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A school superintendent released a data file containing students' state test scores (without identification) for a research study. Did the superintendent violate students' privacy?


Components Term paper Exam 1 Exam 2 Total Teacher's weight 40%30%30%100% Alva's score 45 40 35 120 Maximum score 50 50 50 150 Refer to the table above. Suppose a total points method is used to create a composite grade. What is Alva's weighted composite grade on the 0-100 percentage scale?


Which of the following scoring options is most appropriate to evaluate students' responses to a task intended to assess students' problem-solving abilities?

A scoring rubric

True-false items are able to assess the a) ability to recognize generalizations in a subject. B) ability to compare concepts. C) ability to recognize instances or examples of a principle. D)All of these abilities

All of these abilities

The validity of grades depends on the A) components of the grade such as projects, tests, etc. B) ability of a teacher to weight and blend the component grades into one overall grade. C) validity of each component grade. D) reliability of each component grade. E) All of these.

All of these.

What is a context-dependent item?

An item that is based on some information or material that precedes it

Which of the following would most likely ensure that an essay test emphasizes the proper learning objectives?

Ask a colleague to review the items in light of the curriculum

At the beginning of the class period, students receive feedback on their first drafts of a graphic novel project. Which strategy is likely to be most effective for improvement?

Ask students to look at their feedback and make revisions as part of the same lesson.

Which of the following is the best way to assess the concept "bicycle"?

Ask the student to identify the bicycles among pictures of a number of different objects.

Among the following, which is the BEST way for a teacher to improve the validity of classroom assessment results?

Assess students on the same learning outcome using several different procedures.

Which of the following activities is NOT a responsible professional action on the part of the teacher whose students ranged widely in socioeconomic status?

Assigning an out-of-class project that required purchasing art supplies

Which of the following must a teacher do to make a valid interpretation of a student's assessment performance?

Both Relate the student's performance to the domain of learning objectives the assessment sampled and Compare the student's performance with the performance of other students who took the same assessment are necessary for making valid interpretations.

Providing timely feedback to students after assessing them is important because students need to

Both know their grades and correct their mistakes to improve

Which of the following assessment methods is most closely associated with formative evaluation of students?

Classroom questioning strategies

Which of the following kinds of comments distract students from their learning objectives?

Comments about the student as a person

What does the term "reliability" mean in regard to test scores?

Consistency of scores across various factors

Which of the following diagnostic approaches uses a norm-referencing framework to interpret students' needs?

Content strengths and weaknesses

Which of the following grading approaches is most compatible with standard-based approaches to teaching?

Criterion-referenced grading

A science teacher wants to assess students' ability to select relevant information about global warming and organize their ideas into a comprehensive analysis of the issue. What type of essay task should she use for this purpose?

Extended response essay

A middle school teacher gave her low-achieving students a blueprint for their upcoming unit test to help them study. Students who were not low-achieving did not get a blueprint. The teacher called this "differentiation." Which of the responsibilities of teachers has she violated?

Fairness to all students

What is the best way to arrange items on a test?

From easiest to most difficult

Which of these scoring practices is NOT responsible professional behavior?

Giving extra points on a project to students who showed a lot of effort

Which of the following actions is recommended as an ethical practice?

Giving students the scoring rubric for a performance assessment when the assignmentis made

Which of the following would you recommend to a history teacher who wants to assess students' knowledge of the order of events during the American Civil War?

Greater-same-less format

In selecting published material to assess students in your classroom, which of the following is the most important criterion?

How well the tasks match what you taught

Which of the following factors is MOST likely to lower the reliability of students' essay scores in an exam?

Identifying answers by student name

What is a major problem associated with the content area strengths and weaknesses approach in diagnostic assessment?

It doesn't supply enough detail to support instructional planning.

What is the advantage of arranging a test's items in the order in which the topics were covered in class?

It helps students recall information better.

Why should you group test items according to the type of item (multiple choice, true/false, etc.)?

It reduces students' cognitive load.

Item Analysis Information ChartRefer to the Item Analysis Information Chart above. Which is the poorest functioning item?

Item 3

A social studies teacher wants to check the validity of her end-of-year report card grades. Which of these strategies would it be BEST for her to use?

Look for consistency in performance across several different assessments throughout the year.

A social studies teacher wants to assess students' knowledge of countries' capital cities. Which item format is the best for this purpose?

Matching items

Which of the following is an advantage of the matching set over multiple-choice items?

Matching sets save space.

Which of the following types of knowledge is LEAST meaningfully assessed by using multiple-choice items?

Metacognitive knowledge

Can a school send students' records to another school when a student moves, without the permission of the parents?


Do students with disabilities have to pay for accommodation provided for their assessment?


Does applying a correction for guessing formula to a response-choice test affect the scores of students who guess correctly?


In certain school district the policy is to assign grades according to how well a student achieves the state's standards. A teacher gave Sophia a slightly higher grade even though she didn't meet all the standards, because she really tried very hard. Has the teacher acted in a manner consistent with the school policy?


Marlon continually picked fights with his classmates, called out in class, and interfered with instruction. Would Marlon's teacher be justified in failing him?

No, because achievement should be measured separately from behavior

A student reported being bored in class. She and her parents requested that she be considered for the gifted and talented program in the school. The school psychologist administered an intelligence test and, based upon the score, informed her parents that she did not qualify to get into the gifted and talented program. Is this an example of responsible use of assessment for decision-making?

No, because the pupil should have been given a number of assessments before classification

The table below shows the results (fraction of items correct) of a diagnostic test for five primary school students. AdditionSubtractionMultiplicationDivision Anita12/1214/1514/1613/20 Brad9/1215/1514/1618/20 Cora11/1214/1513/1612/20 Doug11/1213/1513/1610/20

None of the students

For the following, select the type of grading illustrated by the question below. A teacher compares the performance of each student with the performances of other students in the class. Grades are awarded according to the student's rank relative to others.

Norm-referenced grading

Which of the following methods of reporting student progress is the most responsive to parents' questions?

Parent-teacher conference

Which of the following methods of reporting student progress is likely to be most reliable?

Percentage grades (99, 98, 97, etc.)

An eighth grade Social Studies class had to write an analysis of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. A low achieving middle school student turned in an assignment that was not acceptable. Which of the following feedback is most likely to help the student?

Return the paper with one specific suggestion for improvement and ask the student to revise.

Suppose correctness of spelling is not part of the learning objective being assessed with an essay test. How should spelling be handled when scoring the essays?

Score spelling separately but give it a weight of zero in the students' total score.

A teacher had students switch papers and grade each other's quizzes. Then she called roll and entered each student's quiz grade in the gradebook program as the student called it out. What principle has been violated in this scenario?

Students' right to privacy

Mr. Green wanted to give his students choices about which essays they would answer on his unit test. He wanted to have them choose three out of five questions to answer. You want to discourage him from this plan. What reason should you give him for not allowing this kind of student choice on his exam?

Students' scores on the test will not all mean the same thing.

What information does diagnostic assessment seek to acquire?

Students' specific strengths and weaknesses

Which of the following is a recommended component of effective feedback?

Suggestions for next steps in learning

What information is specified in a learning objective?

Tasks students can do after instruction

Which of the following is an inappropriate way of using assessments to motivate students?

Telling students the upcoming test will be very hard

Three multiple-choice tests were constructed to cover the same curriculum area. Test A had 20 items, Test B had 40 items, and Test C had 60 items. What is the most accurate statement that can be made about the reliability of these tests?

Test C will have the highest reliability and Test A will have the lowest reliability.

Why is reliability necessary for validity?

Test scores can't be valid if they are not consistent.

A teacher used the following assessment tasks while teaching a unit. Choose the correct weight for the assessment tasks based on the description below. An essay question requiring students to evaluate a new situation by using criteria taught in class vs. An essay question requiring students to recall explanations and reasons that were taught in class.

The first task should have more weight in determining the unit grade.

When a test undergoes a validation process, what is "validated"?

The interpretation and use of test results

A teacher used the following assessment tasks while teaching a unit. Choose the correct weight for the assessment tasks based on the description below.

The second task should have more weight in determining the unit grade.

Which of the following best illustrates an appropriately stated learning objective?

The student will explain how airplanes fly.

What is the best way to align instruction with state standards?

The teacher breaks each state standard down into specific learning objectives for lessons.

Which of the following best explains the importance of using statements of learning objectives in the assessment of students?

The teacher knows the specific outcomes students should attain and develops appropriate assessment procedures to assess them.

Benjamin is a middle school student. His teacher has watched him slip farther and farther behind in his learning and wonders if he may need some special education services. Which of the following would be the teacher's most appropriate first step?

To inform the school principal or the school psychologist

What is the purpose of a growth and learning progress portfolio?

To show change over time on selected learning outcomes

A task that assesses understanding of a concrete concept should require a student to demonstrate how the concept is related to other concepts that the student knows.


Students should be assessed by requiring them to reproduce what was taught in class.


To assess problem-solving skills, you should present to the student a novel situation.


For which item type is the chance of guessing correctly the highest?


Which of the following is able to best assess students' breadth of content knowledge?


Which of the following learning objectives can be assessed more appropriately using objective items rather than essay items?

Understanding the properties of the periodic table of the elements in a chemistry course

What can a test-wise student do that non-testwise students cannot?

Use item flaws to improve her score.

Which of the following is most likely to help a teacher score classroom performance assessments reliably?

Use scoring rubrics for scoring.

Which of the following actions violate(s) the teacher professional responsibility in assessment?

Using a pop quiz to punish students who have not read assigned material

Sally and Sam both took the same science achievement test. The standard error of measurement (SEM) for the scores is 2.8. Jane obtained a score of 67 and John obtained a 65. Is it reasonable to conclude that Jane and John have the same level of science achievement?


The most important recent technological developments for classroom testing purposes are technological solutions to problems of

accessibility for students with disabilities.

A teacher used a unit test to grade her students. After the test, she reviewed students' performance in terms of their difficulties and strengths. This helped the teacher plan her instruction for the next unit. The unit test served as

both a formative evaluation of the students and a summative evaluation of the students

Grading on the curve is a method that

compares students' performance to their classmates' performance.

Evidence that a social studies test adequately samples a specific area of the social studies curriculum is called

content-related evidence.

Multiple true-false items are least appropriate to assess

elementary students.

In administering a standardized achievement test, a teacher should be most familiar with the

guidelines in the manual for the test administration.

College students in an Educational Psychology class were asked to participate in a research study about cooperative learning. Each student was asked to sign a release form giving the researchers permission to use data from observations, interviews, and assignments. This is an illustration of seeking

informed consent.

Reliability is a(an) ________ condition for validity of the results of a test.


In order for a school system to make good decisions about students, they must

regularly update students' records.

A schema can be described best as the way we

represent information in networks of related concepts.

For feedback to students to be most effective, the teacher should ensure that

students review their performance to correct their mistakes.

To whom is the teacher's primary responsibility when using assessments and making educational decisions?

Students and their learning

What is an open-response assessment task?

A problem that has many correct solutions

What is a good source of reading passages for a reading comprehension test in third grade?

A third-grade level book that students have not read

Which of the following can be meaningfully used as introductory material for context-dependent item sets? I.Formulas II.Extracts from weekly magazines III.Drawings IV.Topographical maps

All of these

Which of the following is an important issue to consider when you accommodate students with disabilities? a. The specific disability being considered b.The singling-out of the student c.The validity of the assessment results d.All of these

All of these

Homework results are most useful for which of the following classroom decisions?

Deciding if students are ready to move on to a new activity

Which of the following kinds of feedback is generally most effective for both computer-based and paper-pencil feedback?

Elaborative feedback

For what level students would extended response essay items be most problematic?

Elementary students

Which of the following formats best assesses higher-order thinking processes students use to solve problems?

Essay items

Which type of item is best to use when assessing recall of factual information?

Fill-in-the-blank items

A parent brought to the attention of a teacher that she had mis-marked their child's test. What would you recommend to the teacher?

The teacher should re-score the test, change the grade, and thank the parent for bringing it to her attention.

How does blind guessing show itself in an item analysis?

The upper group's responses are evenly distributed across the options.

Why are problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities often assessed together?

These abilities are often used together in both real-life and academic situations.

Why are most standardized achievement test not very useful for providing diagnostic information to the teacher?

They usually cover a very broad range of learning objectives.

How does worry interfere with students' test performance?

Worried students are distracted from the test items.

In order to judge the validity of assessment results, one should look primarily for

a combination of sound research and logical explanation demonstrating the appropriateness of the interpretations.

One major purpose of pre-assessment is

to help plan a unit of instruction.

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