EDU Psych Test 4 Ch 11-13

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Which best illustrates imaginary audience?

A boy does not go to the prom because he is not a good dancer and believes that everybody will be focusing on him.

Which best describes adolescent egocentrism?

A lack of differentiation between one's own thoughts and the thoughts of others

Which best describes procedural facilitations?

A set of prompts to use while planning writing

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates backward-reaching transfer?

Amberlyn reviewed her notes in statistics to help her run analyses on data in her psychology class.

Which one of the following is the best illustration of metacognition?

Connie is studying for a history test. She knows that she has trouble with dates, so she checks herself by giving herself a short quiz after each chapter.

Which best illustrates the second step in the PQ4R model?

Derrick uses the section headings to quiz himself by asking, "What are the chambers of the heart?"

Which of the following scenarios is an example of using a method of loci memory strategy?

Every morning before a quiz, Tim likes to picture concepts that he needs to know at the various locations in his house he typically visits during his morning routine.

Which of the following examples best illustrates reflective practice?

Holly is always sure to ask her science teacher any questions she has after each lesson to gain a conceptual understanding of the processes that were taught.

Which of the following scenarios is an example of negative transfer?

Jasmine recently learned that dogs are four legged animals with fur, she saw a cat the next day and called it a dog.

Which of the following is an example of imaginary audience?

Lesley thinks that her new sweater is ugly because nobody complimented her when she wore it to school.

Which is the best description of inductive reasoning?

Logical thinking that moves from use of specific examples to general principles.

Which of the following scenarios is an example of positive transfer?

Mirjana has learned that she can typically remember new concepts after she has studied her notes over a couple of weeks. She applies this studying pattern to all of her classes.

Which of the following is an example of a well-defined problem?

Mr. Griffin assigns a problem on calculating the square feet of the classroom (the measurements of the sides are given).

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates a teacher promoting intrinsic motivation?

Mr. Rigs allows students to choose the topic they would like to write their research paper on.

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates a teacher exercising authentic feedback?

Ms. Delaney always gives her students at least one compliment on their artwork along with tips on how they might improve their artistic abilities.

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates a teacher utilizing disciplined improvisation?

Ms. Hunter makes sure she allows flexibility in her lesson plans to allow for extra questions or time for class discussions.

If a teacher could use only one of the following to craft effective lessons to promote automaticity, the teacher would emphasize ______.


Which best describes mindful abstraction?

Recognizing and retrieving meaningful information to apply it to the new learning context.

Which of the following techniques may be useful to decrease recognition failure?

Reflective and elaborative processing

Which of the following is most likely to lead to effective low-road transfer?

Reflective practice and extensive memorization

Which of the following strategies may effectively help children to reduce study errors?

SOAR method

Which is the best description of transfer?

Skills, strategies, and prior knowledge that influence new learning.

Which best describes critical thinking?

The process of evaluating the accuracy and worth of information and lines of reasoning.

Which of the following best illustrates low-road transfer?

Toshiko has extensively practiced reading skills in her school, so she automatically uses those skills to read the menu at a restaurant.

As part of his instruction for doing a research paper, Mr. Lee teaches the students to dissect similar research papers and use the strategy of working backward to systematically identify the steps needed to write their own. As a strategy, this general rule of thumb he is teaching them might best be described as ______.

a heuristic

Response set is ______.

a tendency to respond to events or situations in a way most familiar you

A 10th-grade student refuses to attend the prom because, he said, "Everyone will be watching how badly I dance." His fears are probably based on ______.

adolescent egocentrism

A problem-solving procedure that is guaranteed to accomplish a particular goal when correctly implemented is called a(an) ______.


In an algebra class, Mr. Gutierrez shows the class a sequence of steps for solving a type of problem. The equation he teaches them might best be described as ______.

an algorithm

A class is asked to find a solution to the issue of water shortages in their community. After doing some research, the class gets stuck, as there are too many avenues to explore. As a strategy, Mr. Byrd suggests that they limit their exploration of solutions to ones that have been used in communities similar to their own. The strategy he is teaching them is best labeled ______.

analogical thinking

Introspection is best described as ______.

awareness and understanding of your own thoughts

Maria has excellent study habits. She seems to know just what to review and when to start studying the course materials. Maria is applying what type of knowledge?


One explanation for imaginary audience and personal fable is that they are ______ exercised by adolescents.

coping mechanisms

Physical activity has been found to increase ______.

creative thinking

Bloom's Taxonomy is best described as providing ______.

descriptions of higher and lower levels of thinking skills

Two common barriers to critical thinking that teachers should help students overcome are ______.

egocentric and sociocentric views

Bern contemplates the extent to which his study strategies improved his grades this semester. This is best described as which component of metacognitive regulation?


Deguchi is playing a game on her computer, when her mother reminds her to do her arithmetic homework. Looking at the problems, she realizes she will need a calculator. She spends several minutes searching for one, overlooking that her computer can serve as a calculator. This thinking is best described as ______.

functional fixedness

Billie previously learned the multiplication tables through repeated practice and then, when faced with the new problem of estimating the cost of six boxes of cereal, applied multiplication to solve the problem. The most accurate description of what she has done is ______.

higher order thinking

In using the IDEAL approach to problem-solving, the first step is to ______.

identify the problem

The strategy IDEAL stands for ______.

identify, define, explore, anticipate outcomes and act, look back and learn

Ariana says, "I always love math class; learning how to solve problems is way cool!" She might best be described as having ______.

individual interest

Critical thinking involves two types of reasoning, ______.

inductive and deductive

A teacher who incorporates all four principles of instructional design to foster transfer will strive to develop automaticity of skills, motivate students to value learning, teach metacognitive strategies, and promote ______.

meaningful learning

In research on study-time allocation, the region of proximal learning model suggests that better performance can be had by studying ______.

more for the items not easy or difficult but just out of grasp

Relative to conventional outline notes, it is most accurate to say that matrix notes result in ______.

more learning overall

Mr. Young encourages his music students to develop individual interests and set mastery goals, and his enthusiasm during lessons often sparks situational interest. He particularly emphasizes which principle of teaching for transfer?

motivating students to value learning

"I am very good at memorizing lists, but not so good at comprehending what I read," Patrice thinks. This is best described as an example of ______ knowledge.


Ideally, teachers want learning to result in ______ transfer.


PQ4R is a reading comprehension system whose steps include ______.

preview, question, read, reflect, recite, and review

A biology teacher wants to teach students to recognize the effects of pollution. He tells them they are to pretend they are investigators for the state's Department of Fish and Game, who shortly are to turn in their findings and recommendations related to the pollution's effects in the local river. This is best described as ______.

problem-based learning

The IDEAL strategy is best described as ____.

problem-solving steps found in many different approaches

Transfer involving problem-solving and analogies is rare because of a lack of ______.

recognition, abstraction, and mapping

Which of the following best describes convergent thinking?

resolving an issue by piecing together various pieces of information

People who have trouble solving problems such as connect-the-dots are facing the obstacle of ______:

response set

Students in a history class have an assigned reading on George Washington, with passages containing very interesting information about his wooden false teeth and the primitive state of dentistry at the time. This is best described as an example of ______.

seductive details

Felix watches a chemistry demonstration by his teacher with excitement, saying, "Can you believe what just happened? I can't wait to learn why it did that!" He might best be described as having ______.

situational interest

According to the research on note-taking, students write down only a percentage of important information because ______.

students typically do not know what is and is not important to write down

Reciprocal teaching includes steps of ______.

summarizing, questioning, clarifying, predicting

Ms. Kapoor teaches her third graders about transfer itself and recognizing situations in which their mathematical problem-solving skills can be applied. Which best describes the principle she is using to increase transfer?

teaching metacognitive strategies

Personal fable is best described as ______.

the belief that you are so unique that nobody else can understand your situation

Task knowledge describes our capability ______.

to perceive the difficulty of a task

Sapna is able to recognize that her mom probably cannot see what is on TV because she is facing the TV at a bad angle. Which of the following components of theory of mind is this most closely related to?

visual perspective-taking

Reciprocal teaching is most commonly used with ______ children, whereas PQ4R is most commonly used with ______ children.

younger, older

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