EAS 1010 Final Study Guide

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In the figure below, which fault would result from extension--- i.e., pulling the crust apart?


Still referring to the figure above, which curve best represents the melting curve (temperatures at which melting will occur) in subduction zones where water is thought to lower the melting point of the mantle? (Assume a normal geotherm).


The figure below shows the large extent of the Basin and Range Province of the U.S. and Mexico. Which type of fault (choose from figure above) is prevalent in this area?


What area in the figure below will most likely be susceptible to landsliding after the road is cut (dashed line) into the mountainside?


Five rocks have the following magnetic inclinations: (a) 10, (b) 30, (c) 45, (d) 60, and (e) 80. Which one formed closest to the equator?

A 10

All of the following are, or are part of, a fold-and-thrust mountain belt except: (a) Mt. St. Helens, (b) Mt. Everest, (c) the Alps (d) the Appalachians, (e) the Rocky Mountains

A Mt. St. Helens

Which of the following plates does not contain any continents? (a) Nazca plate, (b) India-Australian plate, (c) South American plate, (d) Antarctic plate, (e) Eurasian plate

A Nazca plate

What are Japanese scientists using as a short-term alert for the arrival of an earthquake? (a) The arrival of the P-wave, (b) the arrival of the S-wave, (c) The P- and S-wave arrival time difference, (d) the epicenter of the earthquake, (e) the magnitude of the earthquake

A The arrival of the P-wave

The figure below shows 5 point on the Earth's surface with the elevation of the water table indicated (in meters) above sea level. Between which two points is the hydraulic gradient the largest? (a) A and C, (b) D and C, (c) E and C, (d) D and E, (e) E and B

A a and c

Which of the following is a statement explaining a set of observations that needs to be tested? (a) a hypothesis, (b) a theory, (c) a law

A a hypothesis

A global map of earthquakes would most look like (a) a map of the tectonic plates, (b) a map of the continents, (c) a map of the continental shelves, (d) a map of the mid-ocean ridges, (e) a map of hot spots

A a map of the tectonic plates

The East African Rift is an example of which of the following? (a) a new divergent boundary, (b) a young ocean, (c) an old subduction zone, (d) a continent-continent collision zone, (e) a large transform fault

A a new divergent boundary

A fault is discovered to be running through a neighborhood and it is found to be active (the blocks of crust are moving) but locked. They learn that you've taken an earth science class and ask you if the fault is dangerous in terms of earthquakes. What's the best answer? (a) almost certainly, (b) possibly, (c) unlikely, (d) no, (e) maybe

A almost certainly

Approximately how much stream water arrives at the mouth of the Colorado river at its delta in the Gulf of Mexico? (a) almost none, (b) 10%, (c) 50%, (d) 75%, (e) almost all of it

A almost none

Aluminum is mined from a particular type of soil called (a) bauxite, (b) laterite, (c) regolith, (d) A-horizon, (e) zone of accumulation

A bauxite

Evolution, the idea that life--as preserved in fossils--has changed over time is considered a fact: (a) because anyone can go see for themselves (make the observation) that fossils have changed over time, (b) because Darwin said so, (c) because DNA analyses support evolution, (d) because it makes many testable predictions, (e) Evolution is not a fact.

A because anyone can go see for themselves (make the observation) that fossils have changed over time

Numerous holes or small voids in a volcanic rock are usually frozen bubbles that were caused by (a) crystals, (b) volatiles, (c) magma, (d) slow cooling, € pyroclastic material

B volatile

Why is there an upper limit to the size of an earthquake? (a) Because rocks/faults have an upper limit to their strength or frictional resistance, (b) Because there is an upper limit to what seismometers can measure, (c) Because there is an upper limit to the speed that tectonic plates move, (d) Because rocks begin to deform by ductile deformation at a certain depth, (e) all of the above.

A because rocks/faults have an upper limit to their strength or frictional resistance

What type of plate boundary existed between India and Asia prior to their collision? (a) convergent, (b) divergent, (c) strike slip, (d) there is no plate boundary between India and Asia, (e) hot spots

A convergent

Explosive / violent erupting volcanoes are characteristic of which type of plate boundary? (a) convergent boundaries, (b) divergent boundaries, (c) strike slip boundaries, (d) hot spots, (e) all of the above

A convergent boundaries

Explosive / violent eruptions are characteristic of which type of tectonic plate boundary? (a) convergent boundaries, (b) divergent boundaries (c) strike slip boundaries, (d) hot spots, (e) all of the above

A convergent boundaries

After a large explosive volcanic eruption like Pinatubo, the initial effect on the Earth over the following few years is (a) cooling down of global temperatures, (b) rising of global temperatures, (c) lowering of total carbon dioxide, (d) increase in ozone, (e) increase un ultraviolet radiation

A cooling down of global

What type of stream drainage pattern is shown in the satellite image below? (a) dendritic, (b) trellis, (c) rectangular, (d) radial, (e) none of the above

A dendritic

The area of the Red Sea is an example of which of the following? (a) divergent boundary, (b) convergent boundary, (c) transform boundary (d) hot spot, (e) collision zone

A divergent boundary

The area of the Red Sea is an example of which of the following? (a) divergent boundary, (b) convergent boundary, (c) transform boundary (d) hot spot, (e) collision zone

A divergent boundary

The most common first phenomenon that usually indicates that a volcano is undergoing unrest and may erupt is (a) earthquakes, (b) emission of steam, (c) emission of carbon dioxide, (d) emission of sulfur dioxide, (e) bulging of the volcano

A earthquakes

Which of the following phenomena best marks or outlines all the boundaries or edges of the plates? (a) earthquakes, (b) volcanoes, (c) hot spots, (d) strong magnetic fields, (e) strong reversals in the magnetic field

A earthquakes

The type of deformation wherein a rock returns to its original shape and the rock does not fracture. (a) elastic deformation, (b) brittle deformation (c) ductile deformation, (d) normal deformation (e) reverse deformation

A elastic deformation

Which of the following combinations of magma composition and volatile content results in thin, long lava flows? (a) fluid magma with little water, (b) fluid magma with a lot of water, (c) viscous magma with little water. (d) viscous magma with a lot of water (e) none of the above

A fluid magma with little water

Where does most shallow groundwater come from? (a) from the air (rain/snow), (b) from the ocean, (c) from streams, (d) from deeper underground, (e) from glaciers

A from the air (rain/snow)

The figure below shows the same situation as above with the well at x pumping a lot of water. A toilet has been placed as shown with a septic tank below. Which is the best location to sink a drinking well to avoid possible contamination from the septic tank?

A furthest from the toilet

Which of the following comes closest to the typical speed of the tectonic plates on Earth? (a) growth rate of fingernails, (b) growth rate of grass, (c) speed of a snail, (d) speed of a turtle, (e) walking speed of a typical grandmother

A growth rate of fingernails

The core of the Earth is made up mostly of (a) iron, (b) dense silicates, (c) less dense silicates, (d) liquid rock, (e) the liquid equivalent of the mantle

A iron

The metamorphic rock that forms from limestones is called (a) marble, (b) slate, (c) schist, (d) gneiss, (e) phyllite

A marble

Which of the following is not a factor that goes into calculating the Moment Magnitude of an earthquake? (a) maximum acceleration at the epicenter, (b) area of fault that slipped, (c) amount of fault displacement, (d) rigidity of the rocks at the fault, (e) none of the above.

A maximum acceleration at the epicenter

Which of the following is the most common way that magma forms? (a) melting of the mantle due to pressure release. (b) increase in pressure and increase in temperature in the crust causing melting (c) release of large amounts of CO2 into the crust (d) heating of the mantle from meteorite impacts (e) addition of water lowering the melting point

A melting of the mantle due to pressure release

If an area of a continent contains a lot of coal, what would you expect the magnetic inclination of those coal deposits to be? (a) nearly horizontal, (b) about 30 degrees, (c) about 60 degrees, (d) nearly vertical, (e) there is no expected relationship between abundant coal and the magnetic inclination

A nearly horizontal

If one were to measure the magnetic inclination preserved in the ancient continental glacial deposits described by Wegener, like those preserved in India, the inclination would likely be (a) nearly vertical, (b) nearly horizontal (zero), (c) reversed, (d) around 45 degrees, (e) unrelated to where the glaciers formed

A nearly vertical

Which of the following lavas is the result of the most fluid lava? (a) pahoehoe, (b) aa, (c) block lava, (d) lava dome, (e) any of the above could be due to fluid lava

A pahoehoe

What is a key factor that can help someone who is using the scientific method help her come up with good hypotheses, good predictions, and effective ways to test the predictions? Lack of this factor might prevent a Nobel Prize-winning physicist from being a great geologist, say. (a) previous knowledge, (b) age, (c) country of origin, (d) race, (e) number of published papers

A previous knowledge

If the Earth's magnetic field has undergone magnetic reversals or flips, then which of the following is true? (a) rocks throughout the world should record the reversals, (b) the Earth's magnetic field should weaken over time, (c) the inclination should increase towards the poles, (d) the declination should change with time, (e) the number of species on Earth should get smaller over time

A rocks throughout the world should record the reversals

What is thought to be the cause of the "Year without a summer" in 1816? (a) the eruption of Tambora in Indonesia, (b) the eruption of Yellowstone "super volcano", (c) the eruption of the Siberian flood basalts, (d) the eruption of Mt. St. Helens, (e) a relatively small meteorite impact

A the eruption of Tambora in Indonesia

What material is often found right above the bedrock? (a) the regolith, (b) zone of leaching, (c) the crust, (d) the zone of accumulation, (e) zone of aeration

A the regolith

An igneous rock is composed entirely of tiny crystals that are not visible with the naked eye. This implies that: (a) the rock formed from magma, (b) the magma cooled very rapidly, (c) the lava erupted slowly, (d) the lava erupted in the form of a long lava flow, (e) the rock comes from the mantle

A the rock formed from magma

Why are stratovolcanoes or composite volcanoes called such? (a) They are composed of both lavas and pyroclastics, (b) they are made up of stratified basalt lava, (c) they are usually very tall, (d) they usually erupt ash into the stratosphere, (e) none of the above

A they are composed of both lavas and pyroclastics

The series of figures below shows a map view of a fault (black line) with eight markers that were placed in the year 2000 (left most figure). The next three figures show the points as they were surveyed over the next 12 years. This fault has not produced an earthquake in a long time. Should the people living near this fault be concerned? (a) Yes, because the fault is active and appears to be locked, (b) Yes, because the fault has not produced an earthquake in a long time, (c) Yes, because all faults should be considered a threat, (d) No, because the fault appears to be just creeping, (e) No, because the last earthquake must have been a big one and will not recur for a long time

A yes, because the fault is active and appears to be locked

The figure below shows the map view of a fault. The gray area of the fault just caused a large earthquake. Which area along the fault is likely to produce the next big earthquake? (a) locked (b) creeping ----space---- (c) locked (d) creeping (e) creeping

C locked

In the figure below, curve "f" represents the temperatures where melting begins for "dry" rocks in the mantle at various depths/pressures (melting will happen to the right of this curve; no melting to the left). Which curve best represents the average geotherm (increase in actual T with depth)?


In the same figure below, which fault would you expect to find in a region that also has a lot of folding?


In the triangular diagram below, which plot the mineral composition of soil in terms of sand, silt, and clay, where does loam soil plot? (a) (b) (c) (d)


The figures below show cross sections of a stream channel. The upper figure shows the stream during normal flow. The lower figure shows the stream during flooding. Which of the labeled locations would have the highest velocity?


How many plates are involved in a divergent boundary? (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 3, (d) 6, (e) 12

B 2

Where was the first site that the Alvarezes measured Ir in the K-T boundary clay layer? (a) Denmark, (b) Italy, (c) New Zealand, (d) Mexico, (e) Texas

B Italy

The deepest part of the ocean floor, along the Mariana trench, is due to (a) a deep depression where two plates pull apart, (b) a depression due to the down bending of the plate as it subducts, (c) a large area of erosion where the seafloor is damaged by faulting (d) a large crater due to explosive volcanism, (e) the lack of magmatism in that area of the seafloor.

B a depression due to the down bending of the plate as it subducts

In earth science or physics, stress is defined as: (a) The deformation one sees in rock (b) A force applied to an area (c) the maximum force a rock can sustain (d) something that tends to compress a rock (e) a force that causes rock to flow like a plastic

B a force applied to an area

How many different plates are subducting around the Pacific rim to produce the "Pacific Ring of Fire"? (a) one large plate (the Pacific plate), (b) about a dozen plates, (c) several dozen plates, (d) None. The volcanism is caused by divergent boundaries, (e) None. The volcanism is caused by hot spots

B about a dozen plates

The cause of melting at subduction zones is (a) heating of the mantle, (b) addition of water that lowers the melting point, (c) decompression melting, (d) rising of a mantle plume, (e) frictional heating

B addition of water that lowers the melting point

Approximately how many major tectonic plates are there on Earth? (a) 3, (b) around a dozen, (c) around 50, (d) close to 100, (e) much more than 100

B around a dozen

The Mississippi, like other streams, makes a delta when it enters the ocean by deposition of sediment. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been keeping the Mississippi in its current channel by raising the levees. Why then, if the stream has been kept in place for so long, is the Mississippi delta eroding away? (a) Because the levees have been preventing sediment from going down the river, (b) because dams have prevented sediment from going down the river, (c) because stronger storms have prevented sediment from going down the river, (d) because higher sea level has prevented sediment from going down the river, (e) because less erosion is providing sediment to the river

B because dams have prevented sediment from going down the river

Recently, how have scientists been testing whether the meteorite impact (which was pretty sudden) or whether the Deccan volcanism (which lasted about 1 million years at the end of the Cretaceous) was the main cause of the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period? (a) By measuring the Ir content of fossils, (b) by looking at how rapidly species died out, (c) by measuring the paleomagnetism in the clay layer, (d) by looking at how many species died in total, (e) by comparing land fossils with marine fossils

B by looking at how rapidly species died out

In the cross section figure below, a well at "X" is pumping out a heck of a lot of water from groundwater. Which of the five other wells is likely to go dry first as a result of the excessive pumping at X?

B closest to the well with the shortest stream

Imperceptibly slow downslope movement is called (a) Rock slide, (b) Creep, (c) slump,(d) Mudflow, (e) Debris flow

B creep

The North American plate is moving roughly westward away from the Eurasian plate. On its east side, what type of plate boundary would you expect? (a) convergent, (b) divergent, (c) transform, (d) any of the above, (e) cannot be determined

B divergent

The phenomenon of "spheroidal weathering" has produced the interesting landscape found in (a) Johnson Shutins Park, (b) Elephant Rock State Park, (c) Taum Sauk Mountain, (d) the area around St. Louis, (e) the Rocky Mountains

B elephant rock state park

The layered fabric of a metamorphic rock is called (a) pyroclastic texture, (b) foliation, (c) strain fabric, (d) slate, (e) directed pressure

B foliation

Which of the following pairs of steps in the scientific method is in the correct order for the scientific method? (There may be missing steps, but the two are in the correct order) (a) question, initial observation (b)initial observation, hypothesis, (c) prediction, hypothesis, (d) test the prediction, question, (e) reject/accept hypothesis, test the prediction

B initial observation, hypothesis

Which of the following is a measure of the amount of damage that occurs at a particular place due to an earthquake? (a) focal power, (b) intensity, (c) epicentral distance, (d) magnitude, (e) elasticity

B intensity

All of the following are true about the New Madrid seismic zone except (a) it is occurring along old faults that are being reactivated (b) it is at a major plate boundary (c) it is currently difficult to say if there is a major threat from the zone (d) the zone has had periods of activity and periods of quiescence. (e) the faults producing the earthquakes are buried underneath a lot of sedimentary rock

B it is at a major plate boundary

Which of the following is not true about the Earth's magnetic field? (a) north has become south and south has become north many times, (b) its strength has remained constant, (c) the magnetic lines of force can be preserved in rocks, (d) the inclination varies with latitude, (e) it deflects the solar wind

B its strength has remained constant

Which of the following is the best soil for agriculture? (a) silty loam, (b) loam, (c) sandy silt, (d) clay-rich (e) loamy sand

B loam

If you have two wells, A and B, in a flat area and the wells are at exactly the same depth, and there is normal uniform precipitation (no drought) and no other wells are in the area, can well "A" cause well "B" to run dry without well "A" running dry itself? (a) yes, (b) no

B no

What is weathered rock combined with some organic matter where plants can grow? (a) Bauxite, (b) soil, (c) laterite (d) regolith, (e) clay

B soil

The difference between lithosphere and asthenosphere is primarily a difference in (a) composition, (b) strength, (c) pressure, (d) water content, (e) plate boundary

B strength

The "magnetic stripes" on the seafloor are caused by (a) a combination of continental drift and seafloor spreading, (b) the combination of seafloor spreading and magnetic reversals, (c) the combination of plate tectonics and continental drift, (d) the combination of subduction zones and transform boundaries, (e) the combination of magnetic reversals and hot spots

B the combination of seafloor spreading and magnetic reversals

The Deccan flood basalt volcanism happened at about the same time as the meteorite impact near the end of the Cretaceous period. One hypothesis stated that the impact caused the volcanism. What evidence/finding proved this hypothesis to be wrong? It was discovered that (a) the impact happened before the volcanism, (b) the impact happened after the volcanism began, (c) no iridium was found in the volcanic rocks, (d) the volcanic rocks were unaffected by the impact, (e) the paleomagnetic data showed that the volcanic rocks had reversed magnetism

B the impact happened after the volcanism began

The hypothesis of seafloor spreading predicts that (a) the ocean floor should be very old, (b) the ocean floor gets younger towards the mid-ocean ridges, (c) the mid-ocean ridges should have reversely magnetized rocks, (d) the Earth's magnetic field should weaken, (e) the lithosphere should be thickest at the mid-ocean ridges

B the ocean floor gets younger towards the mid-ocean ridges

Folding and foliation in metamorphic rock are often found together because (a) they are both produced by directed compressional stress, (b) they are both produced at high temperature, (c) they are both types of brittle deformation, (d) they are both produced in metamorphosed sandstones, (e) they are both the result of high confining pressure

B they are both produced at high temperature

In the original paper published by the Alvarezes in 1980, how many locations on Earth did they find that had evidence of a meteorite impact? (a) one, (b) three, (c) ten, (d) dozens, (e) tens of thousands

B three

Prior to modern plate tectonics, there was another theory that the Earth was/is expanding thereby causing stretching and pulling apart of the Earth's outer crust. If this were true, which of the following would you expect then: (a) We should only have mostly folds and thrust mountains in the crust (b) We should have only normal faults (c) we should only have folds and strike slip faults (d) we should only have brittle deformation in the crust (e) We should only have ductile deformation of the crust

B we should have only normal faults

Prior to modern plate tectonics, there was a theory that the Earth was/is shrinking thereby causing wrinkling of the Earth's outer crust that produced mountains much like the wrinkling of a dried out apple's or grape's skin. If this were true, which of the following would you expect then: (a) We should only have volcanic mountains in the crust (b) We should only have mostly fold and thrust mountains in the crust (c) We should have only normal faults (d) we should only have folds and strike slip faults (e) we should only have brittle deformation in the crust

B we should only have mostly fold and thrust mountains in the crust

Referring to the same figure above, curve best represents the actual temperatures (geotherm) where melting occurs where plates are pulling apart and there is decompression melting?


The figure below has both the P and S wave travel time curves. An earthquake occurs. If the P-wave arrived at station "A" at 10:32 AM and the S-wave arrives 10:38 AM, approximately how far away was the epicenter? (a) 1,000 km, (b) 2,000 km, (c) 4,000 km, (d) 6,000 km, (e) 8,000 km

C 4,000 km

When a road is built in a mountainous area, why might the building of the road trigger landslides? (a) the road will prevent water from entering the ground, (b) ground shaking from the heavy equipment will trigger landslides, (c) building the road may over steepen the uphill side of the road, (d) building the road removes vegetation from the road, (e)

C building the road may over steepen the uphill side of the road

36. What component in soils is responsible for large expansion and contraction of soil? (a) sand, (b) silt, (c) clay, (d) organic matter, (e) air

C clay

The figure below shows the elevations above sea level of the water table from several wells (dots). If a septic tank (where sewage is dumped) is placed where the toilet is, where is the worst place to sink a drinking well (select from locations a, b, c, d, or e)?

C closest to the toilet

Which of the following events may cause a convergent plate boundary to "die" (stop converging)? (a) opening of a new ocean, (b) splitting of a supercontinent, (c) collision of two continents, (d) volcanism from a mantle plume, (e) a large glacier on the continent

C collision of two continents

The lithosphere consists of: (a) inner core and outer core, (b) asthenosphere and mantle, (c) crust and uppermost mantle, (d) crust and outer core, (e) asthenosphere and crust

C crust and uppermost mantle

The cause of melting that generates magma at a divergent boundary is (a) heating of the mantle, (b) addition of water that lowers the melting point, (c) decompression melting, (d) rising of a mantle plume, (e) frictional heating

C decompression melting

According to the astronomer Carl Sagan, extraordinary claims require what in order for those claims to be taken seriously? (a) an extraordinary amount of people claiming the same thing, (b) extraordinary predictions from the claim, (c) extraordinary evidence, (d) extraordinary time to be proven, (e) all of the above

C extraordinary evidence

The deadliest (i.e., the type that has caused the most human deaths, globally) volcanic phenomenon is (a) lava flow, (b) pyroclastic flow, (c) lahar, (d) ash fall, (e) lava dome

C lahar

The "plates" in plate tectonics are made of (a) crust, (b) mantle, (c) lithosphere, (d) asthenosphere, (e) core

C lithosphere

The main factor causing the difference in lithosphere and asthenosphere mentioned above is (a) composition, (b) pressure, (c) water content, (d) age, (e) temperature

E temperature

Which of the following is the key step in the scientific method that best separates it from nonscientific methodologies? (a) formulating a reasonable question, (b) coming up with a hypothesis based on an observation, (c) making a testable prediction that comes from the hypothesis, (d) making careful and complete observations, (e) stating facts that have been agreed to by all

C making a testable prediction that comes from the hypothesis

Besides the work of streams, what other process makes valleys "V-shaped"? (a) earthquakes, (b) weathering, (c) mass wasting, (d) erosion by glaciers, (e) groundwater flow

C mass wasting

If one determines the relative position of the magnetic pole relative to a continent as it changes through time (as determined from the paleomagnetism of the rocks) one gets an "apparent polar wander path." The apparent wandering of the magnetic pole is due to (a) the flipping of the magnetic poles from N to S and vice versa, (b) The motion of other continents relative to the continent which contain the rocks, (c) motion of the continent which contains the rocks, (d) movement of the Earth magnetic field, (e) variation in Earth's gravity field

C motion of the continent which contains the rocks

If the hanging wall of a fault moves up relative to the footwall, what type of fault is it? (a) right lateral strike slip fault, (b) left lateral strike slip fault, (c) reverse fault, (d) normal fault, (e) thrust fault

C reverse fault

Fine-grained material that remains in the water of a stream (i.e., that doesn't sink to the bottom) is called (a) channel material, (b) bed load, (c) suspended load, (d) dissolved load, (e) meander

C suspended load

In the original 1980 paper, what prediction did the authors make that they themselves tested and confirmed? (a) that tsunami deposits should be found, (b) that the crater should be in Yucatan Peninsula, (c) that the clay layer should have a different composition as clay elsewhere in the limestones, (d) that melt spherules should be found nearby, (e) that no dinosaurs should be found above the clay layer

C that the clay layer should have a different composition as clay elsewhere in the limestones

The Alvarezes were not out to determine the cause of the end-of-Cretaceous extinction, but instead intended to measure sedimentation rates. Which of the following statements describes their initial expectation? (a) they did not expect any relationship between the amount of iridium (Ir) and the sedimentation rate, (b) the thicker the layers of sediment, the greater the sedimentation rate, (c) the lower the concentration of Ir, the slower the sedimentation rate, (d) The higher the concentration of Ir in the sediment, the slower the sedimentation rate, (e) they expected no major changes in the concentration of Ir.

C the lower the concentration of the Ir, the slower the sediment rate

In the map figure below, the level of the water table above sea level is given for 3 points (circles/dots). Which direction will groundwater likely flow (from the point where all the arrows meet)? (a) (b) (c) (d)

C toward 70 m

Still referring to the figure above, which curve best represents the actual temperatures (geotherm) beneath Hawaii where a hotter-than-normal asthenosphere mantle plume is thought to be rising?


Which of the following lines would the water table most look like if there were a prolonged drought?


The following choices give the drop in elevation of a stream over a certain distance. Other things being equal, which stream would have the fastest velocity? (a) 1 inch per 1 mile, (b) 2 inches per 2 mile, (c) 4 inches per 4 miles, (d) 10 inches per 5 miles, (e) all should have equal velocities.

D 10 inches per 5 miles

Which of the following comes closest to the percentage of the US land area covered by the Mississippi River drainage basin? (a) 0.1%, (b) 1%, (c) 5%, (d) 50%, (e) 99%

D 50%

Which of the following is thought to have caused the largest ever extinction on the planet? (a) A large pre-historic eruption of Yellowstone caldera, (b) The Deccan flood basalts in India, (c) The eruption of Long Valley caldera, (d) The Siberian Traps flood basalts, (e) the eruption of Mt. Pele in Martinique

D The Siberian Traps flood basalts

Building up a stream's levees is one way to prevent flooding in an area. What is a possible problem that may be caused by raising levees? (a) The flood will be more severe if the levee breaks, (b) the flooding may be worse downstream, (c) the stream may fill with sediment, (d) a and b, (e) a and c

D a and b

Which of the following states have sinkhole problems? (a) Missouri, (b) Florida, (c) Kentucky, (d) all of the above, (e) none of the above

D all of the above

A permeable rock formation capable of storing groundwater is called ________. (a) perched water table (b) aquitard (c) spring (d) aquifer (e) laterite

D aquifer

A type of landslide that moves very rapidly and has a long runout distance due to support by a cushion of air is called a (a) debris flow, (b) rockfall, (c) slump, (d) avalanche, (e) mudflow

D avalanche

What is the main mineral produced by chemical weathering on Earth? (a) hematite, (b) laterite, (c) quartz, (d) clay, (e) regolith

D clay

Today, approximately how many sites on Earth have evidence of a meteorite impact at the K-T boundary? (a) one, (b) three, (c) ten, (d) dozens, (e) tens of thousands

D dozens

Meteorite cratering on the Moon is abundant and obvious. Why are craters not so obvious on Earth? Because (a) meteorite impacts have been much rarer on Earth, (b) The Moon's gravity attracted most meteorites away from Earth, (c) There have been many meteorite impacts on Earth but they are small and not obvious, (d) erosion and plate tectonics on Earth have removed a lot of the evidence of meteorite impacts, (e) none of the above

D erosion and plate tectonics on Earth have removed a lot of the evidence of meteorite impacts

What is the role of confining pressure on the style of deformation of rock? (a) higher confining pressure promotes brittle behavior (b) higher confining pressure increases the volume of rock, (c) higher confining pressure promotes fracturing of rock, (d) higher confining pressure promotes ductile behavior, (e) higher confining pressure causes shrinking and fracturing of rock

D higher confining pressure promotes ductile behavior

What is the effect of temperature on the style of deformation of rock? (a) higher temperatures promote brittle behavior, (b) higher temperatures increase the strength of rock (c) higher temperatures promote fracturing of rock (d) higher temperatures promote ductile behavior (e) higher temperatures cause shrinking and fracturing of rock

D higher temperatures promote ductile behavior

Why is "intelligent design" not a scientific idea/hypothesis? (a) It was not proposed by scientists, (b) It's a new idea, (c) It's not based on an initial observation, (d) It doesn't make any testable predictions, (e) all of the above

D it doesn't make any testable predictions

Which of the following is a measure of the total energy released in an earthquake? (a) focal power, (b) intensity, (c) epicentral distance, (d) magnitude, (e) elasticity

D magnitude

In the figure above, why is the curve for "all eruptions" (volcanic eruptions) increasing with time, whereas that for "large eruptions" is level? (a) the number of small eruptions is actually increasing with time, while large eruptions are not, (b) the World Wars have caused an increase in small eruptions, (c) Each large eruption tends to produce more smaller eruptions, (d) More small eruptions that were previously unnoticed are getting reported whereas large eruptions have always been noticed, (e) none of the above

D more small eruptions that were previously unnoticed are getting reported whereas large eruptions have always been noticed

What form of mass wasting is happening on the slope in the photo below? (a) creep, (b) rockfall, (c) debris flow, (d) slump, (e) rockslide

D slump

Which of the following combinations of magma composition and volatile content results in violent eruptions? (a) fluid magma with little water, (b) fluid magma with a lot of water, (c) viscous/sticky magma with little water. (d) viscous magma with a lot of water (e) none of the above

D viscous magma with a lot of water

The fantastic light show called the "Aurora" is caused by what? (a) the Earth's magnetic field, (b) the small inclination of the magnetic field near the poles, (c) ozone at the polar regions, (d) lightning interacting with the air, (e) particles from the sun exciting the atmosphere

E particles from the sun exciting the atmosphere

Below are five cross sections of five different streams. If they all have the same gradient, which stream will be the fastest?

E (the deepest)

Which is the largest earthquake ever recorded? (a) 1811 New Madrid quake (b) 1556 Shensi, China (c) 1906, San Francisco quake (d) 1995 Kobe, Japan (e) 1960 southern Chile

E 1960 southern Chile

Below is the data published by the Alvarezes in their Science paper, which shows the concentration of Ir (in parts per trillion) in the samples versus the position of the samples in meters in the sedimentary rock. At what approximate position does the K-T boundary occur? (a) 0 m, (b) around 30 m (c) 150 m, (d) 305 m, (e) 348 m

E 348 m

Which of the following climate conditions would favor the most frost wedging? (a) below freezing and dry all year round, (b) hot and wet all year round, (c) a climate with four seasons, (d) a warm climate with wet and dry seasons, (e) a cold, wet climate with temperatures that fluctuate between below freezing and above freezing.

E a cold, wet climate with temperatures that fluctuate between below freezing and above freezing

Levees and deltas are depositional features due to what factor? (a) an increase in gradient of the stream, (b) a widening of the channel, (c) and increase in the total load, (d) a lowering of the suspended load, (e) a drop in the competence of the stream

E a drop in the competence of the stream

What was the initial observation made by the Alvarezes that led to the meteorite impact hypothesis? (a) the strange composition of the clay in the clay layer, (b) a very low amount of Ir in the clay layer, (c) the lack of any Ir in the clay layer, (d) the extreme thickness of the clay layer, (e) a very high amount of Ir in the clay layer

E a very high amount of Ir in the clay layer

After the initial observation of a high iridium content in the K-T boundary clay, the hypothesis of a large meteorite impact was proposed. Which of the following was a prediction of that hypothesis? (a) the high iridium clay layer should be global (b) the composition of the clay layer should be different from clay found in the limestone above and below, (c) there should be a crater from the meteorite impact, (d) there should be melt spherules in the clay layer, (e) all of the above

E all of the above

What cheap preventions can be done to prevent your basement from getting wet/flooded or getting the foundation damaged/cracked? (a) make sure your gutters are clean, (b) make sure your downspouts drain far away from your basement, (c) make sure the yard outside your house slopes away from the basement, (d) make sure you water the lawn evenly, (e) all of the above.

E all of the above

If the paleomagnetic pole measured from one continent is different from the paleomagnetic pol measured from another (of the same age), then this implies that (a) the magnetic poles have moved, (b) there has been large declination in the magnetic field, (c) the Earth's spin axis has shifted, (d) the magnetic poles have flipped, (e) at least one of the continents has moved

E at least one of the continents has moved

Why do you think earthquakes are rare at depths greater than a few kilometers below Earth's surface? (a) Because there is magma everywhere at depth preventing earthquakes, (b) Because earthquakes can only be generated in the mantle, (c) Because water is required to generate earthquakes, (d) Because mountains need to be present for earthquakes to occur, (e) Because brittle faults tend to be confined to areas of lower confining pressure and lower temperature

E because brittle faults tend to be confined to areas of lower confining pressure and lower temperature

Yosemite National Park is an area consisting almost entirely of what rock type? (a) slate, (b) basalt, (c) marble, (d) lahars, (e) granite

E granite

The reddish color of many soils is caused by the presence of (a) expansive soil, (b) clay, (c) aluminum, (d) loam, (e) hematite

E hematite

What rock type is targeted for oil and gas in the process called "fracking"? (a) permeable sandstones, (b) easily dissolved limestones, (c) easily eroded soil-rich rock, (d) coal-rich sediment, (e) impermeable mudstone/shale

E impermeable mudstone/shale

The volcanic phenomenon/product that is usually confined to the crater area of a volcano because it does not flow very far is (a) fluid lava flow, (b) pyroclastic flow, (c) lahar, (d) ash fall, (e) lava dome

E lava dome

Approximately what percent of Earth's near-surface water is liquid freshwater? (a) >95%, (b) ~50% (c) ~10%, (d) ~5%, (e) less than 1%

E less than 1%

The table below gives the distances to the epicenter of an earthquake determined from three different seismic stations: W, Y, and Z. The figure below is a map with a scale and showing the locations of the three stations (black squares). Which cross "+" indicates the approximate location of the epicenter of the earthquake? (a) near 3500 km, (b) no distance, (c) near 4500 km, (d) no distance (e) near 1500 km

E near 1500 km

Which of the following best describes the theory of plate tectonics? (a) the idea that earthquakes occur at the edges of large pieces of lithosphere, (b) the idea that earth's magnetic field has flipped and has interacted with the lithosphere, (c) the idea that earthquakes and volcanoes are related, (d) the idea that a lot of motion occurs on earth, (e) the idea that the earth's lithosphere consists of several pieces that are moving relative to each other

E the idea that the earth's lithosphere consists of several pieces that are moving relative to each other

Sinkholes often form in limestone areas, but can also form in other rock types like gypsum rock and salt rock, as seen in the NOVA video. What do all these rocks have in common that make them form sinkholes? (a) They all form in the ocean, (b) They are all fine-grained, (c) They are all very porous, (d) They are all very young rocks, (e) They are all relatively soluble in water

E they are all relatively soluble in water

Tiny "spherules" (microtektites) have been found at the K-T boundary and at other impact sites. What is the origin of these spherules? (a) they are tiny fragments of the meteorite, (b) they are pieces of Iridium, (c) they are fossils that died out during the impact, (d) their origin is still unknown, (e) they are solidified droplets of rock melted due to the meteorite impact.

E they are solidified droplets of rock melted due to the meteorite impact

How many times has the Earth's magnetic field flipped throughout Earth's history? (a) once, (b) 3 times, (c) 7 times, (d) about a dozen times, (e) way more than a dozen times

E way more than a dozen times

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