Elementary Physics 1310 Exam 3 Xiao

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no chemical bonding between atoms. ex: the atmosphere


inversely proportional to area/size


when a fluid goes to a narrower region, speed...

weight of object

1 object in different liquids. if floating, Fb=?

density of fluid

1 object in different liquids. if submerged, Fb=?


10 kg aluminum, 3 kg aluminum. which is more dense?

maximum height you can suck a straw

10.3m However strong your lungs may be, or whatever device you use to make a vacuum in the straw, at sea level the water could not be pushed up by the atmosphere higher than 10.3 m.

weight of heavier object

2 objects floating in the same liquid. if both floating, Fb=?

V=Fb because density of liquid is the same

2 objects in the same liquid. if both submerged, V=? why?


2 or more atoms of same or different elements. ex: CO, H2 DIFFERENT THAN ATOMS


2 or more different types of atoms. ex: CO (carbon monoxide)

ears pop

A change in altitude means a change in air pressure, and this causes a temporary imbalance in the pressures on the two sides of your eardrum.

component combination of projectile motion

A combination of a horizontal constant velocity motion and a vertical free fall motion.


A fish normally has the same density as water. A fish can regulate its density by expanding and contracting an air sac in its body that changes its volume. When a fish expands its air bladder, the density of the fish...

5 meters

A girl throws a ball horizontally off the edge of a cliff. As the ball leaves the girl's hand, 1 second later it will have fallen (use equation d= 1/2gt^2) (distance=1/2[gravity][time^2]) d=1/2[10][1]^2

1/3 the original pressure

A piston in an airtight pump is withdrawn so that the volume of the air chamber is increased 3 times. What is the change in pressure?

equally spaced

A projectile is launched horizontally are the HORIZONTAL positions equally spaced or farther apart with time?

farther apart

A projectile is launched horizontally, are the VERTICAL positions equally spaced or farther apart with time?


When you stand on one foot instead of two, the PRESSURE you exert on the floor is


Air is more compressed at sea level than at higher altitudes. Compromise between energetic molecules that tend to fly away and gravity that holds them back near Earth. We live at the bottom of an ocean of air

projectile motion

Any object that moves along a curved path under the influence of gravity.

same height

Consider two mercury barometers, one with twice the cross-sectional area of the other. Compared with the wider tube, mercury in the smaller tube will rise

Curvature of Earth (fast moving projectiles) Satellites

Earth surface drops a vertical distance of 5 meters for every 8000 meters tangent to the surface -speed is 8km/s=29,000km/h


Fbuoyant = Wobject if....

buoyant force is pressure times volume times gravity


principle of continuity

For continuous flow, a fluid speeds up when it goes from a wider to a narrower region, and slows when it goes from a narrower to a wider region.

orbital speed is less

For higher altitudes in orbit, is the speed less or higher? (orbital speed of the moon?)

buoyancy in air

Gas-filled balloon Helium, hot air As balloon rises, atmosphere becomes less dense with altitude, it continues to rise until FB = Wair = Wballoon or ρair = ρballoon.

2, buoyancy and gravity

How many forces act on a submerged body in a fluid?

same at any depth

If an object is fully immersed in a liquid what is the force on the object at each depth?


If the barometer is moved from the sea level to the top of a mountain, will the height of the mercury column change?

500 N

If the pressure in a hydraulic press is increased by an additional 10 N/cm2, how much extra load will the output piston support if its cross-sectional area is 50 cm2?

vertical and horizontal components of motion

In a horizontal projectile what is the component combination of the curvature path?

atom characteristics

Incredibly tiny Numerous Perpetually in motion Ageless

60 degrees (subtract the angle from 90)

Neglecting air drag, a ball tossed at an angle of 30° with the horizontal will go as far downrange as one that is tossed at the same speed at an angle of?

atmospheric pressure

Not uniform (altitude, locality, weather) At sea level, the average atmospheric pressure is 1 atm = 101.3kPa, 1 Pa = 1 N/m2.


On a boat ride, the skipper gives you a life preserver filled with lead pellets. When he sees the skeptical look on your face, he says that you'll experience a greater buoyant force if you fall overboard than your friend who wears Styrofoam-filled preservers. correct or incorrect?

increase in depth = increase in pressure

Pressure of liquid = pressure at surface + pgd

pressure in liquid

Pressure pushes the water sideways, out of the holes. The greater the depth, the greater the exiting speed.

brownian motion

Robert Brown observed collisions between visible particles and invisible atoms

Ranges of a projectile launched at an angle

Same range is obtained from two different launching angles when the angles add up to 90 °(if D = 0). -Maximum range occurs for ideal launch at 45 °.

amorphous solids

Solids that do not have atoms arranged in a regular array. Ex. rubber, glass, plastics -Atoms vibrate in random arrangement

near the middle

Suppose you drill a hole horizontally through a tree branch. Where will the hole weaken the branch the least?

Remains the same

The velocity of a typical projectile can be represented by horizontal and vertical components. Assuming negligible air resistance, the horizontal component along the path of the projectile


When you stand on one foot instead of two, the FORCE you exert on the floor is


Trajectory of a projectile.


Two solid blocks of identical size are submerged in water. One block is lead and the other is aluminum. Upon which is the buoyant force greater?


Vfluid=Vobject if...


Vfluid=Vsubmerged part if...


Water pressure provided by a water tower is greater if the tower is...


When a fish makes itself less dense, the buoyant force on it

straight line path

When a projectile is launched at an angle, with no gravity, what path will the object travel?


When a submarine takes water into its ballast tanks, its density


When a submerged submarine expels water from its ballast tanks, its density

Bernoulli's principle

Where the speed of a fluid increases, the internal pressure decreases. *applies to smooth steady flow of constant density fluid only

barometer would be too tall

Why don't barometers use water instead of mercury?

salt water

Will ship float higher in saltwater (density = 1.03 x 103 kg/m3) or in freshwater (density = 1.00 x 103 kg/m3)?

the same as the time for it to return to its initial level

Without air resistance, what is the time for a projectile to reach maximum height and time to return to its initial level?

Satellites remain in orbit instead of falling to Earth

Without gravity, it would move in a straight line. The gravity at this height is only a few percent weaker than it is at Earth's surface.


a free falling object around earth

Archimedes' principle

an immersed object is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces.


as pressure decreases, bubbles get...

where satellites are positioned

beyond Earth's atmosphere, where air resistance is almost totally absent.

pressure inside car is greater than outside

canvas top of convertible car puffs up as car moves because..

vertical component

component that changes during projectile motion. acceleration=10 m/s^2 (gravity)

horizontal component

component that stays the same EVERYWHERE during projectile motion. constant velocity

falling distance

d=1/2gt^2 distance is beneath the path of the projectile, not the initial position


density of the object is less than the density of the fluid. float or sink? Pobj < Pfluid


density of the object is more than the density of the fluid. float or sink? Pobj > Pfluid


distance covered horizontally by a projectile. dependent on launching speed and launching angle

pressure is the same, force is higher

for a large piston in a hydraulic press, what is the pressure and force compared to a smaller piston?

hooke's law

force is proportional to the change in spring stretch F~Δx (2F~2Δx)


force per unit area on which the force is exerted p=F/A


horizontal component is independent or dependent of vertical component?

range equation

if 2 projectiles' speed is the same and launch angles equal 90º, range of each is the same (air resistance is negligible)


in Pascal's Principle, area is ? proportional to force


in a barometer, atmospheric pressure is ? proportional to the height.

Pascal's Principle

in a hydraulic press, the pressure at both pistons is the same, but the force is proportional to the area of the piston.


in boyle's law, volume is ? proportional to pressure


in one material, density is...


measurement of the compactness of matter does not depend on mass P=m/v


most abundant and lightest element

oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium

most abundant in all living things

neutral layer

neither stretched nor squished, part of the object stays the same.

buoyant force

net upward force that a fluid exerts on an immersed object. Force vectors on the sides cancel one another. The upward pressure on the deeper bottom is greater than the downward pressure on the top.

atomic structure

nucleus = protons (+) and neutrons (neutral). concentration of nearly all mass surrounding cloud of electrons (-) less massive


one type of atom ex: Hydrogen, Helium, Sodium

weight of displaced fluid = weight of object

place an object in a container that's full of water and weigh displaced water. if the object is floating...

volume of displaced fluid = volume of object

place an object in a container that's full of water and weigh displaced water. if the object is sinking...


pressure is ? of the volume (amount) of the liquid


pressure is ? proportional to area


pressure is ? proportional to force

boyle's law

pressure is proportional to temperature / volume


proportional to cross sectional area, proportional to area squared ? ~ Ac ~ a^2


proportional to volume, proportional to area cubed ? ~ v ~ a^3

Vertical distance beneath any point = distance covered by the object

relationship between the vertical distance that an object falls beneath the dashed line and distance covered by a free falling object dropped from rest for the same amount of time

speed of satellite is zero

satellite falls straight towards earth

crystalline solids

solids with atoms arranged in a regular array, 3D orderly arrangement. Ex. metals, salts, most minerals -The atoms in solids vibrate in place rather than move about.


squished part of an object gets shorter and wider


stretched part of an object gets longer and thinner


symbol for density

atomic number

the amount of protons in the nucleus


when a fluid goes to a wider region, speed...


when mass increases, density?


when volume increases, density... (indirectly proportional)


when you exert force on an object, the object can return to its original shape


when you squeeze bread, density?

stays the same

when you squeeze bread, mass?


when you squeeze bread, volume?


which is more elastic, steel or rubber?

streamlines smaller, pressure outside smaller than inside

wind blowing across peaked roof can lift roof off house because...

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