Educational Assessments

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Effective achievement assessments can contribute to:

-retention -student motivation -the evaluation of instructional effectiveness -transfer of learning

Match applications of assessment with the type of assessment. Compares performance to specified achievement domain.

Criterion-referenced assessment

Match each assessment with its application. Used during instruction to determine if students are making satisfactory progress


Match applications of assessment with the type of assessment. Compares performance to other individuals.

Norm-referenced assessment

Match the possible components of the assessment with the guidelines for assessment development proposed in the first article. Asking students to review the rubric used for scoring the assessment and score themselves based on their understanding and progress during the unit.

Self and peer assessment

Authentic assessment or traditional assessment: Application and transfer of knowledge

authentic assessment

What is the purpose of the Code of Professional Responsibilities in Educational Measurement? a. to provide guidelines for future teacher license b. to provide guidance for assessment textbook publishers c. to provide guidance for test development and administration d. to provide guidelines for laws to be passed for ethical assessment


Content standards

describe what students should know and be able to do at the end of a specified period of learning

____ are used to monitor students progress during instruction

formative assessment

A _____ covers the intended learning outcomes of the planned instruction

placement assessment

A _____ is given at the end of instruction to certify master or assign grades.

summative assessment

Authentic assessment or traditional assessment: limited scope

traditional assessment

Authentic assessment or traditional assessment: paper-and-pencil

traditional assessment

Authentic assessment or traditional assessment: tests knowledge, content, and skills only

traditional assessment

What are types of performance assessments

writing a story, giving a speech, conducting an experiment, operating a machine

Alternative Assessments

A title for performance assessments that emphasizes that these assessment methods provide an alternative to traditional paper-and-pencil testing.

Match each assessment with its application. Assess student learning in real-world settings


Match the use of each assessment with the corresponding description. Evaluation of collections of student work demonstrates progress over time.

Portfolio Assessment

Match the possible components of the assessment with the guidelines for assessment development proposed in the first article. Reviewing the data and realizing that students are not fully understanding one of the major themes of the novel, and then adjusting the next day's instruction so that students focus more fully on key passages related to the theme.

Modifying instruction based on identified areas for improvement

Match each assessment with its application. Determine if students have the prerequisite skills to begin the instructional sequence


Match each assessment with its application. Assess learning outcomes following the instructional sequence


Match the description of the scenario with the correct term. Mr. Huite's 10th grade students finish their unit on report writing. they turn in their reports for final grades.


Match applications of assessment with the type of assessment. Measures achievement at the end of instruction

Summative Assessment

Achievement Assessment

a broad category that includes all of the various methods for determining the extent to which students are achieving the intended learning outcomes of instruction.

A fourth-grade teacher is beginning a unit on habitats. The teacher wants to have students create a portfolio during the unit to be used as a culminating assessment grade. The teacher wants to select an appropriate approach to the assignment of grades. Which approach will help the teacher achieve this? a. The teacher should prepare a holistic scoring rubric for evaluating a student's final level of performance. b. The teacher should use a range of percentages to allow for differences in the ability level of the class. c. The teacher should use an absolute-grading approach to assess the learning tasks based on a criterion-referenced interpretation. d. The teacher should base grades on achievement in relation to learning ability, the amount of improvement in achievement, or the amount of effort a student puts forth.


A language arts teacher is beginning a new unit on figurative language. The teacher wants to organize a series of assessments to check students' progress through the unit. Which type of assessment should be used? a. formative assessment b. diagnostic assessment c. summative assessment d. performance assessment


A standardized test on science proficiency has been given to all third-grade students in the state. The district superintendent wants to report the results from this assessment to reporters from the local newspaper. What information is appropriate to release to this group? a. The percentage of students considered proficient in science and how this score should be interpreted b. The passage rate of students by classroom and how this score will be used to plan curriculum next year c. The grade equivalent score students receive and how this information will be used to make a decision on promotion to the fourth grade d. The website showing passing scores and district plans for summer assistance for students who failed the assessment


A weekly spelling quiz is an example of which type of assessment? a. summative assessment b. formative assessment c. diagnostic assessment d. placement assessment


All third-grade students at a school have taken a state-mandated, reading proficiency test required at the end of the year. The results show that 75% of students were labeled as "not proficient."Which action is an appropriate use of this data? a. Review current school reading curriculum and note alignment with state standards and objectives b. Publish names of the teachers whose students failed and require intensive teacher remediation over the coming summer c. Provide families a full listing of scores and ask for feedback on ways to improve the reading curriculum for the next year d. Provide copies of previous tests and have the teachers record which items are similar to this year's tests


Which method of grading often contaminates the grades and distorts their meaning as indicators of student achievement? a. grading on the basis of learning ability b. grading based on performance scores c. using previous formative grades and then averaging results d. grading on a curve


Authentic assessment or traditional assessment: hands-on

authentic assessment

Authentic assessment or traditional assessment: real-life correlation

authentic assessment

It is important to use both types of assessments in your classroom because a(n) _____ assessment may not cover all the needed content or knowledge for the unit, while a(n) traditional assessment may only test skills themselves, rather than the application of those skills.

authentic; traditional

What is an advantage to year-end assessment? a. evaluates estimated rates of improvement for each student b. evaluates students' progress against national progress c. evaluates students' progress against other students in the district d. evaluates the effectiveness of teacher instruction


A writing teacher is assessing a student's level of overall performance and growth of essay writing skills using a portfolio. Which scoring method is appropriate? a. an action scale b. a standard scale c. a holistic rubric d. an analytic rubric


The content standard for an art class is to identify major artists from the 20th century. That is followed by a series of instructional statements, one of which is "Students will be able to identify Jackson Pollock's work." What type of instructional statement is this? a. an instructional objective b. a standard c. a benchmark d. a learning outcome


A student who is finishing fourth grade received a grade equivalent score of 3.1 in math and 3.5 in reading. What conclusion should be drawn about the student's assessment results? a. The math score means the student can only do third-grade math. b. The reading score indicates that the student's level is third grade, first month. c. The math and reading scores represent a greater deficiency in reading than math. d. The math and reading scores show that the student may be performing below grade level.


____ focuses on the common sources of error encountered by students, so that the learning difficulties can be pinpointed and remedied.

diagnostic assessment

Authentic Assessment

A title for performance assessments that stresses the importance of focusing on the application of understanding and skills to real problems in "real-world" contextual settings

Match these commonly used assessment terms with the correct situation. As an educator, you are tired of standard paper and pencil exams. Instead, you have elected to experiment with a simulation where students demonstrate their abilities to complete an experiment.

Alternative Assessment

Match the description of the scenario with the correct term. Before beginning a unit of study, Mr. Davies gives a quiz that focuses on prerequisite skills necessary for factoring.


Mrs. Alvarez expects her students to use a ruler to accurately measure lengths of objects to the quarter of an inch. After several days of instruction, she gives her students a quiz. Mark misses four questions out of five on the quiz. Does Mark meet the learning objectives? Select "true" or "false". a. True b. False


What is the purpose of an objective? a. to determine the effectiveness of various test items and predict achievement on an assessment b. to provide guidelines for planning instructional activities and preparing assessment instruments c. to describe what students should know and be able to do at the end of a specified period of learning d. to list the specific types of acceptable student performance and show evidence of achievement


What are two characteristics of effective selected-response questions? Choose 2 answers a. students can elaborate on their response b. a broad sample of achievement is measured c. incorrect alternatives provide diagnostic information d. scores are more influenced by guessing than in any other item type

b. and c.

What does the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provide?Choose 2 answers a. mandated curriculum b. determination of sanctions c. accountability for student academic achievement d. suggested instructional strategies to use in the classroom

b. and c.

After a trip to the zoo, a fourth-grade teacher wants to assess the students' knowledge of animals in their habitats as stated in the standards. What are two suitable goals that can be measured by performance assessment? Choose 2 answers a. demonstrate knowledge by reading a trade book about visiting a zoo b. demonstrate knowledge by listing the various animals students have seen while at the zoo c. demonstrate knowledge by listing the various animals students have seen while at the zoo d. demonstrate knowledge by drawing pictures of the animals and the environments in which they live

b. and d.

Sixty-eighty percent of the class did not meet mastery on an assessment at the end of a unit on figurative language.Which two instructional decisions would be appropriate based on the assessment results? Choose 2 answers a. assign end of the year grades b. reteach low scoring concepts c. regroup students for the next unit d. plan differentiated activities

b. and d.

You are planning a series of formative assessments for your seventh grade social studies unit on the three branches of government. Select the four components that should be included in order to adhere to principles of formative assessment design. a. assessments that take less than ten minutes b. collaboration between the teacher and the students c. challenging items that elicit understanding d. basing the assessment on relevant standards e. questions developed by the publisher of the textbook f. students use of technology g. feedback that is provided during instruction

b., c., d., and g.

A sixth-grade social studies teacher is concerned about whether or not the students are progressing satisfactorily through the current lesson on the locations of ancient river civilizations. When asking questions during a formative assessment, the teacher finds that most of the students do not know the answers. What would be an appropriate instructional decision based on the assessment results? a. reteach the same lesson b. proceed to the next lesson c. reteach the objective using another activity d. administer the same assessment the following day


A fifth-grade science teacher wants to administer an assessment to determine each student's ability to apply the scientific method. Which assessment would effectively evaluate each student's ability? a. collecting data on outcomes of experiments in a folder b. writing a review on a previous experiment of choice c. conducting an experiment of choice in front of the class d. answering selected response items on the scientific method


A fifth-grade teacher has finished grading science portfolios and wants to communicate the assessment results to students and their parents. Which communication strategy is appropriate in this situation? a. The teacher should use an electronic reporting system that outlines the student's average grade in relation to class peers. b. The teacher summarizes all portfolio grades, computes an average, and then provides scores to parents on a confidential report sheet. c. The teacher should arrange a conference for parent and student where a summary of student achievement and samples of the student's work are provided. d. The teacher should audio-tape how grades are computed and place the explanation on the class website before sending home an example of work from the portfolio.


A fifth-grade teacher is planning a unit on mammals. How can the teacher assess each student's understanding of the content using a variety of appropriate assessments during instruction? a. incorporate unit tests to assess each student's understanding of the content b. incorporate a performance assessment and a culminating authentic assessment at the end of the unit c. use a quiz and a performance assessment that allows students to demonstrate their knowledge of the content d. use a summative assessment prior to beginning instruction and a project at the end of the unit that allows students to use authentic assessment


A teacher writes a unit on minerals for fourth-grade students. While writing the unit, the teacher refers to the National Science Standards, then writes the following goal for one of the lessons:The students will explain the process used to differentiate between talc and quartz after evaluating them using Moh's scale of hardness.What is this statement? a. a domain b. a standard c. an objective d. a benchmark


Match the possible components of the assessment with the guidelines for assessment development proposed in the first article. Beginning with questions that focus on identification of characters and plot elements, then moving to questions about the bigger issues and themes within the novel.

Aligning the assessment with knowledge that grows more compelx

Performance Assessments

Assessments requiring students to demonstrate their achievement of understanding and skills by actually performing a task or set of tasks

Match the use of each assessment with the corresponding description. Understanding and skills are applied in a real-world scenario.

Authentic Assessment

Match these commonly used assessment terms with the correct situation. Upon completion of the unit, students will be expected to accurately capture photographs using manual functions on a camera. The final assessment includes students demonstrating the skills of ISO, exposure, white balance, and aperture control, resulting in a properly exposed photograph.

Authentic Assessment

Match the possible components of the assessment with the guidelines for assessment development proposed in the first article. Analyzing the ninth grade English standards to determine which ones align with the novel and its related issues.

Basing assessments on relevant standards

Match the description of the scenario with the correct term. A student in Mrs. Atzu's reading class is not progressing like the other students. Mrs. Atzu provides extra instruction for the student, but the student still does not make progress. Mrs. Atzu observes the student's performance and gives assessments to identify the nature of the learning difficulty.


Match applications of assessment with the type of assessment. Used to probe deep into the causes of learning deficiencies.

Diagnostic assessment

Match the description of the scenario with the correct term. Mr. Tilson gives a weekly math test. His students perform well. He decides to move forward with instruction.


Match the use of each assessment with the corresponding description. Assessment during instruction guides student learning.

Formative Assessment

Match applications of assessment with the type of assessment. Used to monitor student learning

Formative assessment

Match these commonly used assessment terms with the correct situation. You have designed an assessment requiring students to demonstrate the skills required for writing a story. Students must write an original story including all necessary components of plot composition.

Performance Assessment

Match the possible components of the assessment with the guidelines for assessment development proposed in the first article. Determining what students need to know once they have completed the unit, then deciding how you and the students will know that they have been successful.

Setting clear goals and criteria for success

Match the use of each assessment with the corresponding description. Achievement is measured at the end of instruction.

Summative Assessment

A sixth-grade class is working on a science chapter that has many new vocabulary words. The teacher notices that four students only knew 50% of the new definitions on the last formative assessment while all other students in the class scored 90% or higher. She decides that she needs to differentiate instruction to assist the struggling students. How can the teacher meet this goal? a. Provide hands-on activities that allow them to use the objects that are being defined in the unit b. Have the students complete a word search that contains each new vocabulary word in that unit c. Assign the four students more homework to provide extra opportunities to practice the new vocabulary d. Encourage the students to raise their hand and ask questions whenever they are confused about the meaning of a new word


How can formal assessment data lead to improvement in a school's instructional programs? a. by indicating gaps in standards-based content coverage b. by determining which classroom teachers provide effective instruction c. by providing classroom structures for individualized learning programs d. by providing identification of overlapping content standards and indicators


How has the adoption of new standards impacted classroom instruction? a. new standards provide a framework for curriculum development b. new standards require specific instructional practices c. new standards dictate teachers' approaches to content d. new standards require specific lesson plans


What is a benefit of implementing a system of assessment? a. An assessment system provides multiple opportunities to measure aspects of desired performances. b. An assessment system is developed after the design of instructional strategies allowing the teacher flexibility with instruction. c. An assessment system provides summative rather than formative data to assist the teacher in assigning grades for the learning unit. d. An assessment system provides various types of formative assessments that can be compared directly to standardized test scores.


What is a potential drawback of portfolio assessment? a. they are time-consuming to maintain and use b. it is difficult to compare current work to past work c. adjustments cannot be made for student differences d. student have little time to reflect on the learning process


Which limitation may occur when judging and scoring with absolute grading? a. high subjectivity b. low subjectivity c. low difficulty d. high difficulty


Which of these strategies can be used for differentiating content to accommodate varying reading levels? a. using homogeneous flexible grouping to group students with similar needs b. adding more time to the learning tasks for students to better comprehend c. providing more formative tests to assess student progress d. ensuring the classroom environment is free of distraction


A student in a seventh-grade class has a disability that makes reading comprehension challenging. What would be an appropriate assessment accommodation for this student during a standardized test as established by an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team? Choose 2 answers a. provide a scribe for the student to record student answers b. provide the student with the assessment in larger print to make it easier to read c. have the student participate in a classroom discussion on the topic of the reading d. have the student create a poster or design a model relating to the topic

a. and b.

A teacher has prepared a series of objectives for an instructional unit. The objectives will be used to prepare the unit assessments for the students. Which two recommendations should be made to the teacher? Choose 2 answers a. use various types of assessments to appropriately assess complex learning b. consider how the assessment results will be used in the instructional program c. use base assessments on samplings of student work to gauge possible success d. begin with the activities of the unit and then build assessments around those activities

a. and b.

A learning outcome for a fifth-grade science class is to have students conduct scientific experiments testing local soil samples. Which two assessment types measure this learning outcome? Choose 2 answers a. authentic b. portfolio c. achievement d. questionnaire

a. and c.

A new sixth-grade teacher is planning a unit on invertebrates. The teacher wants to incorporate a variety of assessments and asks a mentor teacher how this might be done. What are two suggestions the mentor teacher might make regarding the system of assessment? Choose 2 answers a. use a variety of formal and informal assessments b. allow students to select the intended learning outcomes c. ensure alignment between learning objectives and assessment d. focus on students strengths and weaknesses in their learning styles

a. and c.

What are two appropriate ways for students to self-assess the work on a project? Choose 2 answers a. use a checklist b. describe a process item c. complete a scoring rubric d. write an anecdotal record

a. and c.

What is true regarding the appropriate use of constructed-response items to measure complex learning outcomes? Choose 2 answers a. extended-response items require students to integrate and apply knowledge b. restricted response items allow students to recognize and recall information c. essay-response items provide students freedom to express and organize ideas d. short-answer response items encourage students to remember and record the ideas of others.

a. and c.

A first-grade teacher wants to develop an effective set of objectives that will align with a science standard: Students will understand how plants have different parts (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits) that help them survive and grow. Which two objectives align to the given standard? Choose 2 answers a. the student will be able to label a diagram of a plant b. the student will be able to list the different types of plants c. the student will be able to create a fictional story about plants d. the student will be able to describe the function of plant components

a. and d.

On a national standardized achievement test, a scaled score range of 2485−2548 demonstrates the knowledge and skills in mathematics needed for success in future coursework. At a local elementary school, 75% of fourth-grade students received a scale score ranging between 2204-2410 in mathematics. The remaining 25% received a scale score ranging between 2549−2659. What two conclusions can be logically reached considering the given information? Choose 2 answers a. instruction needs to be evaluated for effectiveness b. remediation services are needed for all of the students c. teachers are failing to meet faculty performance standards d. curriculum needs to be examined for misalignment's to standards

a. and d.

Which two outcomes apply to a performance assessment? Choose 2 answers a. application to real life b. ability to determine promotion to another grade c. potential to take less time grading d. evaluation of complex learning outcomes and skills

a. and d.

After completing a unit on endangered animals, students organized three-minute videos encouraging animal conservation. The students were graded using a rubric. Which two assessment categories does this represent? Choose 2 answers a. formal assessment b. informal assessment c. formative assessment d. placement assessment e. performance assessment

a. and e.

A first-grade teacher would like to target the following standard using the lowest levels of Bloom's taxonomy. The standard is: RL.1.4: Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. Which three objectives would meet this goal? Choose 3 answers a. Students will be able to describe feelings in the stories or poems using words or phrases. b. Students will be able to arrange a familiar story's sequence to generate two new scripts. c. Students will be able to identify sensory words in the stories or poems. d. Students will be able to explain how words in the stories or poems suggest or describe feelings. e. Students will be able to create a new version of a familiar story when given three key details from the original version. f. Students will be able to discriminate between the various characters in two familiar stories and provide their respective points of view.

a., c.,, and d.

What are three common practices for designing effective assessments? Choose 3 answers a. test items should be directly aligned with the specified learning outcomes b. test items should include complex language to assess students' reasoning ability c. test items should be developed using phrases and terms directly from the textbook d. test items should be selected that most directly measure the stated learning outcomes e. test items should be worded in levels of difficulty appropriate for the students' age and grade level

a., d., and e.

A fourth-grade teacher has reviewed the standardized assessment taken by her students at the end of their third-grade year. On the high stakes assessment, several students in her class scored at the 94th percentile on the reading portion of the exam. Two students scored just below the 30th percentile on the reading portion. The rest of the class scored between the 50th and 78th percentile on the reading portion of the exam. What would be an appropriate conclusion for the teacher to draw after reviewing the results of this assessment? a. The teacher should disregard the results because so many students scored above the 50th percentile on the reading portion. b. The class has a range of abilities and the teacher will need to incorporate differentiated instruction to support the needs of all students. c. The students who scored at the 94th percentile need to be skipped ahead to the next grade level to ensure their academic needs are met. d. The students who scored below the 30th percentile need to be tested for a specific learning disability to ensure they receive academic support.


A second-grade teacher needs to assess a guided reading text. The teacher finds an assessment that appears to meet the needs of most of the class but would not be appropriate for two students who are English language learners (ELL). The teacher decides to adjust assessment preparation strategies and still use the test. Which assessment preparation strategy is appropriate for the teacher to provide the ELL students? a. whole group instruction b. bilingual flashcards c. copy of the test to take home d. questions with larger print


A student has a learning disability that makes processing and interpreting visual information difficult. The teacher wants to assess the student's problem-solving skills related to area and volume at the end of the unit. What is an appropriate accommodation for this student? a. reduce the number of questions on the test b. read written directions on the test aloud to the student c. allow the student to work on the test with a partner d. decrease the complexity of questions on the test


A third-grade teacher is organizing an oral, vocabulary assessment for a class. The class includes two students who are hard of hearing. How can the teacher ensure that the assessment is fair for all students? a. allow a test buddy to assist the student who are hard of hearing b. allow sign language interpreters to assist with the test for the students who are hard of hearing c. allow the students who are hard of hearing to use a computer-based magnification program d. allow the students who are hard of hearing to complete the test at home


After completing a unit on the U.S. Constitution, a fourth-grade teacher wants to use the assessment provided by the textbook publisher. One of the essay prompts includes the following statement: "Only men are meant to be elected officials because they are capable of leadership roles and responsibilities." How does this item contain bias? a. it calls for knowledge that is not intended as part of the task b. it includes a gender stereotype that distorts the assessment results c. it incorporates ambiguous words that confuse students during the assessment d. it uses vocabulary that is not appropriate for students at the fourth-grade level


Which factor lowers the reliability of test scores? a. the test is too long b. scoring is subjective c. the range of scores is not limited d. testing conditions are free of disruptions


You want to use technology to create a formative assessment as part of a unit on the four seasons for your first grade students. Which step should be done first? a. download a set of test questions on the four seasons from a question bank. b. view the relevant national, state, and/or district standards in a database. c. choose an app that will help you to keep track of students' progress during the unit d. look online at teachers' blogs for inspiration


A fourth-grade teacher has a student who struggles with fine motor functioning, making handwriting difficult. The Individualized Education Program (IEP) states that the student is allowed accommodations. During administration of an assessment, the students are given an essay prompt about why the U.S. Constitution is important. What are two reasonable accommodations for a student with this disability? Choose 2 answers a. allow the student to complete the essay at home b. allow the student to have an extended period of time c. allow the student to use a word processor to type the response d. allow the student to work with another student to record the response.

b. and c.

A group of teachers based the new curriculum for their high school English class off of content found on previous standardized assessments. Why was this action inappropriate, according to the Code of Professional Responsibilities in Educational Measurement? a. Because the previous assessments are based off content standards b. because it provides practice of common assessment content c. because it compromises the integrity of the assessment d. because it teaches to the test content and not to the content standards


A science teacher wants to assess his students' higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills relating to animal adaptations. Which assessment option would achieve this goal? a. ask students to match a list of animals to the adaptions each made over time. b. ask students to write a paragraph listing everything they know about animal adaptations c. give students an animal and an environment to study and ask them to describe possible adaptions the animal may make d. give students a paragraph to read about animal adaption and ask them to answer multiple choice questions about the content


A teacher has prepared a progress report on a student to be presented to his mother at parent-teacher conferences. The student's mother missed the conference, but sent his brother to the school to pick up the report. How should this teacher proceed in this situation to ensure appropriate dissemination of the student's assessment information? a. Hand the report to the student's brother to give to their mother b. Tell the student's brother that she will be sending the report home with the student the next school day c. Keep the report and ask that the student's mother reschedule the appointment for a more convenient time d. Discuss the report with the student's brother and ask that their mother come visit with her about the student's progress


An eighth-grade teacher has reviewed the standardized assessment taken by students at the end of seventh grade. One student scored above the 95th percentile. What is an appropriate conclusion from this assessment result? a. The student should advance to the next grade to ensure the student's academic needs are met. b. The student should have additional homework to ensure the student continues to learn at an accelerated pace. c. The student should complete enrichment assignments that go beyond the standards to ensure the student's academic needs are met. d. The student should tutor peers in the class during math and reading to solidify the information in the student's own mind and encourage collaborative learning.


What should Mrs. Alvarez do based on Mark's assessment data? a. assign a letter grade for performance b. give extensive diagnostic assessments c. provide more instruction on measuring d. move ahead to address more complex skills


When ____ are converted to ____, they provide guidelines for planning instructional activities and preparing assessment instruments.

content standards; instructional objectives

A third-grade teacher prepares an end-of-chapter assessment covering double-digit addition for mathematics. The teacher wants to align the assessment with both the content standards and the needs of the students. What is an appropriate strategy for this teacher to implement in preparation for the assessment? a. Plan to reward passing students to encourage active engagement b. Provide a study guide of practice questions taken directly from the test c. Provide information about how to work double-digit addition to parents to assist their children d. Plan accommodations for students with exceptionalities using manipulatives from the lesson


As you prepare the formative assessment on the four seasons, you locate online banks of assessments and/or assessment items. Although these resources may be helpful, what limitation might they also possess? a. they may not reflect the diversity in your educational setting b. the questions may be too challenging for first grade students c. the questions may lack helpful visual aids that would benefit younger students d. they may test only basic concepts or skills


Mr. Su gives an assessment every day at the end of math instruction. He gives the assessment to: a. assess if students are ready for a new unit b. identify the sources of learning difficulty c. determine final performance to assign a grade d. check students' progress on learning the material covered


What is the purpose of benchmarks? a. benchmarks specify broad learning weaknesses that are revealed by a variety of instructional assessments b. benchmarks describe in detail what students should know and be able to do at the end of the school year c. benchmarks describe achievement assessment at the end of instruction for the purpose of certify mastery d. benchmarks broadly clarify what students should know and be able to do at the end of a specified period of time


Which legislation required setting challenging standards for student achievement and developing and administering assessments to measure student progress toward those standards? a. Every Student Succeeds Act b. National Defense Education Act c. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act d. Elementary and Secondary Education Act


A fourth-grade social studies teacher wants students to practice higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills while working on a unit focusing on ancient Greece and Rome.What are two appropriate assessment methods to meet this goal?Choose 2 answers a. Summarize the sub-topics in the chapter b. locate the major land and water forms on a map c. write a list of key words and terms found in the chapter d. determine the most valuable natural resources of the area. e. write and enact a play focusing on everyday customs

d. and e.

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