earth science vocab/understanding classification of igneous rock.

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Describe ultramafic.

Very high in magnesium and iron. EX:period it ends.

What is crystalline?

Specimens composed of interlocking grains

Describe scoria.

EXTRUSIVE. Extremely course, its color comes from the iron its made out of, reddish. Has pores because of outgassing

Describe obsidian.

EXTRUSIVE. Glassy texture. Forms so fast that no grains can form

Describe Ryholite.

EXTRUSIVE. low specific gravity. Salmon pink, has tiny visible grains in it. Fine grain.

At the top of Bowens Reaction Series, is it described as weathering easier or harder?

Easier, meaning the it is more susceptible to being weathered. That makes the bottom part of Bowens reaction series that it is more resistant to being weathered. *make sure to look at the Bowens Reaction series elsewhere, hard to explain it in a quizlet.

Is basalt intrusive or extrusive?


Describe the rock tuff.

Has a super low specific gravity. Same color of the moons surface, gray with darker grey blotches.

Describe basalt.

Extrusive, matte black, high specific gravity rock that MAKES UP THE BOTTOM OF THE OCCEAN. Fine grain texture, rough surface(low Sio2). It is the rock that creates the black sand beaches.

Is it true or false that extrusive rock can demonstrate a coarse grain structure?


What are plutons?

Intrusion, a massive blob of magma.

Describe Felsic(granitite).

Involved in more explosive volcanoes. High silica content. EX:granite, feldspar-orthoclase, ryholite. Na and K. Sodium and potassium content is going to be high

What does it tell us about magma if is thick or has a lot of viscosity?

It contains a lot silica.

What is "Old People Are Boring?"

It describes the order of the discontinuous series from the top to the bottom, olivine at 1200 degrees, to pyroxene at 1000 degrees, to Amphibole at 800 degrees, to Biotite at 600 degrees.

What is the intrusive form of basalt?

It is Gabbro.

What is porphyritic texture?

It is both large and small grains together.*DO NOT form at the same time. Large crystals=Phenocrysts, Small crystals=Groundmass. *PREFIX "porphyry________________."

What is pyroclastic debris?

It is from violent volcanic eruptions that blast enormous amounts of material into the air.

What is extrusive igneous rock?

It is igneous rock that forms from solidified lava or ash, because it comes out(extrudes) onto the earths surface.

What is intermediate?

It is igneous rocks that have chemical compositions, colors, specific gravity, and mineral assemblages between those of Felsic and Mafic rocks.

What is felsic?

It is igneous rocks(from feldspar and silica) that have the most silica and the least iron and magnesium. Felicia rocks are light colored and have low specific gravities.

Describe Gabbro.

It is intrusive rock, that formed in the same crystallization of granite but different type of magma. Has black and white crystallization. *found at OCEAN RIDGES

What is coarse grain texture?

It is large visible crystals, and organized crystals. EX:granite

What is lava?

It is magma that flows or spatters out on the surface as or it "explodes," often through a crack or a vent in the earth.

What is intrusive igneous rock?

It is other magma that has reached the surface and solidified underground, so called because it squeezes into(intrudes) the surrounding rocks.

Describe pyroclastic?

It is the combination of smaller and very large chunks due to flow. EX: breccia.

What are sills?

It is the formation of thin sheets parallel to the layers of wall rock.

What is volcanic ash?

It is tiny grains and particles of an assortment of rock that can either flow down the side of a volcano or be ejected into the air through an eruption of an volcano.

Describe Diorite.

It is white and black because of the minerals that it is made up of, also is INTRUSIVE. Super rough, not super shiny but all the black spots that are in it stand out a lot.

Describe Mafic(Basaltic).

Mg and Fe is higher. Darker. EX: Gabbro and Basalt.

Describe intermediate(Andesitic).

Opposite of Felsic is Mafic. Properties of both Felsic and Mafic. Ca will be high. EX:Diorite, andesite.

Describe vesicular.

Porous structure due to outgassing. EX: Scoria.

What is something that is fragmental?

Specimens that appear to have pieces cemented together are said to be fragmental.

What is magma?

Rock in the lower crust or upper mantle that melts to form molten material, which then rises up through the crust.

What is phaneritic texture?

Rocks that are coarse grained

What is aphanitie texture?

Rocks that fine grains

*Basalt is to Gabbro as ryholite is to granite

Ryholite is extrusive and related to granite which is intrusive. Basalt is extrusive and is related to Gabbro which is intrusive.

What is fine grain?

Some grain structure, but very small. EX: Basalt.

What is a porous texture?

Sponge like mass. Super light, and has lots of mini indents caused by outgassing.

What are dikes?

The are intrusions that form thin sheets cutting across layering in the wall rock(the rock around the intrusion)

What are vesicles?

The individual bubbles created by out gassing

What creates a coarse texture?

The outgassing of a rock.

What is crystallization?

The process of igneous rock formation

What is the connection between the speed of cooling and the size of grains?

The slower something cools the larger the grains and vise-versa

What are batholiths?

They are composites of several plutons.

What are mafic rocks?

They are igneous rocks that have much less silica, potassium and sodium than felsic rocks but much more calcium, iron, and magnesium. Even fine grained Mafic rocks can therefore be recognized by their dark color and relatively high specific gravity.

How does Glassy texture get its name?

They are shiny, super smooth and look like tinted glass. They contain no grains because of how fast they cool.

What are pyroclastic flows?

Violent eruptions allow for situations such as superheated ash to rush down the side of a volcano that and while still hot it will fuse ash fragments together to form rock.

Is gabbro intrusive or extrusive?


What is viscosity?

resistance to flow

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