EADP 3010: Final Review

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How many FEMA regional offices are there


A flow of water, mud, and debris down the side of an active volcano


All of the following are tasks that VOADs typically undertake in disaster response and recovery, Except

Preliminary damage assessment

FEMA can step into active disaster without the request of the state's governor


Risk perception is lower, and the risk is viewed as more acceptable when that risk is:



is the susceptibility to harm or loss from the combination of biophysical exposure and human sensitivity

All of the following are examples of human sensitivity to hazards, expect

A house built on steep mountainside

"A church leader who organizes meetings to prepare the congregation for disasters"

Community champion

A strong earthquake that ruptures gas lines and water pipes leading to an uncontrolled fire that burns most of city is an example of an

Compounding disaster

Which of the following is required before a presidential disaster declaration can be made

Conducting a preliminary damage assessment

President who created the federal emergency management agency in 1979

Jimmy carter

Non-structural mitigation activity that puts limits on the location, type, density, or design of development:

Land use planning

What legislation created fema

Reorganization plan #3

Which of the following preparedness activities happens at the community level (ex. Cities and towns)

Organizing a full-scale disaster exercise

What was lesson learned as a result of Hurricane Katrina

Planning for vulnerable and special needs populations is lacking

According to the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000), local hazard mitigation plans should be updated regularly (every 5 years) to maintain eligibility for federal grants that help with:

Post-Disaster Recovery

Which of the following describes characteristics describes warning communication?

Requires immediate action

Which is not a preparedness action?

Rescuing survivors trapped under earthquake rubble

Preparedness activities generally involve getting ready for


The preparedness phrase of the emergency management cycle involves actions to get ready for?


Structural mitigation activity that involves adding a permanent structural component to existing construction in order to better withstand a hazard:


Probability and consequences of a hazard event


Disaster myth that, in times of crisis, police, firefighters, and paramedics will avoid their duties because of heightened danger

Role abandonment

Cold War era public education campaign funded by the office of civil defense

Duck & cover

Plan with a long time horizon that focuses on future land use and economic development

Local Comprehensive Plan

ICS section in charge of mission strategy and tactics


All of the following are facets of all hazards approach, expect

Having many plans for one hazard

Which of the following is not recognized as a "window of opportunity" for increased public interest in hazards and preparedness education?

After adding new earthquake provisions to the building code

An EOP's functional annexes are usually arranged in one of three formats. Which is not a valid format?


Which non governmental organization has the distinction of holding a charter with the us government

American Red Cross

Which section of the EOP contains on how the plan will be revised and distributed?

Basic Plan

All of the following mitigation techniques reduce the risk of wildfires, Except:


Waffle House and Home Depot stand out for excellent______planning activities. This include preparation of hurricane menus, propositioning loaded trucks, and developing a strategy to quickly reopen stores.

Business continuity

What was the collective name for studies undertaken at the university of Chicago that examined human behavior in disasters to predict what might happen after an atomic bomb drop


"Mobile weather alerts" (ex. Weather alerts received via your phone)


Based on the reading on the Disadvantages of NIMS: Incident commanders can arrive on the scene and perceive____, causing them to stifle organized activities that survivors have already begun and slow down the overall response.


Which of the following is an example of a slow onset creeping hazard

Coastal erosion

FEMA director who championed disability access and improved relations with Native American tribes

Craig Fugate

This step in the hazard mitigation planning process involves setting mitigation goals and prioritizing actions based on the community's risks:

Develop a plan

Which statement disagrees with all-hazards (agent-generic) approach to emergency management?

Different hazards require separate planning documents

Which legislation first gave the president the ability to declare a disaster

Disaster Act 1950

Of the traditions which shaped emergency management research, which involved conducting case studies to understand civilian responses to war?

Disasters tradition

Permanent facility and hub for response coordination, activated upon declaration of an emergency


"A man has a heart attack at a local mall and must be rushed to the hospital"


Which plan focuses primarily on activities in the response phase?

Emergency Operations Plan

What does ESF stand for

Emergency Support Functions

An established location for agencies to coordinate preparedness and response activities

Emergency operations center

Which of the following scales measures tornado wind speed based on damage

Enhanced Fujita scale

"A green sky before a hailstorm"

Environmental cue

SBP, an organization that rebuilds homes for disaster survivors, adds college students on spring break as volunteers to work on a construction project. This is an example of an:

Expanding organization

In the planning process, the final document is more important than the process itself:


The local emergency emergency or emergency management coordinator has ultimate decision making power in emergencies


Under current US law, congress has the power to issue federal disaster declarations and release federal funding to aid survivors


Who are typically the first responders to arrive on the scene after a major disaster and begin sorting through the disorganization?

Friends and neighbors

Under a Major Disaster declaration, the federal government can provide aid to the affected state for_______, which is not allowed in an emergency declaration

Grants to rebuild damaged low income housing

Which of the following descriptors is associated with risk perception?

Group beliefs about a hazard

The first research study on social behavior in a disaster happened after what event

Halifax Explosion of 1917

Mental shortcuts people use to quickly make decisions about risk information:


Which of the following is an example of a disaster-induced demand (ex. Not response-induced demand)?

Housing survivors whose homes are destroyed

Building spillways, preserving wetlands, and setting aside areas for rivers to expand laterally during high water are example of

Human adjustment to hazards

Name one of the two "dual disasters" in 1989 that contributed to fema's poor public reputation and resulted in a reorganization of response tasks into ESFs

Hurricane Hugo

The flotilla of boats that organized because of the need for medical evacuation out of Manhattan after 9/11 attacks exemplify the concept of:


Grassroots non governmental organizations founded within a community that understand local needs best are called


"During the earthquake, I could barely stand up, and I was 50 miles away from the epicenter


"I could actually get hospitalized and die form covid 19 if I don't socially distance"

Internalizing risk

Theft and vandalism caused by a mob mentality


Which of the following characteristics of hazards exposure does not relate to timing?


All of the following aspects define terrorism, expect:

The act is committed by a foreigner

Project Impact in the 1990s focused on what phase of emergency management


Name one context in which the Protective Action Decision Model has been applied to understand individual and household decision making:

Mitigation, warning, evaluation, sheltering

Program created in 1968 to reduce flood losses and speed recovery from floods


Set of standards, common terminology, and best practices for disaster response aimed at improving integration of public, private, and non-profit sectors:


Name the current chief of the Texas Division of Emergency management

Nim kidd

Property acquisition and relocation (also known as a "buyout") is a form of________.

Non-structural mitigation

Urging people to stay where they are and giving them specific instructions on how to best protect themselves:

Shelter in place

Disaster myth that views people impacted by disasters as helpless victims

Shock & Dependency

Legal act that defines the scope of the federal government's emergency management powers and responsibilities

Stafford Act

Information flow up and down a chain of command but not between agencies, called_____, was a major factor in the failure to prevent the 9/11 terrorist attacks

Stove piping

Which of the following is not one of the components of an effective warning system?

Structural mitigation

Where is the Texas Division of Emergency Management currently housed

Texas a&m university

In ICS, what team of people are responsible for setting the goals and objectives in the form of an Incident Action Plan for each operational cycle?

The Command Staff Officers

Effective warning messages apply all of the following principles, Expect:

The message is broadcast using only one channel

The Richter scale for earthquake is logarithmic, meaning that for each number increase in the scale, ground shaking is ten times stronger


Thunderstorms can trigger all of the following secondary hazards; expect:


All of the following are examples of warning sources, Expect:

UNT Eagle Alerts

Which of the following is not a best practice of preparedness education?

Use many images of disaster damage

Mennonites Disaster sevices


In order to spread, biological hazards require the help of ______ that can be either human or human or non human


What is not standard way to measure losses

Volunteer hours

As an individual_______increase, their ability to prepare for a disaster decrease


The approach for understanding vulnerability tends to focus only on hazard agents and their impacts, while ignoring the societal forces that contribute to unequal risks

Vulnerability as Biophysical exposure

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