Elementary Surveying

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Inaccuracies in measurements which occur because some aspect of surveying operation is performed by the surveyor with carelessness, inattention, poor judgement and improper execution.


Indicates how close a given measurement is to the absolute or true value of the quantity measured.


book opens quite flat and that covers can be folded back against each other.


came into wide use during 13th century for determining the direction of lines and in calculating angles between lines.

cubic meter, liter, milliliter

common metric units for volume

Linear, Area, Volume Measurements

common units are kilometer, meter, square meter, liter and cubic meter.

km, m, cm, mm

common units for length

ring type

consists of metal rings passing through perforations in the pages,

100 ares

convert 1 ha to ares

10 000sq m

convert 1 ha to sq m


defined as an angle subtended by an arc of a circle having a length equal to the radius of the circle

utility man

designated as driver when a survey vehicle ihs used.


developed in 140 BC and further improved by Ptolemy

explanatory notes

employed to make clear what the numerical data and sketches failed to do.

rule 2

for values less than one, zeroes immeadiately to the right of the decimal are NOT significant


has atomic weight of 86


he also assists the technician inthe operation of electronic surveying equipment.


he assists the tapeman in seeing to it that mistakes and blunders in linear measurements are either reduced or eliminated. he also perform the job of rodman.

assistant chief of the party

he conducts ground reconnissance and investigates sites of a proposed project gather necessary data prior to the start of a survey work

chief of the party

he consults or confers with superiors regarding the project

head tapeman

he determines and directs the marking of stations to be occupied by the surveying instruments and directs the clearing out of obstructions along the line of sight.


he does clerical tasks related to surveying in the office and undertakes limited cartographic jobs


he helps the tapeman in making measurements and assists the axeman in cutting down branches and in clearing other obstructions to line of sight.

head tapeman

he inspects and compares tapes for standard length prior to their use kn taping operations and is responsible for eliminating or reducing possible errors and mistakes in taping


he is also responsible for the security and safety of the members of the survey party at the survey site.

assistant chief of the party

he is primarily responsible for the employment of surveying equipment, instruments and accessories used in the survey operation


he is responsible for setting up reflectors or targets

utility man

he is responsible for setting up the camp site and its required facilities.

chief of the party

he is responsible for submitting survey reports and records.he prepares cost estimates of survey projects and receives and disburses all cash expenses of the survey party


he is responsible for the establishment of a two way communication link radio between members of the surveyparty and the home office


he is responsible for the utilization of e-calculators, pockets or microcomputers, and assists in the operation of computerized surveying systems or equipment


he keeps table of schedules of all phases of work and the employmeny of the members of the survey party

utility man

he prepares and serves meals, and responsible for the handling and transporting of surveying equipment, accessories and supplies.

assistant chief of the party

he prepares field and office reports and survey plans for submission to the chief of party.


he sees to it that instruments to be used in a survey operation are in good working condition and in proper adjustments

assistant chief of the party

he takes over the duties of the chief of party during the absence of the chief.


he works in coordination and as a part of an instrument party and exercises limited supervision over personnel doing manual tasks


his duty to see to it that equipments are functioning properly, are regularly calibrated and are in proper adjustment.

table of contents

important requirement at the beginning of the field notebook to allow easy referencing of desired data

centesimal units

in this system, the circumference is divided into 400grads

Title of the field work time of day and date weather conditions names of group members and their designation list of equipment

information found in field notebooks

field notes

it become the official record of the survey.

surveying field notes

it constitute the only reliable and permanent record of actual work done in the field.


it has both pages ruled in columns and has wider horizontal spacing than the field book.

significant figures

it includes the number of certain digits plus one digit that is estimated and therefore questionable or uncertain.


it is always aided by methodical apportionment and classification of data.


it is defined as 1/360th of a circle and equals to 60mins


it is divided into 100centesimal units or 0.9 °


it is redefined as a length equal to 1,650,763.73 wavelengths of the orange red light produced by burning the element KRYPTON at a specified energy level in the sprectrum


it is the process of determining the extent size or dimensions of a particular quantity in comparison to a given standard.

rounding off a value

it is the process of dropping one or more o the final digits so that the value contains only the significant figures required for further computation or for potraying the final results.


it is the supplementary unit of a solid angle


it is to modernize the metric system by introducing a coherent and rational worldwide system of units.


it is underway to standardize and simplify units of measurement throughout the world.


it may refer to other linear dimensions such as width, depth, thickness, height and distance.

field notes

it maybe used as evidence


it must also be taken to prevent picking up figures during conputations which lead to a final result containing more significant figures than the precision of original measurements.


it must be adapted in field surveying

field notes

it must contain all necessary information and the data recorded.


it prevents mistakes, allows easy checking, saves time, makes the calculation legible to others, and simplifies the work of the person checking the field notes

International Bureau in Sevres

it took care of the prototype standards of the meter and was given the task to periodically compare and calibrate the primary standards of the participating countries which was grown to 35members in 1954.


it was invented in 1632 by Pierre Vernier.


it was used for leveling, laying off right angles, and for measuring horizontal and vertical angles.

December 1978

metric conversion or change over was signed into law by PRESIDENT FERDINAND MARCOS.


most populat notebook and are available in single and double sheets.

Names of Group Members and Their Designations

necessary for documentation purposes and other future reference.

cm and mm

not commonly used and are suitable for small dimensions needed in laboratories where very precise but minute measurements are required.

Plane Table

one of the oldest types of surveying instruments used in field mapping. Consists of a tripod so that it can be leveled or rotated in any direction.





Gunter's Chain

66 ft long and contains 100 links which measure 0.66 ft or 7.92 in long each

Accidental Errors

Purely accidental in character. The occurrence of such errors are matters of chance as they are likely to be positive or negative.

january 1, 1983

the english system was faced out in philippines and only the modern metric system was allowed to be used.

october 1960

the meter was redefined at the 11TH GENERAL CONFERENCE ON WEIGHTS AND MEASURES and agreed upon by 36 countriesm


these are made algebraically by the use of simple arithmetical steps and trigonometric functions.


these are rarely made to exact scale but in most cases they are nade approximately to scale. drawn freehand

explanatory notes

they are placed on the right hand pageof the fieldnotebook in the same line with numerical data that they explain

International Bureau in Sevres

they carried research to improve the standards and methods of measuremen5.


this country has started to adopt the international system of units although with great hesitation.

conventional, ring, loose leaf

three ways of field notebook

sketches, tabulations, explanatory notes, computations combination of the above

types of notes

square meter

units for area


units for linear measure


units for plane angles

cubic meter

units for volumes


universal surveying instrument

cubic meters

used for larger volumes which are common in engineering constructions and in measuring various quantities in surveying


used for long distance and in measuring the sides of large tracts of land


used for measurement of large tracts of land.

combination of the above

used in most extensive surveys and used to determine which type would be most logical to use


used in most leveling operations

field notes

used or referred to by office personnel who have not seen the field site..


used to measure objects

digit is equal to 5

when the digit to be dropped is exactly 5, the nearest even number is used for the preceeding digit.

digit is greater than 5

when the digit to be dropped is greater than 5, the number is written with the preceeding digit increased by one.

digit is less than 5

when the digit to be dropped is less than 5, the number is written without the digit.

Rule 1

zeroes betwèen other significant figures are significant.

rule 3

zeroes placed at the end of decimal numbers are significant.


0. 000 000 001


0.000 001








1 000


1 000 000

International Bureau of weights and measures

promulgated in 1960 the INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS.

chief of party

responsible for its logistical and technical requirements, and problems of a field survey operation.

Personal Errors

Arise principally from limitations of the senses of sight, touch and hearing of the human observer which are likely to be erroneous or inaccurate.


Calculations of one kind or another form a large part of the work of surveying.

Natural Errors

Caused by variations in the phenomena of nature such as changes in magnetic declination, temperature, humidity, wind, refraction and gravity and curvature of the Earth.


Defined as the difference between the true value and the measured value of quantity.

Instrumental Errors

Due to imperfections in the instruments used, either from faults in their construction or from improper adjustments between the different parts prior to their use.

Systematic Errors

Is one which will always have the same sign and magnitude as long as field conditions remain constant and unchanged.


Refers to the degree of refinement and consistency with which any physical measurement is made.

Roman Groma

Roman surveyors used the it as an instrument for aligning or sighting points.

Angular Measurement

SI unit for plane angles is the radian.

Plane/Geodetic Surveys



This instrument was designed for leveling work.


Used first by Assyrians and Egyptians, archeologists believed that the horizontal foundations of the great pyramids of Egypt were probably defined by this device.

Direct Measurements

a comparison of the measured quantity with a standard measuring unit or units employed for measuring a quantity of that kind.


a good sketch will help to convey a correct impression.


a series of numerical values observed in the field are best shown in a tabulated format.

may 20,1875

a treaty was signed in PARIS by representatives of 18 countries ( 13 from EUROPE, 4 FROM AMERICAN CONTINENT, 1 FROM MIDDLE EAST.) which created a permanent international bureau of weights and measures.

Forestry Surveys

a type of survey executed in connection with forest management and mensuration, and the production and conservation of forest lands.

Photogrammetric Surveys

a type of survey which makes use of photographs taken with specially designed cameras either from airplanes or ground stations.


accredited to lippershey in 1607

List of Equipment

all survey equipment used must be listed, including its make, brand and serial number.


an early surveying instrument which was used to measure and lay off angle and establish lines of sight by employing peep sights.


an instrument developed by Greeks sometime in 130 B.C., and known to be their most famous surveying instrument.

City Surveys

are surveys in the areas in and near a city for the purpose of planning expansions and improvements, locating property lines, fixing reference monuments, determing the physical features and configuration of the land, and preparing maps.

Geodetic Surveying

are surveys of wide extent which take into account the spheroidal shape of the earth.

Mine Surveys

are surveys which are performed to determine the position of all underground excavations and surface mine structures, to fix surface boundaries of mining claims, determine geological formations, to calculate excavated volumes, and establish lines and grades for other related mining work.

Sexagesimal Unit

are the degree, minute, and second.

Topographic Surveys

are those surveys made for determining the shape of the ground, and the location and elevation of natural and artificial features upon it.

Cadastral Surveys

are usually closed surveys which are undertaken in urban and rural locations for the purpose of determining and defining property lines and boundaries, corners, and areas.


considered to be the one of the best known of the measuring instrument that have come down from ancient times. Originally designed for determining the altitude of the stars.


consisted of a horizontal straight edge about 6m long with supporting legs and a groove 2.5 cm deep and 1.5 m long on top.


consisted of a slotted palm leaf through which to sight and a bracket from which a plumb bot was suspended.


consists of copper tube supported on a standard and could be rotated im either a horizontal or vertical plane


consists of magnetized steel needle mounted on a pivot at the center of a graduated circle


credited to Young and Draper, known as the universal surveying instrument.

Time of Day and Date

document the notes and furnish a timetable, as well as to correlate different surveys.

international meter

established as a direct result of treaty and was initially based on an iron meter bar standardized in Paris in 1799.v


first used by CHALDEANS in 4000 BC.


generally accredited to Lippershay and in 1609 Galileo constructed a reftracting one for astronomical observations.


he designates the type, extent, and procedure of measurements to be undertaken.


his role is to design a survey then plan out and execute the required field operations

indirect measurement

in this type of measurement the observed value is determined by its relationship to some other known values.


international unit of linear measure

Route Surveys

involves the determination of alignment, grades, earthwork quantities, location of natural and artificial objects in connection with the planning, design, and construction of highways, railroads, pipelines, canals, transmission lines, and other linear projects.


is a short auxiliary scale placed alongside the graduated scale of an instrument, by means of which fractional parts of the smallest or least division of the main scale can be determined precisely without having to interpolate.

Plane Surveying

is that type of surveying in which the earth is considered to be a flat surface, and where distances and areas involved are of limited extent that the exact shape of the earth is disregarded.

Surveying (Webster)

is the branch of applied mathematics which teaches the art of determining the area of any portion of the earth's surface, the length and directions of the boundary lines, the contour of the surface, and accurately delineating the whole on paper.

roman groma

it consisted of cross arms fixed at right angles and pivoted eccentrically upon a vertical staff.


it had an A frame with a plumb line suspended from its apex and was used to determine the horizontal


it has a metal circle with a pointer hinged at its center and held by a ring at the yop and a cross staff, a wooden rod about 1.25m long with an adjustable crossarm at right angles to it.


it is being believed that an extensive use of surveying instruments came about during the early days of _________


it is defined 1/10000000 of the earth's meridional quadrant


it is defined as the distance between two lines engraved across the surface of a bar with n x shaped cross section, composed of 90% PLATINUM and 10%IRIDIUM, when the temperature of the bar is 0°C

International Bureau in Sevres

it is where the original international meter bar was deposited.

Geodetic Survey

mostly undertaken by government agencies to serve as basis for the production of accurate base and topographic maps..


perfected by Heron of Alexandria, was used in leveling and measuring horizontal and vertical angles.

Rear Tapeman

person whose duty is to assist the head tapeman during taping operations and in other related.


person whose duty is to check all linear measurements made by the tapeman.


person whose duty is to render first aid treatment to members of the survey party who are involved in snake and insect bites, accidents, and other cases.


persons whose duties are to render other forms of assistance needed by the survey party or as directed by the chief of party.


proposed by french scientists who hoped to establish a system suitable for all times and all peoples and which could be based upon permanent natural standards.

Explanatory Notes

provide a written description of what has been done in the field.

Hydrographic Surveys

refer to surveying streams, lakes, reservoirs, harbors, oceans, and other bodies of water.

Head Tapeman

responsible for the accuracy and speed of all linear measurements with tape.


responsible for use and operation of all electronic instruments required in a field work operation.

Industrial Surveys

sometimes known as optical tooling. It refers to the use of surveying techniques in ship building, construction and assembly of aircraft, lay-out and installation of heavy and complex machinery, and in other industries where very accurate dimensional layouts are required.

Weather Conditions

temperature, wind velocity, typhoons, storms, and other weather conditions have a decided effect upon accuracy in surveying operations.

Surveying (Rayner and Schmidt)

the art of determining the positions of points on or near the earth's surface by means of measurements in the three elements of space; namely, distance, direction and elevation.

Surveying (Clarke)

the art of making such measurements of the relative positions of points on the surface of the earth that, on drawing them to scale, natural and artificial features maybe exhibited in their correct horizontal or vertical relationships.

Surveying (Davis, Foote, Anderson, and Mikhail)

the art of measuring horizontal and vertical distances between objects, of measuring angles between lines, of determining the direction of lines, and of establishing points by predetermined angular and linear measurements.

Names of Group Members and Their Designations

the chief of party, instrumentman, tapeman, and other members of the survey party must be identified.

Centesimal Unit

the grad is the angular unit.

Title of the Field Work or Name of Project

the official name of the project or title of the field work should always be identified.

Chief of Party

the person who is responsible for the overall direction, supervision, and operational control of the survey party.

Assitant Chief of Party

the person whose duty is to assist the chief of party in the accomplishment of the task assigned to the survey party.


the person whose duty is to clear the line of sight of trees, brush and other obstructions in wooden country.


the person whose duty is to hold the flagpole or range pole at selected points as directed by instrumentman.


the person whose duty is to keep a record of all sketches, drawings, measurements and observations taken or needed for a field work operation.


the person whose duty is to perform all computations of survey data and works out necessary computational checks required in a field work operation.


the person whose duty is to set up, level and operate surveying instruments.


the person whose primary duty is to hold the stadia or leveling rod when sights are to be taken on it.

Surveying (Brinker and Wolf)

the science and art of determining relative positions of points above, on, or beneath the surface of the earth, or establishing such points.

Surveying (Breed, Hosmer, and Bone)

the science or art of making such measurements as are necessary to determine the relative position of points above, on, or beneath the surface of the earth, or to establish such points.

Construction Surveys

these are surveys which are undertaken at a construction site to provide data regarding grades, reference lines, dimensions, ground configuration, and the location and elevation of structures which are of concern to engineers, architects, and builders.

Geodetic Surveying

this employ principles of geodesy and of high precision, and the related calculations involve the solving of equations derived from advanced mathematics.

cadastral, city, construction, forestry, hydrographic, industrial, mine, photographic, route,topographic

types of surveys


was a device for measuring time and meridian.

Indirect Measurements

when it is not possible to apply a measuring instrument directly to a quantity to be measured.

Gunter's Chain

which was invented by Sir Edmund Gunter in 1620, was the forerunner of instruments used for taping distances.

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