10. Identify three components of the performance management process
10. Defining expectations; overseeing performance; creating consequences
11. Performance appraisal differs from performance management because ?
11. Performance appraisal is just the performance review
12. Weakening a behavior by not reinforcing it or ignoring it is ?
12. Extinction
13. Adding to a new skill set and learning new knowledge are aspects of a ? goal
13. Learning
19. Monitoring performance involves
19. Measuring the progress towards the goals and tracking the achievement of the goal
2. Name two aspects of a learning goal.
2. Learning new knowledge; adding to a skill set
20. The monetary incentives that link a portion of pay directly to results or accomplishments is:
20. Pay for performance
64. Involving employees in the design, selection, and assessment of reward systems:
64. Increases their effectiveness as motivators
72. The theory that there is a purposeful if-then link between a target behavior and a consequence is:
72. Skinner's operant theory
1. Feedback offers ? to those who can positively impact the situation.
1. Information
18. A performance goal is related to
18. achieving a defined outcome.
75. The characteristics of effective coaching include:
75. Specific performance goals; being developmental
76. Executives and high-level manager are able to get more accurate feedback about their own performance if they:
76. Separate feedback from the performance review process; seek it by creating an open, honest environment; collect feedback anonymously
77. According to Jim Boomer, a professional service firm consultant, employees will go through the motions, but won't buy into a firm's performance management system:
77. If senior managers don't also hold themselves accountable for their goals
21. Strengthening a behavior by offering a pleasing reward is ?
21. Positive reinforcement
45. The two functions of feedback are to:
45. Instruct; motivate
69. Two common schedules used to change behavior are the __________ reinforcement and _____________ reinforcement schedules.
69. Continuous; intermittent
25. If a target behavior is rewarded every time it occurs, then it is a(n): ?
25. Continuous reinforcement schedule
31. For feedback to be perceived as useful and credible, it must be:
31. Honest, timely, and constructive
47. Examples of pay for performance rewards include:
47. Merit pay; bonuses
8. The process of weakening an undesired behavior by the contingent presentation of something displeasing or the withdrawal of something positive is:
8. Punishment
80. Feedback is only positive or negative when:
80. Compared to a goal
44. A desired outcome of the ________ system is to retain talented people.
44. Reward
36. True or false: Both performance management and performance appraisal are continual processes.
36. False
60. Ignoring an undesirable behavior until it disappears is known as _____________.
60. Extinction
61. Total rewards offered by an organization may include:
61. Compensation such as base pay and other monetary incentives; personal growth opportunities such as training; benefits such as health and wellness and retirement funds
62. The process of strengthening a behavior by rewarding it is _______ reinforcement.
62. Positive
46. When managing others, it is important to know whether a person prefers ________ or ______ rewards.
46. Intrinsic; extrinsic
15. List the four steps in the goal setting process.
15. Determine goals; encourage goal commitment; give support; form an action plan
14. Provide examples of factors that influence perception of feedback.
14. Accuracy - measure the right things in the right way; credibility of the source—trust the person delivering the feedback to be honest; reasonableness of the goals—Nobody has ever reached the goal and received the bonus; fairness of the system—only family members receive pay raises
55. Compensation, benefits, and growth opportunities are all part of an organization's options for total ________ for employees.
55. Rewards
59. Skinner labeled unlearned reflexes, or stimulus-response connections ___________ behavior.
59. Respondent
22. Provide examples of extrinsic rewards
22. A promotion and a pay raise
73. Which are among the results of effective performance management?
73. Increased productivity; lower employee turnover; higher customer engagement ratings
16. Fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, and variable interval are four subcategories of ? reinforcement schedules.
16. Intermittent
17. If a target behavior is rewarded every time it occurs, then it is a(n) ? reinforcement schedule.
17. Continuous
23. Provide examples for the following types of intermittent reinforcement schedule: fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, variable interval.
23. Fixed ratio - piece rate pay; variable ratio - slot machines; fixed interval - biweekly paychecks; variable interval - pop quizzes
24. Provide the steps in a performance management system
24. Define performance; evaluate performance; review performance; give consequences
26. What can be equally effective as monetary rewards?
26. One-on-one time with top leadership
27. Skinner labeled behavior that is learned when one acts on the environment to produce desired consequences ______________ behavior.
27. Operant
28. What is true of Thorndike's law of effect?
28. Behaviors with unfavorable consequences tend to disappear; behaviors with favorable consequences tend to be repeated.
29. An individualized and customized form of performance management is ____________________________.
29. Coaching
3. The monetary incentives that link a portion of pay directly to results or accomplishments are known as ? for ?
3. Pay; performance
30. The general criteria for distributing rewards in organizations include:
30. Tangible outcomes of performance such as sales or profits; behaviors such as teamwork or cooperation; nonperformance factors such as equity
32. Define the general outcome of reward systems
32. Desired outcome: more of what is desired such as achieving sales goals; Nothing: no change in sales goal achievement; Undesired side-effects: employees provide unrealistic delivery dates to increase sales
33. The process of strengthening a behavior by removing an unpleasant consequence is _________ reinforcement.
33. Negative
34. Fundamental characteristics of action plans include:
34. Being specific about what will be achieved; incorporating specific time limits; focusing on results
35. Key components such as types of rewards, distribution criteria, and desired outcomes are part of an organization's:
35. Reward systems
37. Involving employees in the design, selection, and assessment of reward systems increases perception that they are ________ and valuable.
37. Fair
38. The three common sources of feedback include:
38. Self, task, others
39. Cutting the pay of two top executives at Carnival Cruises because of major accidents and mishaps is the form of behavior modification known as ____________________.
39. Punishment
4. Provide examples for the types of measurement— timeliness, quality, quantity, and financial metrics
4. Calls were answered within 24 hours; there were no defective products returned; 10 more customers were served; cost of waste was reduced by 10%
40. True or false: Goal-setting is most effective when it is general and open ended enough for flexibility.
40. False
41. Provide an example of the types of perceptual error in performance evaluation.
41. Halo: rating an employee high across al dimensions because they dress well; Recency: rating an employee low for the year based on one late report at the end of the year; Leniency: rating an employee high across all dimensions regardless of actual performance; Central tendency: rating an employee average on all dimensions
42. Effective feedback can be used in organizations to:
42. Give a road map to success; share information about work product quality; ensure agreement on expectations
43. What is found in both performance management and performance appraisal?
43. An evaluation of performance
48. Research has found that pay for performance has ____ ________ _______ on performance quantity
48. A modest impact
49. Give an example of each type of reward criteria
49. Results: profit; Behavior: teamwork; Nonperformance considerations: nature of the work
5. Strengthening a desired behavior by removing a displeasing consequence is:
5. Negative reinforcement
50. List examples regarding objective goals, project goals, and behavioral goals.
50. Objective goals: increase sales by 10%; Project goals: finish the productivity reports for the end of the year group summary; Behavioral goals: communicate progress clearly to others in my work group, Listen to others during meetings without interrupting
51. The ___________________ schedules that produce the strongest behavior and are most resistant to extinction are variable interval and the other is variable ratio.
51. Reinforcement
52. SMART goals stand for:
52. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic/Relevant, and Time Bound
53. It is important to provide clear guidance on how to improve performance:
53. When giving both positive and negative feedback
54. Results, behaviors, actions, and nonperformance factors such as equity are examples of:
54. Distribution criteria for rewards
56. What are aspects of a performance management process function?
56. Explaining the reason to terminate employment; locating a need for employee development
57. What describes a way to increase goal commitment by naming someone who can assist you pursuing your goal?
57. Determining sources of support
58. What describes the instructional function of feedback.
58. When new behaviors are taught; when roles are made more clear
6. Strengthening a behavior by offering a pleasing reward is ?
6. Positive reinforcement
63. When is feedback motivational?
63. When there is promise of a reward; when it is a reward
65. True or false: When managers assist employees in taking care of work, they are both driving employee engagement and engaging in effective performance management.
65. True
66. Conditions that make pay for performance effective include:
66. Using multiple measures of performance; calibrated performance measures that ensure accuracy; paying top performers a lot higher than other employees
67. A customized process between two or more people with the intention of enhancing learning and motivating change is _______________.
67. Coaching
68. Exit interviews provide:
68. Guidance on what an organization needs to improve; guidance on what an organization does well; accurate information about why employees leave
7. Provide some examples of intrinsic rewards
7. Providing donations to a food cupboard; completing quarterly financial statements without errors.
70. The performance evaluation method known as 360-degree feedback is useful because it:
70. Provides performance evaluation from peers, subordinates, and managers
71. Comparing actual performance to a previously set goal is the step in the performance management process called:
71. Evaluating performance
74. Although most employers rely on fixed interval reinforcement schedules, some examples of effective rewards includes:
74. Spot rewards; variable bonuses for achieving major goals; celebrations of milestones
78. True or false: People tend to recall positive feedback more accurately than negative feedback
78. True
79. Managers can support employees' goal achievement by:
79. Offering needed training; paying attention to employees' reward preferences; supplying timely and task-specific feedback
81. Research has found it is important to use two-way communication and to follow up after disciplinary acts because:
81. It is perceived differently based on the sex of the person delivering it; it is affected by the supervisor's use of apologies and explanations; it is perceived differently based on the cultural characteristics of the person delivering it
82. Among the reasons that research has found performance management systems to be unsuccessful are that:
82. That the process itself is always very time consuming; the day-to-day job and the review elements have little or nothing in common; performance reviews focus on only a few elements, some of which may be unimportant
9. When monitoring performance, it is important to check progress to identify ? that can be remedied.
9. Problems