Early Childhood

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Piaget's stages as related to ECE

1. Sensorimotor Birth- 18/24 months 2. Preoperational . Toddlerhood 18/24 months - 7 yrs old 3. Concrete operational 7 yrs-11 yrs.

Unification cubes are used by teachers to help students develop which of the following mathematical skills? A. Adding numbers. B. Identifying place value. C. Recognizing shape. D. Forming numbers

A. Adding numbers. Unified cubes are interlocking plastic cubes that are most commonly used to help primary students learn to add and subtract small numbers.

Linear array of words

By using a linear array, the teacher is able to arrange words in a gradient order according to meaning, such as good, better, best. It helps children expand their vocabularies and see relationships between words more clearly.

After evaluating a kindergartener's reading readiness, the teacher meets with the parents to discuss assessment results. The primary benefit of the meeting is to .....A. Ensure the parents are willing to provide outside instruction. B. Encourage more interaction between home ad school. C. Communicate the schools need for parent volunteers. D. Strengthen the parents' engagement in their child's learning experience.

D. By sharing assessment results with parents, a teacher increases parental involvement. Parents who receive frequent and positive messages tend to become more involved in their children's education.

After sharing a picture book about opposites with a class of 3 yrs olds, a teacher talks with the children about Erie concept of opposites. The teacher asks them to use the pictures in the book to talk about opposites with their peers. The lesson best encourages oral language development in you children by...

Encouraging them to engage in conversation. The key to language competence is to encourage young children to engage in conversation.

What is an appropriate resource for preschool teachers to utilize to remain current on issues related to practice, policy, and professional development?


Freud's psychosexual development theory

1. Oral 2. Anal 3. Phallic 4. Latency 5. Genital

Eric Erickson's stages of development as related to ECE

1. Trust vs mistrust Birth to 18 months 2. Autonomy vs shame 18 months -3 yrs 3. Initiative vs guilt 3yrs -5 yrs 4. Industry vs inferiority 5yrs-12 yrs

Which of the following people can contribute the most relevant and reliable information about the strengths and needs of a new preschool child.

A Parent. Today's educators desire a partnership with parents as prominent contributors of information regarding their child's interests and needs.

A teacher reads a picture book to a class of 3yr olds who can identify colors. The teacher points to the illustration and says to one of the children, "Point to the monkey- not the one in the red hat,, not the one in the blue hat, but the one in the green hat." The reading related task will help the....

A child develop visual discrimination and an understanding of conversational patterns. The question asks the test taker to identify the discreet skills that are emphasized during one particular moment in a shared reading experience.

Which of the following scenarios would warrant a referral to a student support team?

A child experiencing academic difficulty despite classroom interventions. A student support team (SST) is a problem solving process that finds solutions for any child that is referred. A child's experiencing academic difficulty despite classroom instruction would be considered an unresolved problem that is impeding the learning process. The SST offers the teacher recommendations for solving the problem and ideas for implementing the recommendations.

Which of the following is the most appropriate approach for a preschool teacher to use when introducing children to new computer software?

A small-group activity in which the teacher first demonstrates each task introduced in the software and then has each child attempt the task. It is developmentally appropriate for a preschool teacher to provide a demonstration for young children that provides them with direction and then allow the children to attempt the task with additional guidance from the teacher.

Which of the following are benefits of low-level shelving in a preschool classroom? A. Arranges materials so that the children do not have to climb to access. B. Allows the teacher to maintain visibility throughout the classroom. C. Elicits greater social interaction and cooperation among the children. D. Creates sectioning and boundaries for learning areas.

A, B, D.

Which of the following best ensures that a preschool schedule is appropriate? A. Posting the schedule at eye level. B. Allowing students to touch and manipulate the schedule. C. Including pictures of activities. D. Controlling all learning witching the environment.

A,B, C. A- posting the schedule at eye level will better allow students to use it and view it, and will ensure that it is accessible. B.- allowing the students to touch and manipulate the schedule will help facilitate knowledge of daily routine and time/sequence of concepts. C.- the schedule should include pictures since many/most of the students will be non readers or emergent readers and pictures will allow them to better understand the schedule.

Which of the following describe roles of the teacher when children are engaged in learning centers. A. Participate for a short period to model involvement. B. Observe children's use of specific skills. C. Plan new activities for future centers. D. Ask open ended questions for children

A,B, D. In , children need encouragement in the activity that they are doing and in the new activity. In B, by observing the teacher can see how the children are working with others and on the assignment. In D. Asking open ended questions will help the children with developing problem solving skills.

A preschool teacher sends home a journal with each child on Friday. In the journal, she shares with parents some of the activities from the week as well as information and which skills each child is working on. The parents then comment in the journal and send it back on Monday. Which of the following is the main purpose for the practice? A. Increasing communication and parent involvement. B. Encouraging parents to practice their writing skills. C. Providing feedback on standards and curriculum D. Teaching parents how to work with their children at home.

A. A journal shared between parents and teacher would increase communication and parent involvement.

At the beginning of the school year, a preschool teacher plans to create a performance assessment to determine the children's abilities to sort blocks into groups by size and color. In addition to direct observation by the teacher, the assessment tool that is most appropriate for the teacher to utilize is a .... A. Task checklist. B. Reflection journal. C. Summarize review. D. Selected response

A. A task checklist allows a teacher to record information as children demonstrate a behavior such as sorting.

At the end of each week, a preschool teacher evaluates students' literacy skills using formal and informal tools. The teacher then uses the information to plan small-group instruction based on the students' needs. By using assessments as described, the teacher demonstrates an understanding of....A. Formative assessment. B. Criterion-referenced tests. C. Summarize assessments. D. Aptitude tests.

A. Assessments that are used to identify students' needs, and then adjusting instruction based on the information are formative assessments.

Ms. Craig asks her students to write the word "sailboat". Levi spells the word "PKLLEEP". At which of the following levels is Levi's spelling? A. Prephonemic. B. Phonemic. C. Transitional. D. Conventional

A. At the prephonemic stage, students know some letters and may begin experimenting with letters, but sound-symbol correspondence is absent. Stages of spelling: phonemic- use a letter or group of letters to represent every speech sound they hear in a word. Transitional-evidences a greater understanding of letter patterns eg: "egul" for eagle and "high eked" for hiked. Conventional-know common letter-sound relationships and generalizations of spelling rules.

A preschool teacher plays music to signal that children should transition from one learning center to the next. Which of the following is a primary benefit of using music in the way described? A. Establishing a routine for classroom procedures. B. Teaching children new songs and hand motions. C. Creating an upbeat classroom atmosphere. D. Emphasizing the importance of music lessons.

A. Children need to learn how to transition between leaning centers. This is a good way for them to stay on task and to minimize behavioral problems.

A preschool teacher wants to be sensitive to each child's family structure. Which of the following is the most developmentally appropriate way to gather the information? A. Have the children draw, color, and label a family portrait. B. Asking the children to fill out a questionnaire about their family structure. C. Encouraging the children to talk about family structure during circle time. D. Allowing the children to choose classmates to portray family members in a play.

A. Completing a family portrait is age appropriate and would provide information about family structure.

Ms. R, a preschool teacher, begins each day with a morning message written in large letters on a chart. As she reads the message to the class, she points to each word, brings attention to the punctuation, and asks the children to help her find different letters of the alphabet. By engaging the children in their activity, Ms. R is helping them develop... A. Concepts of print. B. Vocabulary skills. C. Narrative skills. D. Phonemic awareness

A. Concepts of print. By pointing out the features of written language, Ms. R is teaching concepts of print, such as left-right progression and the meaning of a period.

Alexa is a 3yr old child who shows a keen interest in the world around her, asks surprisingly sophisticated questions, and is able to orally express herself well for her age. Which of the following teacher actions will best support Alexa's learning?

A. Creating learning opportunities that extend beyond the existing curriculum. This is the best solution to meet the needs of a child demonstrating ability beyond their age.

A Preschool teacher signals the end of free play by blinking the lights twice and telling the children it is time to stop playing and clean up. The teacher asks, "Does everyone understand what we need to do?" Which of the following is the most appropriate next step for the teacher if the children are not transitioning to clean up? B. Changing the type of signal used to indicate that is is time to clean up. C. Increasing the consequences for children not following the rules. D. Removing the opportunity for the children to participate in free play.

A. Modeling the desired behavior and giving children multiple opportunities for practice. Children learn more from what we do than from what we say. Modeling the sired behavior shows children exactly what you expect them to do. This would be the most effective strategy for improving transitions in the room.

Which of the following are the most developmentally appropriate activities for developing fine motor skills in 3yr old children? A. Using clay, finger painting, and stringing beads. B. Playing with balls, riding tricycles, and swinging. C. Writing the alphabet with crayons, markers, and pencils. D. Repeating patterns, rhythms, and rhymes vocally.

A. Modeling with clay, painting, and stringing beads develop fine motor skills for a variety of developmental levels.

Ms. P, the director of a preschool center for children ages 3-5 has provided in-service training for the teachers on the Work Sampling System developed by Meisels and his colleagues. Which of the following best describes this type of assessment? A. Curriculum-embedded. B. Norm-referenced. C. Criterion-referenced. D. Developmental-screening.

A. The Work Sampling System developed by Meisels and his colleagues is a curriculum embedded assessment that assesses and documents chidlren's skills through a variety of procedures on multiple occasions.

Ms. J, a kindergarten teacher posts the daily schedule and frequently reminds the children to refer to it throughout the day. Additionally, she makes comments such as, "Our class schedule shows that we will be going outside for recess next, so please start cleaning up your center." By remaining the children of the daily schedule, Ms. J is primarily... A. Helping children make transitions effectively. B. Demonstrating awareness of time allocations. C. Planning activities to promote exercise. D. Provide variety in her daily lesson plans.

A. The teacher is aware of the importance of a predictable daily schedule and responds to the needs of the children as they move from one activity to the next.

A second grade reading teacher wants to assess a child's reading abilities. Which of the following questions will best help the teacher assess the child's ability to activate schema? A. Does the child connect the text to personal experiences? B. Is the child able to recall plot elements and sequence events? C. Can the child synthesize information by recalling the main ideas of the passage? D. Is the child able to decode unfamiliar words?

A. When a child uses the strategy of connecting a text to personal experience, the child is activating prior knowledge, or schema, when reading. For example, a child who is familiar with the genre of science fiction may pick up a science fiction book and expect to read about aliens.

A teacher observes children engaged in learning activities and records findings about individual children's development in a journal. Which of the following informal assessments is the teacher using?

Anecdotal notes are a form of informal data collection. As a teacher observes students, makes notes of individuals, or makes group observations to document learning or topics and skills that Ned further teaching he/she records information to consult as the year goes by. A teacher may also want to make note of any overgeneralization or misconceptions that arise during interactions with children.

What is an appropriate introductory activity for syllables for a kindergarten class?

Asking children to clap out and count each syllable in words as a class. Clapping games are a good way to have children move their hands and understand where the natural syllable breaks occur in words.

What is a good method for a teacher to promote preschool children's understanding of print?

Attaching pictures to the words for common objects. Using picture and word combinations help children see the print in relationship with the object.

During a math lesson, a preschool teacher asks the children in class to separate into groups based on a shared feature of their choice, such as height, hair color, or type of shoe worn, By engaging in the activity, children are investigating.....

Attributes of objects. Attributes are the physical characteristics of an object. In this activity, children are sorting themselves based on a self-selected attributes such as hair color, type of clothing worn, height, type of foot ware, or how they get to school.

A preschool teacher observes Berta a 3yr old, trying to find a yellow hexagonal block to continue a patterning activity. Which of the following would be the most appropriate first step for the teacher observing the child. A. Casually touching the correct block. B. Observing the child's actions and noting her choices. C. Directing the child to an alternative center activity. D. Prompting a peer to assist the child in the activity.

B. Allowing the child to attempt different choices by trial-and-error in order to problem solve is the best solution. Attempting different shapes and sizes provides a powerful learning experience.

Which of the following communication plans reflect the highest level of collaboration between a parent and teacher? A. The teacher sends home daily notes in the child's development journal. The parent initials or writes a response in the journal and returns it to school each day. B. The teacher and parent meet regularly to discuss the child's development and evaluate progress. During the meeting the teacher and parent set or revise goals for the child. C. The teacher sends home quarterly progress reports about the child's development. The parent is encouraged to write comments on the form before returning it to school. D. The teacher keeps a running record of a child's developmental growth, concerns, and goals. The teacher shares the record with the parent at regular parent meetings.

B. Both the teacher and the parent evaluate progress in order to set goals for the child which is a two-way communication.

After modeling a lesson on AB patterns, a preschool teacher has the children practice completing the patterns on their own. Which of the following is the most effective way to assess the children's proficiency with the concept? A. Asking the children to find different patterns around the room. B. Telling the children to line up in a boy-girl pattern. C. Having each child state one thing he/she knows about patterns. D. Providing the children with manipulative to use to create various patterns.

B. By having the children line up in an AB pattern, the teacher is checking for understanding in each child in a short amount of time.

The teachers at an elementary school are given the state curriculum standards for the grade they teach. They are asked to document students growth and progress in their classrooms so that they can plan an effective curriculum. Which of the following is the most effective method of documenting growth and progress towards the curriculum standards for individual children and for each class as a group? A. Norm referenced tests. B. Developmental checklists. C. Report card grades. D. End of chapter test.

B. Developmental checklist based on the state or local standards can be an effective way to document growth and progress and to plan curriculum. The checklist can be used observationally and can be based on a variety of indicators. Report card grades and end of chapter tests do not give enough information to document growth and progress related to state standards. A norm referenced test is given only once and does not effectively use multiple indicators to document growth and progress for individual students on specific standards.

A kindergarten teacher talks with an inclusion teacher to identify strategies for a child struggling with an identifies learning disability. In this situation, the inclusion teachers is .....A. Observing the child to collect data. B. Provide consultative services to improve the child's success, C. Approving the suggestions of the teacher. D. Responsible for notifying the child's intervention team.

B. In this situation, the general education teacher is consulting with a colleague with special knowledge, skills, and strategies for assisting children with disabilities.

For a preschool teacher, the collection of data through observations, conversations, and diagnostic tests is most helpful when..... A. Determining the cost of curricular materials. B. Considering children's readiness for upcoming content. C. Focusing on improving social relationships. D. Completing end of year projects.

B. Observations in many areas and analysis of the information would make planning the program more sensitive to the student's needs and development

Which of the following is the most appropriate first step for a kindergarten teacher who is concerned about classroom behavior after the first month of school?

B. Review with the children behavior expectations previously taught. Positive behavior expectations must be taught, posted, reviewed, and supervised consistently. Reviewing expectations with the children would be the appropriate next step before applying other strategies.

A kindergarten teacher indentifies letter sound s that children have not mastered (long e, R, short e). Which of the following interventions is best for the teacher to use to continue developing the children's early literacy skills? A. Whole class. B. Small group instruction. C. Individual journaling. D. Pairing with a partner.

B. Small group instruction. This is a great adjustment to instruction by grouping the lesson for students identifies to need to hear the materials again. Small-group instruction has research-based literacy studies that support the strategy.

A team of preschool teachers experience a rash of student biting in their classrooms. During a team meeting, a first year teacher feel strongly that no action should be taken because the behavior is age appropriate and will cease on its own. The first year's authority is challenged by a veteran teacher who suggest action steps could be developed in response to the situation. Based on the info provided, the team of teachers is at which of the following stages in the team development process? A. Forming. B. Storming. C. Norming. D. Performing

B. Teams initially go through a forming state in which members are positive and polite. Soon after this stage, the team moves into a storming stage where authority may be challenged.

Before reading a book aloud, a preschool teacher selects several target words that are common but unfamiliar to young children. The teacher introduces the words with concrete objects and alerts the children to their use in the book. After reading the book aloud, the teacher engages the children in activities that encourage them to sue the words in their conversations, drawing and writing. The strategy is designed primarily to enhance the children's. A. Phonemic awareness. B. Vocabulary development. C. Print-to-letter knowledge. D. Narrative skills.

B. The children are introduced to new words with concreter objects, then they hear them in the story, and lastly they connect them to other meaningful experiences. The goal of the activities is to expand vocabulary of the children in a planned and systematic way.

The primary benefit of early childhood interventionists working as a team to help a child with multiple developmental delays is to ... A. Improve relationships between child and teacher. B. To view the family in a multidimensional way. C. Ensure that the family has basic needs met. D. Provide precise documentation of the services.

B. The professionals consult with each other to gain understanding of how each person contributes to care of the child. This provides a multidimensional view of the family as a whole.

A report of child abuse made by a teacher indicates that the teacher has.... A. Informed student's parents of concerns of child welfare. B. Formed a suspicion that warrants a request for an investigation. C. Informed the school counselor of the student's condition. D. Investigated the situation and knows that abuse or neglect is taking place.

B. The teacher is obligated to contact the state child welfare department if he/she has concerns.

A teacher just finished reading a novel to the class, which the class seemed to enjoy. Which of the following actions by the teacher is most likely to foster the children's continued interest in reading fiction? A. Calling on children to answer questions about the story's theme and setting? B. Having small groups of children discuss what they liked and disliked about the story and why? C. Telling children that there will be an assignment to compare the story tight other stories they've read. D. Asking children to prepare a graphic organizer that shows the relationships between story parts.

B. The teacher might have chosen any one of the activities as a follow-up to reading the novel. However, discussion in class about what children liked and disliked about the story is the most likely of the choices to foster continued interest in reading fiction.

A teacher helps kindergarten children check the temperature, wind, and rainfall date collected by the schools outdoor weather station each day. The teacher helps them compare the weather forecast in the paper with the info from the weather station. The experience allows children to draw conclusions about the accuracy of the weather forecasts. Which of the following learning approaches is the teacher using? A. Open inquiry. B. Guided discovery. C. Direct instruction. D. Jigsaw instruction

B. The teacher plans and organizes the learning environment and provides experiences to facilitate and guid children's learning.

The parents are 3yr old Patricia ask that she receive diagnostic screening because of her history of developmental delays. Which of the following describes the most appropriate activity for assessing Patricia's skills? A. Identifying and pointing to pictures. B. Manipulating toys and real objects. C. Completing paper-and-pencil tasks. D. Answering oral questions

B. This question requires knowledge of diagnostic screening of you children. According to NAEYC guidelines, diagnostic screening should involve observing the child manipulate objects. The screening should not involve pencil and paper testing or use of conceptual materials and pictures.

Which manipulative is most appropriate to use for second graders exploring place value

Base ten blocks will help students learn about place value. Pennies, geoboards, and six-sided cubes will help students with probability, shapes, and counting.

Mr. W greets his students at he door every day with a high five or hug. He moves around the room while students play simple board games and engages them in conversation. By taking these actions, Mr. W best demonstrates an understanding of the importance of

Building positive relationships with students. The teacher is demonstrating respect for children reflected in frequent social conversations that are warm and show appropriate affection, and using a proper tone of voice.

Which of the following is an essential practice for a teacher to follow when assessing children whose second language is English? A. Assessing the students in groups. B. Allowing the children to use class reading materials as a reference. C. Pre-assessing the background knowledge of the children. D. Reading the assessment to each child in his/her first language.

C. An understanding of the correlation between the children's background knowledge and the content of the assessment will make the assessment more reliable.

A preschool teacher sets up an area where books are displayed on low shelves. A large rug is positioned on the floor where stories are read aloud. Small chairs and a table are present with paper and crayons available for writing and drawing. Which of the following additions to the area would best allow children to explore the remaining aspects of language? A. String and beads. B. Markers and crayons. C. Tape recorders and headsets. D. Blocks and tubs.

C. Headsets would allow the children to listen to language in poetry, stories, etc. It would allow them to record their own voice.

Brandon, a 4yr old who was referred for a multidisciplinary evaluation by his teacher because of speech/language delays. Which of the following settings would the speech/language therapist find most beneficial for observing Brandan's level of language function?

C. In a classroom during free-play activities. The question requires an understanding of the importance of observation in a natural environment. The best setting for observing a child's speech/language functioning is the classroom during free play activities, when the child is engaging in activities of interest with peers. The level of functioning is difficult to assess accurately in isolated settings, such as a testing or therapy session. Observation during teacher-directed activities is not likely to lead to accurate assessment.

A preschool teacher asks children to find one item in the classroom that is shorter than a provided ruler and one item that is longer. Which of the following methods is an age-appropriate strategy for comparing the objects that the children select? A. Creat a bar graph. B. Placing all items end to end. C. Lining up objects side by side. D. Making a pie chart.

C. Lining up items next to each other would be a concrete way to teach children to align the ends.

While planning a science unit, a teacher decides to include several activities that will have children handle, examine, and experiment with soil samples. Which of the following terms best describes the activities? A. Reasoning activities. B. Classification activities. C. Multi sensory activities. D. Problem-posing activities

C. Multi sensory activities. The activities are designed to address multiple senses like sight, sound, smell, and touch.

A class is participating in a hands on science experiment. One child uses a wheelchair and cannot reach where the lab has been set up. Which of the following is the most effective action for the teacher to take to ensure the child's full participation? A. Giving the child a work sheet that covers the same information the rest of the class is learning. B. Placing the child in a location that makes it easy to observe the experiment from a wheelchair. C. Setting up in the classroom an additional lab area that is within reach of the child. D. Sending the child to another classroom until the experiment is completed.

C. Teachers should adjust their instructional methods to meet the special needs of the children in the class by setting up an additional lab area that is within reach of the child. Additionally, if the experiment is to be preformed by groups of children, the physically challenged child should be included in a group, and all members of the group should work in the wheelchair assessable lab area.

A teacher asks a 6yr of child to memorize a telephone number and encourages the child to repeat the number as a way of memorizing it. This activity is an example of which of the following memorization strategies? A. Association. B. Mnemonic device. C. Rehearsal D. Visual imaging.

C. The child is using repetition as a means of reinforcing the information. The other answer choices are different strategies for storing information in memory.

A preschool teacher is introducing the concept of living and non living things. The most appropriate introduction of the concept would be to ask the children to .... A. Create a chart of the characteristics of living and non living things. B. Sort pictures of living and non living things in a learning center. C. Describe what they observe of objects and organisms in the classroom aquarium. D. Role play living and non living things in a game of charades.

C. The teacher introduces the difference between living and non living things by using a familiar classroom object that contains living fish and plants and non living things rocks and a thermometer. The activities in the other options could be used once the children grasp the basic difference.

A preschool teacher provides a water table and various containers for children to use to investigate ways water can be stored and transferred. After a few weeks, the teacher introduces funnels and colanders to the center. Which of the following is the most appropriate focus question for the teacher to pose as children explore these new items? A. Why does the water always run down the funnel? B. Which of the containers will hold more water? C. What do you think will happen when the water is put into the colander? D. How does the shape of the container affect the shape of the water?

C. This question focuses children to explore and find their own answers and understanding. This sets a purpose that is developmentally appropriate for preschoolers.

Which of the following best reflects an inquiry-based science activity for a unit about the life cycle of insects? A. Visit a butterfly exhibit online. B. Read books about types of worms. C. Raise caterpillars in the classroom. D. Draw pictures of insects.

C. Young students learn best from concrete examples and direct interaction with the subject being taught. Raising caterpillars in the classroom is the most effective way listed to teach the topic of life cycles because it allows for direct observation of the entire life cycle.

Which of the following is the primary reason for a preschool teacher to implement a consistent daily schedule with routines? A. Parents know their child is doing at a specific time of the day. B. The teacher can coordinate special services from interventionists. C. Children are more likely to be engaged and attentive. D. The teacher can better prepare for daily lessons and activities.

Children are more likely to be engaged and attentive in learning. A consistent daily classroom schedule provides children with a secure and structured environment that helps children stay on task and reduces anxiety and behavioral problems.

Bowlby's attachment theory

Children come into the world biologically preprogrammed to form attachments with others because this will help them survive. 1. Pre attachment stage Birth-6 weeks 2. Attachment in making 6 weeks-6/8 months 3. Clear cut 6/8 months -18/24 months 4. Formation of reciprocal relationships 18/24 months- and on

Preschool children with autistic spectrum disorder may display characteristics of the syndrome in varying degrees. Many have difficulty with communication and interactive play. Others will react negatively to sensory stimuli and display behaviors atypical of children their age.

Children with autistic spectrum disorder often do not have the language skills needed to communicate well. Many children with autistic spectrum disorder react negatively to such sensory stimuli as light, sound or motion.

Which is the most effective way to promote two-way communication between teacher and child's parents?

Contacting parents on the phone on a regular basis to share good news and discuss concerns. Phone calls are a well-known way to promote dialogue between a teacher and parents. Calls present an opportunity for a teacher to give parents good news about their child and to let parents share their concerns.

3yrs old Sam is looking at pictures of a dog, a snake and a bird. The teacher observes Sam counting the 4 legs of the dog and wants to use this teachable moment to reinforce Sam's sequencing skills. Which of the following steps would the teacher most likely prompt Sam to do first?

Count the number of legs on each animal. He needs to counts the legs of each animal before he will be able to use that information to compare and sequence numbers.

After a lesson using appropriate communication skills, a preschool teacher wants to assess student learning and modify instruction if needed. Which of the following teacher actions will provide the most accurate and natural snapshots of student communication skills? A. Assess each students ability to identify letters, shapes, colors. B. Model language skills during a daily read-aloud time with students. C. Ask students to create titles for a picture-enriched classroom word wall. D. Observe a small group of students talking while engaged in meaningful play.

D. By observing each student using key vocabulary in a meaningful play activity, the teacher can use her observation skills to assess each child's level of development in daily life.

Mr. Davis, a preschool teacher, has planned several demonstrations for his students. First he drops a ball lightly to the ground, and it bounces several inches. Next he throws the ball with more force towards the ground, causing the ball to bounce several feet. Then he lightly shakes a tambourine to produce a quiet sound, and finally he shakes it vigorously to produce a loud sound. Which of the following early-childhood concepts about science is most likely the focus of the demonstration? A. Conservation. B. Sequencing. C. Simple machines. D. Functional relationships.

D. By showing the students that the harder the ball is thrown, the higher the ball will bounce, the teacher is helping students understand the functional relationship between the force of the ball being thrown and the height it will reach. Likewise, the teacher is showing the students that the volume of sound from the tambourine is functionally related to the force with which it is shaken.

Which of the following is the most appropriate way to help preschool students identify where materials belong in the classroom? A. Labeling shelves with words. B. Creating a chart of the classroom. C. Providing frequent reminders. D. Using colored buckets and pictures.

D. Coding containers and shelves promotes matching, which is age appropriate.

Miss F, a K teacher is planning an activity that integrates the arts and gross motor skills for an interdisciplinary unit on butterflies. Which of the following students activities best meets her goal? A. Painting butterflies w/ finger paint. B. Creating butterfly shaped kites for during outside play. C. Examining a butterfly in a jar using a magnifying glass. D. Pretending to be a caterpillar turning into dancing butterflies.

D. Dancing involves art and requires the use of gross motor skills. Every person can learn from dancing. Babies and toddlers learn natural, easy play , coordination. Preschoolers learn through movement, songs, games, rhymes, children not only flex their muscles as they gain strength and endurance, they also challenge themselves emotionally and cognitively.

At the end of a second grade reading unit, a teacher reads the following sentences in a child's response journal. "This is a long tail. Their once was a sun. He worked in a coal mind. He was sooty. Then he found a garland. That is a red gem." This child needs help with which of the following? A. Synonyms. B. Antonyms. C. Phonics. D. Homophones.

D. Homophones. In the scenario, the student has made several homophone errors, including confusing the word "sun" with the word "son" and the word "their" with the word "there".

Mr. A, a preschool teacher, wants to learn more about the children in his class to help guide his instruction. Which of the following actions will most appropriately meet Mr. Alexander goal? A. Talking to each child's previous teacher about the child's academic and social development. B. Questioning each child individually regarding his/her primary learning style. C. Hosting a round-table discussion with a group of parents during an open house. D. Asking parents to fill out a learning style and interest inventory for their children.

D. Parents usually know their child as well or better than a teacher, and this method is the most efficient and confidential of all choices.

Which of the following activities would best help 3-year olds develop a respect for differences among people in the classroom? A. Watching a video about community groups showing compassion. B. Taking a field trip to a local business to see different job responsibilities. C. Writing a story about a time that they couldn't do something. D. Reading a book about a child with a disability and relating it to their lives.

D. Reading literature is a great way to model appropriate behaviors and teach about how people are different in their abilities and talents.

A preschool teacher of 2 year old children provides them with opportunities to sing songs that contain repeated rhymes and word patterns. The activity will best help students by.... A. Providing multiple exposures to new words. B. Reinforcing words they already know. C. Expanding their vocabulary through context clues. D. Developing their phonemic awareness.

D. The activities focus is primarily on language development- helping toddlers develop the ability to hear and identify different sounds that make up spoken words.

Which of the following provides the most appropriate evidence of progress and overall academic growth that a kindergarten teacher can share with parents? A. Norm-referenced test results. B. Grades from content-specific tests. C. Children's self-assessments. D. Portfolio work samples.

D. The question is about portfolios which are samples of children's work that illustrates their developmental progress, achievements, and progress over time.

Which of the following is an example of incidental learning occurring in the classroom? A. Mr. P's class receives assignments for various tasks, such as watering classroom plants, collecting and distributing materials and sharpening pencils. B. Mrs. C asks her 2nd graders to imagine what their lives would be like if tv had never been invented. She then instructs the class to work in groups to write a play about life without tv. C. Mrs. R asks her 3rd grade class to describe ways in which they show their respect for the community. D. Joshua, a 6yr old child, observes another child being rewarded for saying "please" when asking for something from the teacher, Mr. G.

D. The scenario described is an example of incidental learning. According to Albert Bandura's theory of incidental learning, Joshua is recognizing that another child's behavior is being rewarded, and Joshua may begin modeling this behavior himself.

Mr. Lakewood is working on report cards for his 2nd grade class. He considers information he has gathered from portfolios, checklists, tests, anecdotal records on each student. Which of the following is the most comprehensive method for him to sue in reporting the students' progress? A. Letter grades. B. Number grades. C. Skills checklist. D. Descriptive narratives.

D. This question tests your knowledge of how to report students' progress when information has been gathered by multiple methods such as observation, anecdotal records, and portfolios. The most comprehensive method is to write descriptive narratives because these can address individual differences in motivation, approaches to tasks, interests, and other important information that has been gathered. Letter and number grades and also checklists provide condensed information and lose most of the richness of detail that has been gathered.

A class plants a vegetable garden. Once the seeds are planted, the children water the garden daily. Each week they pull weeds and measure the growth of their plants. When the vegetables are ripe, the class picks, washes, and eats them. Which of the following is the primary lifestyle benefit of the gardening project? A. Identify different types of plants. B. Provide hands-on learning opportunities. C. Develop routines for working outside the classroom. D. Encouraging attitudes about healthy food choices.

D. When children grow food themselves, they are more likely to view the food in a positive way. Children are inclined to try eating vegetables they have grown and to continue eating them outside of school. When children take their preferences back to their families, they can help to improve their families consumption choices.

A preschool teacher wants to incorporate theater into a unit on community helpers. Which of the following actives would best meet the teacher's goals?

Dramatizing a doctor or police officers job. Role playing allows children to express themselves via a form of theatre in real-life situations.

Which of the following is most likely to help highly visual learners to comprehend the key concepts in a chapter on the human skeletal system?

Drawing a web diagram of the key concepts presented in the chapter.

Bandura's social learning theory

Emphasizes the importance of observing, modeling, and imitating the behaviors, attitudes and emotional reactions of others.

Helps for visual learners

Graphic organizers, web diagrams, and illustration all help visual learner because they organize the material to be learned using a format that is easily accessible to these students.

Which of the following activities for preschool children best promotes imagination and curiosity?

Having opportunities to pretend play in daily activities. Pretend play can allow children to use their imagination and be creative. All children can participate.

Which whole-group activity would best support kindergartener's understanding of a story's setting after listening to the story read aloud?

Identifying words the author used to describe the story's surroundings, involving the when and where.

After a field trip, a preschool teacher wants the children to tell about their favorite part of the trip during circle time. Which of the following is the primary purpose of this activity>

Improving language development by sharing personal experience.

After completing a unit on sound, a 2nd grade teacher wants to evaluate the children's understanding of the concept that sound is produced by vibrations. Which of the following is an example of an authentic assessment that will serve the described purpose? B. Children design and construct their own musical instruments using materials the teacher provides.

In authentic assessment, teachers directly examine children performance on tasks that require them to apply content knowledge from a particular unit and use processes and practices that are relevant to the particular discipline they are studying. By having children design their own musical instruments the teacher can gain insight into the skills and content knowledge the children have acquired.

Kate is a 7yr old second grader who is given many opportunities for success at learning new skills in classroom. She finds pleasure in being productive . According to Eric Erickson psychosocial stages, Kate is best demonstrating a positive outcome for which of the following developmental crises?

Industry vs inferiority. The question asks you to demonstrate your knowledge of Erickson's psychosocial stages of development. A 7yr old is in stage 4, elementary and middle school years, when the crisis is industry vs inferiority. The positive outcome would be sense of competence if the child succeeds at learning new skills. The negative outcome would be a sense of inferiority if the child is unable to succeed at learning new skills.

Which is a primary benefit of inviting local business owner to volunteer int he preschool classroom?

It provides students with positive role models. Local business people can model good citizenship and role-model behaviors.

Which of the following is the most effective tool for kindergarten children to use when making scientific observations outdoors?

Magnifying glasses would be age appropriate for kindergarten children to look at objects , as well as compare, observe, analyze, and explore.

A primary benefit of collaborating with fellow teachers is...

Maximizing instructional outcomes. It is found that collaborating with other teachers can lead to more effective lessons and maximizing the outcome for students.

At the beginning of the school year, a 1st grade teacher observes a child is unable to pronounce beginning and final consonants correctly while reading. Which of the following should the teacher do to best help the child develop pronunciation skills?

Modeling words in context and teach decoding skills. By using these strategies the teacher reinforces the skills needed and provides meaningful contexts in which to use them.

A PE teacher is required to attend an IEP meeting for a child in her class who qualifies for adaptive PE services. Which of the following is the most appropriate discussion point for the meeting?

Modifying the grade level PE objectives and goals. Modifications to objectives and goals during PE would need to be discussed at the IEP meeting.

During circle time, a preschool teacher leads calendar activities in which the children color-code days of the week and identify yesterday, today and tomorrow. The calendar activity best helps children develop an understanding of .....

Patterns and time. By color coding days of the week children will begin to see a pattern repeat over time. By labeling today, tomorrow, and yesterday, the children begin to develop a sense of time.

Ms. C wants to develop her students' art expression by having them create their own original works of art. Which of the following strategies will be most appropriate for Ms. C's goal?

Providing a variety of materials for students, this will encourage them to explore and develop their own creativity.

A teacher wants to improve children's oral language skills. After the children have listened to a read-aloud about an adventure with pets, which of the following instructional activities will best support the teachers goal?

Providing students with puppets to retell the story. The use of puppets and retelling is developmentally appropriate for an oral response to literature.

A teacher at Mountain Elementary School has been using performance based instructional methods.They often assess the children by using rating scales based on specific criteria. The teachers also develop narratives that describe varying levels of proficiency for the tasks being related. Which of the following assessment tools are the teachers using? A. Running records. B. Anecdotal notes. C. Rubrics. D. A portfolio.

Rubrics are designed to facilitate objective assessment of performance on tasks or projects. Teachers develop criteria and narratives to help determine a child's level of proficiency in completing each task or project.

To best support preschool children's transition from dependent to independent instructional activities, the teacher should provide....

Scaffolding and differentiation helps teachers keep an eye on each child's individual needs and ensures that children are successful in their independent activities.

Which of the following describes the most effective use of a portfolio in discussing a child's progress with parents?

Summarizing a child's growth through the use of a variety of earlier and later work samples. Portfolios are an important instrument for summarizing a child's growth and development in a way that parents can understand easily. By comparing the child's work to earlier samples, the teacher can determine the child's growth and identify the child's instructional needs. It is not advisable to use the portfolio to compare the child's work to a teacher's sample or the work of peers. Typical work samples are not based on norms.

A preschool teacher completes a literacy skills assessment of a child who had frequent absences from school. The child did not meet the learning goals. During a parent teacher conference, it is most appropriate for the teacher to...

The best action for the teacher to take is to speak to the parents about the child's progress and offer them assistance, including strategies for helping the child improve.

What is an important reason for an ECE teacher to become a member of NAECTE? National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators

To improve knowledge about the care of young children. The NAECTE lists professional growth as a primary purpose for the organization.

A teacher in a PreK class engages children in the following activities during group time: *draws attention to upper and lower case letters in books and charts, * points and reads words, labels, and letters,* shows children that people read print by moving left to right and top to bottom, * identifies features of a book such as title, author and jacket. What is the reason for the teacher to reinforce these skills?

To reinforce concepts of print. The teacher is sharing experiences with students that will help them understand that text carries meaning.

Demonstrating the concept of parts to whole

Young children benefit from hands-on opportunities. Manipulatives will allow them to manipulate the objects for the parts to a whole concept.

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