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Application of Vygotsky's proximal zone concept would include

making new tasks slightly beyond the student's current level of ability.

A behavior is more likely in the future following

negative reinforcement

Maxwell was in time out for disturbing the class, but while there he was working hard, so the teacher cut short his punishment. When he returned to his seat he continued to do his work without disturbing others. This is an example of

negative reinforcement

Behavioral theories of learning emphasize

observational actions

Vicarious learning is learning by:


Research has shown that the capacity of the working memory is limited to about how many chunks?

5 to 9

Bobbie, who has studied how to calculate a perimeter in his mathematics class, later figures out how many feet of fencing are needed to surround a yard of a particular size. What element in Bloom's taxonomy is most directly exemplified?


Which of the following techniques permits researchers to distinguish between the effects of nature and nurture?

Comparing traits or skills of monozygotic twins who were separated at birth.

Which of the following is generally the most effective way to learn from a textbook?

Explain key ideas of the text to yourself while reading.

Which type of intelligence declines as adults get older?

Fluid intelligence.

The theory that defines intelligence as encompassing 8 or 9 separate kinds of intelligence is

Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.

What two things are essential for cooperative learning to be effective?

Individual accountability and group rewards.

Which one of the following students is engaged in divergent thinking?

Janelle indicates which one of five figures is concealed in a complex figure. Correct Answer: Dave invents 10 new excuses to tell his mother why he hasn't done his homework. Mario gives a word to satisfy a definition and a given first letter. Alice identifies the category name for a group of 15 objects that share more than one similar feature

Which one of the following is the best example of the serial position effect?

Jeff can remember the first and last planets, but not the middle ones.

Which one of the following situations is a valid implication of Maslow's hierarchy for education?

Jennifer, who is feeling ill this week, may show little interest in academic performance.

Which one of the following people best illustrates the state of functional fixedness?

Jessica, a student who is trying to solve a math problem, explores many different strategies until she gets a reasonable answer. Tracey, a third-grade teacher, sees the second-grade achievement scores for her new class and begins to form expectancies about individuals' abilities. Richard, who is used to making "d" look like "b," continues to make the same error. Correct Answer: Rob, a student who is using a ruler for drawing lines, fails to realize that he can use its metal edge as a scraper to remove paint from his desk

Which one of the following is the clearest example of assimilation?

Learning how to paint with a paintbrush rather than finger painting. Correct Answer: Looking at a worm and thinking that it is a snake. Learning that a green light means "go," a yellow light means "slow," and a red light means "stop." Looking at teachers as they lecture.

Which of the following best summarizes what research tells us about learning styles and teaching?

Learning styles influence classroom learning more than multiple intelligences. Correct Answer Research does not support adapting instruction to match students' learning styles. It is more important to attend to learning styles in elementary than in secondary education. Learning styles and multiple intelligences influence student learning in similar ways.

When a correlation coefficient of -.80 is found between factor A and factor B, the most accurate interpretation is that

a decrease in factor A is strongly related to an increase in factor B.

The more deeply you process information relative to its meaning, appearance, and function, the easier is it to recall information about it later. This notion is consistent with which of the following?

Levels of processing theory

Which of the following is most likely to be strongly influenced by a few very high scores?


Which of the following (a) has a U-shaped developmental curve and (b) is often used by developmental psychologists to demonstrate that language acquisition does NOT occur solely by imitation, but rather involves figuring out of the rules of language? Correct!


Which one of the following people best illustrates the state of functional fixedness? B

Peter, who is used to making "d" look like "b," continues to make the same error. Morgan, a third-grade teacher, sees the second-grade achievement scores for her new class and begins to form expectancies about individuals' abilities. Correct Answer: Will, a student who is using a ruler for drawing lines, fails to realize that he can use its metal edge as a scraper to remove paint from his desk. Anjelica, a student who is trying to solve a math problem, explores many different strategies until she gets a reasonable answer.

What kind of correlation coefficient is likely to be obtained between children's ages (between ages 5 and 13) and the distance that they can long jump?


Mr. Adler announced that as soon as all the desks were cleared, the class could go to recess. Immediately, the children began clearing their desks. This scenario best exemplifies the

Premack principle.

Billie is shown two balls of clay that he identifies as equal in quantity. When one of the balls is then rolled into a sausage, Billie says that piece (i.e., the sausage) now has more clay. In what stage of development is he most likely to be?


A teacher pours juice from a larger glass into two tiny glasses, and the child beams, happy now that he has "more juice." What cognitive stage (Piaget's theory) does the account best illustrate?

Preoperational thought

Which kinds of tests tend to have the highest reliability?

Selected-response tests

In Piaget's theory, an understanding of object permanence is acquired during what period? You Answered


Two students are shown a variety of tools in a woodworking class. Student A is asked to name the tools and Student B to indicate several possible uses of each tool. Based on the concept of elaboration, which of the following situations would be predicted?

Student B would later remember more of the tools than would Student A.

To which of the following should you not tailor your teaching?

Students' interests Students' previous knowledge of the subject Students' abilities Correct Answer: Students' preferred learning styles (visual, kinesthetic, etc.)

You have a test coming up. Which of the following is generally the most effective way to review the material?

Take an informal quiz based on the material.

In a normal distribution, which one of the following measures of central tendency will have the highest value?

The central tendencies will be equal.

Flynn's current explanation of what has come to be known as the "Flynn Effect" is that:

The environments in which we live require increasingly greater amounts of intelligence.

Students complain loudly when a teacher announces a pop quiz and the teacher therefore decides not to give the quiz, making both the students and himself happier. Which of the following long-term outcomes is most probable?

The students will complain more and the teacher will given in more often when they do.

A correlation coefficient of 0.67 is found between factor A and factor B, the most accurate interpretation is that

a decrease in factor A is typically related to a decrease in factor B

Any general strategy used in attempting to solve problems that does not provide step-by-step guidance is called:

a heuristic

The Premack principle states that

a preferred activity can be a reinforcer for a less-preferred activity

Most psychologists today believe that intelligence is influenced

about equally by heredity and environment.

Amy observed rocks sinking in water and said, "I already knew that. All rocks sink." Then she saw a piece of pumice floating on water and was told that pumice is rock. Several days later, she was asked again if rocks sink in water. She replied, "Well, most do." In Piaget's terms, what process did Marcella use to draw this conclusion?


A step-by-step method of achieving a solution is called

an algorithm.

Bobbie, who has studied how to calculate a perimeter in his mathematics class, later figures out how many feet of fencing are needed to surround a yard of a particular size. What element in Bloom's taxonomy is most directly exemplified?


Vygotsky believed that children rely on private speech when they:

are experiencing difficulty with understanding a difficult new concept.

A correlational study indicates that teachers' interest in teaching and the amount of the day their students are engaged in learning correlate at +0.41. This coefficient would indicate that

as teacher interest increases, engaged time tends to increase.

Which of the following are most likely to help students overcome limits of working memory?

automatization and external memory aids

Which of the following is most likely to describe a student with a learning disability?

average or above-average intelligence

After getting in line quietly, Letitia is told by the teacher "Nice going! For setting such a good example, you do not have to help with the finger painting clean-up this afternoon." Michele has apparently received

both positive and negative reinforcement.

A strategy for group problem solving that involves generating as many ideas as possible before evaluating any of them is called __________.


When Pavlov continuously paired the tuning fork sound with the food, the sound became the:

conditioned stimulus.

Erikson's notion of developmental crises can be defined as a

conflict between a positive and an unhealthy alternative.

According to Erickson's psychosocial theory of development

conflict resolution in the early years sets the stage for accomplishments in later stages.

Which kind of reinforcement schedule results in the quickest behavior change?


Teachers who utilize questions that have a single correct answer are expecting:

convergent thinking.

Jessica is trying to select the correct answer to an arithmetic exercise. What type of thinking is Jessica engaged in?


The questions on multiple-choice tests generally require what kind of thinking?


Dr. Henderson reported that among the 500 students in her study, using a systematic study strategy was positively correlated with higher grades, but she could not say whether the strategy had caused this. What type of research did she conduct?


If you are puzzled about a situation and don't understand why present attempts to solve the problem aren't working, Piaget would say you are in a state of:


Bryan is working on a title and outline for his English paper. His teacher had indicated that creativity is important. Bryan is trying hard to generate the widest variety and greatest number of ideas he can. What type of thinking is Bryan engaged in?


The ability to come up with many ideas is what type of thinking?

divergent thinking

Multiple intelligence theory, as described by Gardner, argues that: B

each intelligence is distinct, with different intelligences for different kinds of cognitive activity.

Ichiro is asked to describe what his mother sees as she views the room from a different angle than he (Ichiro) does. Ichiro instead describes what he sees personally. This behavior relates to the concept of


In his first game of hide-and-seek, Robert covers his eyes so that his friends cannot see him. His thinking can be described as


According to Erikson, if a child fails to resolve a crisis at an early stage, the child is apt to

encounter problems with resolutions of later crises.

In his psychology class, Max discusses his view about the ethics of behavior modification. He questions, "Is it proper to manipulate people?" What element from Bloom's taxonomy is most directly exemplified?


Dr. Monroe concludes from her research that using a systematic study strategy caused good grades for students assigned to a particular group. For this conclusion to be valid, the type of research that was performed must have been what type of study?


Scaffolding is

external support that teachers should provide to help children solve problems just beyond their reach.

Sylvia's temper tantrum behaviors have been very distressing to her mother. To end them, Sylvia's mother resolves that she will ignore the tantrums no matter what with the goal of


Grades and praise are examples of what type of motivation?


Motivation based on rewards and evaluations is called __________.


Lassie and Laddie run to the food dish whenever they hear the electric can opener. One day they hear an electric drill and run to their food dish. Their response is due to


Ms. Honabach would like to have her students, while experimenting with their own structured materials, discover some key principles of gravity. Which of the following teaching methods would be most appropriate for this purpose?

guided inquiry

The primary goal of reciprocal teaching is

improve reading comprehension.

According to Piaget, people pass through the four stages of cognitive-development

in the same sequence

The main purpose of the reciprocal teaching approach is to:

increase poor readers' comprehension skills.

A stimulus is defined by Skinner as a reinforcer or a punisher depending on whether it

increases or decreases the frequency of the behavior that it follows

Horatio is no longer satisfied with pretending he has a place of his own. He's in the third grade now and old enough to build a real playhouse. He sets to work with boards and cardboard, and takes great pleasure in the completed project. Jackson is at the stage of

industry vs. inferiority.

On Sunday afternoon, Frank spent a couple of hours picking up discarded bottles and cans from a picturesque section of the wildlife refuge, even though he knew he would not get paid anything for his efforts. Frank's motivation is best described as being


According to "hidden cost of reward" research, what tends to decrease when a student is offered rewards for doing a task that she enjoys doing and finds interesting?

intrinsic motivation

When an experimental result is reported in the research literature as "statistically significant," this means that the result

is unlikely to have occurred by chance.

One of the most efficient and effective ways to increase the reliability of a test is to

lengthen the test

Mr. Cleveland began using a regular system of rewards with his troublesome fourth-grade class. The reward system worked well and soon the class was behaving much better. Now that this strategy is working well, the rewards should be distributed

on an intermittent schedule.

Mr. Cleveland began using a regular system of rewards with his troublesome fourth-grade class. The reward system worked well and soon the class was behaving much better. Now that this strategy is working well, the rewards should be distributed Correct Answer

on an intermittent schedule.

Mr. Sayers began using a token reinforcement strategy with his disruptive sixth-grade class. The token system was received well by students and soon the class was following the classroom rules. Now that this strategy is working well, the tokens should be distributed

on an intermittent schedule.

Allan's review of all available ability-grouping research argues that, compared to heterogeneous grouping, homogeneous grouping causes

overall achievement to increase.

When teaching a concept, teachers should present "nonexamples" in order to help students avoid


Forgetting due to the serial-position effect can be reduced through the use of

part learning.

Receiving a paycheck at the end of the work week is an example of:

postive reinforcement

When you mention "dogs," both Jay and Helen would picture collies. In relation to the concept "dog," what would the image of a collie be?


A researcher who uses a coin toss to assign subjects to a group is using:

random assignment

Expert teachers do not have to think as hard as beginning teachers due to an ability to

recognize patterns in problems.

Bartlett's classic finding of college students' varied recollections of stories that had been read to them illustrated the principle of


The basic purpose of chunking as a memory strategy is to

reduce the number of items one needs to keep active in working memory.

Support that helps a child solve a problem in her zone of proximal development is called


When a person's moral development is at the preconventional level, the most important moral criteria are

the direct personal results of an action.

The contagious spreading of behaviors is known as:

the ripple effect

Remembering the first and last words in a list with the greatest rate of accuracy is called:

the serial position effect.

Multiple intelligence theory, as described by Gardner, argues that:

there is no overlap among the intelligences.

Metacognition deals with knowledge about our own

thinking processes.

Teachers who have their students exchange tickets they have earned for good behavior for a reward such as stickers are using:

token reinforcement

In teaching the concept "language," Mr. Morita has included hand signs and computer software as examples. His choice of examples is designed to avoid


Four-year-old Sharon is playing house by herself. Her mother overhears her saying, "First we can mow the lawn, then we'll do the dishes, then we'll get ready for the party." With respect to social speech, Piaget would consider this child to be ____________________, whereas Vygotsky would consider her to be ______________________ .

using egocentric speech; developing cognitive skills

Beliefs about teaching the gifted now

view both acceleration and enrichment as beneficial.

Constructivists believe that students should be taught:

with complex situations and "fuzzy," ill-structured problems.

The zone of proximal development is the area where a child can solve a problem

with support

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