Elementary Statistics 1.3 (The process of systematical study)
The overall exam scores 10/40 students in your economics class. What's the population?
All students in your economics class
An underwriter studies the risk of fire destroying a home in a certain area based on multiple risk factors. Meta-Analysis or Case Study
Case Study
For budget purposes, a financial advisor needs to know the average length of tenure of faculty at their college. Census Stratified Sampling Systematic Sampling Simple Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Convenience Sampling
Gather data from each member of the population. Census Stratified Sampling Systematic Sampling Simple Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Convenience Sampling
Test each member of the entire sampling frame. Census Stratified Sampling Systematic Sampling Simple Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Convenience Sampling
A market researcher interviews each member from each of the ten randomly chosen neighborhoods throughout a city. Census Stratified Sampling Systematic Sampling Simple Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Convenience Sampling
Cluster Sampling
A random number generator is used to choose twenty-five classes. Then a biologist collects data from each person in these classes. Census Stratified Sampling Systematic Sampling Simple Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Convenience Sampling
Cluster Sampling
Additional variables that affect the outcome but we're not measured in a study are known as
Confounding variables
Time-series study
Deals with time
IQ scores reported in whole numbers
If a participant begins a study but fails to complete it then that participate is a
Drop out
When conducting legal experiments on animals, a researcher needs to obtain consent from the _______.
Institutional review board
A citizens watch committee analyzed fifteen news paper articles about crime prevention
Types of cars people own are an example of which type of data? Discrete or continuous
cross sectional study
Not dealing with time
A car wash operator wants to know if a need for additional staffing exists. experimental or observational
In a _______ experiment, only the subject does not know whether they received a placebo or treatment.
A market researcher chooses thirty members of the sampling frame at random from each neighborhood. Census Stratified Sampling Systematic Sampling Simple Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Convenience Sampling
Stratified Sampling
A scientist chooses thirty members of the sampling frame at random from each class. Census Stratified Sampling Systematic Sampling Simple Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Convenience Sampling
Stratified Sampling
First, the population is subdivided by district. Then a quality assurance analyst uses a random number generator to select ten members from each district to study. Census Stratified Sampling Systematic Sampling Simple Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Convenience Sampling
Stratified Sampling
A market researcher chooses thirty members of the sampling frame at a random from each neighborhood
Stratified sampling
A meteorologist compares three weather reports from hurricanes to compare for common factors. meta-analysis or case study
The price of homes of all the employees at a textbook company
50% of all instructors at your school teach two or more classes
Population parameter
A non-sampling error in which results from a study are tabulated incorrectly. An error of this form is called a
Processing error
A survey response to "do you favor a flat tax?"
Qualitative, neither, and nominal
If a researcher influences the results of the study to favor a certain outcome, this is called
Researcher bias
A recent poll of 1887 corporate executives shows that the average price of a corporate executive's car is $44,200.
Temperatures in degrees kelvin of various sites on the moon are an example of which type of data?
A pollster interviews each member from each of the ten randomly chosen math classes at a university. Census Stratified Sampling Systematic Sampling Simple Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Convenience Sampling
Cluster Sampling
First, the population is subdivided by metropolitan area. Then a quality assurance analyst uses a random number generator to select twenty-five members from each metropolitan area to study. Census Stratified Sampling Systematic Sampling Simple Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Convenience Sampling
Stratified Sampling
A deli cart entrepreneur wants to identify the number of cars passing a billboard in a day. observational or experiential
A company's international marketing group asked the following question to residents of 50 countries: "what has been your experience with American products?" Below average, average, above average, and good to excellent
Qualitative, neither, and ordinal
Birth years of each person in your family
Quantitative, discrete, and ordinal
Remember people who quit smoking cigarettes each year for the last 10 years
Quantitative, discrete, and ratio
The cost of a years tuition at each of 40 randomly selected state colleges
Quantitative, discrete, and ratio
A produce manager inspects three ears of corn off a truck before purchasing the load. meta-analysis or case study
case study
A citizens watch committee compares five newspaper articles about crime prevention. meta-analysis or case study?