ and ________ when their experiences appear to be inconsistent with their self-structure. a) reaction formation; rationalization b) sublimation; substitution c) repression; resistance d) denial; perceptual distortion


The current movement toward positive psychology is most closely related to the personality theories of a) Freud. b) Skinner. c) Erikson. d) Rogers.


The needs associated with metamotivation are called a) meta-needs, or M-needs. b) deficiency needs, or D-needs. c) growth needs, or G-needs. d) being needs, or B-needs.


Tony is a sixteen-year-old boy who sees himself as multifaceted, with talents and interest in many areas such as music, art, writing, sports, and business. His parents, however, view him solely as a musician and refuse to acknowledge his other interests and talents. According to Rogers, this situation increases the likelihood that Tony will a) self-actualize. b) individuate. c) focus on B-needs rather than D-needs. d) experience incongruence.


What is the nature of the philosophical sense of humor? a) It expresses rebellion against society and its values. b) It is humor at other people's expense. c) It is planned rather than spontaneous. d) It pokes fun at people's shared human pretensions.


Which of the following would be an example of a B-need? a) The need for self-esteem b) The need for love c) The need for safety d) The need to use one's talents


A state of congruence exists when a) the self-concept and the organism largely coincide. b) an individual denies his or her experiences. c) instincts have been successfully repressed. d) anxiety is absent in the organism.


According to Maslow, the number of self-actualized individuals in the population is a) probably less than one percent. b) about 5 percent. c) about 10 percent. d) over 50 percent of adults.


According to Rogers, maladjustment is a possible consequence of a) incongruence. b) homeostasis. c) compensation. d) existential living.


According to Rogers, the best way to understand an individual is through a) his or her inner subjective experiences. b) the use of psychometric tests. c) the study of overt behavior. d) the study of his or her environment.


According to recent research in the field of positive psychology (e.g., Baird 2004), an individual born and raised in Japan is more likely to experience _____ as a key element of satisfaction than is an individual born and raised in the United States. a) meeting social and family standards b) self-expression c) income potential d) recreational hobbies


In addition to his original hierarchy, Maslow proposed a smaller, independent hierarchy consisting of needs related to a) knowing and understanding. b) dominating and controlling. c) achieving. d) owning.


Largely because of the efforts of Carl Rogers, which of the following has reemerged as a useful construct for understanding personality? a) The self b) The unconscious c) Dreams d) The psyche


Socially speaking, self-actualizers tend to have a) some close friends. b) little or no social interest. c) superficial interpersonal relationships. d) hardly any time to spend with others.


The Values in Action (VIA) Classification of Strengths Manual a) seeks to operationally define, measure, and suggest interventions for positive virtues that make up good character. b) will completely replace the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), which lists psychological disorders. c) documents the amazing physical feats of humans, to be used as inspiration for those in therapy. d) contains fifty-six facets that contribute to eight primary virtues, some of which have already been studied and described.


The self-determination theory of Edward Deci and Richard Ryan is most closely related to the personality theories of a) Maslow. b) Rotter. c) May. d) Skinne


A peak experience entails a a) religious awakening. b) loss or transcendence of self. c) heightening of ego awareness. d) high degree of judgment.


According to Rogers, for young children to develop a strong feeling of self-worth, they need a) conditions of worth. b) positive regard. c) evaluative appraisal. d) sensory stimulation.


According to Rogers, the three attitudes that are necessary and sufficient to produce therapeutic change are empathy, acceptance, and a) directness. b) genuineness. c) graciousness d) tactfulness.


In comparison to psychoanalysis and behaviorism, Maslow's theories offer a) a definitive rejection of both. b) a more positive perspective on human nature. c) a more negative perspective on human nature. d) the only biologically based theory.


Maya lives in a part of the world where food is scarce and she can't be sure where her next meal is coming from. According to Maslow's hierarchy, Maya is likely to be focused on meeting her _________ needs. a) self-esteem b) physiological c) self-actualization d) safety


Nicole is a music lover who, after attending a concert, tells her friends the following: "When I was at the concert, the world seemed to be complete and I was one with it. Life seems different now than it was before the concert. It was really a meaningful experience for me." Maslow would state that Nicole a) must be self-actualized. b) had a peak experience. c) had filled a physiological need. d) had achieved the dimension of freedom.


One characteristic Rogers attributed to the fully functioning person is a) blissfulness. b) creativity. c) defensiveness. d) inflexibility.


Rogers suggested that an organism is involved in a process of moving forward, known as a) phenomenalism. b) actualization. c) striving for superiority. d) propriate striving.


Rogers used a technique in which a patient would be given one hundred cards containing descriptive words or phrases and asked to arrange them in piles according to the degree to which they reflected the patient's personality. What is the name of this technique? a) The MMPI b) The Q-Sort c) The Rorschach d) The TAT


Third force is a term referring to the personality theories of a) Horney. b) Maslow. c) Freud. d) Skinner.


Transpersonal psychology seeks to establish itself as an academic discipline. Which of the following best describes its status? a) It has not yet been integrated into any psychology departments in the United States. b) It has not been granted formal status by the American Psychological Association. c) The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual has not yet been modified to include a diagnostic category for "religious or spiritual problems." d) Some (e.g., Tart, 2009) think the field will never be established because psychology cannot be both scientifically and spiritually oriented.


What did Maslow find to be true about the self-actualizers he studied? a) They could be described as perfect people. b) They focused on ends rather than means. c) They were serious to the point of being humorless. d) They were self-centered.


Which of the following is the best example of a parental response that conveys unconditional positive regard to a girl who spilled her milk? a) "Good girls don't spill their milk." b) "That was a mistake. Try to be more careful next time." c) "Why did you do that? You are such a careless kid." d) "I always knew you were clumsy."


Which term would LEAST likely be associated with the brand of therapy developed by Rogers? a) Client-centered therapy b) Creative therapy c) Person-centered therapy d) Nondirective therapy


According to positive psychologists, _____ is an optimal state of intrinsic motivation and a state of oneness with the activity and situation at hand. a) justice b) incongruence c) flow d) flourish


Binod lives in a town where he can rely on a stable source of food, but he and the other residents experience frequent attacks by criminals and military forces. According to Maslow's hierarchy, Binod is most likely focused on meeting ______ needs. a) physiological b) self-esteem c) safety d) belonging and love


Carl Rogers pioneered constructive techniques for working with a) women. b) children and families. c) interracial and multicultural groups. d) former prisoners of war.


In Maslow's hierarchy, which needs are tended to immediately after physiological needs have been met? a) Belonging and love needs b) B-needs c) Safety needs d) Self-esteem needs


In his day-to-day life, Deron's behavior is influenced by many external rules and societal values. According to Rogers, these external rules and societal values are likely to conflict with Deron's ________, which can inhibit self-actualization. a) superego b) behavioral approach system c) organismic valuing process d) operant conditioning


In the traditional cultures of Japan and China, it is believed that personality is best rooted in a) a strong sense of independence. b) an appreciation of one's uniqueness. c) being able to define oneself in terms of the group. d) positive self-esteem based on personal achievements.


Kumar is functioning at the self-actualizing level of Maslow's needs hierarchy. According to Maslow, Kumar is motivated by ________ needs. a) deficiency b) sexual c) being d) understanding


Maslow defined a self-actualized person as an individual who a) is satisfied with his or her life. b) has left a mark on history. c) is self-fulfilled and doing the best that he or she is capable of doing. d) is in the top 10 percent of the most well-adjusted members of society.


Michelle is living in what Rogers would call a state of congruence. This means that a) Michelle has met all of her D-needs. b) Michelle's id and superego are in balance. c) Michelle's perception of herself and her actual experience of her life match. d) Michelle provides unconditional positive regard to others.


Rogers identified three specific attitudes important to his brand of therapy. He also argued that a) these therapist attitudes were necessary, but not sufficient, for successful therapeutic change. b) therapists needed to utilize specific techniques, such as those suggested by behavioral or psychoanalytic therapists, to maximize the effect of the three therapist attitudes. c) such attitudes underlie any good relationship, including those outside the context of therapy. d) therapists needed to study his methodologies in order to implement these attitudes properly.


Seligman describes five building flocks, PERMA, of a fulfilling life: Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationships, ________, and Accomplishment. a) Marriage b) Money c) Meaning d) Mental well-being


The dimension of trust is reflected in which of the following characteristics of self-actualizers? a) Detachment and need for privacy b) Peak experiences c) Resistance to conformity d) Selectivity in friendships


Which of the following has been criticized on ethical concerns because resiliency can be a virtue or a vice depending on the circumstances? a) The entire field of transpersonal psychology b) The entire field of positive psychology c) The Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program d) The Values in Action Classification of Strengths Manual


Which of the following is most likely to be a title for a research study in the field of positive psychology? a) "What Causes Aggression?" b) "The Factors Underlying Schizophrenia" c) "What Makes a Marriage Work?" d) "Contributing Factors to Alcoholism"


Which of the following would Martin Seligman be LEAST likely to suggest as a way for people increase their happiness? a) Write a gratitude letter in which you thank someone you never properly thanked. Meet with them and read it aloud. b) At the end of each day, count your blessings and write them down. c) Finally admit to a lie for which you blamed someone else in order to cover up your own mistake. d) Take a risk by moving towards a heartfelt but somewhat scary goal.


Which of these statements by Peter's parent best exemplifies a condition of worth? a) "Please set the table for dinner." b) "I think you are a terrific kid even if you did fail the math test." c) "If you quit the soccer team, I won't love you as much." d) "I'm disappointed that you lied to me, but I still love you."


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