Econ Quizzes 17-22

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the total product curve shows the relationship between total product and ...

the quantity of labor

an increase in the price of labor (a variable resource) shifts ...

the variable cost curve upward but leaves the fixed cost curves unchanged

price discrimination is possible, in part, because ...

the willingness to pay can vary among groups of buyers

a single-price monopoly faces a linear demand curve. If the marginal revenue for the second unit is $20, then the marginal revenue for the ...

third is less than $20

for a single-price monopolist, why is marginal revenue less than price?

to sell another unit, the price must be lowered

the short run is a time period that is ...

too short to change the size of the firm's plant

the vertical distance between total cost curve and total variable cost curve is equal to ...

total fixed cost

what cost can be positive when output is zero?

total fixed cost

an insurance agent rents a building and has a three-year lease. An increase in the rent for the building increases the agent's ...

total fixed cost and average fixed cost

average total cost equals ...

total fixed cost divided by output

the marginal product of labor is the change in ...

total output from employing one more worker

average product is equal to ...

total product ÷ quantity of labor

average variable cost equals ...

total variable cost divided by output

marginal cost equals

total variable cost divided by total output

Chuck owns a factory that produces leather footballs. His total fixed cost equaled $86,000 last year. His total cost equaled $286,000 last year. Hence Chuck's ...

total variable cost equaled $200,000

because the amount of labor a firm employs can be changed, the cost of labor is known as a ...

variable cost

the law of decreasing returns states that as a firm uses more of a ...

variable input, with a given quantity of fixed inputs, the marginal product of the variable input eventually decreases

to maximize its profit, in the short run a perfectly competitive firm decides ...

what quantity of output to product

what is true about marginal and average products?

when the marginal product exceeds the average product, the average product must be increasing

if a firm in a perfectly competitive market faces an equilibrium price of $5, its marginal revenue ...

will also be $5

when used with a natural monopoly, an average cost pricing rule results in ...

zero economic profit for the firm

Austin owns the Fruit Bowl food truck. What would be the short run decisions for Austin?

how much fruit to buy and how many workers to hire

a single-price monopoly must ...

lower the price for all customers if it wants to increase its sales

compared to setting a single price, if a firm can price-discriminate it ...

makes a larger economic profit

if a perfectly competitive firm's average total cost is less than the price, then the firm ...

makes an economic profit

if total fixed cost increases, what will not change?

marginal cost

if another worker is hired with a marginal product greater than the previously hired worker, what will be true?

marginal cost will decrease

the average product is greatest in the short run when the ...

marginal product is equal to the average product

if marginal cost increases when output increases, then ...

marginal product must decrease when output increases

a firm maximizes its profit by producing the amount of output such that ...

marginal revenue equals marginal cost

for a perfectly competitive firm, profit maximization occurs when output is such that ...

marginal revenue equals marginal cost

the maximum profit for a single-price monopoly is found when the firm produces the level of output so that ...

marginal revenue equals marginal cost

the makers of the movie Titanic have some monopoly power over this film because the ...

movie is protected by copyright law

a monopoly ...

must determine the price it will charge

if total revenue falls when output increases, marginal revenue is ...


a natural monopoly exists when ...

one firm can supply an entire market at a lower average cost than can two or more firms

we define a monopoly as a market with ...

one supplier with barriers to entry

in which market structure do firms exist in very large numbers, each firm produces an identical product, and there freedom of entry and exit?

only perfect competition

to encourage invention and innovation, the government provides ...


in order for a hotel to successfully price discriminate so that senior citizens are given discount, the hotel must be able to ...

prevent senior citizens from reselling their rooms to younger customers

a marginal cost pricing rule sets marginal cost equal to ...


an airline company ...

price discriminates by charging higher prices to business travelers

in a perfectly competitive market, the market price is $23. At the current level of output, a firm has a marginal cost of $28. What should the firm do?

produce less output to make more profit

a monopoly creates a deadweight loss because the monopoly ...

produces less than the efficient quantity

... natural monopolies is a commonly used, potential solution to the problems presented by natural monopolies


the social interest theory of regulation assumes that ...

regulation seeks an efficient use of resources

a perfectly competitive firm can ...

sell all of its output at the prevailing market price

a price-discriminating monopoly ...

sells a larger quantity than it would if it were a single-price monopoly

a price-discriminating monopoly is a monopoly that ...

sells different units of a good or service at different prices

a single-price monopoly ...

sets a single price for all consumers

suppose that marginal revenue for a perfectly competitive firm is $20. When the firm produces 10 units, its marginal cost is $20, its average total cost is $22, and its average variable cost is $17. Then to maximize its profit in the short run, the firm ...

should stay open and incur an economic loss of $20.

moving along the total product curve, what is held constant?


what explains why the marginal cost pricing rule results in an economic loss for a natural monopoly?

the ATC curve is downward sloping throughout the relevant range, therefore the MC is lower than the ATC

the marginal product of labor is ...

the change in total product divided by the increase in labor

for a monopoly, marginal revenue is equal to ...

the change in total revenue brought about by a one-unit increase in quantity sold

marginal revenue is ...

the change in total revenue from a one-unit increase in the quantity sold

what are the fixed inputs for a hospital?

the emergency room, intensive care unit, and other facilities

who receives benefits if regulation works according to social interest theory?

the entire economy

a large number of sellers all selling an identical product implies what?

the inability of any seller to change the price of the product

a perfectly competitive market arises when

the market demand is very large relative to the output of one seller

the long run is defined as ...

the period of time when all resources are variable

the total product is 10 units. The average total cost is $30 and the average fixed cost is $10. What is the amount of the total variable cost?


A single-price monopoly can sell 2 units for $8.50 per unit. In order to sell 3 units, the price must be $8.00 per unit. The marginal revenue from selling the third unit is ...


At the Punjab Bakery, two workers can decorate 14 cakes in an hour and three workers can decorate 18 cakes in an hour. The marginal product of the third worker is ...

4 cakes, and the average product for three workers is 6 cakes

a price-discriminating monopoly charges ...

a different price to different types of buyers for the same product, even though there are no differences in costs

if a natural monopoly is regulated using ...

a marginal cost pricing rule, the firm incurs an economic loss

your local water company is considered ...

a natural monopoly and will be regulated

when economies of scale exist so that one firm can meet the entire market demand at a lower average total cost than two or more firms ...

a natural monopoly develops

a monopoly market has ...

a single firm

a major characteristic of monopoly is ...

a single seller of a product

a monopoly is ...

able to set the price for its product

decreasing marginal returns occur in the short run as more labor is hired to work in a fixed sized plant because ...

adding more workers exhausts the possible gains from specialization

in the long run ...

all resources are variable

what describes a barrier to entry?

anything that protects a firm from the arrival of new competitors

increasing marginal returns to labor ...

are the result of specialization and division of labor in the production process

what always decreases when output increases?

average fixed cost

for a natural monopoly to cover its total cost, its price must equal its

average total cost

a perfectly competitive firm will shut down when the price is just below the minimum point on the ...

average variable cost curve

a perfectly competitive firm should shut down in the short-run if price falls below the minimum of ...

average variable costs

to be able to price discriminate, a firm must ...

be able to identify and separate different types of buyers

in contrast to competitive firms, single-price monopolies ...

can make an economic profit indefinitely

in the short run, a perfectly competitive firm ...

can possibly make an economic profit or possibly incur an economic loss

what is an example of a two-part tariff?

charging a hookup fee plus a monthly charge equal to marginal cost

with price discrimination, a monopoly ...

converts consumer surplus into economic profit

Suppose that a perfectly competitive firm's marginal revenue equals $12 when it sells 10 units of output. If the marginal cost of producing the 10th unit is $14, to maximize its profit the firm should ...

decrease its output

as a typical firm increases its output, its marginal cost ...

decreases at first and then increases

when the marginal product of an additional worker is less than the marginal product of the previous worker, there are ... returns to labor

decreasing marginal

in a graph of a typical firm's AFC, ATC, and AVC curves, the ...

distance between the ATC curve and the AVC curve equals the AFC

what is a good example of a natural monopoly?

distribution of electricty

the demand curve for a monopoly is ...

downward sloping

the short run is the time frame ...

during which the quantities of some resources are fixed

if the market price of a product is $14 and all sellers are price takers, then what is true?

each seller's total revenue line is graphed as an upward-sloping straight line

if a firm successfully price discriminates, it increases ...

economic profit

a perfectly competitive firm definitely makes an economic profit in the short run if price is ...

equal to marginal cost

in the short run, a firm cannot change the amount of capital it uses. Therefore the cost of capital is a ...

fixed cost

for a single-price monopoly, price is ...

greater than marginal revenue

the good produced by a monopoly ...

has no close substitutes

when the slope of the total product curve is steep, the marginal product is ...


the marginal revenue curve for a perfectly competitive firm is ...


the U-shape of the average variable, average total, and marginal cost curves reflects ...

increasing and decreasing marginal returns

if a firm shuts down, it ...

incurs an economic loss equal to its total fixed cost

if the market price is $50 per unit for a good produced in a perfectly competitive market and the firm's average total cost is $52, then the firm ...

incurs an economic loss of $2 per unit

a natural monopoly ...

is a firm that can supply the market at a lower average total cost than two or more firms

if a perfectly competitive firm finds that the price exceeds its ATC, then the firm ...

is making an economic profit

Peter's Pencils is a perfectly competitive company producing pencils. Suppose Peter is producing 1,000 pencils an hour. If the total cost of 1,000 pencils is $500, the market price per pencil is $2, and the marginal cost is $2, then Peter ...

is maximizing his profit and is making an economic profit

when a firm is able to engage in perfect price discrimination, its marginal revenue curve ...

is the same as its demand curve

with perfect price discrimination, the level of output ...

is the same as the amount produced in a perfectly competitive market

we know that a perfectly competitive firm is a price taker because ...

its demand curve is horizontal

to produce more output in the short run, a firm must employ more of ...

its variable resources

which firm is most likely to be a monopoly?

local distributor of natural gas

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