Elements of a crime

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5-99 years in prison or life; Fine not to exceed $10,000

1st degree felony

2-20 years in prison; Fine NTE $10,000

2nd degree felony

2-10 years in prison; Fine NTE $10,000

3rd degree felony

act of comission or omission of a crime

Actus Reus

List the 5 elements of a crime

Actus Reus Mens Rea Causation Concurrence Consequence

Similar to defense, when you admit to what being accused of but for a legal reason Must be proven by a preponderance of the evidence Used in sexual assault and satutuory rape

Affirmative defense

Actions that caused the outcome


Jail NTE 1 year; Fine NTE $4000; or both

Class A misdemeanor

Jail NTE 180 days; Fine NTE $2000; or both

Class B misdemeanor

Fine not to exceed $500

Class C misdemeanor

Actus Reus and Mens Rea occurring together


Punishment or outcome of a crime


Complete failure to see action is a risk

Criminal negligence

Person has an excuse to commit a crime


Affirmative defense Not guilty if forced to commit crime due to threat of death or injury Does not apply if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly put himself in that position


Crimes consist of certain elements, which are to be proved in court, in order to find someone guilty. Each crime will have them listed in the description of the crime.All crimes require a mens rea except strict liability crimes. These crimes have no mens rea. If you do them, regardless if you meant to, it is a crime. Examples are: traffic offenses, statutory rape

Elements of a crime

Opportunity vs. Persausion Law enforcement officer induced person to commit a crime the person would not normally commit


When a law does not apply to a person, prosecutor must prove the accused does not have a reason as to what they are doing


Affirmative disease At the time of conduct Mental disease Did not know conduct was wrong


Meant to do it, wanted to do it, did it


Vountary intoxication is not defense


Knew what was doing when doing it


Mental intent during a crime

Mens Rea

Is a defense Perception of facts by actor is mistaken Has to be reasonable

Mistake of fact

Ignorance of law is not an excuse for breaking that law

Mistake of law

Affirmative defense An action committed to prevent a greater harm If proven in court person can be found not guilty


Reasonable person aware of risk and disregards


Affirmative defense Defending of self or another person If proven in court person can be found not guilty

Self defense

180 days - 2 years; Fine NTE $10,000

State Jail felony

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