Email Vocabulary

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password letters, words, and numbers you use to login into your email inbox

Do not tell anyone your password. It is private.

check to look and see if you have any emails

Do you want to check your email?

compose to write a new email

I need to compose a message to my teacher.

sign in to open your email with your email address and password

I need to sign in and check my email.

logout to exit your email inbox so that nobody can see it

If you are using a public computer, don't forget to logout of your email.

respond to reply an email that you received

Mario needs to respond to the teacher's email.

subject the topic of an email

The subject of Mary's email was "out sick today".

email an electronic letter or message sent using the internet

Send your teacher an email if you miss class.

inbox the place where your email is kept

Sonny's inbox is full of new emails.

email address the name of your email, usually looks like: [email protected]

What is your email address?

delete to get rid of something

Tony deletes emails that are not important.

case sensitive when a password has upper case and lower case letters

With case sensitive passwords, pay attention to which letters are capitalized.

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