Elijah and Elisha Bible Test Review

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What were the roles of a prophet?

1. Speak out against corruption 2. Warn the people about God's wrath 3. Call the people to repentance

How many men does Elisha feed with 12 loaves of bread?


Elijah rebuilds the alter with how many stones?


How many prophets were there in the Bible?


Elijah does ______ miracles, Elisha does _______?

14, 28

How many of the prophets were women?


The Shunammite women's son dies. How many times does Elisha pray before he comes back to life?


How many times does Elijah pray for rain?


How many times does Elisha tell Naaman to wash in the Jordan River?


How many times does the Shunammite women's son sneeze when he was resurrected?


What does Elisha ask for from Elijah?

A double portion of his anointing

What is a prophet?

A person who speaks God's truth to others.

What is God in if not the 3 other things (Wind, earthquake, and fire pass)?

A whisper

Which person becomes king after a series of murders?


Elijah is sent to the widow of Zarephath to eat. She says they do not have enough food for themselves. Elijah says feed me _________________ and you and your son will have enough until the drought is over.


Who was the most evil of all the king's?

King Ahab

What does the word prophet mean?

"One who speaks forth"/"advocate"

Who falls from a tower and is hurt?


What does Elisha tell the prophets widow to do?

Borrow every jar and fill it with oil, then sell it.

A fiery chariot and horses come and pick up who?


Which prophet prays for a dead widows boy and God resurrects him.


Who executes the prophets of Baal?


Who predicts that there will be a drought?


Who was the prophet during the reign of King Ahab and his wife Jezebel?


Who cleansed a poisoned stew?


Who was Elijah's protege?


What does Jezebel do to Naboth after he refuses to sell the vineyard?

Has him killed

What does the number 12 represent?

It represents the tribes, and its the number of completion.

When Elijah outruns Ahab's chariot, who does it anger?


Where does Elijah want to challenge King Ahab's "God"

Mt. Carmel

Where does Elijah go to meet with the Lord?

Mt. Sinai

Who was a Syrian general that had a skin disease?


Who had a beautiful vineyard?


When Elisha was chosen he was leading a team of what in the field?


What is Elijah's final miracle?

Parting the Jordan River

What is Elisha's first miracle?

Parting the Jordan River

Elisha tells what women she will have a child?

Shunammite women

Where does Elijah flee to?


How do they know who the true God is at the showdown of Mt. Carmel?

The God who answers with fire and consumes the bull first

What miracles do Elijah and Elisha have in common?

The oil and resurrecting the boy

While Elijah was in the cave, 3 things happened. What were they?

Wind, earthquake, and fire pass

What is Elisha's final miracle?

a dead body is thrown on him and the body resurrects

What is the Greek word for prophets?


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