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a electrical component in resistance electrical which implements as a circuit element. It is as well an electronic component which are used in reducing the flow of electrons, adjusting signal levels, dividing voltages, bias active elements, and terminating transmission lines.


a positively charge mass within an atom, composed of neutrons and protons and processing most of the mass but occupying only a small fraction of the volume of an atom.

Conventional Current

assumes that current flows out of the positive side of the battery, through the circuit, and back to the negative side of the battery. This was the convention established when electricity was first discovered, but it is incorrect!


for commercial uses such as flashlights and power supplies for electronic circuits


is a measure of opposition of an object to the flow of electrons

Independent Current Source

is a two-terminal element through which a specified current flows. Then current is completely independent of the voltage across the element.

Independent Voltage Source

is a two-terminal element, such as a battery or generator, which maintains a specified voltage between its terminals.

Series Circuit

is one of which devices are connected that there is one only one path for current to flow.

Electron Flow

is what actually happens. The electrons flow out of the negative side of the battery, through the circuit, a n d back to the positive side of the battery.


the work done in moving a unit charge (+1 C) through the element from one terminal to the other across a element.

Valence electrons

this value is the number of electrons in an incomplete outermost shell. A completed outer shell has valence of zero

Active Elements

those that are not passive and do not hold for all time. Examples are generators, batteries, and electronic devices that require power supply.

Electrical Charge

A material is said to have an electrical charge when it attracts or repels another charged material. A material may have either a positive or a negative electrical charge


A negatively charge elementary particle found in all atomic nuclei, having a positive charge of 1.62 x 10exp -19. The number of protons in an atoms equals that of an element


A positively charge elementary particle found in all atomic nuclei, having a positive charge of 1.62 x 10exp -19 coulombs. The number of protons in an atoms equals that of an element 1 coulomb= 6.25xexp 18 electrons


Composed of two or parts of an element

Passive Elements

- if the total energy delivered to it from the rest of the circuit is always nonnegative. Examples are resistors, capacitors, and inductors.


A fundamental property of matter caused by the presence and motion of electrons and protons manifesting it self as attraction, repulsion, luminous and heating effects and the line


An elementary particle found in most atomic nuclei, having no charge, mass slightly greater than that of a proton.


Anything that occupies space and has weight is called matter. All liquid gases, and solids are example of (1) in different forms. (1) is made up smaller units called atom


Is the smallest physical unit of an element or compound, consisting of one or more like atoms in an element and two or more atoms is compound

Parallel Circuit

It has two or more path for current to flow


One of a class substances that cannot be separated into simpler substance by chemical means

Orbital rings K Shell = 2 electrons L Shell= 8 electrons M Shell= 18 electrons N Shell= 32 electrons O Shell= 50 electrons

The planetary electrons are in successive shells called K,L,M,N,O,P and Q at increasing distances outward from the nucleus, each shell has a maximum number of electrons

Atomic Number

This gives the number of protons or electrons required in the atom for each element


reciprocal of resistance


refers to the energy delivered or absorbed by the element


resembles the solar system with sum as the center around which a series of planets revolve.

Ohm's Law

states that the voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current flowing to the resistor

shells or energy levels

the orbits for the planetary electrons


the rate of flow of electrons

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