Early Government Project

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How did Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" advance the start of the American Revolution?

This pamphlet favored separating from England making colonists support the decision to declare independence.

What was the difference between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan?

The Virginia plan debated that representation should be based on population and the New Kersey plan debated that representation should be equal.

What were 3 weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

-Central government had no power to enforce laws -Could not collect taxes -Shays rebellion

What 4 rights did the English Bill of Rights give to citizens?

-No excessive bail -Trial by jury -No cruel/unusual punishment -Right to petition to the government

Why the Constitution was finally ratified?

Anti-Federalists Agreed to ratify the Constitution if a Bill of Rights was added which were the were 1st 10 amendments.

What was the impact of Shay's Rebellion?

Constitutional Convention was held leading to the drafting of the US constitution. Also influenced the topic of a stronger national government.

What plan favored the House of Representatives and Why?

The Virginia Plan because the house pleased larger states because the more representation a state has the more representatives

How did the French and Indian War lead to the American Revolution?

England forced colonists to fight and pay for the costs of the war

How are federalists and Anti-federalist different.

Federalists believed in a strong central government whereas Anti-federalists feared a strong national government

How did the Great Compromise resolve the debate over state representation in the federal government?

It was an agreement made between large and small states which defined the representation each state would have under the US Constitution

Who were major figures of the Enlightenment era for the American Revolution?

Jean Jacques Rousseau, John Locke and Baron de Montesquieu

What Enlightenment thinker influenced the American Revolution?

John Locke. He believe people get to choose their leaders and power lies within the people.

What were the causes of the American Revolution?

Proclamation of 1763, Intolerable Acts, Stamp Act,, Lack of Representation in Parliament, and British economic policies following the French & Indian War.

What were the results of Shays' Rebelion?

Shays' Rebellion showed the leaders of America that the Articles of Confederation were too weak and a stronger national government was needed.

What is the.Magna Carta and what is its importance?

The Magna Carta limited the kings power and its important because it established the principle of limited government.

What was the Mayflower Compact and what was it importance?

The Mayflower Compact was the first governing document where pilgrims selected their own leaders and laws. This document is important because it established a self-government better known as direct democracy.

What plan favored the Senate and Why?

The New Jersey Plan favored the Senate because here representation is based on the idea that all states are equal

What was the proclamation of 1763 and why did this fuel the revolution?

The Proclamation of 1763 was when England banned settlements west of Appalachian Mountains to the end of the French and Indian War. This fueled conflict because colonists weren't able to move west and expand.

What was Baron de Montesquieu's contribution to the US constitution?

The system of checks and balances and the introduction of the idea of 3 separate branches of government.

Why did the British feel it necessary to impose new taxes on the American colonists?

To help pay war debts from fighting the French and Indian War

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