EDHS Test 1

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Which of the following data sources results from drug-testing and interviewing a sample of arrestees? A. ADAM-II B. DAWN C. MTF D. NSDUH E. none of the above


Which of the following drugs was produced and first consumed during its transformative era? A. peyote B. heroin C. LSD D. barbital E. none of the above

B. heroin

Prior to the Harrison Act, most narcotic addicts were: A. African American B. medical addicts C. heroin injectors D. also marijuana smokers E. predatory street criminals

B. medical addicts

Conflict theory emphasizes which of the following factors in explaining deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse? A. community or neighborhood disorganization B. the influence of unconventional peer groups C. differences in power among socioeconomic strata D. the absence of bonds to conventional society E. inadequate parenting

C. differences in power among socioeconomic strata

Taking an amphetamine, without prescription, to cram all night for a final exam is an example of: A. illegal recreational use B. legal recreational use C. illegal instrumental use D. legal instrumental use E. none of the above

C. illegal instrumental use

Which of the following is an example of a Schedule I drug at the federal level: A. cocaine B. morphine C. marijuana D. amphetamine E. none of the above

C. marijuana

Most researchers who conduct surveys: A. select their samples in a haphazard fashion so that all the biases will cancel one another out B. select their samples so that they do not look like or reflect the population at large C. try to select samples so that everyone in their universe, the population at large, has an equal chance of appearing in the sample D. select every member of the entire population—a total enumeration—so that their data will accurately reflect data about the universe they wish to generalize about E. None of the above

C. try to select samples so that everyone in their universe, the population at large, has an equal chance of appearing in the sample

Which of the following data sources is the result of a survey conducted among a sample of households in the United States? A. ADAM-II B. DAWN C. MTF D. NSDUH E. none of the above


The drug ADAM-II's sample is most likely to have tested positive for is: A. opiates B. cocaine C. amphetamines D. marijuana E. methadone

D. marijuana

The drug of choice among—the drug most likely to be used by—arrestees is: A. methamphetamine B. cocaine C. opiates D. marijuana E. oxycodone

D. marijuana

A Schedule I drug is one that the government defines as having: A. medical utility and a low potential for abuse B. no medical utility but a low potential for abuse C. medical utility but a high potential for abuse D. no medical utility and a high potential for abuse E. none of the above

D. no medical utility and a high potential for abuse

The drug or drug type most likely to be associated with the number of emergency department visits that take place in the U.S. in recent years is: A. methamphetamine B. PCP C. MDMA (Ecstasy) D. opiates/narcotics E. LSD

D. opiates/narcotics

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) does not include which of the following categories of the population in its sample: A. teenagers B. college students C. residents of large urban areas D. prisoners E. the elderly

D. prisoners

Anomie argues that drug dealers and sellers make use of the following adaptation to society's means to achieve the goal or success: A. innovation B. conformity C. ritualism D. retreatism E. rebellion

D. retreatism

Routine activities theory emphasizes a motivated offender, a suitable target, and: A. the anomic conditions of modern industrial society B. a deviant subculture C. the inherent reinforcement of the deviant act D. the absence of a capable guardian E. negative reinforcement in the form of punishment

D. the absence of a capable guardian

The following development did not take place in the nineteenth-century: A. the extraction of morphine from opium B. the extraction of heroin from morphine C. the invention of the hypodermic syringe D. the isolation of cocaine from coca leaves E. the discovery of the addicting properties of opiates

E. the discovery of the addicting properties of opiates

Which of the following statements is true, as inferred from the available data? A. Arrestees have much greater rates of illicit drug use than is true of a cross-section of the population as a whole. B. A cross-section of the population as a whole has a much higher rate of illicit drug use than arrestees. C. Arrestees and a cross-section of the population as a whole have roughly the same rates of illicit drug use. D. The rates of drug use among arrestees and a cross-section of the population as a whole remain unknown and unknowable, according to researchers. E. none of the above

A. Arrestees have much greater rates of illicit drug use than is true of a cross-section of the population as a whole.

Which of the following drugs was produced and first consumed by humans during its synthetic era? A. LSD B. psilocybin mushrooms C. marijuana D. cocaine E. none of the above


Sociologists refer to an episode during which the public or the media express concern or fear from a given agent or threat that is exaggerated, out of proportion to, and less serious than, its objective danger or potential damage: A. a moral panic B. media overload C. an accurate assessment of the situation D. media objectivity E. none of the above

A. a moral panic

The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 was originally designed to: A. address drug research, rehabilitation B. stamp out all illicit drug abuse C. increase the power and reach of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics D. transfer authority of drug enforcement to the state level E. decriminalize the possession and sale of all then-illicit drugs

A. address drug research, rehabilitation

The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906: A. addressed false claims about the contents of patent medicines on the product's label B. outlawed the sale of patent medications that contained opium C. outlawed the sale of patent medications that contained cocaine D. outlawed the sale of patent medications that contained marijuana E. none of the above

A. addressed false claims about the contents of patent medicines on the product's label

The legal drug use that is consumed recreationally by more people in the U.S. than any other substance is: A. alcohol B. the nicotine in tobacco C. the prescription amphetamines, taken as a whole D. the prescription narcotics, taken as a whole E. none of the above.

A. alcohol

The psychoactive substance with the highest "loyalty" rate and the only drug that a majority of at-least one-time users have taken during the past month is: A. alcohol B. marijuana C. cocaine D. heroin E. LSD

A. alcohol

Which of the following drugs is cross-dependent with Seconal, a barbiturate? A. alcohol B. marijuana C. heroin D. LSD E. cocaine

A. alcohol

ADAM-II's data indicate that people arrested for a crime: A. are significantly more likely than the population at large to have recently used one or more psychoactive drugs B. are significantly less likely than the population at large to have recently used one or more psychoactive drugs C. have the same likelihood of having recently taken one or more psychoactive drugs than is true of the population at large D. have an unknown and unknowable likelihood of having taken one or more psychoactive drugs E. none of the above

A. are significantly more likely than the population at large to have recently used one or more psychoactive drugs

Chronic, abusive cocaine and heroin use is most likely to: A. be concentrated the inner cities. B. take place in the suburbs. C. take place in rural areas. D. be randomly throughout the United States. E. none of the above.

A. be concentrated the inner cities.

Evidence indicates that the link between the consumption of alcohol and engaging in violent behavior is largely and substantially a result of: A. disinhibition caused by the pharmacological effects of alcohol B. cultural norms, not the pharmacological effects of alcohol C. cognitive guidedness D. unknown factors E. none of the above

A. disinhibition caused by the pharmacological effects of alcohol

Humans began using mind-altering substances: A. during prehistoric times tens of thousands of years ago B. in ancient Egypt 4,000 years ago C. in ancient Greece and Rome D. in Europe during the Middle Ages E. during the 1960s

A. during prehistoric times tens of thousands of years ago

The primary impact of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 was to: A. establish categories or "schedules" of controlled substances B. decriminalize the possession of marijuana C. establish treatment centers for narcotic addicts D. remove cocaine from the list of narcotic drugs E. relegate the authority to enforce of the drug laws to the states

A. establish categories or "schedules" of controlled substances

Sedative/hypnotics are also called: A. general depressants B. hallucinogens C. disassociative anesthetics D. analgesics E. euphoriants

A. general depressants

Taking LSD to get high is an example of: A. illegal recreational use B. legal recreational use C. illegal instrumental use D. legal instrumental use E. none of the above

A. illegal recreational use

During the course of the nineteenth century—that is, from the early 1800s to the late 1800s—the rate of narcotic addiction in the United States: A. increased B. decreased C. remained the same D. fluctuated wildly and erratically from year to year E. cannot be estimated

A. increased

After 1970, using, abusing, and being addicted to heroin: A. increased the likelihood of committing a violent crime B. decreased the likelihood of committing a violent crime C. was unrelated to the likelihood of committing a violent crime D. was unknown with respect to the likelihood of committing a violent crime E. none of the above

A. increased the likelihood of committing a violent crime

Among men, as the volume of cocaine consumed increases, the likelihood of being the perpetrator of crime: A. increases B. decreases C. remains the same D. remains unknown and unknowable E. none of the above

A. increases

Among women, as the volume of cocaine consumed increases, the likelihood of being the victim of a crime: A. increases B. decreases C. remains the same D. remains unknown and unknowable E. none of the above

A. increases

Compared with 30 years ago, the potency of the heroin now available on the street: A. is greater B. is weaker C. is more or less the same with respect to potency D. fluctuates wildly and randomly from year to year E. remains unknown

A. is greater

Surveys indicate that: A. legal drug use (alcohol and the nicotine in tobacco) is higher than illegal drug use B. illegal drug use is higher than illegal drug use C. legal and illegal drug use are roughly the same D. researchers cannot estimate the size of legal or illegal drug use E. none of the above

A. legal drug use (alcohol and the nicotine in tobacco) is higher than illegal drug use

The most commonly-used illicit substance in the United States is: A. marijuana B. oxycodone C. heroin D. methamphetamine E. cocaine

A. marijuana

Pharmacologically, a drug "action" takes place at the: A. molecular level B. behavioral level C. chronic level D. societal level E. global level

A. molecular level

Among ADAM-II's sample of arrestees: A. most agree to be drug tested B. most refuse to be drug tested C. about half agree to be drug tested D. an unknown proportion agree to be drug tested E. none of the above

A. most agree to be drug tested

The statistical correlation between the use of any and all illicit drugs and engaging in criminal behavior is: A. positive B. negative C. random D. unknown E. none of the above

A. positive

When drug test results were compared with self-reports on surveys of drug use, researchers found that: A. positive testees were more likely to self-report drug use than negative testees. B. positive testees were less likely to self-report drug use than negative testees. C. positive and negative testees were equally as likely to self-report drug use. D. the degree of correspondence between the results of drug tests and self-report surveys was zero—they had a random relationship with one another. E. the degree of correspondence between the results of drug tests and self-report surveys remains unknown—and unknowable.

A. positive testees were more likely to self-report drug use than negative testees.

Which of the following theories of media bias is most strongly focused on the factor of hegemony or institutional bias in stressing the slant of media drug stories? The: A. ruling elite theory B. money machine theory C. grassroots theory D. professional subculture theory E. none of the above

A. ruling elite theory

According to the discussion in the text, most researchers feel that: A. sampling is typically an even more important problem than lying B. lying is an even more important problem than sampling C. sampling and lying are equally important problems for the researcher D. neither sampling nor lying is important than the researcher E. none of the above

A. sampling is typically an even more important problem than lying

The substance that causes the greatest total harm with respect to death and disease is: A. tobacco B. alcohol C. heroin D. cocaine E. prescription drugs

A. tobacco

Researchers estimate that illicit drug use in the U.S. peaks at which of the following age brackets: A. 16-17 B. 18-20 C. 21-25 D. 26-34 E. 35 and older

B. 18-20

Which of the following groups of drugs that appear in DAWN's overdose statistics also makes a substantial contribution to the drugs-crime nexus? A. marijuana, MDMA, and LSD B. alcohol, cocaine, and heroin C. antipsychotics and antidepressants D. Adderall, Ritalin, and amphetamine E. sedatives, hypnotics, and tranquilizers

B. alcohol, cocaine, and heroin

Which of the following drugs is most reinforcing, that is, the one that laboratory animals will work hardest to receive? A. alcohol B. cocaine C. LSD D. heroin E. marijuana

B. cocaine

Between the 1970s and the 1980s, the federal budget devoted to drug treatment: A. increased B. decreased C. remained stable D. fluctuated wildly and randomly from year to year E. unknown

B. decreased

During national alcohol Prohibition (1920-1933), alcohol consumption in the United States: A. increased B. decreased C. fluctuated wildly and randomly from year to year D. cannot be estimated by researchers E. none of the above

B. decreased

Since 2000, the percentage of junior high school and high school students who use Ecstasy and the other club drugs has: A. increased B. decreased C. remained stable D. fluctuated wildly and randomly from year to year E. none of the above

B. decreased

During the 1920s and 1930s, in the years following the Supreme Court ruling on the Harrison Act (1914), which was rendered in 1919, the number of addicts who were arrested on drug charges: A. decreased B. increased C. remained the same D. fluctuated wildly and erratically from year to year E. remains unknown

B. increased

Drugs can be classified according to their legal status, and whether they are used instrumentally versus recreationally. An adult drinking alcohol to feel pleasant is an example of: A. illegal recreational use B. legal recreational use C. illegal instrumental use D. legal instrumental use E. none of the above

B. legal recreational use

The British waged two "opium wars" against China in order to: A. abolish the sale of opium in China B. legalize and continue the opium trade in China C. set up addiction treatment clinics in China D. abolish a tax on the sale of opium E. none of the above

B. legalize and continue the opium trade in China

Which of the following is cross-tolerant with heroin? A. alcohol B. morphine C. marijuana D. LSD E. psilocybin

B. morphine

Which of the following theories emphasizes inadequate parenting as the major explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse? A. social control theory B. self-control theory C. social learning and subculture theory D. anomie theory E. social disorganization theory

B. self-control theory

Which of the following theories emphasizes the absence of bonds to conventional society as a major explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse? A. self-control theory B. social control theory C. social learning and subculture theory D. anomie theory E. social disorganization theor

B. social control theory

According to the discussion on media bias: A. none of the principles of the professional subculture of journalism pull the journalist away from bias toward objectivity B. some of the principles of the professional subculture of journalism pull the journalist away from bias toward objectivity, while some do not C. all of the principles of the professional subculture of journalism pull the journalist away from bias toward objectivity D. as to whether and to what extent the professional subculture of journalism pull the journalist away from bias toward objectivity is unknowable and cannot be determined E. none of the above

B. some of the principles of the professional subculture of journalism pull the journalist away from bias toward objectivity, while some do not

According to social control theory, what is one of the major causes of illicit drug use? A. an aberrant personality structure B. the absence of a stake in conformity to the norms of conventional society C. an attempt at self-medication D. the anomie that prevails in modern, industrial society E. reinforcement of the administration of a psychoactive substance

B. the absence of a stake in conformity to the norms of conventional society

According to records, researchers estimate that alcohol consumption was greatest in which of the following historical eras? A. the late 1700s B. the early 1800s C. between 1850 and 1919 D. during Prohibition (1920-1933) E. after the repeal of Prohibition, 1933 to the present

B. the early 1800s

The drug that is consumed the greatest number of times in the U.S. is: A. alcohol B. the nicotine in tobacco C. the prescription amphetamines D. the prescription narcotics E. none of the above

B. the nicotine in tobacco

Historians estimate that the number of narcotic addicts in the U.S. prior to 1914 was about: A. 3,000 B. 30,000 C. 300,000 D. three million E. 30 million

C. 300,000

Which of the following data sources is drawn preponderantly or exclusively from surveys of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders, as well as college students and non-college adults? A. ADAM-II B. DAWN C. MTF D. NSDUH E. none of the above


The use of certain drugs is more "criminogenic" than that of others, that is, it is more closely related to criminal behavior. Which of the following are the "big three" drugs with respect to the relationship between using psychoactive substances and committing crime? A. Ecstasy, GHB, and Rohypnol B. marijuana, LSD, and tobacco C. alcohol, cocaine, and narcotics D. sedatives, hypnotics, and tranquilizers E. anti-psychotics, antidepressants, and benzodiazepines

C. alcohol, cocaine, and narcotics

Drug "effects": A. are the same as drug "actions" B. are highly specific and constant C. are nonspecific and variable D. are as predictable as mixing two chemicals in a lab E. refer exclusively to biophysical reactions

C. are nonspecific and variable

The harm that the media attributed marijuana with causing during the 1930s was that use of the drug would cause the user to: A. develop the "amotivational syndrome" B. progress to more dangerous drugs C. become insane and violent, and commit rape and murder D. drop dead of a drug overdose E. pass on birth defects in his or her offspring

C. become insane and violent, and commit rape and murder

The effect caused by smoking crack cocaine in the 1980s that the media most emphasized was: A. dying of an overdose of the drug B. progressing to the use of other, more dangerous drugs C. becoming addicted or dependent on the drug D. becoming insane E. using crack in conjunction with alcohol and becoming an alcoholic

C. becoming addicted or dependent on the drug

News stories in the 1960s about the harm caused by the use of LSD: A. reported consistently throughout the decade about only one harm the use of the drug caused—insanity and self-destruction B. reported consistently throughout the decade about only one harm the use of the drug caused—chromosome damage C. began by focusing its reporting mainly on one harm the use of the drug caused (insanity and self-destruction), but switched its attention to a second harm (chromosome damage) D. was unfocused and all over the map with regard to the harm the use of the drug caused—from addiction to overdoses to progression to more dangerous drugs E. none of the above

C. began by focusing its reporting mainly on one harm the use of the drug caused (insanity and self-destruction), but switched its attention to a second harm (chromosome damage)

Which of the following is a "kinds of people" theory: A. conflict theory B. social disorganization theory C. biological theories D. anomie theory E. subculture theory

C. biological theories

Reinforcement theories of drug use and abuse focus: A. entirely on positive reinforcement B. entirely on negative reinforcement C. on both positive and negative reinforcement D. neither on positive nor on negative reinforcement E. none of the above

C. on both positive and negative reinforcement

The earliest legislation designed to reduce or eliminate a substance that is currently illegal was aimed at: A. medications B. alcohol C. opium D. marijuana E. cocaine

C. opium

The history of drug use may be divided into the natural era, the transformative era, and the synthetic era. Which of the following drugs was produced and first consumed during its natural era? A. heroin B. cocaine C. opium D. morphine E. none of the above

C. opium

Which of the following theories of deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse bills itself as the "general theory of crime"? A. social disorganization theory B. anomie theory C. self-control theory D. social control theory E. learning theory

C. self-control theory

Which of the following theories hold that deviant, criminal, and delinquent behavior (such as drug abuse) are simply "doing what comes naturally" and do not require an explanation; what needs explaining is why people do not deviate from society's norms, rules, and laws? A. social learning and subculture theories B. social disorganization theory C. social control and self-control theories D. problem-behavior proneness E. anomie theory

C. social control and self-control theories

Which of the following theories emphasizes deviant socialization as the major explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse? A. social control theory B. self-control theory C. social learning and subculture theory D. anomie theory E. social disorganization theory

C. social learning and subculture theory

The use and abuse of the artificial narcotics (such as fentanyl and oxycodone) is most likely to: A. be concentrated in the inner cities. B. take place in the suburbs. C. take place in rural areas. D. be randomly distributed throughout the United States. E. none of the above.

C. take place in rural areas.

The social control theory of deviance, crime, and illicit drug use focuses on the following factor: A. socialization into deviant values B. hegemony by the powerful to shape laws and social control to their advantage C. the actor's stake in conformity D. the disjunction between the goal of success and the legitimacy of the means to achieve that success E. the recent decay of the American economic structure, which reduces the likelihood of social mobility for people at the bottom of the socioeconomic hierarchy

C. the actor's stake in conformity

Drug researchers have proposed three models or explanations for the drug-crime nexus. Which one is the most adequate in explaining this link? A. the enslavement model B. the predisposition model C. the intensification model D. All are equally adequate in explaining this link. E. All are equally inadequate in explaining this link.

C. the intensification model

Which of the following models most adequately explains the drugs/violence nexus? A. the economic-compulsive model B. the psychopharmacological model C. the systemic model D. All of these models are equally adequate in explaining this nexus. E. All of these models are equally inadequate in explaining this nexus.

C. the systemic model

The period during which media attention was most strongly focused on drug use and abuse was the: A. 1950s B. 1960s C. 1970s D. 1980s E. 1990s

D. 1980s

According to surveys, the use of LSD among American high school students peaked in the: A. 1960s B. 1970s C. 1980s D. 1990s E. first decade of the 2000s

D. 1990s

The first "war on drugs" was launched by President: A. Woodrow Wilson in 1918 B. Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932 C. Harry Truman in 1946 D. Richard Nixon in 1971 E. Jimmy Carter in 1978

D. Richard Nixon in 1971

Current alcohol consumption in the United States is at: A. an all-time high B. an all-time low C. a fairly high point compared with most other periods of history D. a fairly low point compared with most other periods of history E. none of the above

D. a fairly low point compared with most other periods of history

The first psychoactive substance that American states attempted to control was: A. opium B. marijuana C. heroin D. alcohol E. none of the above

D. alcohol

Which of the following theories emphasizes a disjunction between means and ends as the major explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse? A. social control theory B. self-control theory C. social learning and subculture theory D. anomie theory E. social disorganization theory

D. anomie theory

An example of a "chronic" effect of a drug would be: A. getting high or intoxicated B. ataxia, or motor discoordination C. dying of an overdose D. cirrhosis of the liver E. none of the above

D. cirrhosis of the liver

Which of the following drugs or drug types represent the most chemically miscellaneous group of substances? A. the amphetamines B. the narcotics C. alcohol D. club drugs E. marijuana

D. club drugs

The news stories that reported that LSD causes chromosome damage and result in the user passing on birth defects to his or her offspring was: A. verified by research conducted in the 1960s B. a complete media invention—no article published in the scientific literature reported such a finding C. an urban legend that was circulated during the 1960s D. disconfirmed by later scientific research

D. disconfirmed by later scientific research

The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937: A. was designed to raise revenue for the federal government by taxing marijuana transactions B. was declared unconstitutional shortly after its enactment C. was a state law that was passed in a few states but vetoed in most of them D. effective banned all possession and sale of marijuana products E. is still in effect and currently results in most of the marijuana-related arrests in the U.S.

D. effective banned all possession and sale of marijuana products

Media stories on the use of PCP in the 1970s tended to emphasize that the use of the drug would cause the user to: A. die of a drug overdose. B. progress to more dangerous drugs. C. engage in multiple drug use and harm himself or herself as a result. D. have psychotic episodes and engage in self-destructive behavior. E. none of the above

D. have psychotic episodes and engage in self-destructive behavior.

Taking Ambien via prescription to get to sleep is an example of: A. illegal recreational use B. legal recreational use C. illegal instrumental use D. legal instrumental use E. none of the above

D. legal instrumental use

Which of the following substances has the widest/greatest safety margin? A. heroin B. methadone C. cocaine D. marijuana E. morphine

D. marijuana

"Inferential" statistics: A. describe what something is like in quantitative terms B. describe what something is like in qualitative terms C. avoid making causal inferences among their variables D. measure cause-and-effect relationships among two or more variables or factors in qualitative terms E. none of the above

D. measure cause-and-effect relationships among two or more variables or factors in qualitative terms

ADAM-II indicates that the use of one of the following drug in its samples is highly regionalized? A. marijuana B. crack C. opiates D. methamphetamine E. The use of none of these drugs is highly regionalized.

D. methamphetamine

Sensationalistic stories of drug harm erupted for different drugs at different times. For these stories, match up the decade with the drug during which these stories most typically erupted. A. marijuana in the 1960s B. crack cocaine in the 1950s C. PCP in the 1990s D. methamphetamine in the late 1980s to the 2000s E. none of the above

D. methamphetamine in the late 1980s to the 2000s

"Why should people conform? After all, it's so much more fun and rewarding to deviate from society's norms and laws?" An advocate of which of the following theories would agree most strongly with this statement? A. anomie theory B. control theory C. subculture theory D. problem-behavior proneness E. social disorganization theory

D. problem-behavior proneness

Which of the following theories is most likely to be influenced by the media cardinal rule, verify a story with two or more sources? The: A. ruling elite theory B. money machine theory C. grassroots theory D. professional subculture theory E. none of the above

D. professional subculture theory

Most sociological researchers conclude about illicit, illegal, unconventional behavior such as drug use that: A. all people lie so sociologists should ignore and dismiss their answer about it in surveys B. research should include subjecting their respondents to a lie detector test so that they can verify what they say is true and valid C. in order to induce respondents to tell the truth, it is necessary to give them a sum of money as an inducement D. the researcher is likely to receive somewhat inaccurate answers in a survey, but they are approximately or relatively correct, and triangulation helps correct that E. none of the above

D. the researcher is likely to receive somewhat inaccurate answers in a survey, but they are approximately or relatively correct, and triangulation helps correct that

Which of the following theories best explains media bias on the drug story? The: A. ruling elite theory B. money machine theory C. grassroots theory D. professional subculture theory E. All of the above theories contribute concepts that help to understand media bias on the drug story

E. All of the above theories contribute concepts that help to understand media bias on the drug story

Of the following, the drug that is taken the most sporadically, on a once-in-a-while basis, that is, has the lowest "loyalty" rate is: A. marijuana B. alcohol C. the nicotine in tobacco D. the amphetamines E. LSD


Psychopharmacologists classify OxyContin as a/n: A. euphoriant B. depressant C. disassociative anesthetic D. hallucinogen E. analgesic

E. analgesic

Psychopharmacologists classify narcotics as a type of: A. euphoriant B. general depressant C. disassociative anesthetic D. hallucinogen E. analgesic

E. analgesic

Which of the following drugs was included in the Harrison Act yet was not a narcotic or opiate? A. heroin B. marijuana C. morphine D. amphetamine E. cocaine

E. cocaine

Recent increases in overall drug use in the United States have taken place mainly in the consumption of which of the following drugs: A. heroin B. methamphetamine C. cocaine D. MDMA (Ecstasy) E. marijuana

E. marijuana

The national household survey found that during the last decade, virtually all of the increase in drug use in the population that took place was with one drug alone: A. cocaine B. ketamine C. LSD D. sedatives E. marijuana

E. marijuana

Which of the following drugs is least likely to be injected intravenously (IV)? A. heroin B. cocaine C. morphine D. methamphetamine E. marijuana

E. marijuana

An example of an inferential statistic is the following statement: A. In 2011, 22.5 million Americans said that they used one or more illicit drugs during the prior month B. Smokers are more likely to die at 65 than non-smokers are to die at 75 C. The violent crime victimization rate in the U.S. in 2011 declined during the past decade by 30 percent D. 20-year-olds are 30 times more likely to have taken an illicit substance in the prior month than persons 65 or older E. none of the above

E. none of the above

Which of the following assertions about methamphetamine, as reported by the media in the late 1980s, turned out to be true? The use of meth: A. had moved up the socioeconomic ladder to the point where abuse was as common among the rich as among the poor B. had marched across the country to the point where abuse was as common on the East coast as on the West coast C. had become the drug of choice among young people to the point where it had become the most popular and widely used drug in the country D. was "instant addiction"—one puff and you're hooked for life E. none of the above

E. none of the above

Which of the following media assertions about the use of crack cocaine in the 1980s was later verified by scientific research? A. Crack has become America's drug of choice—even more popular than marijuana. B. Nearly every expert now concedes that the crack plague is all but universal. C. One out of ten babies born today are "crack babies"—infants of crack-addicted mothers. D. Crack babies will be permanently damaged, an unmanageable multitude of disturbed and disruptive youth—a lost generation. E. none of the above

E. none of the above

According to the text, which of the following data sources on drugs is so seriously flawed as to be completely worthless to researchers? A. ADAM-II B. DAWN C. MTF D. NSDUH E. none of the above data sources is so seriously flawed as to be completely worthless to researchers

E. none of the above data sources is so seriously flawed as to be completely worthless to researchers

Which of the following media assertions about the use of crack cocaine in the 1980s was later verified by scientific research? A. Try it once and you're hooked! Once you start, you can't stop! B. The use of crack immediately hurls the user into an inferno of craving and despair. C. Crack has now infected every group and community in the country. D. Crack is as common in the middle class suburbs as it is in the ghetto and the urban slum. E. none of the above.

E. none of the above.

Which of the following sociological theories of deviance—and hence, illicit drug use, abuse—has been disconfirmed, that is, evidence has demonstrated more or less conclusively and definitively that it is false? A. social learning and subculture theory B. social disorganization theory C. social control and self-control theories D. selective interaction/socialization theory E. none of the above; all explain at least some part of the drug use/abuse picture

E. none of the above; all explain at least some part of the drug use/abuse picture

The potential for drug dependence is most closely related to: A. toxicity B. learning to enjoy a drug's effects C. whether a drug is soluble in water D. ataxia E. reinforcement, or immediate sensual appeal

E. reinforcement, or immediate sensual appeal

Researchers did not conduct surveys of drug use during the 1960s, but today, they feel that they have a fairly accurate idea of use during that decade because they draw inferences from: A. tax revenues B. media reports C. DAWN's ED/ME reports D. ADAM-II's arrest reports E. retrospective estimates based on a survey conducted in the 1970s

E. retrospective estimates based on a survey conducted in the 1970s

The size or the gap between ED and LD for a given drug is referred to as the: A. intoxication ratio B. neuron ratio C. neurotransmitter ratio D. psychoactivity ratio E. safety or therapeutic margin

E. safety or therapeutic margin

Which of the following drug types is used recreationally on a widespread basis—that is, for the purpose of getting high—in significant numbers? The prescription that are drugs used for the purpose of: A. alleviating depression. B. elevating mood. C. treating schizophrenia. D. treating bipolar disorder. E. sedation.

E. sedation.

Which of the following is the fastest and most efficient route of administration? A. IV injection B. administering a dermal patch C. oral administration D. intra-muscular administration E. smoking

E. smoking

Which of the following theories emphasizes the deteriorated conditions of the community or neighborhood as major the explanation for deviance, crime, delinquency, and drug abuse? A. social control theory B. self-control theory C. social learning and subculture theory D. anomie theory E. social disorganization theory

E. social disorganization theory

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