Earth Science Unit 3 Test

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Alfred Wegener

____ found evidence that the continents were joined together at one time.

1. Ocean trenches and mountains 2. Ocean ridges and rift valleys 3. Tremors and earthquakes

For each boundary, choose the correct resulting formation or primary activity. 1. Convergent 2. Divergent 3. Transform


Approximately how much energy is transferred from one step in a food chain to the next?

respiration and burning of fossil fuels and wood

Carbon is released to the atmosphere by _____.

Fossilized plants and animals of the same species found on separate continents, Geological features, such as mountain ranges, that align on matching coasts of different continents

Choose the pieces of evidence that supported the existence of Pangaea and continental drift theory.

expands and rises, cools and sinks

During convection, hot material ____ then moves to the side and ____. This circular pattern is called a convection current.

food chains, decomposers

During the carbon cycle, carbon cycles from plants through the ____ then recycles back into the soil by ____, like fungi and bacteria.

Compaction and cementation into sedimentary rock, then heat and pressure into metamorphic rock.

During the rock cycle, rocks get broken apart by weathering, carried along by erosion, and eventually deposited in a body of water. What happens next?


Earth's geochemical and biogeochemical cycles are important because they tend to maintain a balance of Earth's materials.

work, thermodynamics

Energy is the ability to do _____ . The study of energy and its changing forms is called _____.

evaporation and transpiration

In the hydrologic cycle, after water precipitates to the surface, it can return to the atmosphere by processes of _____.

evaporates, condense

In the hydrologic cycle, water from the ocean ____ into the atmosphere where it can ____ and change back into tiny water droplets.

releasing waste and decomposition

In the nitrogen cycle, once a consumer gains nitrogen nutrients from animals or plants, it recycles these nutrients back to the earth by _____.

food chains

In the phosphorus cycle, phosphorus can recycle through waste products, decomposition, and ____ of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic

In the rock cycle, rocks can change into three different forms. These are _____.

divergent, convergent

In the tectonic cycle, new but recycled lithosphere rises to the ground at ____ boundaries and can be subducted at ____ boundaries.

1) Made of solid iron about 1,200 km thick. Temperature is about 7,000°C. 2) Very dense liquid of iron and sulfur about 2,250 km thick. Temperature is about 4,000°C. 3) Solid rock about 2,200 km thick. Temperature is about 3,000°C. 4) Solid rock about 720 km thick that flows from plasticity. Temperature is about 850°C. 5) Plates that average about 30km in thickness and 25°C in temperature.

Match the layer with its correct description. 1. inner core 2. outer core 3. lower mantle 4. upper mantle 5. crust

1. Cars crash in a head on collision 2. Lovebirds part and go separate ways 3. rubbing your hands together

Match the plate boundary with the best analogy description: 1. Convergent 2. Divergent 3. Transform fault

a rabbit eating grass

Mr. Goldsmith suggested that animals must capture energy from their environment. An example of this would be _____.


On Earth, old matter is recycled into new matter.

lithosphere, geological

Phosphorus isn't as abundant as nitrogen or carbon because it is contained in the ____ and released with ____ processes, which can take a long time.

sphere interaction

Plants absorb water from the soil to live and grow. This is an example ____ of of the biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.

1. It's all about water 2. erosion, deposition, metamorphism 3. subduction, uplift, and mantle convection 4. photosynthesis and respiration 5. Its all about special bacteria 6. housed mostly in rock material

Select the best description for each cycle: 1. hydrologic 2. rock 3. tectonic 4. carbon 5. nitrogen 6. phosphorus

nitrogen fixation, ammonification, and nitrification

Which of the following are processes of nitrogen and ammonia conversion that make nitrogen absorbable by plants?

1. Inner core 2. Outer core 3. Lower mantle 4. Upper mantle (asthenosphere) 5. Crust (lithosphere)

Starting from the center of the earth, number its layers in the correct order.

first, sun and core of earth

The _____ law of thermodynamics states that energy can't be created or destroyed. Two natural sources of energy on Earth are the _____.


The atmosphere provides the biosphere with necessary gases to live and breathe. This is an example of how Earth's spheres are _____.

Pangaea, panthalassa

The continents at one time were one supercontinent called ____. This supercontinent was surrounded by an ocean called ____.


The earth's interior heat and pressure drive a process of heat transfer in the mantle called _____.

atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere

The four main spheres of Earth are the _____.

Plate tectonics

The lithosphere floats on the asthenosphere like glass on clay. When the clay moves, the glass moves. The movement of the lithosphere is _____.

chain, web

You can follow the flow of energy in an ecosystem by following its food ____ or ____.


When energy is transformed, some is used, but most is released as unusable heat energy, according to the _____ law of thermodynamics.

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