EBP Midterm/Final

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A researcher interested in exploring definitions of grief for theory building, what would he/she most likely to locate for evidence?

Concept analysis

Hans Salye's definition of stress as ""the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change" is an example of which type of definition?


Which of the following study's purpose suggests that the study is an experimental study?

"To evaluate the effectiveness of silicone foam dressing and fatty acids oil spray in preventing sacral pressure injuries among high-risk patients."

Test-retest reliability

A Pearson r correlation coefficient

Which sampling method is used when a researcher administers a survey questionnaire to 150 RN-to-BSN students attending the same conference?


Which of the following has the levels of evidence correctly ranked from the lowest to the highest?

Correlational studies < cohort studies < RTCs < meta-analyses

Using a citation for knowledge information you have heard or read about is unnecessary, clutters writing, and is equally as inappropriate as plagiarism.


When information is paraphrased instead of directly quoted, an inline citation is not necessary as long as the source of the information is included in the reference list.


The following groups are listed in size order from smallest to largest: accessible population sample target population population

False Subject/participant < sample < accessible population < target population < population

When a nurse is deciding how to apply evidence from a particular study to evidence-based practice, which of the following is an ethical concern the nurse must take into consideration because individual patients may not always have the exact same characteristics as the study subjects?


Which type of qualitative research would a researcher use to investigate the nursing processes involved in teaching patients how to walk again following spinal cord injuries?

Grounded theory research

Participants in trials of an experimental intervention are asked to track their daily food and liquid intake during the length of the trial period. Which of the following statements would best explain why the participants report higher-than-average water intake and lower-than-average intake of juices and sodas when compared with the general population?

Hawthorne effect

What is a theoretical framework used to guide this study?

Health Promotion Model

A scholarly paper about the effects of inpatient care on patient sleep patterns brings together data from five previously published studies, each of which used a different research method. The statistical method was used to synthesize the data.The paper is most likely which type of review?


What distinguishes meta-analysis from meta-synthesis?

Meta-analysis is used for quantitative studies; meta-synthesis is used for qualitative studies.

Which of the following does the researcher use to display the concepts and their interrelationships in the framework?


A researcher collects data on ethnicity of the study subjects by assigning the numerical labels to each ethnicity as follows: 1 equals Caucasian 2 equals African American 3 equals Mexican American 4 equals Asian 5 equals others This is an example of which type of data?


"Completion of an EBP mentorship program by nurses is associated with changes in nursing practice" is an example of which type of hypothesis?


To develop a clinical question when reviewing the effectiveness of nursing interventions, the nurse will use which format?


Content validity

Panel of experts review the instrument

"Patients who are actively engaged in development of their treatment plans will be more likely to adhere to prescribed treatments." In the above hypothesis, what is the dependent variable?

Patient adherence to prescribed treatments

A researcher is studying the lived experience of individuals on kidney transplant waiting lists. Which participants would join the study as a result of snowball sampling?

Patients who were referred to the researcher by one of the first participants in the study

Which of the following strategies help diminish uncertainty when a nurse or clinician needs to make a clinical decision?Select ALL that apply.

Performing pilot testing Listening to the peers' opinions Reviewing samples

A nurse researcher measures participants' vital signs early in the morning and late in the evening and compares the two readings. Which data collection method is the nurse using?

Physiological measurement

A nurse is using the PICO model to generate an EBP question looking at how virtual health education, as compared to face-to-face health education, affects information retention and recall in patients ages 5 to 8 years. Match each component of the EBP question on the left to its element on the right as presented in the question.

Population: Patients ages 5 to 8 Intervention: Virtual health education Comparison: Face-to-face health education Outcome: Information retention and recall

Which type of synthesis was introduced into practice to improve patient and system outcomes through more consistent care delivery by those who use the them to make decisions?

Practice guidelines

Which of the following statements best explains why the preferred method to obtain participants in qualitative research studies is purposive sampling?

Purposive sampling allows researchers to select participants who fit the very specific types of criteria that are investigated in qualitative studies.

Why is qualitative research often viewed as less significant than quantitative research?

Qualitative analysis is more subjective with the use of inconsistent methodology and terminology.

Which of the following statement is true about theory and qualitative research?

Qualitative research is typically used to create theory.

Which of the following would a nurse go to locate synopses of evidence for EBP? Select ALL that apply a) U.S. Preventive Services Task Force b) The Cochrane Library c) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality d) EBP instruction manual and guidelines e) Research and EBP textbooks


A researcher wishes to evaluate the management of chemotherapy side effects in children with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). Children with ALL are an example of which of the following?

Target population

In the quantitative research study (Mohamadian et al., 2011) from the previous question, the concept of "social support" was operationally defined using --

The Multi-dimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS)

What distinguishes a systematic review from a traditional literature review?

The approach used for obtaining relevant literature for review

When a researcher indicates that assent for participation was gained in a study involving 10 year-old children, this indicates which of the following has occurred?

The children have agreed to be subjects in the study.

What does it mean when an instrument is found acceptably reliable after being tested for reliability?

The instrument yields consistent results/measurements over time.

Why would a nurse not withhold treatment a patient required in order to research the effect of the patient's illness in the absence of standard medical treatment?

The intervention is less than the standard of care.

Prior to initiating quantitative reseach, a researcher conducts a power analysis for a power level of 0.8 and an alpha of .05. Which of the following is correct regarding a power analysis?

The researcher conducts a power analysis to determine the sample size that is adequate to detect true effect in the dependent variable.

During an interview with an older adult participant, the researcher learns that the participant may be the victim of financial abuse by one of his adult children. Which of the following best describes the researcher's ethical obligation?

The researcher has a responsibility to report the suspected abuse to the appropriate authorities.

Why is the sample size in qualitative studies generally smaller than in quantitative research?

The sample size needed for a qualitative study depends on how quickly data saturation is reached.

When a study sample shows representativeness, what can be concluded about the study?

The study is most likely generalizable, with results that can be applied to the target population.

Which is true about evidence-based practice?

The use of evidence-based practice results in improved patient outcomes.

Why are descriptive designs sometimes called exploratory studies?

They are used to explore and gather knowledge when little is known about a phenomenon.

What is an important limitation of secondary sources in literature reviews?

They may contain interpreted information that may be misinterpreted or bias.

The goal of outcomes research is to:

examine the end results of patient care from various health interventions.

In a study of patients who have dementia, a researcher wishes to examine the effects of moderate exercise on patients' abilities to perform self-care. The researcher decides to use subjects between 70 and 80 years of age who have been diagnosed with dementia for less than 1 year. "Subjects between 70 and 80 years of age who have been diagnosed with dementia for less than 1 year" is the statement that represents one of the ...................

inclusion criteria.

In an outcome study, a researcher demonstrates a link between the number of mothers who successfully breastfeed their infants and the number of maternal-child nurses who are baccalaureate prepared. This illustrates:

nursing-sensitive patient outcomes.

In which of the following situations would a replication study be most appropriate?

A pilot study indicates that a new intervention may be more effective than an existing intervention.

Which of these is an example of community-based participatory research?

A researcher uses input from community members to design an intervention for the local health clinic.

A researcher wishes to widely disseminate findings of outcomes research in order to influence practice in a variety of settings. Which methods might this researcher use?

A series of presentations and publications in professional and public forums

Which of the following studies is likely to provide the highest level of evidence?

A study using simple random sampling to assign subjects into groups

Which of the following instruments might a nurse use to evaluate clinical practice guidelines prior to implementation?


Which government agency supports research to improve the outcomes and quality of health care?


In deciding how to ethically apply evidence to practice at the point of care, a nurse might incorporate which of the following additional source of evidence?

All are correct: The clinical experience The individual patient experience Any policy or cost consideration

What must a researcher describe to identify that a comprehensive, systematic literature search was conducted?

All key search terms and databases used in the search

A researcher is studying post-polio syndrome in American polio survivors over the age 65. The researcher selects the sample subjects from the eligible subjects in a tristate area where the researcher is able to travel. Which group is the target population for this researcher?

American polio survivors over the age of 65 with post-polio syndrome

Which of the following would most accurately determine causality?

An experiment in which researchers study the variables in chronological order

A researcher wishes to study the effects of a nursing intervention on children with cancer. The research contacts a local children hospital and recruits 28 children hospitalized for cancer treatment out of the 89 hospitalized children at the time of the study. -Which of the following is correct?

Children hospitalized for cancer treatment at this local children hospital are accessible population.

A nurse conducting a keyword search of a literature database enters the search terms "anorexia NOT bulimia." Which results does the nurse expect to obtain?

Articles that contain the word "anorexia" but not the word "bulimia"

A nurse studies the effects of teaching the MyPlate.gov materials to preschoolers by providing this education to preschoolers in a single day care center and then following their BMI scores over a 5-year period and comparing their scores to those of children from another day care center. In this study, which element is represented by the O in the PICO acronym?

BMI scores

Which approach to sources of evidence is recommended for nurses seeking answers to clinical questions?

Begin at the top of the pyramid by utilizing integrative systems, and move down the levels as necessary.

The primary advantage to using computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software is its simplification of the data entry and coding process.


Which of the following would not be considered when apprising quantitative studies? Select ALL that apply.

Data saturation Trustworthiness

A researcher identifies a socioeconomic group of people to study. After developing a rapport with key members of the group, getting information about group members from the key members, and spending 10 months living and observing group members, the researcher develops theories about the group based on this experience. Which type of qualitative research does this represent?


A nurse examining evidence from research studies on a given clinical question would most likely use which of the following to determine the studies' evidence levels for a recommendation about a practice change?

Evidence hierarchy

Which of the following best describes the process in which nurses make clinical decisions based on the best available research integrated with patient preferences, values, and circumstances?

Evidence-based nursing

A researcher is studying absorption rates of natural and synthetic vitamins. The researcher has three groups of randomly assigned subjects: (1) one group that will receive the natural vitamin, (2) one group that will receive the synthetic vitamin, and (3) a control group that will receive a placebo.Which type of quantitative design is the researcher using?

Experimental design

A researcher who uses a double-blind experimental design is most likely trying to reduce which threat to external validity?

Experimenter reactivity

What type of variables is the variables that confuse the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable so that the research results do not reflect the true relationship between the variables?

Extraneous variables

If the participant withdraws from the study after an interview was conducted and recorded but before the conclusion of the study, the researcher can still use the audio- and videotapes previously recorded without the participant agreeing to it.


On the Pyramid of the 5 Ss, practice guidelines are classified as synopses because they are based on a systematic review of the existing evidence.


The following EBP question includes all of the components of the PICO model: How does a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and pharmaceutical therapy compared with pharmaceutical therapy alone affect self-reported anxiety levels?


Which of the following statements is correct regarding data collection and analysis in quantitative and qualitative research?

In quantitative research, data analysis takes place after data collection; in qualitative research, data collection and analysis are simultaneous.

Face validity

Intuitive approach, not necessarily by experts

What is correct about grounded theory?

It is not a "theory" used to guide a study but a method used to conduct a study where a theory will be developed from the data collected during the research.

Using the Boolean operator "AND" to connect two words has what effect on the results of a keyword search of a literature database?

It narrows the results to include only articles that contain both words.

What is true about a meta-analysis?

It pools results from previous studies into a single quantitative analysis.

Which is the strongest source of research and evidence for developing evidence-based guidelines?

Meta-analyses of specifically focused research questions

What is the key construct in Donabedian's theory of outcomes research?

Quality of care

When a research uses a comparison and an intervention groups in her study, what type of design of the study is the researcher likely using?


Which type of study design is commonly used in outcomes studies?


Which of the following characteristics makes randomized controlled trials (RCTs) different from other types of quantitative research studies?

RCTs are clinical in nature and involve a large number of subjects from different geographical areas

Which of the following types of studies are nurses most likely to appraise when making a decision about the evidence due to their high level of evidence?

Randomized controlled trials

Interrelation reliability

Ratings are compared between/among observers

Predictive research

Research concerned with forecasting precise relationships/outcomes of given situations or phenomena

Explanatory research

Research concerned with identifying relationships of phenomena (between groups, events)

Basic research

Research concerned with obtaining knowledge

Descriptive research

Research concerned with providing accurate descriptions of phenomena

Quantitative research

Research that quantifies observations using numbers for precise measurement and statistics to analyze the data

Qualitative research

Research with emphasis on words, verbal descriptions of the world, such as certain life experience or meaning of a situation

An epidemiological research study about influenza that obtains data regarding the transmission and development of the illness based on patient medical histories would be considered what type of study?


What is it called when subjects in a study do not adequately represent the target population?

Sample error

During an initial review of a research study, the reviewer will expect the methods section of the research report to include _ _ _ _ _ _Select ALL that apply.

Sample size and sampling methods. details of data collection. a description of the study design and sampling methods.

Which of the following methods will yield the most representative sample?

Simple random sampling

What are the pyramid of 5Ss in the correct order from the bottom up?

Studies, syntheses, synopses, summaries, and systems

Which of the following may not be necessary to include in the appraisal when evaluating study sample and sampling methods?

Study setting

What is the purpose of the peer-review process?

To ensure that published works are of high quality

A researcher would most likely seek participant feedback on study results for which reason?

To increase the credibility of the study's conclusions

Why is trial and error not a preferred approach for delivering nursing care?

Trial and error is not based on systematic scientific approaches.

A longitudinal design can often determine cause and effect more accurately than a cross-sectional design.


Which of the following statements would require a citation if used in a research paper?

Zithromax has shown statistically significant results in the treatment of UTIs.

Which of the following is a strategy for generating meaning from qualitative data? a) All of these are correct. b) Making contrasts or comparisons and noting relationships between variables c) Noting patterns or themes and building a logical chain of evidence d) Clustering, counting, and making metaphors

a) All of these are correct.

Which of the followings is a source of evidence for nursing practice? Select ALL that apply. a) Intuition b) Scientific research c) Authority d) Tradition e) Personal experiences

a) Intuition b) Scientific research c) Authority d) Tradition e) Personal experiences

In which part of a research report will you likely find the description of the data collection process? a) Method/Procedure b) Literature review c) Discussion d) Findings/results

a) Method/Procedure

Which of the following is a threat to internal validity for a longitudinal study? Select ALL that apply. a) Mortality b) Reactivity c) Maturation d) Hawthorne effect

a) Mortality c) Maturation

Based on our assigned reading this week, which of the following is expected of a nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) when it comes to research and EBP? Select ALL that apply a) Possesses a basic understanding of the research processes b) Conducts independent nursing studies to generate new knowledge c) Applies research findings from nursing and other disciplines in their clinical practice d) Translate scientific knowledge into clinical interventions

a) Possesses a basic understanding of the research processes c) Applies research findings from nursing and other disciplines in their clinical practice

Which of the following is the characteristics of qualitative research? Select ALL that apply. a) Use a relatively much smaller sample size. b) More in-depth information, usually obtaining data through interviews. c) Obtains study's participants through a randomization. d) No statistical analysis used to obtain the study's results. e) Depends on tools and instruments during the data collection. f) Findings cannot be generalizable to larger population. g) Involves reviews of records or documents for numeric information.

a) Use a relatively much smaller sample size. b) More in-depth information, usually obtaining data through interviews. d) No statistical analysis used to obtain the study's results. f) Findings cannot be generalizable to larger population.

Which of the following is in a consent form to obtain an informed consent? Select ALL that apply. a) Disclosure of potential risks and benefits if participating in the study b) Disclosure of the study information to the subjects and what they are asked to do in the study. c) Statement indicating that subjects can withdraw from the study at any time. d) Statement guarantying to the subjects that they will receive a special treatment if participating in the study e) Statement confirming to the subjects that monetary compensation will be increased if staying until the study is complete.

a, b, c

A research problem is generated or identified from which of the following? Select ALL that apply. a) Current nursing theories b) Review of previous research c) National initiatives d) Clinical practice

a, b, c, d

Which of the following are factors that need to be considered when planning data collection? Select ALL that apply. a) Budget b) Type, when, and how data will be collected c) Credential of researchers d) Number of research persnnel e) Time frame

a, b, d, e

Which of the following is correct about probability and nonprobability sampling methods? Select ALL that apply. a) Probability sampling gives each individual an equal chance of being selected into a study sample. b) Nonprobability sampling methods increase the representativeness of the sample and validity of the study. c) Randomization used in probability sampling is used in an attempt to reduce the threat and selection bias. d) Nonprobability sampling yields greater generalization of the research findings to the population.

a, c

According to Figure 1-1: Evidence hierarchy, which of the following is correct? Select ALL that apply. a) Current practice guidelines possess the top level of evidence. b) Report of committees of experts is one of sources that yields the highest level of evidence. c) Case reports yield the same level of evidence as a single qualitative study, which is less than moderate. d) Meta -analysis and meta-synthesis provide the highest level of evidence. e) Level I (one) is the highest level of evidence, while level VII (seven) is the lowest. f) Among 7 levels of evidence, correlational studies fall into Level V (five) that yields a fairly weak level of evidence.

a, c, e, f

In experimental research, a treatment variable (or an intervention, experiment) is:

an independent variable.

In evaluating the reliability of a well-developed instrument, which of the following correlation coefficients would be the lowest value you would accept for reliability? a) .70 b) .80 c) .05 d) .10

b) .80

Which of the following is NOT a source of data that a researcher can use when conducting historical qualitative research? a) All of these are not sources of data for historical qualitative research. b) Direct observation c) Interviews d) Artifacts

b) Direct observation

All scientific research is equal and provides the same level of evidence. a) True b) False

b) False

Where will you find the study's purpose statement in a research article? a) Literature review section b) Introduction section c) Method section d) Methodology section

b) Introduction section

Which of the following statements is correct regarding quantitative research? Select ALL that apply a) Research studies whose purposes are to "describe" or "explore" are not quantitative research. b) Statistical tests are employed in analyzing data in quantitative research studies. c) Experimental research is the only type of quantitative research that is valid. d) Correlational research involves the use of statistics to determine relationships among variables. e) Quasi-experimental research is a useful option when controlled conditions are not possible.

b, d, e

Which of the following best defines evidence-based-practice (EBP)? a) EBP involves application of findings from research conducted by nurses in hospitals. b) EBP involves conducting research studies based on the nationally established priorities for health care. c) EBP uses a combination of best evidence derived from research and patients' needs and preferences in making decisions about health care delivery d) EBP is a determination of the factors necessary to control patient responses to healthcare system

c) EBP uses a combination of best evidence derived from research and patients' needs and preferences in making decisions about health care delivery

A community hospital has just announced it is striving to reach Magnet Recognition. Which of the following actions would most likely help the hospital to achieve this goal? a) Replace all associate-degree nurses with bachelor-degree nurses. b) Require at least half of the nurses to be published within 1 year. c) Hire advanced practice nurses who have a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree. d) Hire nurses who have advanced technology skills.

c) Hire advanced practice nurses who have a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree.

Which of the following is true regarding qualitative data collection? a) No interaction with study's participants is required when researchers are observing them. b) Researchers can probe deeper using a questionnaire than an interview. c) It is relatively inexpensive to use questionnaires to collect anonymous data. d) Anyone with strong interest in the topic can lead a focus group

c) It is relatively inexpensive to use questionnaires to collect anonymous data.

The preceptor tells a new nurse to dangle the patient's legs on the side of the bed before attempting to assist the patient to stand. The new nurse asks the preceptor why the legs need to dangle first, and the preceptor states, "This is how we always get a patient out of bed." The preceptor's statement is an example of which type of evidence? a) Trial and error b) Intuition c) Tradition d) Authority

c) Tradition

Which of the following is very likely to be a purpose of a qualitative study? Select ALL that apply. a) "The purpose of this study is to test the impact of a multi-colored, non-conventional attire on a population of children admitted to a pediatric hospital." b) "This study aims to examine the relationship between nurses' perceptions of empowerment and patient satisfaction using Kanter's theory as adapted by Laschinger and others." c) "This study aims to describe the health-care environment on a locked psychiatric ward using an observation method to view a phenomenon in the context in which it occurs." d) "The purpose of this study was to describe the overall dynamics of hope in living with HIV/AIDS." e) "The study was aimed at exploring patients' lived experience of being diagnosed with myeloma."

c, d, e

A researcher is studying how anxiety affects coping with chronic disease. He theorizes that measures to reduce anxiety will improve individuals' ability to cope with the disease. In this example, anxiety and coping are:


Which of the following is an example of a secondary source? a) A textbook on infectious diseases b) Commentary on a study by an infectious disease specialist c) A review of infectious disease research from the past 10 years d) All of these are secondary sources.

d) All of these are secondary sources.

Which of the following is true about reliability and validity of an instrument? a) As reliability increases, validity can either decrease or increase. b) There is no association between reliability and validity. c) As reliability increases, validity decreases. d) An instrument that is reliable is not necessary valid.

d) An instrument that is reliable is not necessarily valid.

The Willowbrook studies tried to justify the use of human subjects by doing which of the following? a) Leading volunteers to believe that the procedures were free special medical care b) Obtaining oral consent without documenting it and claiming that it was a standard of care to perform more dangerous procedures without written consent c) Deliberately infecting children with hepatitis d) Claiming the facility was overcrowded and not admitting children unless parents give permission for their child to participate in the study

d) Claiming the facility was overcrowded and not admitting children unless parents give permission for their child to participate in the study

A nurse has agreed to assist in collecting data from clients in a long-term-care setting. The nurse becomes concerned upon realizing that many of the clients participating in the study are cognitively impaired. Which ethical guideline may be violated? a) Confidentiality b) Beneficence c) Justice d) Informed consent (self-determination)

d) Informed consent (self-determination)

What is the efficient way to learn about a research study from among so many following a literature search? a) Look for the study's research question b) Go for the result section c) Eyeball the method section d) Review the study's abstract

d) Review the study's abstract

For a nurse trained in EBP, what is the primary purpose of performing a literature review? a) To identify gaps in the existing research on a clinical topic b) To ensure the quality of published works on a clinical topic c) To promote awareness of a clinical topic among members of the medical community d) To increase knowledge of a clinical topic with the goal of informing practice in the clinical setting

d) To increase knowledge of a clinical topic with the goal of informing practice in the clinical setting

Which of the following is correct about this journal article? This article is a(an) .......... systematic review. expert review. meta-analysis. narrative review.

systematic review This is a systematic review of qualitative studies (14 of them - see Figure-1). A systematic review of qualitative research is also known as Meta-synthesis. Meta-Analysis involves statistical analysis to determine the effect of an intervention. Refer to *Examples of Literature Reviews.*

Once a qualitative study has been evaluated for credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability, the study is considered to be:


What is important to assess when critically appraising a literature review (LR)? Select ALL that apply.

whether the LR concludes with a summary of the LR with the study implication whether the LR is relevant to the research problem. whether the LR correctly and properly documented and cited

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