Egyptology Test 1- ch. 1, 4, 5

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Why can the term "Old Kingdom" be Misleading?

"Ancient Egyptians never used it and would have found the difference between the Early Dynastic Period and the Old Kingdom rather difficult to grasp"

What designation became a standard part of the royal titularly with both Khafra and Menkaura?

"Son of Ra"

Khafras pyramids complex contains a feature not repeated anywhere else in Egypt. What is this feature, where is it located, what is it called?

- A huge Guardian statue, human headed lion -North of the valley temple close to the caseway -Great sphinx

What particular aspect of kinship were encapsulated in the fivefold titularly

-three of them stressed his role as a God -other two emphasize the supposed division of Egypt into two unified lands.

The earliest codification of signs for the Egyptian written language probably occurred in the timeframe of late Naqada III Or early dynasty ___________


The earliest known use of writing in ancient Egypt may predate political unification of the north and south. Certainly by dynasty ___________, writing was used by scribes and artisans of the Egyptian state


Modern Egyptologist chronologies of ancient Egypt combined what three basic approaches?

1. "Relative" dating methods 2. Absolute chronologies 3. "Radiometric" method

By circa 3000 BC, the early dynastic state had emerged and controlled much of the Nile Valley from the Delta to the first cataract of Aswan, A distance of over ___________ kilometers.


What is the approximate number of stone blocks an average weight of each block in the great Pyramid?

2,300,000 blocks Each weighing 2.5 tons

What is the approximate size of the great Sphinx?

72 m long and 20 m tall

What is facilitated political unification?

A common language or dialects of that language

In ancient Egypt, what was the special position enjoyed by the kings

A mediator between Gods and people

Where in the vicinity of the Great Pyramid is a dismantle boat, some 43.4 m long and built mainly of Cedarwood discovered?

A pit near the southern face of the pyramid

Whereas the city of Naqada was politically in ___________ was the most important Center for the cult of the dead king.


The nature of early Egyptian civilization was expressed primarily through monumental architecture, especially tombs at __________ and _____________

Abydos and North Saqqara

The sun temples became personal monuments to each kings continued relationship with the son God in the _____________

After life

The Kings list were not concerned so much with history as with ___________ worship.


The Abydos evidence demonstrates the huge expenditure of the state on mortuary complexes for first dynasty kings and their paramount role in Egyptian society. This indicates that these rulers had control over vast _________.


The great pyramid of Giza is considered to be the largest in Egypt. What are the dimensions of the base and height of this pyramid

Base: 230sq/m Height 146.5 m

The __________ name or nomen, introduced by the title "son of Ra" was the only one to be given to the pharaoh as soon as he was born


Three pyramids are lined up the east of the Great Pyramid. What did these pyramids contain?

Burials of Khufu's queens

It was not until the reign of Sneferu, 2613-2589 BC, in the fourth dynasty, that the "nesu-bit" name was first framed by the __________ shape.


Although there is much less evidence for the kings of the second dynasty then those of the first dynasty, the second dynasty must have been a time when the economic and political foundations for putting a place for the strongly ___________ State which developed.


Egypt rapidly grew into a _____________ _____________ _____________ ruled by a king believed to be endowed with qualified supernatural powers

Centrally organize state

__________ ___________ was the economic base of the ancient Egyptian state.

Cereal agriculture

The final unification of upper and lower Egypt may have been achieved through one or more military conquest but there is not much evidence for this apart from the number of ____________

Ceremonial palettes

The decline and end of the old kingdom was signaled by the collapse of centralized government that all but cease to exist and loss of the advantages of unified state. The situation was further aggravated by _____________ _____________ especially a series of low Niles floods.

Climatic factors

___________-____________, is a modern term applied to the period during which two kings were simultaneously ruling, usually consisting of an overlap of several years between end of one soul reign and the beginning of the next


Egypt enjoyed almost _____________ self-sufficiency and safety within its natural borders; no external rivals threatened its dominance of the north eastern corner of Africa.


What five types of events are recorded on the Palermo stone?

Cult ceremonies, taxation, sculpture, building, warfare

The reason for the inclusion of the Pyramid Text inside the pyramid was to provide the _____________ _____________ with texts that were regarded as essential for his survival and well-being in the afterlife.

Deceased king

The advert of _________________ calibration curves - allowing the spans of radiocarbon years to be converted into actual calendar years - represents a significant improvement in terms of dating accuracy.


Given that most of the architectural evidence for the first dynasties is mortuary, knowledge about Socio-political and economic organization must be ___________

Drawn from this data

Manetho divided the "Pharaonic period" from circa 3100 to 332 BC into a number of periods known as ____________, each consisting of a sequence of rulers, usually united by such factors as kinship or the location of their principal royal residence


What two cereal grains were incredibly successful in the environment of the Nile flood plain in Egypt?

Emmer wheat and barley

The kings role did not end with his death; for his contemporaries who were buried in the vicinity of his pyramid and for those involved in his funerary cult their relationship with the king continued forever. It was, therefore, in _____________ interest to safeguard the kings position and status after his death is much is in his lifetime?


Most ancient Egyptians in the early dynastic periods and all later periods were __________ living in small villages


The presence of names and figures of seated kings in the broken top part of the Palermo stone suggest that the Egyptians in the fifth dynasty believe that there had been rulers proceeding those of the ___________ dynasty.


The ____________ Royal burials at Abydos represent the only. In ancient Egypt when humans were sacrificed for royal burials.

First dynasty

By the middle Kingdom, each king held how many names or titles?


Land donations made to pyramid establishments by the pharaoh were protected _____________ by Royal degrees that made them permanent and inalienable and the result was gradual reduction of the kings economic power.


Monumental building projects during this period produced much large scale sculptor that are today considered aesthetically striking, However, for the Egyptians these works of art were, in the first instance, _____________.


The text and artifacts that form the basis of Egyptian history usually convey information that is either ______________(mythological or ritualistic) or _____________ (historical), and the trick in constructing a historical narrative is to distinguish as clearly as possible between these types of information.

General or particular

What is truly unique about the early state in Egypt is the integration of rule over extensive ____________.

Geographic region

The development of monumental architecture symbolize the political order on a new scale, with a state religion headed by a ______-________ to legitimize the new political order.

God - king

As the intensity of state control over every individual increased dramatically in the fourth dynasty the number of officials at all levels administration _____________ in a corresponding fashion. The consequence of this was that a bureaucratic career was open to competent literate newcomers not related to the _____________ _____________.

Grew, Royal family

It was the duty of more influential and richer person to take care of the poor and socially disadvantaged in the same way as the _____________ _______ ______ _____________ was responsible for all of its members.

Head of the family

What city remained an important colt center associated with the guy at Horus, symbolic of the living king?


The hieroglyphic script now became a fully developed system employed for monumental purposes. It's cursive counterpart, called _____________ by Egyptologists, was used for writing on papyrus


According to tradition, who was the architect of Djoser's step pyramid and the inventor of building in stone?


Each pyramid complex was the focus of the cult of the deceased king that was meant to continue _____________.


Constructing reliable chronologies for the so called __________ ___________ has proven to be particularly awkward because there was often more than one ruler or dynasty reigning simultaneously in different parts of the country.

Intermediate periods

Even when an Egyptian monument appears to be simply commemorating a specific event in history it is often ________________ that event as an act that is simultaneously mythological, ritualistic, and economical.


What can be said about internal dissent in general support for the system in ancient Egypt?

It was genuine and widespread

King Khafra (2558-2532 BC) was a son of _____________.


The perfection of pyramid design and construction reach its peak under Snefrus son and successor _____________


Boat burials may have been commonly associated with royal tombs in the early dynasties. While the purpose of these boat burials are unknown the most famous examples are the two undisturbed boats associated with ___________ Pyramid at Giza.


What three pharaohs built the pyramids a Giza?

Khufu, Khafra, Menkaura

Egypt during much of the old kingdom was a centrally planned administered state, headed by a _____________ Who was the theoretical owner of all of its resources and whose powers were practically absolute.


Credit for the first large stone building in the world, the step pyramid to what pharaoh?

King Djoser

What old kingdom pharaoh was known as a wise and pious ruler and became one of the most famous rulers and all Egyptian history?

King Djoser

The temples and causeways associated with pyramids as well as the chapels of many tombs from the mid fourth dynasty, were decorated in superb raised relief. These reliefs were not mere decoration but expressed concepts such as _____________ or _____________ of _____________ and their inclusion guaranteed their perpetuity.

Kingship or fulfillment of needs

What was it that exerted an immediate and profound effect on Egyptian economy and society?

Large state-organized building projects

During the ____________ phase Egypt was first united into a large territorial state in the political consolidation that laid the foundation for the early dynastic state occurred.

Last/Predynastic Period

Some of the new work shows that at many points in time, Egypt was far ___________ culturally unified and centralized then was previously assumed.


The country was administered by _____________ _____________ Selected at least partly on merit

Literate elite

In dynasty zero and the early first dynasty there is evidence of Egyptian expansion into what three neighboring areas?

Lower Nubia, Northern Sinai, Southern Palestine

What was the name of the Egyptian priest who, in the third century BC, wrote the first western style history of Egypt?


Apart from the Palarmo stone the basic sources for traditional chronologies in Egypt are ______________ history and the so-called ______-_______ along with other dated record such as astronomical observations, textual and artistic documents, genealogical information, and synchronism's with non-Egyptian sources.

Manethos, Kings list

The king was acorded the most elaborate burial, which was symbolic of his role as _______ between the powers of the netherworld and earthly cosmic order


With the first dynasty, the focus of development shifted from south to north, and the early Egyptian state was a centrally controlled polity ruled from the ________ region.


It is becoming __________ difficult to conceal Manetho's politically based chronology (dynasties) with the social and cultural changes reveal by excavations since the 1960s.


The ___________ phase, circa 3200-3000 BC, is the last phase of the pre-dynastic period, according to Kaiser's revision of Petrie's sequence dates.

Naqada III

One of the most famous dynasty zero artifacts is the _________ palette


What types of serious threats to Egypt from abroad existed during the third and fourth dynasties?

No serious threats

As a need developed to better organize the administration of the country and develop a more official way of collecting taxes the existing major centers of population, often royal estates, became capitals of administration districts called _____________


A sun temple consist of a valley temple linked by causeway to the upper temple. The main feature of the upper temple was a massive pedestal with an _____________, A symbol of the sun god.


During the _____________ Kingdom, Egypt experienced a long uninterpreted period of economic prosperity and political stability (A continuation of the early dynastic period.)


Already at this early stage (The early part of the fourth dynasty) beliefs concerning _____________ we're probably beginning to influence Egyptian concepts of afterlife.


During the fifth dynasty the believe now became widespread that, after death the deceased enter the kingdom of the god _____________


_____________ was probably an ideal choice for the universal God of the dead.


One of the most important historical sources for the early dynastic period (3000-2686 BC) and the Old Kingdom (2686-2160 BC) is a fifth dynasty basalt stele (circa 2400 BC) inscribed on both sides with royal annals stretching back to the mystical prehistoric rulers. It is known as the ______________ stone.


Two ancient Egyptian textual records that contain dates relating to the rising of a particular star form the basis of the conventional chronology of ancient Egypt and by assigning absolute dates to each other these documents Egyptologist have been able to extrapolate a set of absolute dates for the whole of the _______________ period.


Contact with the gods, achieve through ritual, was the prerogative of the pharaoh, although for practical purposes the more mundane elements were delegated to _____________.


Given the degree of economic prosperity enjoyed by the country, the availability of labor force resources, and high standards of management, there's no need to doubt that the Egyptians were perfectly capable of successfully completing _____________ projects.


It was during the reign of King Snefru (2613-2589 BC) that the external form of the royal tomb change to that of a true _____________.


The _____________ _____________ represent the earliest large religious composition known from ancient Egypt and maps out the development of the Egyptian religious thought from predynastic times.

Pyramid texts

The main innovations of Unas's pyramids constructed late in the fifth dynasty and one that was to be characteristic of the remaining pyramids of the old kingdom, was the first appearance of the _____________ _____________ inscribed on walls of its burial chamber in other parts of the interior.

Pyramid texts

The ancient Egyptians dated important political and religious events not according to the number of years that had elapsed since a single fixed point in history (such as the birth of Christ) but in terms of _____________.

Regnal years

During the third and fourth dynasty's, many officials of state were members of the _____________ _____________

Royal family

The most striking development in the Egyptian administration during the fifth dynasty was the with drawl of members of the _____________ _____________ from the highest offices.

Royal family

Imnotep was held in such regard that he was later deified and regarded as a son of the god Ptah and the patron of _____________ and _____________

Scribes and physicians

How does the size of Khafras pyramid compared to the Great Pyramid and other pyramids in Egypt?

Second largest in Egypt

Beginning in dynasty zero, the earliest format of the kings name in hieroglyphics appeared. It was comprised of a phonetic sign placed inside a "palace facade" design that was surmounted by the image of a falcon. What was this format called?


All of the fourth dynasty kings were descendants of what pharaoh?


The sheer volume of material involved in the building activities of the Pharaoh _____________ was greater than any other ruler in the old kingdom including Khufu.


What was the relationship of Menkaura (2532-2503 BC) to Khafra?


The Pharaoh Snefru constructed at least two pyramids of Dahshur to the south of Sakkara. What are the names of these two pyramids?

Southern Rhomboidal (bent) Northern red

Funerary evidence suggests that the earliest Egyptian state was highly ___________ in its social organization.


Wall reliefs in the sun temples emphasize the _____________-_____________ role as the ultimate giver of life in the moving Force in nature. They also establish the _____________ place in the eternal cycle of events by showing his periodic celebration of the sed-festivals.

Sun-god King's

The building of _____________-_____________ what is the outcome of a gradual rise in importance of the sun God. Ra now became Egypt's closest equivalent to a state God


There is archaeological evidence for elaborate state control, even in the early dynasties. Such evidence also suggest estate system of ___________.


Although Khapra's pyramid it's slightly smaller than the Great Pyramid, the judicious Choice of its location on somewhat higher ground the pyramid of Khufu gives what illusion?

That is it equal

Who imposed the term "Old kingdom" on Egyptian chronology?

The 19th century historians

What three important artifacts with carved scenes relevant to the time of final unification were excavated at Hierakonpolis?

The mace head of king scorpion, The palette and mace head of King Narmer.

Kings list such as the one in the temple of Seti I at Abydos List the names of kings written out in a continuous sequence from the first to the 19th dynasty. Why were certain kings names I made it from the list by the priest compiling this list?

The priest at Abydos regarded them as illegitimate.

For the people of Egypt, who was the guarantor of the continued orderly running of the world?

Their king

The task of the modern historian of ancient Egypt is usually to attempt to _______ ___________ all the strands of evidence in the form of individuals biographies on the walls of tombs, List of kings on temple walls, stratigraphic evidence, etc

Tie together

The other four names- Horus, "nebty" (he of the two ladies), Horus of gold, and "nesu-bit"(he of the sedge and bee) -were given to him at what point?

Time of his installation on the throne

The system of co-regency may have been used, from at least as early as the middle Kingdom, in order to ensure the ____________ __________ Took place with the minimum of disruption and instability.

Transfer of power

During the era of Ramses pharaohs (Ramessid era) A king list was compiled and written on papyrus. This papyrus is now owned by the Egizio museum in Turin Italy. What is the name of this papyrus?

Turin Canon

The earliest known examples of Egyptian writing on inscribed ivory labels have been excavated from a Naqada III tomb at _____________ dating to circa 3150 BC.

U-j at Abydos

Although it was previously thought that the first dynasty rulers we're buried at North Saqqara most scholars now agreed that the royal cemetery was at ___________

Umm el-Qa'ab area at Abydos

During the old Kingdom and throughout most of Egyptian history the highest office below the feral or king was the _____________


The Egyptian economy _____________ based on slave labor.

Was not

The first unification of upper Egyptian polities probably took place in early Naqada III Times, either as a result of alliances or through warfare. This was followed by the political unification of the north and south and the emergence of dynasty _________ towards the end of the Naqada III period.


In addition to royal tombs, smaller tombs and simple pit graves dating to the first dynasty are found throughout Egypt which is evidence not only of social stratification but also of the importance of mortuary cult for _________ ________

all classes

What technology was key to control and communicate on the Nile river and large scale trading exchange?

construct large boats for large-scale exchange

The early Egyptian state use writing in what two context?

economic and administrative purposes, and royal art

While there is certainly evidence of foreign contact with ancient Egypt in the fourth millennium BC, this contact was not in the form of a ___________ _________.

military invasion

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