Electric car

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is the electric car a recent phenomenon? Explain

no, the first electric car was built when the first cars were built. They were actually preferred over gas.

what are advantages or electric cars

ran without gas, charged at home, ran smoothly and are very quite

Why was a better battery needed for the electric car?

Because people wanted more range on there car So that consumers were not nervous about their battery running out after 60 miles.

What does the graph show about average fuel economy of vehicles over the past 30 or so years?

Fuel economy increased 50%, but hasn't changed in the past 10 years.

Compare the fuel economy in 2006 of Japanese and American hybrid vehicles.

Japan: 42mpg USA: 25mpg

Why would car companies fight to keep the electric car OFF the road? After all, they created it in the first place first place.

They wanted to keep it off the road because the automobile companies would lose money, and the oil was so cheap because of the Sauidis so they could make more money that way. the part sin cars that were constantly being replaced were not in the EV1.

Approximately how much oil is left on the earth?

1 trillion barrels of oil left in the earth's crust which is 100 trillion dollars worth of oil

Where was the EV1 marketed?

California and Arizona

What are some limitations / issues of Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles?

It cannot be charged at home/work, limited access, difficult to find ways of putting hydrogen in the car, limited range, durability, don't do well in bad weather.

What is the hazard of CO2?

It is a greenhouse gas, which destroys the ozone layer.

What was the "sun racer", and who was it made by?

It was made by the GM. Sun racer was an electric car that won a race in Australia.

What was the argument of automakers for not marketing the electric car?

Not enough demand for the car and not enough profit coming out.

What were some of the skeptics saying about the EV1 electric car?

That people didn't know where they were able to charge and that it cost the same amount as gas cars.

Why did consumers in 2000 expect to pay less for the electric car? Do you feel this is justified?

They thought that since it was limited, they wouldn't have to pay as much. I believe that is fair.

What did the federal government (George Bush) due to support a cleaner environment in 2003?

They weren't sure if the car would be a success as it was more of a test.

Why did GM originally "Lease" all their electric cars?

They weren't sure if the car would be a success as it was more of a test.

what was the number 1 flaw of the gas automobile?

it created smog

why did the gas car win over the electric car?

the gas car won because of the efficient gas tank and how it was cheaper, places to fill up on gas.

Why did automakers sue California's air resources board? Which automakers were involved?

GM and Chrysler They sued them they were going to use tough carbon dioxide emissions.

Why did GM want the EV1's back?

GM wanted the EV1 back because it was cheaper to destroy it than it was to protect and support the cars, and they didn't want to be in the business anymore because of how well they were doing and how much work it was.

For each gallon of gas we burn, how much carbon dioxide is added to the air?

19 lbs of carbon dioxide is released into the air for each gallon of gas we burn.

What was the name of the first modern electric car?


Do you think the demand for an electric car has changed from 2000 to now (2008)?

I think the demand has changed since 2000 because people are starting to realize the problems that oil is causing to the earth. Also, we have a limited time before it is too late to reverse global warming we have started, so we have to act now and be more eco friendly. I think that the demand had gone up but still not as much as it should have, we still used oil heavily in 2008.

Record the stats on Foreign Oil Imports.

1977 - 88 million barrels / day.

How did activists raise public awareness about the electric car (or it's sudden disappearance)?

They protested and staged a funeral.

Who formed the groups that protested electric cars and attempted to persuade city councils not to build charging stations?

A little group of people formed these and they went to the city council and told them that the places that they were putting these charging spots was a waste of taxpayers money.

Who killed the electric car? List ALL that apply.

American consumers general motors inadequate technology oil companies other car companies

What did oil companies do to sway public opinion about electric cars?

They said that they were going to lose jobs in the oil sands of people bought these vehicles because they need oil in gas cars and not in electric.

Who purchases control of the nickel hydride (longer range) battery technology?

Stan ovshinsky created it, chevron bought it.

What were some problems with the first electric cars which car companies experimented with?

The battery was bad until they replaced it with a better one

How do you feel about the future of electric cars? What will make YOU want to buy one?

The future of electric cars is positive, and there will be more of them. I might buy one because you won't have to go to a gas station.

when and what discovery marked the birth of the modern automobile age?

The gas automobile,it marked the birth of it because how efficient and how cheap it was

About how many miles per charge did the EV 1 get?

There is about 80 Miles per charge

How did the State of California compromise with the automakers?

They adapt by making a mandate

What did General Motors do with its electric car production division?

They closed the assembly line

What did the manager of General Motors say they did about the waiting lists for those interested in electric cars?

They had a waiting list of about 4000. What they did was call these people and listed all of the limitations in this vehicle and then it ended up only being about 50 people And then they ended up selling them to celebrities, because they were running low on the stock of these vehicles.

This film is now over a decade old. What has changed since this film in terms of the world of electric cars?

They have become quite popular. Teslas, for example, are seen as great vehicles and are produced without fear of money. They can also travel a lot farther and require a shorter time to charge.

What are the 5 miracles needed to make a hydrogen fuel cell car marketable?

costs 1 million not enough room for hydrogen fuel lack of fueling stations Need fueling infrastructure Competitive tech not improve

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