EDIS 2310

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Travis is a third grade student with an intellectual disability. He has just been placed in Mrs. Kinard's third grade class. Students in his class are learning their multiplication facts. Travis is eager to participate in class but instead of allowing Travis to do the same activity as the other students, Mrs. Kinard gives him a coloring worksheet that she obtained from a colleague who teaches kindergarten. Which of the disadvantages of labeling is exemplified by her actions? A. The label is being used to explain his behavior. B. The label has contributed to the expenditure of greater amounts of money. C. The label has caused her to ridicule and reject Travis. D. The label has caused her to have lower expectations and apply different treatments.

The label has caused her to have lower expectations and apply different treatments

All of the following are typically members of early intervening assistance team except ________. A. general education teachers B. special education teachers C. the school nurse D. the student's parents

The students parents

What percentage of the school-age population consists of students with disabilities in special education? A. 2% B. 5% C. 13% D. 30%


IDEA requires that an individualized education plan be developed for all students with disabilities between the ages of ________ A. birth to 21 B. 3 to 18 C. 3 to 21 D. 6 to 21

3 to 21

Tony is a typically developing student in preschool. He learned to discriminate between a circle and a triangle in 3 trials. His classmate, Jay, has an intellectual disability. How many trials might Jay require to perform the same task? A. 3 B. 10 C. 30 D. 50


Which of the following reflects the number of students affected with a secondary disability? A. 25% B. 10% C. 50% D. 40%


After parental consent has been obtained, school districts must complete the evaluation process for a student suspected of having a disability within ________. A. 30 days B. 45 days C. 60 days D. 90 days

60 days

Which of the following best represents the concept of teaming? A. A group of teachers share bus duty. B. A paraeducator designs a bulletin board for a special educator. C. A special educator provides a list of possible accommodations for a student to a general educator. D. A special educator and a general educator design assignments and assessments for a student and meet to share results.

A special educator and a general educator design assignments and assessments for a student and meet to share results.

Which of the following court cases sought extended school year services for students with disabilities who regressed during usual school breaks? A. Brown v. Board of Education (1954) B. Armstrong v. Kline (1979) C. Stuart v. Nappi (1978) D. Timothy W. v. Rochester School District (1989)

Armstrong v. Kline (1979)

Amelia is a student with autism who does not speak. Instead she types what she wants to say into a device that converts the text to speech. The device helps Amelia to express her desires and needs. This is an example of ________. A. assistive technology B. an instructional strategy C. interdisciplinary services D. universal design for learning

Assistive technology

Which of the following students would be identified as having difficulty with generalization of learning? A. Billy can tie his sneakers but not his dress shoes. B. Keelee can add three-digit numbers but she can't subtract them. C. Jacob has learned how to read music but he refuses to help his brother learn it. D. Melvin has learned to write his name in cursive at school, so he wants to write it at home and at church.

Billy can tie his sneakers but not his dress shoes

Which of the following court rulings declared that school districts could not be compelled to provide costly related services if a student with a disability made adequate progress in general education without those services? A. Honig v. Doe B. Stuart v. Nappi C. Armstrong v. Kline D. Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley

Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley

Which of the following is an example of a measurable annual goal? A. By the end of the school year, Jason will learn to enjoy reading. B. By May of 2012, Elizabeth will improve her anger when teased. C. By the end of the school year, Mary Ellen will become independent in using study skills. D. By the end of the school year, Erin will read a third grade level reading selection with 95% accuracy.

By the end of the school year, Erin will read a third grade level reading selection with 95% accuracy

Which of the following is not defined as a major life activity in the Americans with Disabilities Act? A. Caring for oneself B. Enjoying leisure time C. Communicating D. Working

Enjoying leisure time

Which of the following is the least powerful argument for family involvement in special education? A. Family members can teach students new skills. B. Family members need to feel that they are important. C. Family members must live with the outcomes of decisions made by IEP teams. D. Educational outcomes are more likely to be significant if family members are involved.

Family members need to feel that they are important

Which of the following is the best example of self-determination? A. Frances refuses to take a consumer math class because she hates math. B. Gina asks to ride the bus to town with her cousin so she can learn to use public transportation. C. Holly decides to leave school during lunch period to celebrate a friend's birthday at a restaurant. D. Janelle decides to ride to school with her mother because her mother says the students on the bus are too wild

Gina asks to ride the bus to town with her cousin so she can learn to use public transportation

Which of the following statements about handicaps is NOT true? A. Handicaps may also be a disability if it leads to other problems B. Handicaps pose problems in some environments. C. Handicaps may result from the negative attitudes of others D. Handicaps are evident at birth or shortly after birth

Handicaps are evident at birth or shortly after birth

Mr. Santori has just attended an IEP meeting with Carl's parents. Mr. Santori explained all of the services that Carl was receiving and discussed the progress that Carl has made in reading. Mr. Santori suggested that Carl may be able to focus better if he had medication for his hyperactivity. Other members of the IEP team agree, but Carl's parents do not want to put him on medication. Mr. Santori tells them that being resistant to suggestions will not help Carl. How has Mr. Santori's response hindered communication? A. He is labeling Carl's parents. B. He is keeping professional distance. C. He is disrespecting Carl's parents as less intelligent. D. He is blaming Carl's parents for their son's disability.

He is labeling Carl's parents

According to the mirror model for parent involvement, most parents are likely to participate in ________. A. IEP planning B. PTA meetings C. parent support groups D. workshops

IEP planning

Which of the following statements about IQ tests is NOT true? A. IQ test scores tend to be static. B. Intelligence tests can be culturally biased. C. Intelligence testing is not an exact science. D. IQ tests measure performance at one point in time.

IQ test scored tend to be static

A person's adaptive behavior is usually assessed by ________. A. interviewing someone who knows the person well B. administering a written test C. watching a person perform specific tasks D. interviewing the person

Interviewing someone who knows the person well

Which of the following is NOT a reason to involve students in the development and implementation of their IEPs? A. It leads to the development of more meaningful IEPs. B. It is a requirement of ADA that students are involved in developing their IEPs. C. It provides an opportunity for students to practice self-determination skills. D. It is a requirement of IDEA that students be present whenever appropriate.

It is a requirement of ADA that students are involved in developing their IEPs

Which of the following is a characteristic of primary prevention? A. It is designed to eliminate the effects of risk factors on those so exposed. B. It is designed to reduce the number of new cases of disabilities. C. It is designed for people who are already affected by a problem. D. It is designed to prevent the effects of a disability from worsening.

It is designed to reduce the number of new cases of disabilities

Which of the following statements about inclusion is TRUE? A. Most parents of students with disabilities support inclusion. B. Most parents of children with severe disabilities oppose inclusion. C. Many parents of children with disabilities support inclusion and others oppose it. D. Many parents of children with disabilities support inclusion in theory but most oppose it in practice.

Many parents of children with disabilities support inclusion and others oppose it

Mrs. Jonas, a speech therapist, Mr. Dodds, a physical therapist, and Mrs. Anthony, a special education teacher, work independently to provide services to Jasmine, a student with cerebral palsy. Mrs. Jonas addresses Jasmine's articulation problems. Mr. Dodds focuses on helping Jasmine walk with braces, and Mrs. Anthony works on Jasmine's reading and math goals. Which type of team is described in this scenario? A.Interdisciplinary B. Intradisciplinary C. Multidisciplinary D. Transdisciplinary


Which of the following is NOT involved in RTI? A. Universal screening B. Continuous progress monitoring C. Multifactored evaluation D. Several tiers of intensive intervention before referral

Multifactored evaluation

Hector and his family came to the United States from Cuba last year. Hector speaks only Spanish and seems unable to learn English despite extended help from an ELL teacher. He is failing all subjects in second grade except for Art and P.E. He was recently evaluated for the possibility of an intellectual disability. The school psychologist administered an intelligence test in Spanish. Scores indicate that Hector has significant cognitive delays. Based on the findings, the IEP team is recommending that Hector receive special education services as a student with an intellectual disability. Did Hector receive a nondiscriminatory evaluation as required by IDEA? A. No; only one test was administered. B. No; the psychologist was a stranger to Hector. C. Yes; the testing was done in Hector's home language. D. Yes; the IEP team recommended that Hector receive services.

No; only one test was administered

Isaac is a student with a disability who belongs to a neighborhood gang. He is involved in an argument with another student in math class. Later that night, Isaac attends a school sponsored football game. Other students report that Isaac has a gun and is threatening to shoot the student he argued with earlier. Isaac is removed from the football game by authorities. Members of the IEP team decide to place Isaac at an alternative school for 45 days. Were Isaac's rights violated? A. No; the IEP made the decision to remove Isaac so multiple perspectives were considered. B. No; schools have the right to remove students who bring weapons to school to an interim alternative placement C. Yes; a student with a disability cannot be removed for more than 10 days. D. Yes; a manifestation determination hearing must be conducted before Isaac can be removed.

No; schools have the right to remove students who bring weapons to school to an interim alternative placement

Mrs. Watkins, a fifth grade teacher, and Mrs. Dubois, a special educator, want to begin teaching a unit on fractions. They want to keep group size small so they each teach the same lesson to an equal number of students. Which model of co-teaching is described in this scenario? A. Alternative teaching B. Parallel teaching C. Station teaching D. Team teaching

Parallel teaching

Which of the following is NOT a step in prereferral intervention? A. Teacher or parent reports concern with child's progress. B. Parents are notified. C. Parent consent for testing and evaluation is obtained. D. Intervention assistance teams help plan and implement interventions.

Parent consent for testing and evaluation is obtained

Which of the following statements about parent involvement and special education is TRUE? A. Parent involvement is an essential element of special education. B. Parent involvement is generally discouraged by special educators. C. Parents spend an exorbitant amount of time communicating with special educators. D. Parents generally perceive special educators as experts and are hesitant to become involved in educational decisions.

Parent involvement is an essential element of special education

Which statement about parents of children with disabilities as research partners is most accurate? A. Parents are often too busy to participate in research. B. Parents are seldom educated enough to participate in research. C. Parents are often able to observe and measure performance and identify meaningful outcomes. D. Parents are seldom objective enough to observe and measure performance and identify meaningful outcomes.

Parents are often able to observe and measure performance and identify meaningful outcomes

Which of the following statements about self-determination is least accurate? A. Self-determination cannot be taught to students in elementary or middle school. B. Self-determination entails a complex set of skills. C. Self-determination is a lofty goal. D. Self-determination is both a goal and a means for achieving other goals.

Self-determination cannot be taught to students in elementary or middle school

Mrs. Lucas is preparing for an annual review of Mia's IEP. The team has recommended that Mia receive services in the resource room rather than a self-contained classroom. Mia's current teacher has informed Mrs. Lucas that her parents expect Mia to receive lots of individual attention in class. Mrs. Lucas is expecting Mia's parents to be angry about the decision and she has prepared herself to stand firm and defend the team's decision. Which barrier to effective communication is being displayed by Mrs. Lucas? A. She is keeping professional distance. B. She is treating Mia's parents like adversaries. C. She is treating Mia's parents like they need counseling. D. She is treating Mia's parents like vulnerable clients rather than equal partners.

She is treating Mia's parents like adversaries

Which of the following is the largest disability category in special education? A. Autism B. Emotional disturbance C. Intellectual disabilities D. Specific learning disabilities

Specific Learning Disabilities

PARC v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1972) granted a free appropriate public education to ________. A. all students with disabilities B. students with intellectual disabilities C. students with speech and language impairments D. students who were previously deemed unable to benefit from instruction

Students who were previously deemed unable to benefit from instruction

Which of the following statements about challenging behaviors and students with intellectual disabilities is TRUE A. The challenging behaviors displayed are caused by mental illness. B. Students with mild intellectual disabilities rarely display challenging behaviors. C. Students with severe intellectual disabilities generally exhibit fewer challenging behaviors. D. Students with severe intellectual disabilities generally display a higher incidence of challenging behaviors.

Students with severe intellectual disabilities generally display a higher incidence of challenging behaviors

Which of the following is an example of an open-ended question? A. Does Melvin like school? B. What did Katy name her dog? C. Will Jason walk or ride the bus to school? D. What does Jasmine like to do on the weekend?

What does Jasmine like to do on the weekend?

According to the IDEA amendments of 1997 a manifestation determination hearing must be conducted ________. A. each time a student with a disability is suspended B. only when a student with a disability is recommended for expulsion C. when a student with a disability has been suspended in excess of 10 days D. when a student has a suspension for at least a school week (5 days)

When a student with a disability has been suspended in excess of 10 days

Which question is critical for teachers in determining which skills to include in a functional curriculum? A. Will it be learned in the next grade? B. Will learning this knowledge/skill be frustrating? C. Will this skill make the student more acceptable to peers without disabilities? D. Will failure to learn the knowledge or skill result in negative consequences?

Will failure to learn the knowledge or skill result in negative consequences?

Marvin is a second grade student with a moderate intellectual disability. His teachers claim that his gnome costume for Halloween was perfect for him. They say that he is always happy and that he never meets a stranger. Recently his teacher had to stop him from leaving the classroom with a man who had come to fix the computer. Marvin displays characteristics of a person with ________. A. PKU B. fragile X syndrome C. Prader-Willi syndrome D. Williams syndrome

Williams syndrome

Mark is a student with autism. Mrs. Tozzi, a fifth grade teacher, is having a conference with his parents. She begins by welcoming them. She asks his parents if he is experiencing problems with his homework and invites them to explain how autism is likely to affect his academic and social skills. Finally, she asks them if Mark is having any other challenges that she may not be aware of. Was Mrs. Tozzi engaging in effective questioning? A. Yes; she asked open-ended questions. B. Yes; she valued the input of his parents. C. No; she focused mainly on problems and deficits. D. No; she did not allow them to keep family information private.

Yes; she asked open-ended questions

Which principle of IDEA states that no child with a disability can be excluded from a free appropriate public education? A. Zero reject B. Due process C. Mainstreaming D. Full inclusion

Zero reject

Chapter 1


Successful co-teaching requires all of the following excepT ________. A. flexibility B. a sense of humor C. meticulous planning D. open communication

a sense of humor

In program planning, the evaluation team determines all of the following except ________. A. learning goals and objectives B. causation of the disability C. providers of special education and related services D. frequency of specialized instruction and related services

causation of the disability

Mrs. Rodriquez thinks that Byron, a student with a physical disability, should have surgery so that he can use special equipment that will allow him to stand for several minutes each day. Byron's mother, Mrs. Williams, will not consent to the surgery because it is very risky and will not enable him to be able to walk. Therefore, she feels it is not worth it. Mrs. Rodriquez respects the decision that Byron's mother has made. She is demonstrating ________. A. cultural competence B. cultural divergence C. cultural objectivity D. cultural reciprocity

cultural reciprocity

The difference in the prevalence rates of intellectual disabilities is largely due to ________. A. differences in poverty rates B. differences in parental education C. differences in availability of services D. differences in criteria used for identification

differences in criteria used for identification

During the practice stage of learning, feedback for students with intellectual disabilities should ________ A. be given after every response B. be given after every correct response C. emphasize the correct rate of skill performance D. emphasize the accuracy and form of the student's response during performance

emphasize the correct rate of skill performance

To be sure that students with disabilities receive the highest quality of instruction, teachers are required to use ________. A. curriculum-based assessment B. evidence-based practices C. peer-initiated strategies D. small-group instruction

evidence-based practices

Common feelings of siblings of children with disabilities include all of the following except ________. A. feelings of being left out B. uneasiness about the reaction of friends C. concerns about the cause of the disability D. fear that they will be rejected by their sibling with disabilities

fear they they will be rejected by their sibling with disabilities

According to research, initial reactions of parents who learn that their child has a disability are generally ________ A. feelings of shock, denial and disbelief B. alternating feelings of anger, guilt and depression C. feelings of shame, rejection of the child, and overprotectiveness D. feelings of love and appreciation for the positive aspects of family life

feelings of shock, denial and disbelief

Carlos is a high school student who uses a wheelchair. He participates in advanced placement math and science classes and does well in other subjects. He feels awkward in physical education because he is unable to fully participate in sports such as basketball. According to current terminology, Carlos is ________. A. at risk B. challenged C. handicapped D. impaired


Julia was diagnosed with bone cancer at the age of six. It was necessary for doctors to amputate her right leg below the knee. According to current terminology, Julia is ________. A. at risk B. challenged C. Handicapped D. impaired


Social deficits displayed by students with intellectual disabilities include all of the following except ________. A. inability to recall names B. poor communication skills C. inability to recognize emotional states of others D. unusual or inappropriate behavior during social interactions

inability to recall names

All of the following contribute to disproportionate representation of diverse students in special education except ________. A. biased referrals B. inaccurate assessment C. ineffective instructional practices D. inconsistent parental involvement

inconsistent parent involvement

All of the following are reasons that teachers and parents must maintain partnership except ________. A. they are required to under IDEA B. there is an increased likelihood of targeting meaningful IEP goals C. parent groups require collaboration for membership D. there is access to expanded resources and services

parent groups require collaboration for membership

Principles for effective communication between parents and educators include all of the following except ________. A. passive listening B. staying focused C. effective questioning D. accepting parents' statements

passive listening

The steps in the RERUN approach to conflict resolution described by Gonzales-Mena (2006) are ________. A. respect, explain, reason, unify, nurture B. respect, evaluate, reason, unify, nurture. C. reflect, emulate, reason, understand, negotiate D. respect, explain, reason, understand, negotiate

respect, explain, reason, understand, negotiate

Breaking down complex skills into smaller subskills or steps to make learning easier is known as ________. A. task analysis B. applied learning C. direct instruction D. programmed instruction

task analysis

Mrs. Wolfe, a second grade teacher, wants Anthony's mother to feel comfortable during their parent-teacher conference. To build rapport with her, Mrs. Wolfe should ________. A. ask her if she likes the cooler weather B. tell her that a Cub Scout troop is being started after school for second grade boys C. tell her that Anthony may fail math if he does not receive tutoring D. ask her to sit in Anthony's chair and look over papers in his daily work folder

tell her a Cub Scout troop is being started after school for second grade boys

Recent studies of actual IEPs indicate that ________ A. they are data based and creative B. they are often useless to parents and students C. they have improved greatly over the past 20 years D. they represent the best of educational interventions

they are often useless to parents and students

All of the following are features of two-way home—school reporting forms except ________. A. they may include information about behavior B. they include spaces for students to write short notes C. they include spaces for teachers to write short notes D. they include information about homework assignments

they include spaces for students to write short notes

Which of the following is a maternal screening test, administered during weeks 8 to 10, that can identify pregnancies at risk for a disorder associated with intellectual disabilities? A. Amniocentesis B. Maternal serum (AFP) alpha-fetoprotein C. Chorionic villi sampling D. Tandem mass spectrometry

Chorionic villi sampling

Which of the following strategies is least likely to promote successful inclusion for students with intellectual disabilities? A. Peer tutoring B. Common recess time C. Collaborative learning D. Direct training in social skills

Common recess time

Maurice has cerebral palsy and is physically unable to speak. His teacher helps him to learn to use a communication board. What type of intervention is this. A. Compensatory B. Preventive C. Rehabilitative D. Remedial


Which of the following exemplifies learned helplessness A. Ayden listens to the teacher as she gives directions. B. Brenda asks for help when she does not understand how to solve a math problem. C. Colleen counts on her fingers to multiply 4 × 9 because she does not know the answer. D. Darla has studied for a spelling test but she refuses to write any of the words the teacher dictates as she fears making an error.

Darla has studied for a spelling test but she refuses to write any of the works the teacher dictates as she fears making an error

RTI is designed for all of the following purposes except ________. A. determining whether the child is a child with a disability B. providing IEP teams with valuable baseline data for planning C. providing immediate instructional and/or behavioral assistance D. reducing the frequency of special education placement

Determining whether the child is a child with a disability

The two most common genetic causes of intellectual disabilities are ________. A. Down syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder B. Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome C. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and Tay-Sachs disease D. Prader-Willi syndrome and PKU

Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome

Which of the following statements about an IEP is inaccurate? A. An IEP is a measure of accountability. B. A school district is legally obligated to provide the services described in the IEP. C. Teachers and school districts can be prosecuted if a student does not meet the goals in the IEP. D. Schools must be able to document that they made a conscientious effort to achieve the goals in the IEP.

Teachers and school districts can be prosecuted if a student does not meet the goals in the IEP

Which is NOT a classwide peer tutoring model derived from research in inclusive classrooms? A. The Ohio State University model B. Peer Assisted Learning Strategies C. Juniper Gardens Children's Project D. The Detroit University Peer Project

The Detroit University Peer Project

Which of the following statements about least restrictive environment is TRUE? A. The LRE may change over time. B. The LRE is the setting that is the most diverse. C. The LRE is the resource room for most students. D. The LRE is determined by the disability category.

The LRE may change over time

Which of the following represents an accurate distinction between arguing and dialoguing? A. The arguer yells; the dialoguer is calm. B. The arguer tries to persuade; the dialoguer stands firm. C. The arguer tries to convince; the dialoguer wants to discover. D. The arguer wants to win the argument; the dialoguer strives for harmony.

The arguer tries to convince; the dialoguer wants to discover

Which of the following is NOT true of learned helplessness and outer-directedness? A. They may be caused by frequent failure. B. They are often seen as a lack of motivation. C. They often result from dependency on other people. D. They are an inherent characteristic of intellectual disabilities.

They are inherent characteristic of intellectual disabilities

Which of the following statements about attention and students with intellectual disabilities is most accurate? A. They have a great capacity for sustained attention. B. They are typically slower to attend to relevant features of a task. C. They are more likely to focus on complex tasks rather than simple ones. D. They have little difficulty coming to attention and focus immediately when a stimulus grabs their attention.

They are typically slower to attend to relevant features of a task

Which of the following statements about the special education system and culturally/linguistically diverse families is TRUE? A. They may embrace special education as a source of help. B. They may view educational jargon as a model of good English. C. They may expect the same level of services that are available in their country. D. They may view professionals as experts and be hesitant to express their opinions.

They may view professionals as experts and be hesitant to express their opinions

Which of the following statements has the least support from the literature on culturally diverse families? A. They may view school officials as part of their extended family. B. They may view a disability as a blessing or a punishment from God. C. They may fear that school authorities will report their undocumented status. D. They may have negative educational experiences that are reinforced by negative contact from school.

They may view school officials a part of their extended family

All of the following are examples of related services except ________. A. therapeutic recreation services B. transportation to scheduled doctor visits C. speech and language services to prevent communicative problems D. orientation and mobility services for students who are blind or partially sighted.

Transportation to scheduled doctor visits

Which of the following professional behaviors can be a roadblock to communication? A. Negotiating IEP goals B. Reflecting on communication C. Explaining steps to help children D. Treating parents as if needing counseling

Treating parents as if needing counseling

Which of the following best represents a deficit in adaptive behavior? A. Three-year-old Joey is afraid of the dark. B. Two-year old Darrell cannot tie his shoes. C. Twelve-year-old Chandler cannot cross the street without assistance. D. Fourteen-year-old Rodney calls his friend a sissy for wearing a hat in cold weather.

Twelve-year-old Chandler cannot cross the street without assistance

Which of the following statements about gender and special education is TRUE? A. Twice as many boys receive special education services. B. Twice as many girls receive special education services. C.Three times as many boys receive special education services. D. An equal number of boys and girls receive special education services.

Twice as many boys receive special education services

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