Embryo Semi final

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What true about the exocrine pancreas?

True: - Centroacinar cell - Intercalated duct - Serous acini False: - Striated duct - Mucous acini

True about osteoclast

True: - Multinucleated macrophage - Resorption - Derived from myeloid progenitor (> monoblast >monocyte > macrophage) - Associated with Howship lacuna

True about collagen f.

True: - made by fibroblast - basic structural unit is tropocollagen False: - Normal collagen is type III (III: reticular f.)

True about serous acini

True: - secrete via exocytosis False: - stain eosinophilic - Large lumen - Apocrine secretion - Holocrine secretion

True about mucous acini

True: - stain eosinophilic - Glycoproteins secretion? False: - Central nucleus in acinus - Highly fluid excretion

True about muscle cell

True: - Mostly actin at I band - H band involved at A band and btw actin False: - Actin and myosin at M line - I band always the same length

What is considered the fetal period?

Week 9th - 20th

When does the oocyte finish meiosis II?

When oocyte fertilized. Entry of spermatozoa

What is true about cleavage?

Zygotes undergo a series of mitotic division after fertilization

What is the sarocomere unit?

- 1/2 I band, whole A band, 1/2 I band

True about ant fontanelle

- 2 frontal and 2 parietal - Closed at 18th months of age

True about post fontanelle

- 2 parietal and 1 occipital - Closed at 1-3 months of age

What forms the chorion?

- Amniotic epi - Cytotrophoblast - Syncytiotrophoblast

True about sphenoid fontanelle

- Anteolateral - btw frontal, parietal, temporal, sphenoid

True about elastic f.

- Aorta stained by orcein / rezorcin fuchsine as brown color - Thicker than collagen

What is a somite?

- Bilaterally paired blocks of paraxial mesoderm that form along the head-to-tail axis of the developing embryo in segmented animals - Subdivided into scleotomes, myotomes, dermatomes

What is true about intramembranous ossification?

- Bone ossification by flat bones except inf nasal concha and ethmoid bone - Endochondral ossification - Proximo-distal ossification - Paraxial mesoderm - From scleotome

What is true for cardiac muscle?

- Centrally located simple nucleus - Branched muscle cells connected by intercalated disc (Eberth's line) which contains adherent junction, desmosome, gap junction)

What is true about fibrocartilage? - Collagen type I, II VI, IX, X, XI

- Chondrocytes, fibroblasts, collagen f. - No perichondrium

True about the cartilage

- Chondron contains 1-2 chondrocytes - Fibrocartige has no perichondrium

Where are the cytoplasmic processed of osteocytes found?

- Concentric lamellae

What prevent polyspermia?

- Fast block: changing of the electric potential of egg membrane by pumping high amount of Na+ outside the egg surface - Slow block: cortical and zona reation, as a result of the release of cortical oocyte granules which contain lysosomal enzymes, the oocyte memb. become impermeable to spermatozoa and zona pellucida changes its structure and composition

What is GFAP?

- GFAP (glial fibrillary acid protein) - Intermediate filament of glial cell - Use as marker for immunocytochemistry to detect fibrous astrocyte

What are the cells of blastocyte called?

- Inner cell mass > Embryoblasts > Epiblasts and Hypoblasts > Ectoderm + Mesoderm + Endoderm - Outer cell mass > Trophoblasts > Cytotrophoblast + Syncytiotrophoblasts

What is desmin?

- Intermediate filament of muscle

What is true for zona pellucida?

- Made of glycoproteins secreted by oocyte - Responsible for sperm biding to oocyte - Ligand ZP3 binds to acrosome of sperm: acrosomal reaction and zona reaction

What is TRUE for decidua basalis?

- Maternal p. of placenta - Endometrium during pregnancy - Formed under influence of progesterone

What is true for cleavage?

- Mitotic division to smaller cells - Cells dividing maximizing cell-to-cell contact - Blastomeres connected together by tight junction (E-cadherin) - Morula: 16 cell stage

True for intramembranous ossificaiton

- Ossification for flat bone in skill except ethmoid and inf nasal concha - Mesenchymal cells gather and then become osteoblasts secreting osteoid

What are the layers of the perichondrium?

- Outer fibrous - Inner cellular

True about mastoid fontanelle

- Posteolateral - btw parietal, temporal, occipital

What is found in the canaliculi in bone?

- Radiating calcified cytoplasmic proccesses of osteocytes, filopodia - Connected by gap junctions

Which is related to scleotome?

- Sonic hedgehog (SHH) and noggin: secreted by notochord and neural tube - Express PAX1 for chondrogenesis and vertebral formation

Which layers in stratified non-keratinized squamous epi.?

- Stratum basale/germinativum - Stratum spinosum - Stratum planocelluare

Goblet cells

- Unicellular gland - Stained by PAS (carbohydrate staining) - Appear clear due to mucus in normal standing (HE)

True about the allantois

- Vestigial structure that serves as a respiratory and waste storage organ for embryo - Extends from the ventral region of urogenital sinusto the umbiicus - Distal portion later urachus: median umbilical ligament - Small diverticulum formed by endoderm at the connecting stalk -the umbilical vein becomes the round lig of the liver in adults. -urachas is the alantois in the embryo. It gets obliterated to become the urachus in a fetus and then become the median umbilical ligament in adults


- collagen type I, II, VI, IX, X, XI

Elastic cartilage

- collagen type II, VI, IX, X, XI

True about fibrocartilage

- has relatively less cells - is present in temporomandibular joint

When does gastrulation occur?

3rd week Gastrulation: formation of three embryonic disc

When does organogenesis occur?

3rd-8th week Gut development at day 31st

How many somites are there in a human embryo?


When do the somites finish developing?

5th week

When does implantation occurs?

7th day after fertilization

What is the Nissl body?

Accumulation of rER and ribosome in Perikaryon of neuron

Belt-like junction also complex

Adherents jucntion.

Where does fertilization occur?

Ampulla p. of uterine tube

True about neural tube closure

Anterior/cranial neuropore closes at 25th day. Posterior/caudal neuropore closes at 28th day

What do plasma cells produce?


What do you find in the apical structure of epithelium?

Apical - Tight junction (zona occuldens) Basolateral - Adherent junction (zona adherens): actin f. - Desomosome: intermediate f. - Gap junction: connexon - Hemidesomosome: intermediate f. - Focal adhesion: actin f.

What derives from dermatomes?

Area of skin that is mainly supplied by a single spinal nerve

What is the another name for reticular f.?

Argyrophilic f.

Limb development

At the ed of 4th week

Why are striated ducts striated?

Because of basal striation of mitochondria

What occurs in the 2nd week of development?

Bilaminar germ dics formation

What is the blastocyst comprised of?

Blastocyst cavity (surrounded by embryoblast and trophoblast)

What happens on the day 5?

Blastocyte formation

What are the cells called in the morula?


How do osteocytes communicate?


What happens just before the acrosomal reaction?


What is apocrine secretion?

Cells secrete their products with damaging their cell memb.

What are the fetal p. of stroma?

Chorionic plate - Chorioamniotic memb. - Amniotic epi - Smooth chorion - Cytotrophoblasts -Syncytiotrophoblasts

What is basal memb.? -

Collagen type IV - Lamina Basalis - Lamina Lucida - Lamina Densa - Lamina Reticularis

What part of the placenta is maternal?

Decides Basalis with endometrial a. + v.

What is the maternal p. of placenta?

Decidua Basalis

What derives from somites?

Dermatomes - dermis of skin. Myotomes - epaxial: extensors of neck and trunk - hypaxial: thoracic m. + ant. abdominal wall. Scleotome - vertebrae - rib cartilage - p. of occipital b.

True about acrosomal reaction

During fertilization, a sperm must first fuse with the plasma memb. and then penetrate the female egg in order to fertilize it

What kind of tissue are placode s derived from?


When are the somites done forming?

End of 4th week

From what does the primitive streak develop?


False about epithelium

False: - in between you can find reticular fibers True: - purpose to cover all body surfaces - has basal memb. - can originate from all 3 germ layers

What is FALSE about macrophage?

False:They produce collagen fibers

What makes up the placenta during development?

Fetal side: - Chorion frondosum or villous chorion. Space btw fetal and maternal side: - Intervillous lakes of maternal blood. Maternal side: - Decidua basalis

When is embryogenesis?

First 8 weeks

Which bones has endochondral ossification?

Flat bone of skull Ethmoid and inf nasal concha

What part of development is started by primitive streak?

Gastrulation: formation of three germ layers?

Name of the phases of spemiogenesis

Glogi phase - Head formation: golgi apparatus forms enzymes in acrosome - Mid pierce formation: mitochondria gather and desirable cetriole forms axoneme. Cap/acrosomal phase - Acrosomal cap formation: golgi apparatus surrounds condensed nucleus, -Formation of tail. Maturation phase - Excess cytoplasm phagocytosis True: - Golgi phase - Maturation - Acrosomiation False: - Capacitation

Where is the acrosome situated?

Head of sperm

In what region does the somites start to segmentation?

Head-to-tail axis

What is true concerning hyaline cartilage?

Hyaline cartilage- collagen type II, VI, IX, X, XI

Which collagen type is for tropocollagen?


What collagen type is most abundant in the basal lamina?


What's is prerequisite for implantation?

Implantation (occurs at the end of 1st week and trophoblasts invade the epithelium and underlying endometrial stroma with help of proteolytic enzyme) - Aromatase inhibitor?

Where do you find acrosome?

In the tip of head of sperm

Where is the BRUSH border?

Intestinal epithelial cell Proximal convoluted tubule (kidney)

What does the cells of stratum granulosum contain?


What does the mesonephric duct open into?

Mesonephric duct (Wolfian) - Cloaca

True about mucous secretion

Mucous acini - carbohydrate rich mucigen granules - light stained by HE

What is the part of autonomic ganglion?

Multipolar neuron's cell bodies

Name origins group of all granulocytes of WBC?

Myeloclasts Hematopoietic stem cell > Multipotent progenitor >Myeloid progenitor > Myeloblasts > Premyeloblasts> Neutrophil/Eosinophil>Basophil myelocytes > Neutrophil/Eosinophil>Basophil metamyelocytes > Neutrophil/Eosinophil>Basophil

Which cells are the microphage?

Neutrophils Eosinophils

From where do somites from paraxial mesoderm start to form?


Which staining shows the goblet cell?

PAS (periodic acid staining) - Target: carbohydrate

What are the myelinating cells of PNS and CNS?

PNS - by Schwann cells - 1 cell surrounds only 1 axon CNS - by oligodendrocytes - 1 cell surrounds many axons

What is the post fontanelle made of?

Paraxial mesoderm: scleotome

What is the Barr bodies in neutrophils?

Recognition of inactive chromosome in female

Where does the SHF originate?

SHF: secondary heart field - Heart progenitor cells resides in the splachnic mesoderm ventrally to the post pharynx

True about serous secretion

Serous acini: - protein rich zymogen granules - dark stained by HE

Epithelium of intercalated duct

Simple cuboidal

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