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___________ are most appropriate for children with developmental delays.

Open-ended art activities

Knowing how to be a part of a social group is natural and inborn in human beings.


Preschoolers' ability to perceive, respond, and be sensitive becomes less obvious and less refined; this is obvious in their spontaneous creations using a wide variety of materials.


The term social-emotional growth refers to two kinds of growth; emotional growth is the child's growth as a member of a group and social growth is the growth of a child's feelings


To grasp the concept of ecology with young children, they need to learn most about the finished product, rather than observing the total process.


Using food for art is not confusing at all for young children.


While working with young children, the knowledge that comes from investigating is more important than then process of investigating; the answers are more important than learning how to find the answers.


In 1996, the National Research Council defined a standard that supports the idea that children can best learn science when it is presented through hands-on, meaningful, and relevant activities, known as ___________________________________.

National Science Education Standards

Teachers also benefit from encouraging creativity, in such ways as:

-Being able to provide for more and greater variety in the program -Being able to develop closer relationships with children -Using a minimum of standardized curricula and external evaluation

Match the following theories with their description

-Onlooker behavior -------The earliest stage of play in which the child plays passively by watching or conversing with other children engaged in play activities -Solitary play -----During early toddlerhood, a child at first generally plays alone, using their senses to explore before they use any objects in play -Parallel play ------As toddler's social realm expands, he or she will play side by side with other children with some interactions but without direct involvement -Associate play -----As children's ability to play with other children develops further, the child merely becomes present in a group -Cooperative play -------As children become more comfortable with their social ties, young children begin to talk about, plan and carry out play with other children

Which of the following ways provide young children developmentally appropriate aesthetic experiences in the early childhood program?

-Provide many opportunities to create art -Provide many opportunities to look at and talk about art -Help children become aware of art in their everyday lives

The following reason(s) for children to engage in violent play is:

-They have witnessed violence in their homes, communities, and on TV -They are looking for a way to feel powerful and strong -Many of today's toys are action figures and video games have strong appeal showing dramatic power and excitement

Teachers can make children's art experiences meaningful through thoughtful dialogue, such as...

-Use descriptive rather than judgmental terms when talking about art. -Introduce language to talk about the affect and aesthetics of the artwork. -Ask children to reflect on artistic intentions and feelings.

The following are some suggestions on how to give young children guidance when using______. Ask questions aimed at helping children reach out for an get the "payoff" they are seeking. Avoid always doing things the same way. Be positive and creative when using models or examples. Help children select the materials they prefer. Help children "hunt" for aesthetic qualities. Help children use other sense when only one sense seems necessary. Help children experience basic elements of art such as line, rhythm, and contrast in many art forms.

Aesthetic materials

Grant Wood created one of the most widely recognized paintings in America; the painting consists of a farmer standing in front of a wooden house, holding a pitchfork, with his unsmiling daughter next to him. The painting is known as_______.

American Gothic

As an art form, _________, refers to pacing a number of 3D objects, natural or manmade, in juxtaposition to create a unified composition; materials are combined in a new context to express an abstract, poetic, or representational theme.


Please match Piaget's states of mental/cognitive development

Birth to two years ---Sensorimotor Stage: uses all senses to explore the world; nonverbal communication; gains object performance (objects exist when not seen); moves from reflect action to directed actions toward a goal Two to seven years -----Preoperational Stage: Child begins to carry out mental actions that require forming and using images and symbols; rapid language growth; has trouble reversing actions or understanding how objects can change shape but still be the same object; has inflexible thinking; does not think about something from more than one perspective; understanding other points of view is difficult because child is egocentric Seven to eleven years -----Concrete operations: develops basic concepts of objects, numbers, time, space, and causality; develops reversibility; can classify by different categories; uses concrete objects to learn and draw conclusions; basic logic develops, but is tied to physical reality Eleven to fifteen years ----Formal operations: child can think abstractly and hypnotically; can generate diverse possible solutions for problems; can evaluate alternatives based on many criteria; can form and test hypotheses, using scientific method

The role of ______ and ______ is central to the development of creativity, at all ages.

Exploration and play

Research completed by Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care examined the relationship between television/video viewing and markers of diet quality among three year old children. They found:

More television viewing is associated with adverse dietary practices.

A storytelling picture or panel intended for a large wall space is called a ________, another form of picture making.


________________________ is considered the number one health risk for children in the United States.


The early basic form stage is the __________; as children improve their muscle control, the child then begins to purposefully draw ____________.

Oval and circle; rectangle and square

________ (paper-mache) is another modeling material, is easy to work with, does not crack or break readily, and is inexpensive.

Paper pulp

_____, found that creative children possess many likable qualities, such as determination, curiosity, intuition, a willingness to take risks, a preference for complex ideas, and a sense of humor.

Paul Torrance

This theorist defined play as assimilation, or the child's effort to make environmental stimuli match his or her own concepts; play does not necessarily result in the formation of new cognitive structures, yet only for pleasure.


________ has been defined as the scientific study of ordinary human strengths and virtues; concerned with positive traits, positive emotions, and positive intuitions

Positive Psychology

According to Carl Rogers, a noted psychologist, every human being is born with the drive to do his best in this life (actualizing tendency), to be positively regarded by the people in his life; a child develops a positive concept by the way he is treated by others.


The following is a website that allows readers to add and edit content, allowing for a large, collaborative class project that sorts a lot of information onto separate web pages


Children enjoy creativity and benefit from it in many ways, including:

-Learning to feel good about themselves -Learning to seek many answers to a problem -Developing their individuality

2D art is "in the round" which means that one can look at it from many sides; modeling with clay, working with play dough, making creations with paper boxes, and creating other sculpture forms are examples of 2D art activities.


________________________ are the leading cause of death for children under age 14; often occur to children who have had little opportunity to explore, to find out for themselves, or to experience minor scrapes and bumps.


_______ emphasize doing things for the pure joy of it; these must not be any practical purpose or reason for doing.

Aesthetic experiences

_____ involves bringing into existence something genuinely new that receives social validation enough to be added to the culture.

Capital C creativity

Multicultural education is important in the early years of education:

Deserve to be in a program where it is safe for them to be who they are and learn the truth about themselves, the real world and the people in it- ENCOURAGES SENSE OF SELF Deserve to move ahead in their thinking and learn to function successfully and cooperatively in a culturally diverse society and world- PROMOTES HEALTHY COGNITIVE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Deserve to experience living in a society made up of many people from different cultures; the world is changing- PREPARES CHILDREN FOR THE FUTURE Deserve to understand and accept that there are other perspectives and other ways of being in the world- DISCOURAGES DENIAL AND FEAR OF DIFFERENCES

According to Sir Ken Robinson, two things are inherent in creativity. These two things are..

Habits and habitats

The National Council for Social Studies standards begin at _____________________ and continue up to and including grade 12.


_______________________ allow concrete, hands-on exploration and representation of mathematical concepts; these consist of things such as blocks, cuisenair rods, coins, and clocks.


Match the form or art with its history.

Original for drawing, and still is use today, were pure earth, cut and shaped into implements; the addition as a binder created fabricating material that we know as pastel. Used by the early master painters were generally limited to reds, black and white. ----Chalk Examples of the use begin in the 19th century; consist of an oily or waxy binder impregnated with pigments of color. Records exist of a variety of prescriptions for binders, involving soap, salad oil, linseed oil, spermaceti, and beeswax. ----Crayons The earliest known, black carbon was prepared by the Egyptians and Chinese. This was follows by iron-gall, bistre, and sepia. Today a wide variety is available, but the best know is India, which is really a waterproof carbon black. ----Ink Were not successfully developed until the 20th century. ----Pens Bristles obtained from the bodies of hogs and boars found in Central and Eastern Europe. Splits into two or three tiny forms on the end called flags. -----Brushes

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has developed a set of __________________________________________________ in 2000; these standards propose mathematical content and processed students should know and be able to use as they progress through school. There are 10 standards, five content standards and five process standards, that apply across the Pre-k to 12 grade span.

Principles and Standards for Children Pre-K - 12

It is the adult's responsibility to protect young children from possible poisoning accidents by teaching them important safety measures:

Take medications only from adult family members, parents, physicians, or health personnel Understand that some things are to eat, while others are not

According to KidsHealth (2009), the percentage of overweight children in the United States is growing at an alarming rate, with one out of ______________ children are considered overweight or obese.


According to pediatrician Alan Greene, M.D., fitness is best defined in two ways: decreasing the amount of time children spend in sedentary pursuits each day and increasing active play.


According to the text book, books can be used to teach young children mathematics, making sure that all the following are considered: Are the math connections natural Does the book stimulate curiosity and a sense of wonder; are children inspired to do their own investigation Would I read this book to the children even if I weren't choosing it for a math lesson Is the book meaningful to children; can they make personal connections


In order to classify, children must be able to observe an object for likenesses and differences, as well as for attributes associated with purpose, position, location, or some other factor.


Learning a language and becoming culturally competent teacher both require a commitment to study and practice, reflection on the learning process, openness to feedback, and a willingness to collaborate with others.


Leaving multicultural education out of the curriculum gives children and families the message that it isn't important; it is our job as educators to make sure that the classrooms include all kinds of people doing all kinds of things and living out their daily lives in many different ways.


Multicultural education includes teaching young children about their own culture, ethnic heritage; exposing children to other cultures and helping them be comfortable with and respect all the ways people are different from each other and how they relate to one another.


Science in early childhood is very broad and should be thought of as more than "doing" science, such as growing plants or taking a nature walk.


The goals of traffic safety should address the midblock or "dart-out" accident and include the following points: stop before entering any street; listen and look for traffic before crossing the street; walk across residential streets cautiously; be able to interpret traffic signs and signals correctly.


The term environment refers to both man-made and natural things in a child's surroundings; anything that contributes to children's experiences, good or bad, such as home, school, and neighborhood, are all part of child's environment.


Match the appropriate mathematical word with it's definition.

When children can count 1 to 10 in proper order, with no specific meaning for the child- ROLE COUNTING When a child understands the numerals represents the position of an object in sequence and the last number counted in a sequence of objects represents all the objects in the sequence- RATIONAL COUNTING When a child counts items correctly, one number per item- ONE TO ONE CORRESPONDENCE When children count only with number names that are meaningful to them (one, two, three)- CARDINAL NUMBERS When children refer to the place of an object in a series of numbers (first, second, third)- ORDINAL NUMBERS

A researcher from the Department of Pediatrics, West Virginia University, and two public health workers in West Virginia Health Departments studied the relationship between increased fitness and cognitive performance in both adults and children; the results of this study indicate that ___________________ has a significant association with academic performance.

aerobic training

To help children have an appreciation for one another, it is most important for adults to:

deep belief in worth of child; accepting attitude toward each child; unqualified support for each child's development of skills

There are three types of science experiences for young children:

experiences are planned by the teacher to develop particular skills- FORMAL SCIENCE calls for little or no teacher involvement; children work on their own, at their own rate, and only when they feel like it; select activities that interest them- INFORMAL SCIENCE cannot be planned- INCIDENTAL SCIENCE

There are two important things that both the child and scientists do and should not be separated; they _______________ and discover ________________.

investigate; knowledge

__________ is nourished by teachers who help young children focus on the variations and contrasts in the environment; the feel and look of smooth bark and rippling rough bark, for example.

Sensory awareness

Match the following with their most typical form of play

-Children under the age of three engage in -----Exploratory play: objective being to explore the world through physical actions, to experiment with their movements, and discover what they can do. -Children age three to seven years of age engage in -------Play: more than exploration, and efforts to know and understand become more important than sensory experiences, through free (spontaneous) or organized play -Free play is -----Flexible, unplanned by adults, self-selected and open -Organized play is -----Open, flexible, yet some structure is provided by materials and equipment

The following are types of sensing and feeling:

-Contact with the world outside of the person- actual sensory contact with things and events. -What people feel with themselves; what they experience under their skin. -Goes beyond the present and reality; called fantasy and includes dreams, memories, images and guesses.

Technology can enhance the early childhood program in the following way(s):

-It provides variety in the program -It builds on other things children have experienced in the preschool program -It leads to interesting learning experiences -It leads children to create materials or develop new ideas

Match the following theorist with their theory of play

-Parten -------Play is a measure of child's increasing social maturity; developmental stages of play; onlooker, solitary, parallel, associative and cooperative -Piaget ------Play is assimilation child makes world adapt to him; three stages of play: sensorimotor, symbolic, and games with rules -Smilansky ------Play aids child's social development; sic criteria of dramatic play: imitative role play, make-believe, verbal make-believe, persistence in role play, interaction, and verbal communication -Vygotsky ------Play directly supports the development of child's cognitive powers; symbolic play promotes abstract thinking

Imagination is more important than knowledge, was said by_____.

Albert Einstein

Cooking does more than build physical, health and safety, and social skills:

Children can dictate stories, anecdotes from home, and highlights of their experiences cooking in the classroom- DRAWING AND WRITING Children can predict the outcome of the cooking experiences and compare their predictions- SCIENCE Children can use their imagination to extend, modify, or change the recipe- CREATIVE ACTIVITIES Children can taste all the different ways apples are used in cooking and eating- SCIENCE CENTER Children can participate in sequencing, estimating counting, adding, working with fractions, and discriminating size and shape- MATH Children can understand a recipe through words and numbers- READING

Food activities help children develop new concepts in many areas:

Children observe that foods change from liquids to solids and from solids to liquids. Children find out how heating or mixing changes taste. Children experience many shapes, sizes, and colors of food. Children learn new words and to express themselves. Children learn about other cultures.

Please match the following types of blog with their description

Classroom News Blogs ----Used to share news and information with parents and students, often the first type of blog a teacher will use Mirror blogs -----Allows bloggers to reflect on their thinking Showcase blogs ----Posts student's art projects, podcasts, and writing Literature Response Blogs -----Common in elementary classrooms, where teachers post a prompt and invite student responses to a text

Hand-eye coordination refers to the ability to use hand(s) and eyes at the same time. What is a good example of an activity where hand-eye coordination comes into play?

Clay modeling Painting

A ________ is a picture made by applying various materials to a flat surface; the word comes from the French word coller, meaning "to paste or stick."


__________ are the most basic, most familiar and easiest tool for young preschoolers to use.


A __________ is a guide to what a child can do in art at different ages, but it is not a struct guideline; these tell the teacher what came before and what is to come in the artwork of a young child.

Developmental level

_______ instruction is a way of thinking about teaching and learning.


Precursors of social studies are covered in early childhood curricula in concrete ways:

Economic precursor; playing store- NUMBER SENSE Geography precursor; making simple maps of familiar places- SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE History precursor; understanding the time sequence in the daily routine- TEMPORAL AWARENESS

The process of human development follows a general pattern that includes growth in three basic directions:

Gross-motor development to fine-motor development -----The first direction of growth is large to small muscle meant that large muscle develops in the neck, trunk, arms and legs before the small muscles in the fingers, hands, wrists and eye develop Cephalocaudal development -----The second direction of growth, from head to toe, explaining why a baby is able to hold up his head long before he is able to walk; the muscles develop from the head down Proximodistal development ------The third pattern of development is from inside to outside, explain the ability of a baby to roll over before he is able to push himself up with his arms

A child's artwork should be displayed in the classroom if it is a finished product and everyone else's work is displayed.


Art experiences are not an essential part of the early childhood curriculum


Building a warm and friendly feelings, a rapport, between teacher and child is always easy and happens quickly; the best learning and teaching take place, when the children and teacher have this feeling for each other.


Children should be limited time allowed to physically and mentally explore, when provided a variety of materials to encourage children's creative exploration.


Placement of computers within a classroom, where that are easily visible by children, has no impact on encouraging children's learning.


Play is not an important part of developmentally appropriate child care program; it does not have any effect on child's physical, mental, emotional or social growth.


When creating food activities, one should consider making sure the activities are varied, easy and close-ended to allow for no confusion.


When working with children with visual impairments, one should use low-contrast materials, such as dull colors on light papers.


reating art is a simple mental process. It involves mental skills such as problem solving, predicting, design, and cause and effect.


Match the following stages of drawing according to Victor Lowenfeld:

First Stage of Self Expression - Scribbling Stage ----2-4 years First Representational Attempts - Preschematic Stage ----4-7 years Achievement of a Form Concept - Schematic Stage -----7-9 years Dawning Realism - Gang Stage ----9-11 years Pseudonaturaslistic - Stage of Reasoning ----11-13 years

An aesthetic sense means...

I enjoy what I see; I like what I hear

Match the following basic types of children's websites with their description:

Information sites ---Enhanced with sounds and videos, this site is rich reference resources that teachers and parents can use to model or assist children in answering questions, use to model or assist in answering questions, making new discoveries, and building knowledge Communication sites -----Children interact with teachers, friends, relatives or classrooms across the street, in another city, or even across the globe; using simple email addresses to write letters, compose stories, create poems, or work on a class project Interaction sites -----Similar to software programs, using sound, animation, sound effects, and high quality realistic graphics Publication cites -----Used as a resource to actually display children's work

Curriculum that encourages creativity the most in young children is an ______ curriculum.

Integrated intergraded

There are some basic guidelines for preparing a stimulating activity of object.

Is the activity well paced? Are the children interested in it? Can children interact with it? Can children experience it with more than one sense?

___________________________ stated, "Preventing conflicts is the work of politics; establishing peace is the work of education."

Maria Montessori

Two fascinating form sculptures. _______ have been in existence for centuries in many countries; produces movement with changing patterns; making this involved decisions about balance, design sculpture, form, space and color. _______ are stationary, abstract creations made on a base that is freestanding and immobile.

Mobiles; stabiles

______, or physical growth, refers to growth in the ability of children to use their bodies

Motor development

While working with young children, the focus should be on the ____, that is, developing and generating original ideas.


While working with older children, creativity involves greater emphasis on the criterion of high-quality, original _______.

Products or solutions

A climate pf psychological safety is essential to the growth of a child's self-acceptance; this safe, accepting environment doesn't just happen but is carefully planned by

Provide an environment that is comfortable for the age level of the group Provide materials and activities that are age appropriate Accept children at their present developmental level Provide an environment that is appropriate for children with special needs Provide creative materials and activities that the children can work on and complete by themselves

Please match the theories of art development according to Rhoda Kellogg:

Scribble Stage - 20 basic scribbles ----2 years old Combine Stage (Diagrams) - Basic Shapes ----3 years old Aggregate Stage - Two or more diagrams -----4 years old Pictorial Stage - Representational Art -----5 years old

Match up the theories of art development according to Herbert Read

Scribble: 2-4 years Line: 4 years Descriptive Symbolism: 5-6 years Descriptive Realism: 7-8 years Visual Realism: 9-10 years Repression: 11-14 years Artistic Revival: 14 years

The ability to get along with others, known as _______, is an important factor in child-to-child relationships.

Social Competence

_________________________ are the leading source of added sugar in the diet of American children.

Soft drinks

A _________ is a visual representation of something important to the child; it may be a human figure, animal, tree, or similar figure.


Match the following vocabularies with their definition.

The element of _____ is most frequently associated with music, dance, and poetry, but it can be just as much a quality in art. (rhythm) The term ______ encompasses a broad range of media including TV, computer games, movies, books, comic books, advertising, entertainment, toys, games, and trading cards. (kid culture) The element of ______ provides one of the most exciting characteristics in all the arts; sensitive teachers frequently help children become more aware of the power of _______ by pointing out how two colors next to each other makes the shapes stand out. (contrast)

Learning about people, places and environments is the __________ social studies theme in the national standards.


The objective of Drawing Inside the Box are:

To control their movements while using drawing tools To increase attention span/focus/intention To develop prewriting and fine motor skills To build receptive and expressive language skills

A netlike group of cells helps to decide what we are to be conscious of as it filters out other information, allowing only vital and important sensory input into our conscious awareness is called Reticular activating system (RAS)


An example of exercising large motor development is painting with a brush on a large piece of paper just as well as dancing


Children learn the best when the experience the world firsthand - by touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing.


Children love to play because it is intrinsically motivated, meaning that no one else tells them what to do or how to do it


Children should be encouraged and provided opportunities to interact and communicate with other children and adults in an atmosphere of acceptance.


Controlled scribbling is the beginning stages of picture making/drawing, also referring to any and all forms of purposeful visual expressions.


In 1956, a new type of modeling clay for children was invented and began popping up in schools and stores everywhere; originally it came in only one color, off-white, and came in a 1.5-pound carboard can.


Infants sense with their whole bodies. They are open to all feelings; experience is not separated from thinking.


Questioning strategies encourages creativity in young children.


Small motor activities, such as painting, cutting, pasting, and clay modeling; involve the use of small muscles such as those in fingers, hands, and wrists, and helps to exercise and develop child's motor control


Social studies is the study of human beings in their environment and of the concepts, skills, and attitudes that are needed in order to become social beings.


Teachers can modify gluing and pasting processes for children who find assemblage activities challenging.


Teachers play an important role in the success of the early childhood art program; they much choose the right materials as well as know the right way to set up and use the materials for each activity. They must adapt the early childhood program so that the program basics meet the needs of young children with special needs.


Teachers should ask themselves two questions each day when working with preschool children, and should be able to answer "yes", followed by the question "how". Have the children done something today that has helped them feel good about themselves? Have the children done something today that has helped them use their imagination in either the past present and future?


The basic goals of the early childhood art program are: process, not product; needs of the children; originality and independence; creative thinking; individualized progress.


The curriculum must be developmentally appropriate for young children, allowing children to be both physically and mentally active, engaging them in active rather than passive activities.


The latest catchphrase to spread throughout the online educational community is personal learning network, referring to a collection of people and resources you can consult to learn something or to get answer to your questions


The term aesthetics refers to a appreciation for beauty and a feeling of wonder; aesthetic experience begins with and depends on the senses.


The world pencil comes from the Latin pencillus, which means "little brush."


There are 10 thematic strands of social studies: Production, distribution, and consumption; global connections; science, technology, and society; civic ideals and practices; power, authority, and governance; people, places, and environments; culture; time, continuity, and change; individual development and identity; individuals, groups and institutions.


There are a number of skills that children learn when working with foods; they strengthen small muscles when measuring, pouring, and mixing foods; they are able to observe that a tablespoon is larger than a teaspoon; they work together to prepare a dish.


There are two facts based on theories of children's art. The first is that all children go through definite stages in their development of art. The second is that the pace of each child's development in art varies with the child.


To ensure that computer technology enhances the learning experiences of young children, standards of Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) must be applied to using technology just as they are to other materials and methods in the classroom; technology doesn't drive purposeful learning, it is the teacher's intentional instructional planning does


Toys for children with special needs need to be adapted and accessible as with all other typically developing children


While observing a child in the scribble stage, one should watch for age, motor control, arm movements, types of scribbles and use of paper.


Please match the following Stages or Erickson's Psychosocial Development

Trust vs. Mistrust ----Birth and first year; most fundamental stage; trust based on dependability and quality of caregivers; successful completion- child feels safe and secure in the world; unsuccessful completion- failutre to develop trust, fear, belief world is inconsistent and unpredictable Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt ------Early preschool childhood/preschool years; child develops greater sense of personal control; child learning to control body functions leads to feeling control over food choices, toy preferences, clothing selection; successful completion- child feels secure and confident; unsuccessful completion- sense of inadequacy and self-doubt Initiative vs. Guilt -----Preschool years; child asserts power and control over the world through directing play and other social interactions; successful completion- child feels capable and able to lead others; unsuccessful completion- sense of guilt, self-doubt and lack of initiative Industry vs. Inferiority -----Ages five to eleven; through social interaction, child begins to develop a sense of pride in accomplishments and abilities; successful completion- children who are encouraged and commended by parents and teachers develop feelings of competence and belief in their skills; unsuccessful completion- child doubts ability to be successful

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