Emerson- Nature, Self-Reliance, Concord Hymn, The Snowstorm

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The Latin root -radi- means

"spoke" or "ray"

At what age did Emerson enter Harvard?



humanity and nature are connected in a spiritual way


(adj.) carefree


(adj.) existing naturally; innate


(adj.) rough; stormy


(adj.) shining brightly


(n.) clergy


(n.) disorder of matter and space, supposed to have existed before the ordered universe


(n.) fortifications


(n.) object arousing an intense dislike


(n.) vote or voting

What are the 3 cornerstones of Transcendentalist beliefs?

1) Human senses are limited; they convey knowledge of the physical world, but deeper truths can be grasped only through intuition. 2) The observation of nature illuminates the nature of human beings. 3) God, nature, and humanity are united in a shared universal soul, or Over-Soul.

Emerson's writing embody the following important principles of Transcendentalism

A. The human spirit can intuitively comprehend the fundamental truths of the universe. B. The human spirit is reflected in nature. C. All forms of being are spiritually united.

What event took place by the "rude bridge?"

Battle of Concord and Lexington (1775); Americans fell to the British guns.

Where was Emerson born?


In nature, what emotion does Emerson believe replaces "mean egotism"?

Divinity, delight being with God, doing what he wants us to do

What does Emerson believe about being true to oneself?

Emerson believes it produces the best work and the most spiritual peace. He believes that unless one is true to oneself, one will never find inspiration.

According to Emerson, what role does the "divine" have in determining each person's circumstances?

For Emerson, the divine is God's idea of what each of us might be if we had the courage to live up to our full creative potential.

In the last stanza, whom does the poet address directly?

He addresses a "Spirit."

What terms does Emerson use to describe society?

He describes it as a joint stock company.

In stating that there is a harmony between human beings and nature, do you think Emerson means the relationship is always serene, or not? Explain.

He means that it is forever linked and intertwined, but not necessarily that it is serene. There are natural disasters and not everyone is in harmony.

What does Emerson mean when he says that "Nature always wears the colors of the spirit?"

He means that nature reflects our emotions or mood.

Explain what Emerson means when he refers to the "tumultuous privacy of the storm" in line 9.

He means that the storm's disturbance creates privacy by keeping visitors away and keeping residents from leaving.

What evidence does Emerson use to support his claim that "to be great is to be misunderstood"?

He points out that some of the greatest people who ever lived were misunderstood.

-school teacher, essayist, poet -influenced environmental movement -supporter of abolitionism

Henry David Thoreau

How are "Nature" and "Self-Reliance" different?

In one, Emerson looks at the individual's relationship to nature, and in the other, he explores the individual's relationship to society.

How does the poem's organization reflect a sense of the passage of time ("Concord Hymn")?

It acknowledges that the events are long past but that people today still revere them.

In what way does this direct address reflect Transcendentalist beliefs in an Over-Soul?

It assumes that this spirit created the brave and nonconforming individuals who fought at Lexington and Concord.

Where does the power to produce nature's delight come from?

It comes from a harmony of man and nature.

What has happened to the bridge since the battle that took place there?

It has fallen apart.

What does the poet mean by the image of "the shot heard round the world"?

It heralded (signaled) the founding of a new nation.

How important is Emerson's use of the adjective "foolish" in his discussion of consistency?

It is important because it distinguishes between a rational consistency of thought and purpose and an unreasoning, compulsory conformity.

According to lines 25-28, what has the storm left behind "when the sun appears"?

It leaves human artists and architects to imitate, slowly and with difficulty, what the storm created overnight.

Which aspects of Emerson's Transcendentalism beliefs does this image reflect?

It reflects the idea that humans can find a parallel to their own creative force in nature and vice versa.

Under what circumstances does "mean egotism" vanish?

It vanishes in the woods.

According to Emerson, what is society's main purpose?

Its purpose is to conspire against individual self- reliance. Society is a hobgoblin.

What is Emerson's main point in this essay?

Nature teaches us how we are connected to everyone and everything around us. We are united through nature and humanity.

According to Emerson, is our experience with nature the same every time we go to the woods?

No, sometimes nature is less welcoming. It depends, on nature's mood and on the emotions we bring in.

-Unitarian minister -poet and essayist -founded the transcendentalist club -supporter of abolitionism

Ralph Waldo Emerson

After postgraduate studies at Harvard Divinity School, this author became pastor of the Second Church of Boston

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Author of Nature, Self-Reliance, Concord Hymn, and The Snowstorm

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

What would Emerson say is each person's reason for living? Explain.

Seek out God's purpose for us and pursue it without fear of society's pressures and opinions.

In what ways does the description of a transparent eyeball reflect Transcendentalist belief in an over-soul?

Shows that the shared universal soul (being) connects all living things/ unites God, nature, and humanity. Emerson, like everyone and everything, is connected to the Universal Being.

In the first stanza, what effect does the storm have on the "sled and traveler," the "courier," and the "housemates"?

The sled and traveler must stop; the courier is delayed; the house mates remain inside together.

How are "Nature" and "Self-Reliance" similar?

They are both concerned with the nature of the individual but explore two different arenas

In what ways does Emerson believe people should be affected by the way others perceive them?

They should not care how others perceive them.

What do these words suggest about the comparison the poet is making between the storm and an architect or artist?

They suggest that he views the snowstorm as a gifted creator or artisan.

According to Emerson, what do Pythagoras, Socrates, Jesus, Luther, Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton have in common?

They were all misunderstood.

When does Emerson become a "transparent eyeball"? What are the characteristics of this experience?

When he sheds his outer egotistical nature of himself amidst nature. He feels connected to nature and God but detached from the material world.


an offshoot of romanticism that became the philosophy of Ralph Waldo Emerson and several other American intellectuals of his day.

deductive reasoning

build an argument on generally accepted principles

What events motivated Emerson to begin his lifelong career of writing?

death of his young wife and dissatisfaction with what he saw as spiritual restrictions in Unitarianism

3 principles of Ralph Waldo Emerson

individuality, independence, and an appreciation for the wonders of nature

What is the purpose of varying sentence length?

it enables Emerson to sustain the reader's interest and to establish rhythm

In the second stanza, which words relate to the design and construction of buildings?

masonry, quarry, furnished with tile, bastions, artificer, wall to wall, etc.

What is Emerson's idea of "mean egotism"?

petty narcissism, mean nature, cockiness

inductive reasoning

uses specific details to draw a general conclusion

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