Egpyt test Review

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Worship of a lion-god in Kush reflected which influence on Kushite culture?


What do all three of the periods of ancient Egypt have in common?

All three periods experienced stability and unity.

How did settlers use reeds and papyrus from the Nile River Valley?

Baskets, roofs, rope and paper

How was the social structure of Ancient Egypt similar to the social structure of ancient Sumer?

Both civilizations gave more privileges to the upper class.

How did environmental factors affect where the Egyptians and Kushites settled?

Both settled along the Nile River for its water and vegetation.

Why was Ramses' arrangement with the Hittites so significant?

It was the first peace treaty.

Why did Egypt fall to Kush much like Sumer fell to the Akkadians?

It was weakened by internal fighting.

Why was Kush an important trading hub or center?

Its natural resources.

Which water source had the greatest impact on early settlements, the Nile River or the Mediterranean Sea?

The Nile because it provided fresh water.

Why was the Nile River the most important physical feature in ancient Egypt and Kush?

The Nile flowed north into a marshy delta used for farming.

Why was Ramses the Great so great?

Construction of monuments and military leadership.

Technological and cultural advances meant Egyptians had a high standard of living. Egyptians could sell or trade their innovations to other societies, which made Egypt a powerful and influential nation. Many societies adopted and adapted the cultural and technological innovations of the Egypt. Trading meant that Egyptian innovations and technology were used around the world. People in other countries were able to improve their lives. They adapted the Egyptian products to fit their needs. They added to the knowledge they learned from the Egyptians and invented new technology. Those new innovations traveled to even more places and changed even more lives. Some of their innovations are still used today. Based on the passage, which term can be used to describe the effect of Egyptian civilization on other societies?

Cultural Diffusion

Which of the following best describes the topography of northeastern Africa?

Deserts and river valley.

What type of impact did pharaoh Hatshepsut's expedition to Punt have on ancient Egypt?

Economic impact.

The Great Pyramid is indicative of the ancient Egyptians...

Engineering abilities.

Ultimately, what caused the demise of the kingdom of Kush?


Why could Ramses the Great be described as vain or conceited?

He had hundreds of statues of himself erected.

Why was the rule of the pharaoh Hatshepsut so impressive?

Her rise to power as a female.

What innovation enabled the Assyrians to drive the Kushites out and conquer Egypt?

Iron weaponry.

How did the Mediterranean Sea benefit the people of Egypt and Kush?

It provided food and trade routes.

Hail to thee, O Nile! Who manifests thyself over this land, and comes to give life to Egypt! Mysterious is thy issuing forth from the darkness, on this day whereon it is celebrated! Watering the orchards created by Re, to cause all the cattle to live, you give the earth to drink, inexhaustible one! Path that descends from the sky, loving the bread of Seb and the first-fruits of Nepera, You cause the workshops of Ptah to prosper!


Based on the map, which best describes how the physical features of Egypt affected its development?

Many large cities developed along the Nile River.

What artifacts best represent the pharaoh Senusret I's legacy?


How did the annual flooding of the Nile impact the society?

Natural irrigation and fertilization.

"Hail to thee, O Nile! Who manifests thyself over this land, and comes to give life to Egypt! Mysterious is thy issuing forth from the darkness, on this day whereon it is celebrated! Watering the orchards created by Re, to cause all the cattle to live, you give the earth to drink, inexhaustible one! Path that descends from the sky, loving the bread of Seb and the first-fruits of Nepera, You cause the workshops of Ptah to prosper!" Referring to the poem, what inference can be made to explain how the Nile gave life to Egypt?

Nile water hydrated crops and animals

Why was Kush able to avoid becoming part of the Roman Empire?

Political alliances.

Which character trait best describes the attitude of the pharaohs as evident in their structures?


Which is a dynasty most similar to?

Royal lineage.

My job in ancient Egypt would compare to a modern day record keeper or business manager because I was expected to document all accounts, business transactions, and court cases. Who was I?


"Hail to thee, O Nile! Who manifests thyself over this land, and comes to give life to Egypt! Mysterious is thy issuing forth from the darkness, on this day whereon it is celebrated! Watering the orchards created by Re, to cause all the cattle to live, you give the earth to drink, inexhaustible one! Path that descends from the sky, loving the bread of Seb and the first-fruits of Nepera, You cause the workshops of Ptah to prosper!" What would be the best title for the passage?

The Nile: Bringer of Life

What was the significance of the pharaoh Khufu establishing the role of pharaoh as the central authority of ancient Egypt?

The pharaoh ruled entirely over all areas.

Why is it ironic that the peasants made up the lowest social class and had the fewest rights and advantages?

The rest of the society depended on their work.

"Hail to thee, O Nile! Who manifests thyself over this land, and comes to give life to Egypt! Mysterious is thy issuing forth from the darkness, on this day whereon it is celebrated! Watering the orchards created by Re, to cause all the cattle to live, you give the earth to drink, inexhaustible one! Path that descends from the sky, loving the bread of Seb and the first-fruits of Nepera, You cause the workshops of Ptah to prosper!" According to the poem, what explanation could be made regarding why the Nile River was celebrated?

The river helped to produce a sustainable food supply

Why is the relationship between the Egyptians and Kushites described as complicated?

The two groups experienced peace and conflict.

How are the early civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt similar?

The were located along rivers which provided fertile soil for farming crops

How did the defeat by the Assyrians impact the Kushites?

They became skilled in iron technology.

How did the deserts help the people of Egypt and Kush?

They provided protection from invaders.

Technological and cultural advances meant Egyptians had a high standard of living. Egyptians could sell or trade their innovations to other societies, which made Egypt a powerful and influential nation. Many societies adopted and adapted the cultural and technological innovations of the Egypt. Trading meant that Egyptian innovations and technology were used around the world. People in other countries were able to improve their lives. They adapted the Egyptian products to fit their needs. They added to the knowledge they learned from the Egyptians and invented new technology. Those new innovations traveled to even more places and changed even more lives. Some of their innovations are still used today. According to the passage, what is one reason Egypt became powerful?

They were able to trade with other civilizations

What was the basis of the pharaoh's power?

They were believed to have been chosen by the gods.

Why did the Kushites experience cultural diffusion?

They were conquered by the Egyptians.

Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify their pharaohs?

To preserve them for the afterlife.

During the Middle Kingdom, what enabled the arts to flourish?


Buildings like the Great Pyramid MOST show ancient Egyptians believed in the

existence of an afterlife.

Ancient Egyptians built massive pyramids as tombs for kings. The kings were believed to communicate with gods. The Great Pyramid of Giza probably took many thousands of workers 20 years to build. The choice to build pyramids like the Great Pyramid of Giza shows that ancient Egyptians placed great value on.

religious beliefs.

Read this list of responsibilites: 1. Calculated taxes 2. Wrote contracts 3. Recorded important events Which social class had these responsibilities?


My job in ancient Egypt would compare to a modern day judge because I was expected to remain objective in ruling on matters. Who was I?


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