Electronics - Resistors & Ohm's Law_Copy

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A carbon film resistor is a *fixed form* type of resistor.

12²) Write the following, filling in the blanks: A *carbon film resistor* is a _______ _______ type of resistor.

Carbon film resistors are *constructed* out of a *ceramic carrier* with a *thin, pure carbon film* around it, that functions as *resistive material*.

13⁹) Write the following, filling in the blanks: Carbon film resistors are _______ out of a _______ _______ with a _______ , _______ _______ _______ around it, that functions as _______ _______ .

Variable resistors

14) What type of resistors have an adjustable resistant value?

> Sliding Potentiometer > Rotary Potentiometer > Rheostat > Trimpot > Preset > Cermat

15⁶) Name six types of variable resistors:

Variable resistors are adjusted by *mechanical movement*.

16²) Write the following, filling in the blanks: *Variable resistors are adjusted* by _______ _______ .

Variable resistors are called potentiometers when they are *used* as a *variable voltage divider*.

17⁴) Write the following, filling in the blanks: *Variable resistors are called potentiometers when* they are _______ as a _______ _______ _______ .

Fixed resistors

10) What is the most common type of resistor?

A constant value

11) What type of resistor value do fixed resistors have?

Variable resistors are called rheostats when they are *used* as *variable resistance* to *control* the *current* in the *circuit*.

18⁶) Write the following, filling in the blanks: *Variable resistors are called rheostats when* they are _______ as _______ _______ to _______ the _______ in the _______ .

A resistor is a *passive electrical component* with the *primary function* to *limit* the *flow* of *electrical current*.

1⁹) Write the following, filling in the blanks: A *resistor* is a _______ _______ _______ with the _______ _______ to _______ the _______ of _______ _______ .

In electronics, the "I" stands for the *current* that *flows* through a *conductor* in *amperes*.

5⁴) Write the following, filling in the blanks: *In electronics, the "I" stands for* the _______ that _______ through a _______ in _______ .

In electronics, the "R" stands for *"Electrical Resistance."*

6²) Write the following, filling in the blanks: *In electronics, the "R" stands for* "_______ _______ ."

In electronics, the "V" stands for *"Voltage."*

7) Write the following, filling in the blanks: *In electronics, the "V" stands for* "_______ ."

> R = V ÷ I > I = V ÷ R > V = (I)(R) {I times R}

8³) What are the three mathematical formulas for Ohm's Law?

> The electrical resistance (R) is equal to voltage (V) divided by current (I): R = V ÷ I > The current (I) is equal to voltage (V) divided by electrical resistance (R): I = V ÷ R > The voltage (V) is equal to current (I) times the electrical resistance (R): V = (I)(R)

9³) State and explain the 3 mathematical formulas for Ohm's Law:

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