EASA Part 66 : Electronics Question3

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Question Number. 14. A transistor is used in. Option A. current amplifiers. Option B. both current amplifiers and voltage amplifiers. Option C. voltage amplifiers.

Correct Answer is. both current amplifiers and voltage amplifiers. Explanation. A transistor can amplify either current or voltage or both, depending on the configuration (CE, CB, CC).

Question Number. 19. In an NPN transistor the. Option A. collector is more positive than the base. Option B. collector is the same as the base. Option C. emitter is more positive than the base.

Correct Answer is. collector is more positive than the base. Explanation. NIL.

Question Number. 20. In an NPN transistor the. Option A. emitter is more positive than the base. Option B. collector is more positive than the emitter. Option C. emitter is more positive than the collector.

Correct Answer is. collector is more positive than the emitter. Explanation. NIL.

Question Number. 18. In a transistor, the arrow always points in the direction of. Option A. electron flow. Option B. conventional current. Option C. emitter.

Correct Answer is. conventional current. Explanation. NIL.

Question Number. 7. For conduction of a transistor, the emitter junction is. Option A. forward or reverse as appropriate to the input signal. Option B. reverse biased. Option C. forward biased.

Correct Answer is. forward biased. Explanation. For a transistor to switch on, the base-emitter (or just emitter) junction must be forward biased. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 116.

Question Number. 10. In a common collector circuit the output and input are. Option A. in phase. Option B. out of phase by 60°. Option C. out of phase by 90°.

Correct Answer is. in phase. Explanation. Common collector - output is in-phase with the input.

Question Number. 2. When compared to a photo diode, a photo transistor. Option A. is less sensitive to light levels. Option B. responds faster to changes of light. Option C. is slower to respond to changes of light.

Correct Answer is. is slower to respond to changes of light. Explanation. NIL.

Question Number. 11. For an NPN transistor to conduct the collector circuit has to be. Option A. more positive than the base. Option B. less positive than the emitter. Option C. more positive than the emitter.

Correct Answer is. more positive than the base. Explanation. Sketch an NPN circuit and mark the two current flows. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 116.

Question Number. 15. Under normal operating conditions X will be. Option A. negative with respect to Z. Option B. positive with respect to Z. Option C. negative with respect to Y.

Correct Answer is. positive with respect to Z. Explanation. The collector on a NPN transistor is more positive than the base and the emitter. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 116/117.

Question Number. 13. The resistance measured using an AVO between the Collector and Emitter of a transistor is. Option A. smaller Collector to Emitter. Option B. same both ways. Option C. higher Collector to Emitter.

Correct Answer is. same both ways. Explanation. Without looking too deeply into it, a transistor is two diodes back-to-back, so have high resistance both ways. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 119.

Question Number. 5. When a positive voltage is applied to the base of a normally biased n-p-n common emitter amplifier. Option A. the collector voltage goes less positive. Option B. the emitter current decreases. Option C. the base current decreases.

Correct Answer is. the collector voltage goes less positive. Explanation. Sketch the circuit and work it out.

Question Number. 6. Which way does conventional current flow in a PNP junction?. Option A. Emitter to base. Option B. Collector to base. Option C. Collector to emitter.

Correct Answer is. Emitter to base. Explanation. Conventional current in a PNP transistor flows from EMITTER to BASE. Note: In an NPN transistor it would be collector to emitter.

Question Number. 8. In a PNP transistor, which way does conventional current flow?. Option A. Base to emitter. Option B. Collector to emitter. Option C. Emitter to collector.

Correct Answer is. Emitter to collector. Explanation. In a PNP transistor, the main current flow is Emitter to Collector (reverse of what it is with an NPN transistor).

Question Number. 16. In which direction does the current flow on a PNP transistor when forward biased?. Option A. Emitter to base. Option B. Emitter to collector. Option C. Collector to emitter.

Correct Answer is. Emitter to collector. Explanation. PNP, current (conventional) flows emitter to collector.

Question Number. 17. With an NPN transistor electrons leave the. Option A. Base. Option B. Collector. Option C. Emitter.

Correct Answer is. Emitter. Explanation. In a NPN electrons (NOT conventional current) leave at the Emitter.

Question Number. 3. For correct operation of a transistor, the following conditions must apply. Option A. The base-emitter junction must be forward biased and the base-collector junction must be greater than 0.7 volts. Option B. For an NPN transistor the base-emitter junction must be forward biased and for a PNP transistor the base emitter junction must be reverse biased. Option C. The base-collector junction must be reverse biased and the base-emitter junction must be forward biased.

Correct Answer is. The base-collector junction must be reverse biased and the base-emitter junction must be forward biased. Explanation. Eismin Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Edition page 116.

Question Number. 12. Point X compared to point. Option A. Y is more negative. Option B. Z is more positive. Option C. Z is more negative.

Correct Answer is. Z is more positive. Explanation. NPN transistor. The collector is more positive than the base. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 116/117.

Question Number. 1. In an NPN transistor the P is the. Option A. collector. Option B. emitter. Option C. base.

Correct Answer is. base. Explanation. NPN or PNP, the middle one is always the Base. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 116.

Question Number. 9. In a PNP transistor, conventional current will flow when. Option A. the emitter is more positive than the base. Option B. the base is more positive than the emitter. Option C. the collector is more positive than the emitter.

Correct Answer is. the emitter is more positive than the base. Explanation. To switch a PNP on, the emitter must be positive compared to the base (opposite to an NPN).

Question Number. 4. Current gain in a common emitter amplifier is given the symbol. Option A. Β. Option B. a. Option C. Hcg.

Correct Answer is. Β. Explanation. NIL.

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