EBP Review Questions

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a. Randomized controlled trials

AN EBP group is preparing to review systematic reviews to answer their PICO question. A systematic review with the best available evidence would include what type of studies? a. Randomized controlled trials b. Cohort studies c. Quasi-experimental d. Case-control studies

d. All of the above

Leaders of health care systems have an opportunity to promote an organizational culture that makes evidence-informed leadership decisions, and creates evidence-based practice environments to promote high quality, safe patient care by doing which of the following? a. Creating and enacting an organizational mission, vision, and strategic plan that incorporates evidence-based practice b. Developing and implementing performance expectations for all staff that include evidence-based practice work c. Integrating the work of evidence-based practice into the governance structure of the health system d. All of the above

a. provide an overview of the article

The abstract in a professional nursing journal is best used to: a. provide an overview of the article b. appraise the article c. determine the study methods d. recommend changes in nursing practice

a. Confidence interval

When reading study results, which of the following provides information on the clinical meaningfulness of the results? a. Confidence interval b. Beta level c. "p-value" d. Alpha level

d. If the number of participants originally enrolled in the trial complete the study.

A CONSORT Diagram is best defined as an analysis of a. content validity b. construct validity c. treatment fidelity. d. If the number of participants originally enrolled in the trial complete the study.

b. Credibility

A conscious effort to establish confidence in an accurate interpretation of the meaning of qualitative data is known as a. Trustworthiness b. Credibility c. Confirmability d. Transferability

c. Critically appraising the identified studies

A group of researchers are working on a practice change in their facility. They have developed a PICO question and completed a search of the literature. The next phase of the practice change involves? a. Obtain organizational approval to implement the change b. Dissemination of the findings to stakeholders c. Critically appraising the identified studies d. Plan implementation of the practice change

D. Ratio

A nurse researcher conducting a study on smoking, asked subjects: At what age did you start smoking? Subjects could answer the question by filling in the questionnaire with the age they started smoking. The researcher is treating age as what level of measurement? (Select all that apply) A. Nominal (will always pick a category) B. Continuous C. Ordinal D. Ratio

c. No: the result is not statistically significant

A researcher concludes that a male nurse whose license to practice nursing has been placed on probation once is nearly twice as likely to violate probation as a female nurse. Data are as follows: odds Ratio (OR) = 1.9, 95% CL = 1.25 - 10.0, P = 0.5. Should you accept the researcher's conclusion? a. Yes: the cl for the OR is wide and does not intersect 0 or 1 b. Yes: the result is statistically significant c. No: the result is not statistically significant d. No: not enough information is provided to determine

d. Exposure to the virus did not affect odds of developing asthma.

A researcher is reviewing a study that investigated the development of asthma in children who were diagnosed with respiratory syncytial virus in the first 3 months of life. The odds ratio was calculated to be 1. What does this mean? a. Exposure to the virus was associated with lower odds of asthma development. b. Exposure to the virus was associated with higher odds of asthma development. c. Asthma development is increasing in children because of exposure to the virus. d. Exposure to the virus did not affect odds of developing asthma.

c. Ethnography

A researcher wants to understand the culture of Nebraska football so as to understand why Nebraska fans are identified as "the greatest in college football". Which type of qualitative research focuses on culture? a. Grounded theory b. Phenomenology c. Ethnography d. Case study

c. Inferential statistics.

A researcher wishes to apply findings from a sample onto a population. To do this the researcher must utilize: a. Nonparametric statistics. b. Mathematical statistics. c. Inferential statistics. d. Descriptive statistics.

a. Includes current evidence obtained in the past 5 years

A staff nurse has located a clinical practice guideline for the management of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) at guideline.gov. During sharing the information with unit staff, the nurse should assure the guidelines: a. Includes current evidence obtained in the past 5 years b. Was written by staff nurses working in hospitals c. Includes only recommendations from level 1 studies d. Recommends the brand of catheters that your organizations use

D. Level V

A staff nurse has located a clinical practice guideline for the management of migraine headaches at guideline.gov. The nurse notes the guideline was developed using expert opinion only. What level of evidence should the nurse classify the clinical practice guideline? A. Level 1 B. Level II C. Level IV D. Level V

a. outcome

A study is being conducted to investigate the effect of calming communication techniques on agitation in older adults with dementia. In this study, if you were to write a PICO question, the client's level of agitation would be which of the following? a. outcome b. population c. comparison d. intervention

d. Level VI

According to the evidence hierarchy in LoBiondo-Wood (Figure 2.1 p. 24) what level of evidence is a single qualitative study? a. Level I b. Level III c. Level V d. Level VI

c. randomized control trials.

All of the following are major types of observational studies except a. crosssectional. b. survey. c. randomized control trials. d. cohort.

a. Generalizability

All of the following are terms to describe criteria for determining the trustworthiness of a qualitative research except a. Generalizability b. Confirmability c. Credibility d. transferability

d. All of the above are correct.

An evidenced-based practice project would need to evaluate which of the following a. Findings from individual studies obtain from a search using key words. b. A synthesis of findings from all relevant studies obtained from a search using key words. c. Quality of studies obtained from a search using key words. d. All of the above are correct.

d. Internal validity improves, exernal validity declines

As more controls are included in a study design, a. Internal validity declines and external validity declines. b. Internal validity declines and external validity improves. c. Internal validity improves and external validity improves. d. Internal validity improves, exernal validity declines

a. Clinical and theory articles to understand the state of the practice and theoretical perspectives and concepts that may be encountered in critiquing studies

Before critically appraising research, it is suggested to read/critique which types of the following articles first? a. Clinical and theory articles to understand the state of the practice and theoretical perspectives and concepts that may be encountered in critiquing studies b. Meta-analyses, systematic and integrative reviews to understand the state of the science c. Evidence-based practice guidelines and evidence reports d. Research articles

a. cross sectional.

Cohort studies are also known as all of the following except: a. cross sectional. b. longitudinal. c. repeated measure. d. retrospective or prospective

b. Ordinal

Data such as satisfaction level where the choices are highly satisfied, neutral and not satisfied are an example of which type of data? a. Nominal b. Ordinal c. Interval d. Ratio

f. All of the above

Essential information to include in a summary table consists of which of the following? a. Research questions/hypotheses b. Independent and dependent variables studied c. Description of the study sample and setting d. Type of research design e. Methods used to measure each variable and outcome f. All of the above

A. Client values B. Opinions of expert clinicians C. Information from scientific studies E. Findings from randomized clinical trials

Evidenced-based practice (EBP) includes: (select all that apply) A. Client values B. Opinions of expert clinicians C. Information from scientific studies D. The nurse's personal experience and intuition E. Findings from randomized clinical trials

c. incorporation of findings to current policies and procedures.

Factors to consider in the synthesis of findings include all of the following except a. overall scientific merit. b. relevance of the study to the question topic. c. incorporation of findings to current policies and procedures. d. comparison of types of subjects enrolled and their similarity to the patient population to which the findings will be applied.

a. Smith, L.E. & Jones, P.H. (2015). How to take a test: An awkward notation. Journal of Cool People, 121 (9), 221-223. doi: 12345jkls

Identify the correct APA format for a journal article. a. Smith, L.E. & Jones, P.H. (2015). How to take a test: An awkward notation. Journal of Cool People, 121 (9), 221-223. doi: 12345jkls b. Smith L. E. & Jones, P.H. (2015) How to take a test: an awkward notation. Journal of Cool People, 121,(9), 221-223. doi:12345jkls c. Smith L. E. & Jones, P.H. (2015) How to take a test: An Awkward Notation. Journal of Cool People, 121 (9) 221-223. doi: 12345jkls d. Smith L. E. & Jones, P.H. (2015). How to take a test: An Awkward Notation. Journal of Cool People, 121 (9) 221-223. doi: 12345jkls

a. intervention

If you were to develop a PICO question based on a proposed study in which relaxation techniques were used to attempt to decrease text anxiety in nursing students, what section of the PICO question would the relaxation techniques fit? a. intervention b. population c. comparison d. outcome

b. Systematic reviews

In most evidence hierarchies, which of the following study types is considered to be the top of the pyramid and to be more rigorous and hence more likely to minimize the effect of bias on the results of the study? a. Expert opinion b. Systematic reviews c. Randomized controlled trials d. Case controlled studies

c. data saturation occurs.

In qualitative research, data collection continues until a. statistical significance is achieved. b. the predetermined sample size is achieved. c. data saturation occurs. d. the pre-determined sampling time frame has ended.

d. Purposive sampling

In qualitative research, the sampling method that results in a sample that is homogeneous and reflects the population being studied is called what? a. Saturated sampling b. Cross-sectional sampling c. Random sampling d. Purposive sampling

b. If the change in the dependent variable or study outcome was related to the independent variable.

Internal validity assess for which of the following? a. If the data was collected in a consistent manner. b. If the change in the dependent variable or study outcome was related to the independent variable. c. If the sample size was representative of all studied. d. If the study methods were uniform.

b. control

Measures the researcher uses to hold the conditions of the study consistent to minimize possible bias in selection of subjects, randomization, or assignment to experimental and control group as well as error in the measurement of the dependent variables is referred to as a. external validity b. control c. internal validity d. homogeneity

a. True

Meta-analysis is a quantitative epidemiological technique that is considered a subset of systematic review. a. True b. False

Non-experimental Quantitative Descriptive

Name that design: A survey of couples asking whether their Lamaze instruction was helpful to their child birth experience.

Correlational Non-experimental

Name that design: Study purpose was to examine the relationships among hardiness, depression, and coping in institutionalized elderly.

Longitudinal Non-experimental Descriptive

Name that design: The purpose of the study was to investigate the changes in physical and functional recovery outcomes in cardiac surgery patients from the time of hospitalization to 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery.

ratio nominal ordinal interval

Name that measurement: 1. Intake and output: 2. Type of cancer: 3. Strength of contractions (mild, moderate, strong): 4. pH of urine:

d. Level IV

Observational studies provide which level of evidence? a. Level I b. Level II c. Level III d. Level IV

d. Internal validity from attrition

Of the 245 subjects that enrolled in a research study only 15p complete the entire longitudinal study. The researchers should be concerned with: a. Internal validity from maturation b. Internal validity from history c. Internal validity from instrumentation d. Internal validity from attrition

b. False

Problem-focused triggers arise when health care providers hear scientific presentations, read research articles, or published evidence-based practice guidelines and question practice. a. True b. False

c. Used to guide practice and improve clinical outcomes.

Select the true statement about clinical practice guidelines. Clinical practice guidelines are: a. Used exclusively in the United States. b. Based only on level I meta-analysis. c. Used to guide practice and improve clinical outcomes. d. Created to determine best practice for one health profession.

a. True

The EBP process uses a clinical question to search the published literature for completed studies in order to bring about improvements in care? a. True b. False

d. p value.

The probability of an event or outcome occurring in repeated trials under similar conditions is known as the: a. Odds ratio. b. Effect size. c. Likelihood ratio. d. p value.

b. The current pediatric cancer patients at Nebraska Medicine

The research team is interested in improving the quality of life in pediatric cancer patients. An ACCESSIBLE population for this research team would include: a. The 45 patients that consented to and enrolled in the study b. The current pediatric cancer patients at Nebraska Medicine c. The current adult cancer patients at Nebraska Medicine d. All pediatric cancer patients in the US

c. Include randomized groups.

To avoid selection bias, it would be best for the researcher to a. Maintain constancy. b. Assure homogeneity. c. Include randomized groups. d. Limit maturation.

d. truths.

Variables in surveys can be classified as all of the following except a. opinions. b. attitudes. c. facts. d. truths.

c. select an EBP topic.

What is the first step in the evidence-based process? a. form a team of health care providers. b. retrieve evidence. c. select an EBP topic. d. critically appraise evidence.

Phenomenology grounded theory ethnography historical

What type of qualitative design to answer this research question?: What is the lived experience of a women dying from breast cancer? What is the process of recovery following breast cancer? What are the self-care practices of Athabascan Indians in Glenallen, Alaska? What were the ancient romans basic beliefs regarding hygiene and hand washing?

b. Type I error.

When a research team develops conclusions from their study and report that the findings are significant when they actually are not, the situation is referred to as: a. Effect size. b. Type I error. c. Null value. d. Type II error.

b. Centralized data storage

When designing an intervention study using an experimental design, which of the following is not an essential feature to be included in the design? a. Control b. Centralized data storage c. Randomization d. Manipulation

a. Select key words that relate to the intervention and outcomes

When searching databases for evidence related to your PICO questions, which of the following should you do first? a. Select key words that relate to the intervention and outcomes b. Focus on primary studies c. Use different key words in each database d. Check professional organizations for recommendations

d. The Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research (AHRQ)

Which agency is associated with the National Guideline Clearinghouse, a publicly available database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and related documents? a. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) b. The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) c. The United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) d. The Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research (AHRQ)

f. All of the above

Which of the following are clinical questions derived from the problem? a. Therapy b. Harm c. Diagnosis d. Prognosis e. Meaning f. All of the above

B. Lewis, M. & Ramsay, D.S. (2011). Effect of maternal soothing on infant stress response. Child Development, 70, 11-20.

Which of the following article titles is most likely reflective of a primary source of evidence? A. Gunnar, M. R. (2014). Psychobiological studies of stress and coping: An introduction. Child Development, 58, 1403-14 B. Lewis, M. & Ramsay, D.S. (2011). Effect of maternal soothing on infant stress response. Child Development, 70, 11-20. C. Gunnar, M.R., Connors, J., & Isensee, J. U. (2012). Looking for the Rosetta Stone: An essay on crying, soothing, and stress. In M. Lewis & D. Ramsay (Eds), Soothing and stress (pp. 38-56). Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. D. Kirschbaum, D. & Hellhammer, D. H. (2015). Salivary cortisol in psychobiological research: An overview. Neuropsychobiology, 22, 150-169.

d. The degree to which findings can be generalized to other populations or other environments.

Which of the following best describes external validity? a. The degree to which one can infer that the experimental treatment rather than another condition or variable resulted in the outcome or observed effect. b. Assessment that the intervention the subject performs is completed as intended. c. Similarity of conditions among all participants present. d. The degree to which findings can be generalized to other populations or other environments.

d. Description of health care needs and understanding of needs from the lived experience.

Which of the following best describes qualitative research? a. A method to determine which nursing model is most effective b. A comparison of two medications to dtermine which is most cost effective. c. Review of historical development of wound care. d. Description of health care needs and understanding of needs from the lived experience.

d. Internal Validity

Which of the following is NOT a component of intervention fidelity? a. Enactment b. Training c. Delivery d. Internal Validity

b. Confirmability

Which of the following is a criteria to critique the quality and rigor of qualitative research? a. Validity b. Confirmability c. Reliability d. Objectivity

d. Nurses' time spent implementing a weight loss program

Which of the following is a process measure related to an evidenced-based nursing practice change? a. Number of falls in a nursing home setting b. Hospital acquired infection rates in surgical patients c. Skin breakdown rates among spinal cord injury patients d. Nurses' time spent implementing a weight loss program

b. The sample should be representative of individuals in the overall population experiencing the issue or condition

Which of the following is a true statement about samples in observational studies? a. Sample size is not important b. The sample should be representative of individuals in the overall population experiencing the issue or condition c. Inclusion criteria are not necessary d. Loss of participants (subject attrition) is not important in a cohort study

a. Smoking cessation reports from participants for 6 months prior to implementation, mid-way during implementation (3 months), and following implementation of a "Stop Smoking" program

Which of the following is an example of an evidence-based practice approach? a. Smoking cessation reports from participants for 6 months prior to implementation, mid-way during implementation (3 months), and following implementation of a "Stop Smoking" program b. Comparison of blood pressure in one group who walk 20 minutes a day/5 days a week versus another group who are sedentary c. Measuring heart rate on volunteers who listen to music prior to sleep versus volunteers who do not listen to music prior to sleep d. Comparison of patient satisfaction scores from two medical surgical units over a 3-month period

c. The "why" something has occured is described.

Which of the following is associated with qualitative research? a. Outcomes are of a primary concern rather than process. b. Relationships among variables are studied in qualitative research. c. The "why" something has occured is described. d. How many times a particular result occurred is the focus.

c. Cash flow

Which of the following is not a component of the PICO Model? a. Population b. Intervention c. Cash flow d. Outcome

b. Exposure

Which of the following is not an essential feature of a randomized control study (RCT)? a. Control b. Exposure c. Randomization d. Manipulation

c. Use of theory-derived, research-based information in making decisions about health care delivery, with the consideration of individual needs and preferences of the provider

Which of the following is the best definition of evidence-based practice? a. Application of research findings based on science in the clinical setting b. Research studies that correspond to nationally established priorities c. Use of theory-derived, research-based information in making decisions about health care delivery, with the consideration of individual needs and preferences of the provider

c. Credibility

You are reading a qualitative study on the lived experience of being trans. The researchers did not describe how long they were in the field collecting evidence. You do not know if that was collected over days, weeks, months, or years. As an astute nursing student, you might question what aspect of the rigor in this study? a. Transferability b. Sampling method c. Credibility d. Qualitative design used

c. a dynamic continuum from basic research through application of research findings in practice, communities, and public health settings to improve health and health outcomes, progresses across five phases.

Which of the following is the best description of translational research? a. the systematic investigation of a phenomenon to answer research questions or hypotheses that advances the state of the science. b. the focus is on the generation and synthesis of evidence that compares benefits and harms of alternative methods to prevent, diagnose, treat, and monitor a clinical condition, or to improve the delivery of care. c. a dynamic continuum from basic research through application of research findings in practice, communities, and public health settings to improve health and health outcomes, progresses across five phases. d. a field of science that focuses on testing implementation interventions to improve uptake and use of evidence to improve patient outcomes and population health, and explicate what implementation strategies work for whom, in what settings, and why.

a. Internal validity

Which of the following measures of control are generally easier for the researcher to control? a. Internal validity b. External validity c. Extraneous variable d. Generalizability

d. All of the above

Which of the following questions should be considered when identifying key stakeholders for an evidence-based practice team? a. Who is likely to lead and champion implementation of the practice? b. Who can influence the decision to proceed with implementation of the practice, either positively or negatively? c. What type of cooperation is needed from stakeholders for the practice change to be successful? d. All of the above

b. Use of an Intervention Manual

Which of the following should the reader assess when thinking about critically appraising intervention fidelity? a. Blinding b. Use of an Intervention Manual c. Power analysis d. Power calculation

d. EBP evaluation includes quality improvement metrics that address both processes of care and patient outcomes.

Which of the following statements comparing evidence-based practice to the conduction of research is true? a. EBP poses research questions or hypotheses that advance the state of the science. b. The purpose of EBP is to gain knowledge/science generation. c. Standardized-dependent measures with known reliability and validity are used as evaluation methods for EBP. d. EBP evaluation includes quality improvement metrics that address both processes of care and patient outcomes.

c. The common data collection method is interview with verbatim transcription of exactly what the participants have said.

Which of the following statements regarding qualitative research is true? a. The sample size is large. b. Randomized controlled sampling is most often used. c. The common data collection method is interview with verbatim transcription of exactly what the participants have said. d. A predetermined time for discussion between the researcher and participant is followed for all interviews.

B. Systematic reviews - most correct C. Meta-analyses - also correct

Which of the following synthesizes the results and implications of a large number of studies addressing the same clinical problem? A. Integrative reviews B. Systematic reviews C. Meta-analyses D. Peer reviews

a. Concealment

Which of the following terms is used to describe the process of protecting the randomization process to make sure the group assignment is not readily known by anyone before the subject is assigned to a group? a. Concealment b. Blind c. Control d. Intenttotreat analysis

d. All of the above

Which of the following would a nurse researcher do to promote intervention fidelity in his/her study? a. Identify sources of bias before the study begins. b. Collect data in the same way from each subject and under the same conditions. c. Randomize the sample d. All of the above

c. Complicated and challenging to implement

Which of the following would be a barrier that inhibits nurses from using clinical practice guidelines (CPGs)? Clinical practice guidelines are: a. Difficult to access b. Not based on research findings c. Complicated and challenging to implement d. Always Level 1 evidence.

b. Older adults = population / decubiti = outcome / frequent turning = intervention / pressure relief mattress = intervention

Which of the matched components of the following PICO question is correct? In older adults does turning vs. pressure relief mattresses result in fewer decubiti? a. Older adults = outcome / decubiti = intervention / frequent turning = comparison / pressure relief mattress = population b. Older adults = population / decubiti = outcome / frequent turning = intervention / pressure relief mattress = intervention c. Older adults = intervention / decubiti = comparison / frequent turning = population / pressure relief mattress = outcome

a. Data is collected at multiple time points.

Which of the statements about data for cohort studies is true? a. Data is collected at multiple time points. b. Subjects are randomized. c. Subjects are chosen based by convenience sampling. d. Exposure is controlled.

b. Evidence-based practice and conduct of research have distinct purposes, questions, approaches, and evaluative measures.

Which statement regarding evidence-based practice is true? a. The nursing profession is the sole contributor and user of EBP. b. Evidence-based practice and conduct of research have distinct purposes, questions, approaches, and evaluative measures. c. Teams working with EBP should consist of only health care providers. d. EBP and translation science are interchangeable terms.

d. Efficacy trial

Which term is used to describe a trial that is statistically powered and designed to test an intervention under wellcontrolled conditions. a. Open label b. Effectiveness trial c. Feasibility study d. Efficacy trial

d. Grounded Theory

Which type of qualitative research method is used to generate theories about clinical practice and understanding about many different aspects of health care. a. Phenomenology b. Case Study c. Ethnography d. Grounded Theory

a. Purdue Owl

Which website is appropriate for finding accurate APA formatting? a. Purdue Owl b. Library on Loan c. Western Literature d. Google

a. Level 1

a systematic review of Latina breastfeeding duration articles would be considered what level of evidence? a. Level 1 b. Level 2 c. Level 3 d. Level 4 e. Level 5

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