E Commerce

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________ provides a set of standards for communicating between a browser and a program running on a server that allows for interaction between the user and server.


Which of the following technologies could you use to place the content of your Web site in a database so that you can then dynamically generate requests for pages?


What are the two most important management challenges in building a successful e-commerce presence?

Developing a clear understanding of business objectives and knowing how to choose the right technology to achieve those objectives

Which of the following is used to process certificates and private/public key information?


A "native" app is one designed to specifically operate using a mobile device's hardware and operating system.


Which of the following is an example of a CMS?


All of the following are basic information requirements for a product database except:

customer ID numbers.

Which of the following is not one of the basic business objectives for an e-commerce site?

optimize system architecture

Which of the following is not one of the main factors in Web site optimization?

page stickiness

Which of the following details the actual hardware components to be used in a system?

physical design

Which of the following types of servers monitors and controls access to a main Web server and implements firewall protection?

proxy server

Which of the following is the final stage suggested for a six-phase plan to develop an e-commerce presence?

mobile plan

________ are the types of information systems capabilities needed to meet business objectives.

System functionalities

In order from beginning to end, the major steps in the SDLC, are:

Systems analysis/planning; systems design; building the system; testing; and implementation.

All of the following are important factors in Web site optimization except:

adhering to accessibility guidelines.

Which of the following is not an open source software tool?


Which of the following is an example of dynamic content?

blog posts

Advantages of dynamic page generation include all of the following except:

client-side execution of programming.

The cost of hardware, software, and telecommunications services needed to build a Web site have ________ over the last decade.

decreased dramatically

The leading Web server software is:


A list server is an application server used to provide a database for product descriptions and prices.


Accessibility rules help to ensure that low-bandwidth users can access your Web site.


Apache Web server software is based on Microsoft's Windows operating system.


In a two-tier architecture, a Web server is linked to one middle-tier layer that typically includes a series of application servers, as well as to another back-end layer.


One of the most important challenges in developing an e-commerce presence is understanding that the technology must drive the business.


Upgrading a server from a single processor to multiple processors is an example of scaling a site horizontally.


Which of the following is not a type of application server?

FTP server

Which of the following cannot be used to retrieve objects from a database?


________ is a programming language invented by Netscape used to control the objects on an HTML page and handle interactions with the browser.


The primary way a Web site is able to personalize the content presented to a visitor is through the use of:


Which of the following is not an example of one of the four kinds of e-commerce presence?

customer management system

Which system functionality must your Web site have in order to be able to personalize or customize a product for a client?

customer on-site tracking

The structure of a market is described in terms of all of the following except:


Which of the following basic system functionalities is used to display goods on a Web site?

digital catalog

Which of the following types of sites typically tends to have high to very high page views (hits)?


All of the following are Web site design features that annoy customers except:

redundant navigation.

All of the following are steps one can take to right-size a Web site's hardware platform and meet demands for service except:

replacing static pages with dynamically generated pages.

Which of the following is the least expensive path to creating a mobile Internet presence?

resizing an existing Web site for mobile use

Which of the following would you use to identify orphan files?

site management tools

Which of the following helps you understand the marketing effectiveness of your e-commerce site?

site tracking and reporting system

Which of the following is not a main factor in determining overall demand for an e-commerce site?

static file sizes

The term stateless refers to the fact that:

the server does not have to maintain an ongoing dedicated interaction with the client computer.

All of the following are basic functionality provided by Web servers except:

a shopping cart.

________ verifies that the business objectives of the system as originally conceived are in fact working.

Acceptance testing

Dynamic page generation makes market segmentation easier.


Mobile Web apps are typically built using HTML5 and Java.


Prior to the development of e-commerce, Web sites primarily delivered static content.


Storing HTML pages in RAM rather than on a server's hard drive is an inexpensive way to fine-tune the processing architecture of a Web site.


The Web server software used does not significantly impact how a Web site's Web pages look on users' computers.


The annual maintenance cost for a Web site is likely to be as high as its development cost.


The systems development life cycle methodology is useful when creating an e-commerce Web site.


Using prebuilt templates is typically one of the most cost-effective choices when building a Web site.


A system design has two main components:

a logical design and a physical design.

All of the following are methods of improving the processing architecture of a Web site except:

adding Web servers.

Which of the following typically includes a data flow diagram to describe the flow of information for an e-commerce site?

logical design

All of the following are basic functionality provided by e-commerce merchant server software except:

marketing software.

Which of the following types of sites typically needs a high percentage of secure pages?


An e-commerce Web site that processes orders requires, at minimum, a ________ system architecture.


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