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Why is Montag unable to memorize parts of the Bible while on the subway?

"Denham's Dentifrice" and other such commercials are blaring, making it impossible to focus

What did Mercutio yell as he was dying?

"I am hurt. A plague o' both your houses! I am sped. Is he gone and hath nothing?" "No, 'tis not so deep as a well nor so wide as a church-door, but 'tis enough, 'twill serve. Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man. I am peppered, I warrant, for this world. A plague o' both your houses! Zounds, a dog, a rat, a mouse, a cat to scratch a man to death! A braggart, a rogue, a villain that fights by the book of arithmetic! Why the devil came you between us? I was hurt under your arm." "Help me into some house, Benvolio, Or I shall faint. A plague o' both your houses! They have made worms' meat of me. I have it, And soundly too. Your houses!" All of these three quotes involve Mercutio cursing the two families for getting him stuck in the conflict between them. He can't believe that he is going to die because of the grudge.

An example of a metaphor is when Paris compares Juliet's sadness to a "house of tears".

"Immoderately she weeps for Tybalt's death, And therefore have I little talked of love, For Venus smiles not in a house of tears."


"Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too bois'trous, and it pricks like a thorn." Act I Scene iv Lines 26-27


"Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs." Act I, Scene i Lines 205-206


"The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night" Act II, Scene iii Lines 1-2

How many times had the Capulets and Montagues fought recently?

3 times

What is the Mechanical Hound and why is Montag afraid of it?

A dog-shaped robot with 8 legs, made of metal, purpose is to hunt down and kill fugitives who have violated laws, Montag's afraid of it because it threatens and growls at him

What does Faber say is missing from society?

A quality of information, the leisure to digest it, and the right to carry out actions.

Who is Guy Montag. What is his profession?

A third-generation fireman, Montag fits the stereotypical role, with his "black hair, black brows...fiery face, and...blue-steel shaved but unshaved look." Montag takes great joy in his work and serves as a model of twenty-fourth- century professionalism.

Translate the following passage: "Do thou close our hands with holy words/Then love-devouring death do what he dare/It is enough I may but call her mine." What do these lines suggest to the reader?

All you have to is join our hands in marriage. Then, death can do whatever it wants with me. Having Juliet as my wife is all that I need in life. These lines serve as foreshadowing to the reader. They also serve as dramatic irony. When Romeo says these lines, the reader already knows that he is going to meet an untimely death, and he does not.

Who is Faber?

An old, retired English Professor that Montag first met in the park.

What did the police instruct the public to do in a last-ditch effort to catch Montag?

As a last-ditched effort to catch Montag, the police instructed everyone to open a door or look out a window at the same time because Montag can't escape if everyone is looking for him at once.

2. Why is it ironic that Mildred sees no value in reading since "Books aren't people,"?

B. her 'family' is not real people either, but she feels an artificial connection to them

Who or what does the author imply is outside Montag's door through the description "...a slow, probing sniff, an exhalation of electric steam,"?

B. the Mechanical Hound

Who came to visit Montag when he was sick? Why did he come and what did he have to say?

Beatty comes to visit Montag and mentions firemen are occasionally overcome by curiosity about the books they burn and may steal one to satiate that curiosity. When this happens, he continues, they are given a 24-hour respite to come to their senses and burn the book before their coworkers must do so for them.

How did the job of a fireman come about? Who made the decision to ban books?

Beatty says that "minorities" and special-interest groups found so many things in books objectionable that people finally abandoned debate and started burning books. Benjamin Franklin was said to have been a fire started, however, the government went along with the burning of the books.

Paris responds to Friar Lawrence by saying. "Immoderately she weeps for Tybalt's death/ And therefore have I little talked of love." Why is this dramatic irony?

Because Paris thinks she is weeping for Tybalt, but it's really for Romeo's banishment.

Why is Clarisse so interesting/different? What color is used to describe her?

Clarisse differentiates herself from other people because of the distinctive way she looks at the world. She reveals this in her conversations with Montag. For example, Clarisse talks to Montag about things he has never considered. White is used to describe her.

In the opening of Scene 5, the audience knows that Juliet is already dead, but her family does not. What is this an example of?

Dramatic irony

How does Montag communicate from Faber in his absence?

Faber talks to him through Faber's own invention...a green bullet listening device

What is Faber's plant to help Montag escape?

Faber's plan is for Montag to head toward the river and follow it until he reaches some railroad lines. Montag then has to follow these lines until he reaches some hobo camps that have Harvard degrees between Faber's home and Los Angeles. Montag will then just stay with them. Faber also gives Montag some whiskey to cover up his scent.

Who knows about Romeo and Juliet's marriage?

Friar Lawrence and Juliet's nurse know about Romeo and Juliet's marriage.

What reason does Friar give Romeo to not kill himself?

Friar tells Romeo not to kill himself because he is acting irrationally and that he is smarter than this. Friar says Romeo should have shame for wanting to get rid of the life he has, and Friar tells him that he is wasting his talent. "The things you were supposed to use to defend yourself end up killing you." Friar does use an aggressive method to convince Romeo to not kill himself.

How do Granger and the others preserve books?

Granger and the others preserve the books by remembering them with their photographic memory.

How does Lord Montague describe Romeo at the beginning?

He cries most morning and stays locked up in his room being moody.

What secret does Montag reveal to Mildred?

He has approximately 20 books illegally hidden.

What is "Jesus Christ" like in Montag's society?

He has been commercialized and is broadcast over the wall-TV

What is the Friar's reaction to Romeo's request of a marriage ceremony?

He is incredibly shocked. As Friar Laurence is just learning of Romeo's disinterest in Rosaline and love for Juliet, he questions Romeo's knowledge of what love truly is. Act II, Scene iii: "Holy Saint Francis! What a change is here!" Lines 70-71 "Young men's love lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes" Lines 73-74

Why doesn't Lady Capulet want her husband to get involved with the fight?

He is too old and says he needs a "crutch" not his sword.

Why does Montag become so sick? How does the death of the woman affect him?

He is very bothered with what happened the previous night, realizing he doesn't like job, Millie seems annoyed, not eager to take care of him

Why did Montag stop on the way to Faber's and stash a book in Mrs.Black's house?

He stashed a book in Mrs.Black's house as revenge for her fireman husband's actions, which have hurt people and burned down homes. He did these actions without a second-thought.

Why does Montag reveal the book of poetry to Mildred's guests?

He's had all he can stand of their mindless banter and lack of depth.

Why is it ironic that Mildred sees no value in reading since "Books aren't people,"?

Her 'family' is not real people either, but she feels an artificial connection to them.

4. Helpers & Mentors

Heroes will encounter supernatural aids.

Translate the following lines: "I have no joy of this contract tonight./It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden;/Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be/Ere one say "It lightens." Sweet, good night!"

I cannot be happy about what is happening tonight. It is too sudden. It is like lightning: it flashes and then disappears before you can even comment on what you have seen.

How can you tell if you hire a good cook?

If they lick their fingers.

Record examples of Juliet's immediate devotion to Romeo from Act I, Scene v.

In lines 150-151, Juliet says, "Go ask his name. - If he be married, My grave is like to be my wedding bed." In saying this, Juliet is letting the reader know that she is already so devoted to Romeo that she would rather die than hear the unfortunate news that he was already promised to another woman.

How does Tybalt recognize Romeo at the party?

It is his voice that capture's his attention.

Why is Granger's statement to Montag ("Welcome back from the dead.") ironic?

It is ironic because they just saw someone innocent be killed in place for Montag.

What does Juliet tell her father in order to make him believe she wants to marry Paris?

Juliet drops to her knees and asks for his forgiveness, and tells him she will marry Paris if it is what he wants from her. Juliet: "Where I have learned me to repent the sin Of disobedient opposition To you and your behests, and am enjoined By holy Lawrence to fall prostrate here To beg your pardon. (falls to her knees) Pardon, I beseech you! Henceforward I am ever ruled by you."

What does Juliet give to the nurse to give to Romeo?

Juliet gave the Nurse a ring to give to Romeo.

Friar Lawrence tells Paris, "You say you do not know the lady's mind. / Uneven is the course I like it not" Why is Friar reluctant to marry Paris and Juliet?

Juliet is already married to Romeo

How does Juliet react when she finds out that Romeo killed Tybalt?

Juliet is first angry and starts to shame Romeo, calling him something evil disquised as something good. However, she starts to be optimistic and is fine with Romeo killing Tybalt because Romeo needed to do so to be alive right now. That gets her through the pain she should be feeling, but when she learns that Romeo has been banished, she is drenched in pain because she believes Romeo's banishment is worse than 10,000 Tybalts being murdered.

What does Friar tell Romeo to be grateful for?

Juliet is still alive. Still alive after fighting Tybalt Exiled instead of killed

Why does Juliet lose trust in the nurse?

Juliet loses trust in the nurse because the nurse advised her to get rid of her wedding vows with Romeo and marry Paris, and she even insulted Romeo while trying to convince Juliet. Juliet notices that before the banishment, the nurse was all for Romeo, but afterwards, the nurse denounces Romeo.

What is Friar Lawrence's plan?

Juliet must agree to marry Paris, then she will go home and drink the potion he has created. She will then be buried in their family vault, in which Friar will send a letter to Romeo about the plan. Friar and Romeo will be waiting in the vault when Juliet wakes up, and they will run away to Mantua.

Why does Juliet refuse Romeo when he swears by the moon?

Juliet refuses Romeo's swearing by the moon because she does not believe that the moon is constant enough to be sworn upon. If the moon changes every day, would this mean that Romeo's love would fade/grow every day, as well? "O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, That monthly changes in her circled orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable." Act II, Scene ii Lines 117-120

How does Juliet react to her mother's request about marrying Paris?

Juliet says, "it is an honor I dream not of." She doesn't want to be married.

Why is Montag's leg incapacitated?

Just before Montag's flamethrower is able to kill the Mechanical Hound, the Mechanical Hound was able to stab and deliver a small dose of a prism that is enough to incapacitate his leg but not kill him.

What would Juliet rather do than marry Paris?

Leap from a tower Walk down a crime ridden street Hang out with serpents Be chained with bears Hide in a morgue with dead bodies Go into a new-made grave with a dead body

What does Faber remark that books smell like?

Like nutmeg or some spice from a foreign land

What do these lines tell the reader about Benvolio? "Part fools! Put up your swords. You know not what you do." Lines 66-67 (2) "I do but keep the peace. Put up thy sword,/ Or manage it to part these men with me."

Lines 70-71 These lines help the reader to understand that Benvolio is a peaceful person. While many around him are looking for a fight, Benvolio is looking to bring peace.

Lord Capulet threatens to do what to Juliet if she refuses to marry Paris?

Lord Capulet threatens to kick Juliet of his house and let her starve, beg, and die in the streets if she refuses to marry Paris.

How does Lord Capulet's response to Paris' request reveal his character to the audience?

Lord Capulet's reluctance to have his daughter marry at such a young age reveals him to be caring father. While many fathers during this time would jump at the opportunity for their daughters to marry a wealthy man, Lord Capulet wants her to feel comfortable with the decision to get married. "but woo her Paris, get her heart; My will to her consent is but a part."

What is Mercutio fighting Tybalt an example of?

Mercutio fighting Tybalt is an example of Man vs Man conflict. It is also an example of rising action in the play.

Why do Mercutio and Tybalt fight?

Mercutio starts to fight with Tybalt because when Tybalt addressed Romeo as man, Mercutio thought he was calling Romeo a servant. Also, they started to build tensions when Mercutio was offended by Tybalt when Tybalt said Mercutio hangs out with Romeo. Mercutio draws his sword on Tybalt when he believes that Romeo is letting Tybalt run over him.

At one point during his run, Montag thought the Mechanical Hound had found him. What did he actually see that he mistook for the Hound?

Montag actually saw a deer, not the Hound.

How does Montag answer Millie's question, "Why should I read? What for?"

Montag feels books will help him out of his ignorance, books can stop people from making the same mistakes as in the past.

What is the name of the book Montag will be responsible for?

Montag is going to be responsible for The Book of Ecclesiastes.

What realization stops Montag in his tracks and causes him to sob?

Montag realized that Beatty wanted to die and armed his with a flamethrower and made him made on purpose so that Montag would kill him. This realization caused Montag to sob.

To whose house did Beatty take Montag to burn?

Montag's house

Who is Mildred? How would you describe her?

Montag's wife, brittle and sickly, small-minded, takes too many sleeping pills-suicide attempt, a machine called the snake saves her.

What request does Paris make of Lord Capulet?

Paris request Lord Capulet's daughter's hand in marriage. "But now, my lord, what say you to my suit?"

Who is the author of Fahrenheit 451?

Ray Bradbury

What does Romeo do after he is banished?

Romeo goes to Friar Lawrence.

What motivates Romeo to kill Tybalt?

Romeo is motivated to kill Tybalt after Tybalt killed Mercutio because Romeo is now filled with rage.

How does Romeo's mood transition from Act I to Act II?

Romeo mood transitions from sad/melancholy to happy/playful.

Why does Romeo refuse to fight Tybalt?

Romeo refuses to fight Tybalt because he is in love with Juliet, and Tybalt is Juliet's cousing. Romeo doesn't want to fight his new family, even if Tybalt doesn't know that they are family.

What causes the fight in Act I?

Sampson "bites his thumb", which is a sign of disrespect, at Abram who is a Capulet.

Juliet has several fears before taking the potion. What are they?

She fears it will not work at all. That the Friar has in fact given her potion to kill her because he feels guilty for marrying Romeo and Juliet. That she will wake up too early and go insane and beat her brains out. That she will suffocate in the tomb.

What reason does Paris think Juliet has been crying?

She is mourning Tybalt.

Why does Juliet call her Nurse to comfort her, but then retreats?

She knows the Nurse will probably try and talk her out of drinking the potion. JULIET "Farewell!—God knows when we shall meet again. I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins That almost freezes up the heat of life. I'll call them back again to comfort me.— Nurse!—What should she do here?"

What was the result at the woman's house? What does Montag illegally do there?

She refuses to leave and strikes a match herself, house goes up in flames with her in it

Why does Juliet go see Friar Lawrence?

She wants to see if he has any other plan to get out of marrying Paris.

Why do all of the firemen look alike? What do they look like?

Society demands that everyone think and look the same

What does Juliet mean by, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet."

That she would love Romeo no matter what his name was because it isn't his name that matters.

Why does the Friar agree to help Romeo and Juliet get married?

The Friar hopes that this marriage will help end the feud between the two families. "For this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households' rancor into pure love." Act II, Scene iii Lines 99-100

Who or what does the author imply is outside Montag's door through the description "...a slow, probing sniff, an exhalation of electric steam,"?

The Mechanical Hound

Who does the Mechanical Hound kill?

The Mechanical Hound kills an innocent man who just wanted to go for a morning walk.

What hint does the author drop which may indicate that Clarisse was not hit by a car after all?

The author said that Montag felt like he was walking the same track Clarisse walked before, which suggests Clarisse is alive.

What happened to the city Montag escaped?

The city Montag escaped was blown up completely thanks to a bomb from the enemies in the war no one knows about.

Why does Montag keep hearing planes flying overhead?

The country is preparing for war, but nobody talks about it.

7. Approach

The hero and newfound allies prepare for the major challenges ahead.

9. Reward

The hero earns his reward after facing death, however, there is danger in losing the reward again.

6. Test, Allies, Enemies

The hero encounters many challenges that attempt to throw them off course.

10. The Challenges

The hero faces a journey into a physical or psychological unknown.

11. Resurrection

The hero faces one final test.

3. Refusal of the Call

The hero feels the fear of the unknown and tries to turn away from the adventure.

8. Supreme Ordeal

The hero hits rock bottom in life or deals with a death crisis, forcing him to confront his fear.

2. Call to Adventure

The hero is faced with a problem or a challenge he needs to overcome.

5. Crossing the Threshold

The hero leaves his ordinary world and goes into adventure

12. Return with the Elixir

The hero returns to his ordinary life with treasure. This treasure can be in the form of love, freedom, wisdom, etc.

1. Ordinary World

The hero's normal life before the adventure.

Why does the Beetle pick up speed and almost run over Montag?

The kids in the Beetle saw Montag and wanted to kill him just for the sake of doing so. The only reason they didn't kill him is because he fell down, turning himself into a sped bump that could turn the Beetle upside down due to its speed.

Where is the play set?

The play is set in Verona, Italy. "In fair Verona, where we lay our scene." Prologue Line 2

What promise does the prince make to the families after he breaks up their quarrel?

The prince promises that the families will pay for the next fight with their lives. "If you ever disturb our streets again, Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace." Lines 104-105

What punishment does the prince give Romeo?

The prince exiled Romeo from Verona.

Where does the Prince send Romeo for banishment?

The prince sends Romeo to Mantua.


The prologue in Act I talks about the death of someone.

What piece of trivia does Faber tell Montag that he didn't fully realize before?

The public itself stopped reading of its own accord.

What does the term "Star-cross'd lovers" suggest?

The term "Star-cross'd lovers" suggests that Romeo and Juliet were doomed from the beginning.

To what is Montag referring when he says, "I saw the damnedest snake in the world the other night..."?

The tube used to pump Mildred's stomach.'

How did Granger and the others know Montag's name?

They were watching the police chase on their own TV.

What is an example of foreshadowing in Act 3?

This day's black fate on more days doth depend. This but begins the woe others must end.

What does Romeo mean when he says, "He jests at scars that never felt a wound" in Act II, scene ii?

This line is spoken in reference to Mercutio making fun of Romeo. Romeo does not feel that it is fair for Mercutio to make fun of Romeo's feelings of love when Mercutio himself has never felt love.

What plan of action do Montag and Faber accidentally come up with?

To disrupt the fireman structure itself by planting books and turning in alarms against the firemen.

What reason does Juliet give to the Nurse for sleeping alone?

To recite her prayers alone, but it is so she can take the potion.

What message does Tybalt send to Romeo in Act II?

Tybalt send Romeo a letter requesting a duel. This request stems from that fact that Tybalt saw Romeo at the Capulet's party. Benvolio: "Tybalt, the kinsman to Old Capulet, Hath sent a letter to his father's house." Mercutio: "A challenge, on my life" Benvolio: "Romeo will answer it." Act II, Scene iv Lines 7-10

Translate the following lines: "Whose misadventur'd piteous overthrows/Doth, with their death, bury their parents' strife."

Whose unfortunate deaths end their parent's feud.

What does Montag find gathered around a fire out in the countryside?

a collection of misfits who once lived in the cities and escaped to the country

The number 451 is on Montag's helmet in addition to the cover of the book. What does this number represent in this novel?

the temperature at which books burn

Why continue to chase montag after hes been caught

they need to end with a bang so the audience will be entertained

Dramatic irony is

when the reader knows more than the characters. Record instances of dramatic irony that you have read in the play thus far.

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