EDF test 5

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in the context of classroom behavior management, a teacher who is a good behavioral manager should:

teach standards or norms of student behavior actively and directly.

Direct teaching model of effective instruction is:

teacher presentation of new material followed by student practice and feedback.

In theory, ________ provide access to a wealth of online learning from pre-school to university, without brick-and-mortar costs like maintenance of buildings, playgrounds, parking lots, and the like.

virtual schools

The phenomenon represented by the test-tampering scandal in Atlanta, Georgia, is most closely associated with:

Campbell's law.

Which of the following is a characteristic of charter schools?

Charter schools can be closed down if they do not meet expectations

Which of the following statements is true about standardized tests?

They can be rapidly implemented.

Which of the following statements is true about charter schools?

They receive public funding based on the number of students enrolled.

Which of the following statements is true about standardized tests?

They require all test takers to answer the same questions, so that student and teacher performance can be compared.

Identify an accurate statement about using a student's test score to assess the teacher.

This a flawed approach because one test score is an inadequate measure of student growth.

Which statement is true regarding voucher programs?

Voucher programs have been less effective than expected and their impact sounds better in theory than it is in fact

Value added refers to:

assessing and rewarding the value a teacher adds to a student's education

When schools move away from traditional autocratic teaching styles, students embrace "Habits of Goodness." To develop these habits teachers should:

develop the list of rules together with their students and ensure that rules are few and fair.

Participation in extracurricular activities is correlated with

enriched student life and learning

During classroom discussions, Juan never names a student before asking a question. He always asks a question first and then names the student whom he wants to answer the question. According to Kounin, this is an example of:

group alerting.

Learning that is not always intended but emerges as students are shaped by the school culture, including the attitudes and behaviors of teachers, is known as the ________.

hidden curriculum

In the context of Mary Budd Rowe's research on wait time, teachers should:

learn to increase their wait time from one second to three to five seconds.

Schools that offer high-quality programs for talented students and have been used as a method of voluntary racial desegregation are known as:

magnet schools

In the cooperative learning model of effective instruction

rewards and recognition are based upon student performance

As an economic reconstructionist, Paulo Freire claimed that:

schools often miseducate and oppress the poor

Andrew is a student in the class Rebecca teaches. While Andrew is not in the lowest percentile of the class, he isn't in the highest, either. In fact, Andrew could go either way in terms of passing or failing. Rebecca will spend:

the most amount of time on him because he is a "bubble kid."

A textbook covers twentieth-century U.S. history without mentioning the continuing struggle for civil rights; and pictures throughout the text portray only harmonious relations between the races. This is an example of a form of bias known as:


When students, parents, and teachers were asked to rate goals of schooling in a study by John Goodlad

vocational, personal, academic, social, and civic goals were all rated "very important."

Imagine a school where teachers do not have daily contact with one another and act independently, the school administration does not give due importance to effective communication with the students' families about the school's goals and expectations. They are vague about the goals of the school and focus on maintaining the status quo. This represents a failure of which element of the "five-factor theory of effective schools"?

A clear school mission

In the context of the common patterns that can derail classroom management during times of transition, which of the following statements is true about overdwelling?

It is a bad habit that includes a teacher preaching, nagging, and spending more time than necessary to correct an infraction of classroom rules.

Influential teacher organizations are cautiously supportive of a merit pay plan. Provided that certain conditions are met, they would be more likely to support it. Which of the following is one of those conditions?

Local teachers should be involved in planning

In a narrow 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in ________ that publicly funded vouchers could be used to send children to Cleveland's private religious schools.

Zelman v. Simmons-Harris

In Alice's classroom, the great majority of her students do well academically. When she is asked about why she feels she is such a successful teacher, she says that she structures her instruction in such a way that her students can do well either way, working with her directly or on their own. She says that her students often do even better working on their own than with her. Alice's classroom best exemplifies:

academic learning time.

1 out of 1 points Mastery learning is based on the premise that

all students can learn—if given the right tools and the opportunity to work at their own pace.

Teachers should ask higher-order questions when students:

are involved in a creative or affective decision.

Lisa, Paul, and Jay were given an assignment at the end of their first unit in Spanish I. They were asked to prepare and act out a skit where they had to assume the roles of students visiting Argentina during Spring Break. They were to enter into a restaurant, order a meal, and pay for the meal, all in Spanish. The students knew they were being evaluated on how they performed these tasks, so they made an effort to do a good job. This sort of task is an example of:

authentic assessment.

A teacher should ask lower-order questions when students are ________

being introduced to new information

According to Bloom's revised taxonomy, the highest level of questions is:


The role of state governments in curricular decisions has:

increased through state standards and tests, and frameworks for all schools to follow.

By beginning a lesson with a challenging riddle or an anecdote, a teacher is trying to:

inspire motivation.

In the first step of the pedagogical cycle, a teacher:

introduces the topics.

A textbook portrays all African Americans as athletes, Mexican Americans as laborers, and women only in relation to their families. This is an example of a form of bias known as ________.


On the subject of teaching creationism, evolution, or intelligent design in schools, a large segment of the public feels that:

students should be exposed to competing theories in schools.

According to a survey, by the nonprofit Education Sector, most teachers:

support educational reform and change

As a student in college, Luisa was shocked at some of the things she was learning in her Survey of American History course. Although she had studied American history before, her teachers had completely omitted many of the things that she was learning for the first time. Luisa's experiences most closely reflect the effects of:

the null curriculum.

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