Earhart Leadership Exam Study Guide

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Recall the four steps to follow for effective delegation.

Define the Task, Assign the Task, Grant Authority, and Follow Up.

Describe what is meant by the leadership skill of delegation.

Delegation is a leadership skill which involves the development of an understanding between a leader and a follower about how they'll share authority and responsibility for accomplishing their portion of the mission.

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of behaviorism.

Demerits only show what not to do. Merits are hard to justify, because people should already follow the rules. Modeling allows others to see what proper behavior should look like.

Describe some of the key points for managing conflict effectively.

Describe what you see through factual observation. Explore and consider the universe of interpretations to the event/behavior. Map the dimensions of the conflict, participants, and process. Evaluate your interpretation and identify if there are positive and negative reactions to the event/behavior. Analyze the causes of the conflict in light of: • Relationship Issues - the "who" of the disagreement. • Substantive Issues - the "what" of the disagreement. • Procedural Issues - the "how" of the disagreement. Allow each party to voice her perspective and experience, which validates each party's worth and right to be part of the discussion. Reframe a fuller definition of the problem based on an understanding of multiple perspectives. Develop a constructive strategy for dealing with the conflict, via: • Developing a collaborative planning process. • Building constructive working relationships. Develop a range of alternative approaches or solutions and collectively test them for viability. Achieve solutions that take into account interests, not positions.

Summarize basic principles of utilitarian ethics.

Ethics is a matter of producing the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people.

Describe each of the five basic negotiation strategies.

Evade Strategy, Comply Strategy, Insist Strategy, Settle Strategy, and Cooperative Negotiating Strategy.

Summarize basic principles of virtue ethics.

Everything that is conscious is goal-directed and working toward some kind of transformation.

Discuss advantages and drawbacks of using top-down performance appraisals.

It is single rater bias and can become a game of "gotcha" but also helps leaders inform subordinates on how well they are meeting/failing standards of performance.

Describe basic principles to follow when writing a job description.

Joint Authorship, Job Functions, and Performance Standards.

Define the term "opportunity cost."

Opportunity Cost is what you give up for something else.

Describe the five components of a Project Initiating Document.

Org Chart, Gantt Chart, Budget, Governance Plan, and Comm Plan.

Define the term "organizational culture."

Organizational culture is "the commonly held values within a group of people."

Define the term "character education."

character education is any program designed to shape directly and systematically the behavior of young people. Further, character education must promote non relativistic values that lead to good habits and responsible citizenship.

Summarize the leader/negotiator's role.

the leader/negotiator's role is to build credibility with the "other side," find some common ground or shared interests, learn the opposing position, and share information that will persuade the "other side" to agree to an outcome.

List the questions that a good job description must answer.

(1) Why does this job exist? What is the basic purpose? (2) What does the job accomplish? (3) How does this job relate to other jobs in the organization?

Discuss priorities for the first 90-days of a command.

1. Understand your new position, your roles and responsibilities, and your boss's expectations. 2. Become proficient in your mission knowledge and technical expertise. 3. Get to know your people and their backgrounds, experience, capabilities, and aspirations. 4. Ascertain the health of the unit. 5. Learn how your team fits into the larger team's mission (i.e.: how a squadron contributes to the wing mission). 6. Determine the direction you want your unit to take under your command. Establish priorities for leading the unit to a higher level of performance.

Explain what the term "link" means in the context of indirect leadership.

A "link" is the series of other leaders your message is transmitted through.

Identify four hallmarks of facilitative leadership.

A Neutral Attitude, Adherence to Process, Desire for Consensus, and Counterweight to the Status Arena.

Recall three approaches for communicating command intent.

A carefully prepared speech or written document, informal remarks and simply talking through the situation and its challenges, and Simply allow the passage of time to reveal your overall philosophies, expectations, and intentions.

Explain why most professional associations adopt a code of ethics.

A code of ethics sets an ethical standard for the professionals in the association.

Define the term "committee."

A committee is a group of people entrusted to study issues, make recommendations or decisions, or perform some kind of service to a larger group.

Define the term "performance appraisal."

A performance appraisal is the process of measuring how well an individual has fulfilled assigned duties and responsibilities.

Define the term "standing committee."

A permanent committee that meets regularly.

Define the term "project."

A project is "a set of coordinated activities, with a specific start and finish, pursuing a specific goal, with constraints on time, cost, and resources."

Define the term "select committee."

A temporary committee that is selected for a special purpose.

Summarize basic principles of duty ethics.

Act only on that maxim which you can at the same time will as a universal law.

Identify the components of a mission statement.

An Overarching Reason for Being, Human Connection, Logical Sequencing, and Measurable Achievement.

Define the term "organization."

An organization is a body of individuals working under a defined system of rules, assignments, procedures, and relationships designed to achieve identifiable goals and objectives.

Describe how officers' professional expectations rose with the birth of the modern military.

Any random rich son of a prominent father wouldn't necessarily be suited to the demands of the increasingly technical and complex demands of military leadership. Officers were not born; rather, they were educated and trained for the profession of arms.

Compare and contrast direct leadership with indirect leadership.

As an indirect leader, you will now lead in concert with and through other leaders.

Define the term "vital shift."

As people move up the management ladder, they should shift from "doers" to "managers."

List eight tips a facilitative leader can use to actively manage a group discussion.

Ask open-ended questions, Ask for specificity in responses, Redirect questions to the group, Invite quiet members to join the discussion, Record ideas and make them visible to all, Signal to dominating members their need to hold back, Help rambling members wrap up, and Redirect the energy of combative members.

Describe the steps in developing a command intent.

Base your command intent off of your commanders, have it explain the "why" in your mission, and address the scope of authority your subordinates can exercise.

Identify the six practical steps for speaking up against everyday bigotry.

Be Ready, Identify the Behavior, Appeal to Principles, Set Limits, Find and be an Ally, Be Vigilant.

Identify three challenges a new commander may face when assuming command.

Be Yourself, You're not one of "the guys" anymore, Beware the temptations of ego.

Identify principles for encouraging and receiving dissenting views from subordinates.

Be mindful of your stress reactions and defensive behaviors. Don't take it personally if someone challenges your views. Assume good faith. Grant that the dissenter is trying to help the team, not make trouble. Thank people for being brave enough to speak up. Give credit where credit is due.

Identify ways to contribute politely during web, phone, and video conferences.

Be online and ready to accept the chat / call precisely on time, if not a few minutes early If a new user of the technology, try to test your connection and software in advance Place yourself in a quiet space, free from distractions Mute your microphone when not speaking Type a period "." in the text chat to indicate your desire to speak Turn down your speaker volume when speaking, to avoid audio feedback Offer parenthetical remarks in the text chat, not orally Provide web links via the text chat, if referencing a document

Defend the claim that leaders must be skilled in moral reasoning.

Because officers play a special role in resolving problems that have ethical dimensions, they need to develop their capabilities in moral reasoning.

Define the term "behaviorism."

Behaviorism is a belief in systematically employing rewards and punishments to control behavior.

Appreciate the principles of dismissing staff with dignity.

Being fired is hard on everyone, so make it as easy as possible for everyone.

Define the term "BATNA."

Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement

Defend the claim that negotiating skills are important to leaders and cadet officers in particular.

Cadet officers will find the need to negotiate as they cooperate with senior members in leading their units, try to resolve disputes among cadets, obtain favorable pay and time-off conditions with potential employers, work with college officials on financial aid packages, and more.

Describe five logical patterns for grouping a briefing's main points.

Cause & Effect, Chronological, Compare & Contrast, Climactic Order, and Topical Order.

List and briefly define eight principles to consider during the learning phase of culture change.

Clear Articulation of Vision, Psychological Safety, The Right Metrics & Rewards, Symbols & Physical Environment, Training & Safety Nets, Stories to Communicate Culture, Teachable Moments, and Leadership By Example.

Discuss basic philosophies of measuring organizational performance.

Continuous Improvement, A System of Moving Targets, 92% of Statistics Lie, Processes vs. Outputs, and Benchmarking.

Describe sample issues relating to corporate social responsibility.

Corruption, Stewardship, Philanthropy, Sustainability, Human Rights, and Transparency.

Explain why dissent is important for the team's success.

Dissent allows team members to provide information contrary to the leaders information that could potentially save the team.

Defend the claim that dissent should be valued within the military.

Dissent in the military should be valued because it helps to prevent unethical practices.

Define the term "dissent."

Dissent is the expression of opinions contrary to the official view, and a means for a leader to call attention to obligations that are higher than the duty to follow orders.

Describe what occurs during each of the five phases of the model of interpersonal conflict.

Distal Context, Proximal Context, Conflict Interaction, Proximal Outcomes, Distal Outcomes.

Name some common mistakes in delegation.

Don't micromanage, be realistic, give positive feedback, have self-restraint.

Identify three elements in a project's Review & Concluding Phase.

Feedback Instruments, Recognition Programs, and Administrative Close-Out.

Identify five components of a project brief.

Goal Statement, Project Narrative, Key Data, Deliverables, and Action Recommended.

Describe six tools leaders can use to ensure productive committee meetings.

Goal Statements, Objective-Driven Agendas, Read-Aheads, Oral Presentations, Agenda Sequencing & Breakouts, Closings & Minutes.

List three reasons why leadership by committee can be helpful.

Good Ideas Can Come from Anybody, Committees Can Be Smarter Than Individuals, and Group Action Adds Legitimacy to Decisions.

Defend the use of a staff package to receive formal project approval.

Great ideas will die unless properly staffed.

List and briefly define four hazards a hiring manager must overcome with new hires.

Halo Effect, Attraction Bias, Impressive References, and Nepotism.

Describe ways in which a staff officer is a manager.

If you are responsible for a program, an activity, or an administrative task that helps the organization, you are a manager even if you are not responsible for the work of other people.

Discuss two reasons that support the use of free-form organizational structures.

Hierarchies Get in the Way, Free-Form, Self-Directed Teams Are Agile.

Discuss four reasons that support the use of hierarchical organizational structures.

Hierarchies Promote Accountability, Hierarchies Allocate Authority, Hierarchies Are Easy to Manage, Hierarchies Create Efficiencies.

Comprehend the importance of time management while briefing.

Honor the commitment and be professional by staying within your allotted time. Moreover, have a back-up plan should you be given only half the time you had expected.

Defend the principle of ethical management.

Human connection in management means that management has an ethical dimension requiring managers to demonstrate integrity and respect human dignity.

Defend the claim that leaders should not allow bigotry to go unchallenged.

If you don't speak up, you're surrendering part of yourself. You're letting bigotry win

List five triggers that alert an organization to begin using a committee.

In-Depth Discussion, Manageable Group Size, Division of Labor, Specialization & Expertise, and Special Handling.

Recall practical ways to develop a pro-safety organizational culture.

Incentives and Trait Theory.

Define the term "conflict," in the context of "interpersonal conflict."

Incompatible thoughts and behaviors between two people.

Describe each of the 4I's of transformational leadership in the Full Range Leadership Model.

Individual Consideration, Intellectual Stimulation, Inspirational Motivation, and Idealized Influence.

Recognize the two main types of briefings.

Informational briefings provide the audience with information, without arguing for the organization to respond to that information in any particular manner. Advocacy briefings provide the audience with information, while also arguing for the audience to interpret that information in a particular way.

Summarize the concept of "developmentalism" as it relates to character education.

Instead of rewarding and punishing people, if we want to help them develop into mature people who are choosing a set of values and striving to live up to those values, we need to be mindful of how moral development works.

Identify the three parts of a briefing.

Introduction, Body, and Closing.

Describe the steps in developing a mission statement.

Involve the Troops, Consider the Stakeholders' Perspectives, and Reflect Upon Questions That Get to Your Inner Core.

State the secret of writing effectively for the boss.

It helps to have a close working relationship with him or her so that you not only know what basic message must be delivered but have a sense for the various complexities framing the central issue.

Describe some criticisms of Kohlberg's theory and/or developmentalism in general.

Kohlberg's scale has to do with moral thinking, not moral action...People who can talk at a high moral level may not behave accordingly

Define the terms "laissez-faire," "management by exception," and "contingent reward" as used in the Full Range Leadership Model.

Laissez-faire (LF) is the absence of leadership. MBE is a form of transactional leadership. You do something, and I react. Or I do something, and you react. Contingent Reward (CR) is a form of transactional leadership that focuses on getting things done.

Defend the claim that leaders must possess good conflict resolution skills.

Leaders are expected not only to be proficient in managing the conflicts that arise in their lives, but in helping others manage conflict as well.

Describe the four forms of indirect leadership.

Leadership from a Distance, Leadership through a Link, Leadership through Creations, and Upward Influence.

Discuss pros and cons of using management by objective.

Management by objective provides clear guidance to subordinates, but can become an inefficient way to reach a goal due to its setup.

Define the term "management."

Management is the practice of setting and achieving goals by exercising related functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, through the use of resources (people, information, money, or materials).

Summarize the case for moral relativism.

Moral relativism denies that there are certain kinds of universal truths.

Define the terms "motion" and "quorum."

Motion - In parliamentary jargon, a formal proposal. Quorum - the minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid.

Describe the characteristics of 360-degree feedback.

Multiple Perspectives, Reality Check, Skill & Competency Focus, Self-Improvement, and Boss Relationship.

Define the term "negotiation."

Negotiation is a deliberate process for two or more people or groups to solve a difference or problem.

Identify the six stages in Kohlberg's theory of moral development.

Obedience and Punishment, Individualism, Interpersonal Relations, The Social Order, Social Contract, and Universal Principles.

Summarize the case for moral objectivism.

Objectivism is the belief that despite cultures disagreeing about ethics across human history, some moral principles have universal validity.

Identify four challenges to overcome during the internalization phase of culture change.

Out With the Old Behavior, Need for Success, Adversaries of Change, and The Nuclear Option.

Recognize tasks in each of the four phases in the project lifecycle.

PROPOSAL PHASE - Someone suggests a good idea to someone who has authority to ok the project. PLANNING PHASE - The team decides how to accomplish the project's goals. EXECUTION PHASE - The team builds the product and delivers it to the customer.

Describe each of the five types of conflict.

Parallel Conflict, Displaced Conflict, Misattributed Conflict, Latent Conflict, and False Conflict.

Define the term "parliamentary procedure."

Parliamentary procedure is "a code of rules and ethics for working together in groups."

Describe differences in writing for the web versus writing for print.

People go to the web to get information quickly. The audience is not in the mood for a leisurely, artfully crafted read. They browse; they don't read every word.

Identify seven tips for copywriting when writing for the web.

Place the key point right up front, Limit paragraphs to just one idea each, Choose simple - direct words, Avoid jargon, Write short sentences, Respect the worldwide audience, and Talk to your audience.

Define each of the four functions of management.

Planning is "the process of determining organizational goals and the means for achieving them." Organizing is "bringing together resources in the most effective way." Leading, in its context as a management function, is "creating an atmosphere that will assist and motivate people to achieve the organization's objectives." Controlling is the process of monitoring progress toward the organization's goals and making changes, as necessary.

List the four functions of management.

Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling.

Defend the idea that PowerPoint slides are not always the ideal communication medium.

PowerPoint naturally distorts information. Slides can fool an audience.

Defend the need to monitor audience members for nonverbal feedback during briefings.

Presenters should monitor audience members to help determine their response to the brief.

Describe the difference between processes and outputs.

Processes do not provide outcomes, only outputs do.

Describe why professionals often join professional associations.

Professionals join professional associations in order to honor their public trust.

Identify four pillars for safety leadership.

Safety Must Be Integrated, Safety is a Right, Everyone is Responsible for Safety, and Safety is a Value.

Recall five techniques for answering briefing questions effectively.

Rephrase for clarity, Answer one question at a time, Be honest, Boomerang, and Go offline.

Defend the requirement for officers to swear an oath of office.

Responsibility should always accompany authority, so the oath (a profession of responsibility) comes before the actual commission.

List and briefly define the three key words in effective delegation.

Responsibility, Accountability, and Authority.

Describe the process of managing by objective.

Set goals that are met by objectives which also measure the teams success.

List four checkpoints that can be used to monitor success during a project's Execution Phase.

Staff meetings, Inspections, Schedules, Budgets.

Describe ways to use body language effectively in presentations.

Start with eye contact, Smile, Express emotion with your facial muscles, Avoid distracting mannerisms, Tell a story, Stay true to your personality, Make gestures convincing, and Vary your speaking position by moving from one spot on the stage to another.

Recall basic guidelines for a new commander.

Stay away until you officially assume command, Make a clean break with your old job, and Prepare for new responsibilities.

Identify the five components of an organization.

Strategic Apex, Middle Line, Operating Core, Technostructure, Support Staff

Give examples of a behaviorist approach to character education.

Students who follow the rules and aren't referred to the principal might earn the privilege of watching movies on Friday; Merit and Demerit Systems.

Define two challenges that can occur during the unfreezing phase of culture change.

Survival Anxiety and Unlearning.

Name some benefits of practicing effective delegation.

THE LEADER • gains help in accomplishing the mission • can focus efforts on other aspects of the mission • develops followers into experts who may come to know more about a facet of the mission than the leader does THE FOLLOWER • enjoys an opportunity for personal growth • finds job security by becoming the team's expert on a facet of the mission • wins self-respect and the trust and respect of the team THE TEAM • taps a reservoir of creativity • accomplishes more simply because delegation is a "force multiplier" • makes better decisions because problems are handled systematically, all in due time

Recall practical tips for conducting an interview.

Take notes, read the resume before hand, ask situational and open ended questions, evaluate immediately after the interview, be welcoming and kind.

Identify five key players in project management.

The Project Sponsor, The Project Manager, Assistant Project Managers, Stakeholders, and Customers.

List examples of how visual aids can be used to enrich presentations.

The Uniform, Training Schedule, Airfoils, Rules and Regulations, and The Read Ahead.

List some helpful tips for meeting etiquette.

The chairperson articulates a clear goal for the meeting. The chair keeps meetings as brief as possible, partly by distributing factual information in advance. All participants come prepared to contribute, having completed any "homework" assignments. All participants attend the meetings they have committed to. All participants arrive on time and remain until the end. All participants focus on the business at hand, not their laptops or phones. All participants listen respectfully during discussions, and wait their turn to speak.

Defend the idea of the committee chairperson or meeting facilitator as a servant leader.

The facilitative leadership style requires an unassuming, collaborative spirit, where the leader stands back and gently redirects the group or prompts enquiry into new lines of thought. His or her role is to serve the team, not command it.

Define the job of a meeting facilitator.

The job of facilitators is to "evoke the best possible performance from each member of their team."

Discuss how the concept of how a meritocracy guides militaries in the selection of officers.

The only title to an officer's commission shall be, in time of peace, education and professional knowledge; in time of war, distinguished valor and perception.

Identify challenges that an interviewer must overcome during a job interviewer.

The superficial personae, Two-way dialogue, and sticking to questions that directly relate to the job.

Defend the use of parliamentary procedure for committee meetings.

These rules govern the "orderly and efficient transaction of business," and are designed to keep the committee or deliberative assembly running smoothly, whether it is in perfect harmony or in contentious debate.

Identify principles for dissenting with respect.

Use the chain of command. Stay professional and in control of your emotions. Recommend solutions; don't just complain about problems. Pick your battles, recognizing the difference between matters of style and matters of principle. And do not claim the right to criticize an idea unless you can summarize that idea in such a way that someone espousing the opposing view would admit your summary is fair.

Name the three phases in leading organizational culture change.

Unfreezing, Learning, and Internalization.

Defend the principle that upward influence can be a positive form of indirect leadership.

Upward influence allows subordinates to aid the team by guiding their commanders with new ideas.

List four rules for formatting that can make web copy more reader friendly.

Use headings and subheadings, Use bulleted and numbered lists, Highlight critical information, Write clear links.

Summarize the principles of "just war theory" according to Aquinas.

War is moral only if: waged as a last resort, waged by a legitimate authority, it pursues a just cause, its goal is to re-establish peace, it is made to spare the lives of the innocent non-combatants.

Explain why BATNA is a significant element in the negotiation process.

Your BATNA can often be used to motivate the opposite party to stay in a negotiation.

Explain how leaders might apply Kohlberg's teachings as they try to mold the character of subordinates.

leaders try to assist their followers or students in reaching the next stage of their moral development.

Explain why organizations and leaders are expected to honor a public trust.

leaders who find themselves in powerful positions have an obligation to the public. The public, the news media, watchdog groups, and the courts take an interest in the actions of organizations and the leaders who head them.

List and briefly define the components of a command intent.

• A basic philosophy that is consistent with the superior commander's own command intent • An explanation of the why of the mission matters • An assessment of what the opposition is trying to do • An assessment of the risks that the troops are likely to encounter • A scope of empowerment - the scope of issues that troops are empowered to settle on their own judgment and the scope of matters that should be decided at a higher level • A tolerance for risk and a sense of when the risks outweigh potential benefits

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