ECS chap 6 Head start and Early Head Start

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5. Analyze data on Head Start and Early Head Start effectiveness.

- Evaluation of the program's effects on children's developmental results positive review, with concerns disappearing by 3rd grade

3 Examine important historical trends in early intervention programs.

- Head Start and Early Head Start programs are struggling to improve the bad effect of risk factors through comprehensive early intervention programming : children learning with the interrelated contexts of family, community, and school environments, strong cooperation with families, comprehensive health, wellness, education, and sociocultural elements.

6. Explore current changes and trends in Head Start and Early Head Start legislation and implementation.

- Recently Head Start curriculum is more focus on language arts development. The Child Development and Early learning Framework that shows a comprehensive, holistic view of the developmental and learning goal for Head Start Programs.

3. Discuss risk factors in the context of children's development.

- Risk factors cover a variety of views of children's household and family context that increase the poor life in poverty and the chance for negative development results. - Low parent education achievement, parent unemployment, maternal age, having single parent, and living with disability are also risk factors.

8 Explore current changes and trends in Head Start and Early Head Start legislation and implementation.

- Teacher qualification increased, changes to the curriculum guidelines and funding procedures, and a commitment to accountability for program quality all head for to good changes in program implementation.

6. Analyze data on Head Start and Early Head Start effectiveness.

- The Head Start Impact Studies shows important indicators of Head Start effectiveness. A key general finding comparing children attending Head Start and children who didn't attend Head Start. Children who attend Head Start have much stronger language art skills, strong emergent literacy skills, positive relationship with parents, improvements in behaviors, social skills, positive health status.

2. Examine important historical trends in early intervention programs.

- There is the growing developmental gay between socioeconomic classes, so Head start and Early Head Start started to work on it to reduce the gap and help prepare all U.S children for success in school. Head start and Early Head Start created in 1965and 1994

7. Explore current changes and trends in Head Start and Early Head Start legislation and implementation.

- These days, a key feature of Head Start is strong parent involvement and community collaborations. - Head Start legislation has been kept under review, which means timeliness, relevance, and responsiveness to changing trend and community needs.

Head start

comprehensive program for poor families including education, health and wellness and nutrition service for 3 to 5years old

Early Head start

comprehensive program for poor families including education, health and wellness and nutrition service for pregnant women and infants through 3years old

early intervention programs

comprehensive program for young children who are living in conditions that include one or more risk factors for possible future school or life problems.

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