Empires of Asia

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What does the phrase "Pax Mongolica" mean?

"Mongol Peace"

"Genghis Khan" meaning

"Universe ruler"

Accomplishments of Genghis Khan

*United the Mongol clans *Organized Mongol laws to create a new legal code *Created an army of 100,000 trained warriors—led by skilled officers who were chosen for skill NOT social positions

1368-Ming Dynasty comes to power after Chinese rebels overthrow the Mongol- ruled Yuan Dynasty Accomplishments of the Ming Dynasty:

1. Erased all traces of Mongol past & restored Confucian values and civil service exams 2. Restored agricultural lands devastated by war 4. Promoted China's power and prosperity 5. Experienced a flowering of art and literature that included beautiful works of art such as the famous Ming blue and white porcelain vases.

Timeline of Mongol Empire:

1206: Temujin unifies the Mongol tribes under his rule- becomes "Genghis Khan" (Universal Ruler). 1206-1227: Genghis Khan and the Mongol army conquer across Asia and northern China. 1227: Genghis Khan dies-leaves control of his empire to his son, Ogedei. 1227-1260: Genghis Khan's descendants continue to conquer more land for the empire. 1260: Empire has grown so large, the Mongols divide it into 4 khanates (regions), each ruled by a descendant of Genghis Khan. 1279: Genghis Khan's grandson, Kublai Khan completes the conquest of China started by Genghis Khan and defeats the Song Dynasty. Kublai Khan establishes a new dynasty known as the Yuan Dynasty

The decline of the Mongol Empire

1294: Kublai Khan dies and the Yuan Dynasty begins to decline. Early 1300's Rebellions break out all over China against Mongol rule. Many Chinese resent being ruled by outsiders. As the Khanate of the Great Khan (Yuan Dynasty China) is in decline, the other Khanates of the Mongol Empire begin to weaken too. 1368:Chinese rebels overthrow the Yuan Dynasty and they establish the Ming Dynasty. Chinese rule is restored and they seek to erase all traces of Mongol rule in China.

During which years did Pax Mongolica last?

27 BC and 180 AD


A Japanese feudal lord who commanded a private army of samurai

Genghis Khan (Temujin)

A Mongolian general and emperor of the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, known for his military leadership and great cruelty. He conquered vast portions of northern China and southwestern Asia.


A chain of islands


A person who appears to rule even though real power rests with someone else


A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land

What is the point of view expressed in the document?

A samurai must be willing to embrace death if necessary to carry out his obligations to his daimyo.


A series of rulers from the same family


A tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans

Ability to Adopt & Adapt

Adopted new weapons and technologies Adapted to being more resourceful with limited resources


Any sacred being worshipped in Shinto including nature spirits and ancestors

Constantly being on the move and encountering other peoples of the steppe helped them develop key skills

Became excellent horsemen, archers and fighters. Used stirrups on their saddles which enabled them to stand on horseback while shooting a bow & arrow.

Identify a cause and effect relationship between Pax Mongolica and later historical developments:

Because of Pax Mongolica, later historical developments had years of political stability and thriving trade.

printing (Block printing: 700s, Movable type: 1040)

Block printing: one block on which a whole page is cut; movable type: individual characters arranged in frames, used over and over. Printing technology spread to Korea and Japan; movable type also developed later in Europe.

porcelain (late 700s)

Bone-hard, white ceramic made of a special clay and a mineral found only in China. Became a valuable export-so associated with Chinese culture that is now called china; technology remained a Chinese secret for centuries.

How is Genghis Khan similar to King Ashurbanipal?

Both King Ashurbanipal and Genghis Khan were both cruel and evil and did bad things to his enemies.

How is Genghis Khan similar to Shi Huangdi?

Both Shi Huangdi and Genghis Khan united their empires together and were clever and successful military strategists. They also both made a legal code.


Buddhist temples that have multi-storied towers with an upward curving roof at each floor

Why did the Mongols turn to unusual execution methods such as boiling or trampling to kill their most respectable enemies?

By boiling blood it would release the person's revenge-seeking spirit to the world. Both of these methods of execution are to leave behind the terror that the enemies believed the Mongols had.

How would the use of these methods impact their reputation across Asia, the Middle East and even Europe?

By the Mongols using these unusual methods, it will make their reputation worse across Asia, the Middle East, and even Europe because everyone will begin to fear them more and more. This would also make the Mongols have a lot more power and be able to conquer more and more land.

Historical context of Yuan Dynasty

By the middle of the 14th century, the Yuan dynasty, run by the Mongols was in decline. Kublai Khan had died and the empire began crumbling due to ineffective rule and the challenges of governing a large empire. The government was corrupt, spent too much money on wars, and they could not collect enough taxes from the population to provide them with the services to keep them content. In addition, many Chinese leaders grew tired of being ruled by the foreign Mongols. They wanted a return to China run by Chinese. In 1368, a rebel leader named Zhu Yuanzhang (1328-1398) who led a group of bandits against the Yuan military, captured the capital city and declared the start of the Ming dynasty (1369-1644). The early Ming emperors pushed the Mongols and other nomadic tribes north and secured their borders. They reinforced and expanded the Great Wall continuously throughout their dynasty's reign. Much of the Great Wall as we know it today was built during the Ming dynasty.

How are the Mongols similar to the Arabs?

Came from a harsh environment- difficult to survive Lived in tribes, depended on tribes for protection Became skilled fighters because of the frequent warfare they encountered Became great traders to make up for the lack of resources in their environment

Yuan Dynasty

Chinese dynasty ruled by the Mongols from 1279 to 1368; best known ruler was Kublai Khan

List all of the things that Japan borrowed from China:

Chinese system of writing Followed styles of simple arts like cooking, gardening, drinking tea, and hairdressing Government was modeled like China's Government based on the teachings of Confucius Strong central government like the Tang Dynasty Tried to introduce civil service exams

Terror as a weapon

Chinese workers built catapults and created gunpowder charges Used cruelty and harshness as a weapon

Samurai (warrior class)

Class of warriors in feudal Japan who pledged loyalty to a noble in return for land. They were the well-paid retainers of the daimyo. They had high prestige and special privileges such as wearing two swords.

mechanical clocks (late 700s)

Clock in which machinery (driven by running water) regulated the movements. Early Chinese clocks short-lived; idea for mechanical clock carried by traders to medieval Europe.

Why do the Mongols matter in history?

Defeated 2 powerful dynasties: Abbasid Caliphate (Muslim Empire) & Song Dynasty (China) (Golden ages ended) Pax Mongolica ("Mongol Peace") (c. 1250-1350): A 100 year period of stability and order across Europe and Asia while under Mongol rule. During this time the Tang and Song inventions flow toward Europe. Russia: While under Mongol rule, Russia is cut off from the rest of Europe, they do not experience Europe's golden age (the Renaissance), so Russia lags behind the rest of Europe.

Volcanoes, earthquakes, typhoons and tsunamis are all threats to Japan. Japan located in the "Ring of Fire"- one of the most active volcanic regions on Earth. This is also a region of frequent earthquake activity. Japan makes up 1/400 of the world's total land area but contains 1/10 of the world's active volcanoes.

Developed the belief that nature is powerful and must be respected. Traditional Japanese religion is called Shinto. It emphasizes the belief that everything in nature has a kami- or spirit that dwells within it, and that humans should seek to live a simple and harmonious life with nature and people. The Japanese people live under constant threat of natural disasters and have learned to live in a state of preparedness.

How did Temujin go about building his "new" army?

Didn't want to be defeated again so he built a strong army Temujin was commander in chief Exercised his authority through the kaushik Used the bone from an animal bone as a weapon which had a shooting range of 500 yards Required training for everyone (including children) in archery and horsemanship No more tribal divisions

Judging from Japan's geography, why would feudalism develop there as well?

Division by mountains and islands makes it hard for one ruler to control the country.

When the Tang Dynasty came to power, how did they build upon the accomplishments of past dynasties?

Expand on roads and canals begun by Sui Restore the bureaucracy and civil service exam used by the Han

Climate on the Steppes

Extreme climate. Arctic cold for 9 months out of the year with temperatures reaching as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit. Searing heat in the summer with temperatures over 100 degrees. Dry, with little rainfall.

Magnetic compass (for navigation) (1100s)

Floating magnetized needle that always points north-south; device had existed in China for centuries before it was adapted by sailors for use at sea. Helped China become a sea power; technology quickly spread west.

Using the information above, explain the meaning of the quote at the top of the first page

Foot binding was necessary for girls in China. It was a sign of beauty and made them suitable marriage partners. For females in Chinese society, marriage was the only way they could maintain or advance their social status.

Chinese foot binding

Foot binding was the Chinese custom of breaking and tightly binding the feet of young girls in order to change the shape and size of their feet; during the time it was practiced, bound feet were considered a status symbol and a mark of beauty. • Length was considered the most important • characteristic. • The ideal length was about 3 inches. • Foot binding would sometimes begin on girls as young as age 4. • Binding a girl's feet was supposed to prepare young girls for the pain of childbirth and for whatever misfortunes lie ahead in her life. • A girl with perfectly bound feet showed that she had the discipline to endure hardship and therefore showed herself to be marriageable. Unfortunately, as girls grew into women, their bound feet would leave them crippled as they were unable to support an adult woman's full body weight. Foot binding lasted from the Song Dynasty until the 20th century.

China under Mongol Rule

For the first time in history, China was ruled by foreigners. Yuan Dynasty brings changes to China: Chinese treated as "second class citizens" in their own nation Mongols and foreigners run the government Confucianism and traditional Chinese values not considered important New openness to foreigners and foreign ideas Chinese strongly dislike Mongol rule

After his father's death, how did Temujin (Genghis Khan) ensure the survival of his clan?

Forged links with other tribes Learned how to become great horsemen United different tribes

What did Genghis Khan and the Mongols do to manage the empire more effectively?

Genghis Khan created a messaging system to communicate across the empire and to manage the empire more effectively.

Based on the image and the quotes by Genghis Khan, how would you describe him?

Genghis Khan is a clever and very successful leader of the Mongols. He was also very harsh and brutal to the people that he conquered. He would terrify his enemies to the point they would surrender.

What does the name Genghis Khan mean? What had he accomplished to earn this name?

Genghis Khan means "Universal Ruler." In order for Temujin to earn this name, by making alliances with other clans and destroyed as much people as he could. Whatever he didn't destroy, became his soldiers and servants. This lead him to be the leader of all the Mongol tribes.

Genghis Khan warefare strategies

He began his vengeance by making alliances with powerful clans and gathering an army of 20,000 men. He first destroyed the Merkits, taking any survivors as his soldiers and servants. Temujin then set about systematically eliminating all rivals in his quest to become the leader of the Mongol tribes. In 1206, a large meeting of clan leaders was held by the River Onon, and Temujin was proclaimed Genghis Khan or "Universal Ruler". Over the next 21 years, Genghis Khan led the Mongols in conquering much of Asia. His first goal was to conquer China. After invading northern China in 1215, however, his attention turned towards the Islamic region west of Mongolia, where he launched a campaign of terror across Central Asia. The Mongols destroyed one city after another and slaughtered many inhabitants. By 1221, Central Asia was under Mongol control. Several characteristics lay behind Genghis Khan's stunning success as a conqueror. First, he was a brilliant organizer. He assembled his Mongol warriors into a mighty fighting force. Following the model of the Chinese military, Genghis grouped his warriors into armies of 10,000. These in turn were further divided into 1,000- man units, 100-man companies and 10-man platoons. He put his most skilled and loyal soldiers in command of these units. Second, Genghis was a gifted strategist. He used various tricks to confuse his enemy. Sometimes, a small Mongol cavalry unit would attack, and then galloped away in retreat. The enemy usually chased after the Mongols who would then appear suddenly and slaughter the exhausted enemy forces. Another strategy was to make the enemy believe that the Mongol army was bigger than it actually was. This was done by dressing prisoners of war or lifelike dummies as Mongol warriors. Genghis also used spies brilliantly to find out enemy weaknesses. Third, Genghis adopted new weapons and technologies used by his enemies. For example, he put captured Chinese engineers to work building catapults and creating gunpowder charges. He then used the Chinese weapons to conquer other Chinese cities. Finally, Genghis Khan used cruelty as a weapon. He believed in terrifying his enemies into surrender. If a city refused to open its gates to him, he might kill the entire population when he finally captured the place. The terror the Mongols inspired ahead of their armies led many towns to surrender without a fight. As one Arab historian wrote, "In countries that have not yet been conquered by the Mongols, everyone spends the night afraid that they may appear there too."

What example of psychological warfare was presented in the film?

He lit 5 fires per person at night so the enemies think his army is bigger than it really is

Why do you think Genghis Khan's first goal was to conquer China?

He wanted to get revenge on his father's tribe for abandoning him and his mother and to show that he is powerful and no longer weak.

Why did the Ming Emperor choose Zheng He to lead the overseas voyages?

He was very trustworthy Tall (over 7 feet, looked powerful and intimidating) Able to adapt easily Well-educated (smart) Knowledge of Arabaic, Buddhism, and Daoism

According to the author, how did her life change when she lived with her future in-laws?

Her mother-in-law was very hard on her and bound her feet even tighter than her mother had.

Small nation with limited space and farmland, very mountainous. The entire nation is slightly smaller than the state of California.

High population density- 337 people per square mile. (U.S. has 29.8 people per square mile!) Reliance on the sea instead of agriculture for food. Adapted their agricultural methods to their mountainous geography by doing terrace farming: built terraces or steps onto the sides of mountains to grow crops.

Why do you suppose that hospitality was a social norm in Mongol culture?

Hospitality was a social norm in Mongol culture because food was very scarce so if any family saw a hungry traveler, it was a norm to offer them food and hospitality.

Genghis Khan is often described by historians as a visionary and a genius. Do you agree with this assessment of him?

I do agree with this assessment of Genghis Khan being described by historians as a visionary and a genius because he was able to successfully unify the Mongol tribes and expand the empire. Another reason is that the Mongols were nomads which meant that they were forced to learn to adapt which made them geniuses when it came to adapting to their environment. Another reason is that Genghis Khan was able to create a very successful empire, even with all of the issues he had previously in his life and between his blood brothers.

According to the map above, what regions of the world did Zheng He visit?

India, East coast of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Southeast Asia

What was the "law of the steppes"?

It allowed people to take what they wanted, but ensured fighting between the tribes.

Geographic location of Japan:

Japan is located in the Pacific Ocean which made it ideal to sail to China and borrow things from them.

What similarities does Japan's geography bear to other civilizations we have studied this year?

Japan's geography is similar to Greece because they are both mountainous with very little farmland as well as they are both islands.

How are Japanese cultural values different from American values?

Japanese cultural values are a lot more formal than American cultural values. For example, in Japanese culture, they choose first, second, and third based on age, while in America we don't base this on age.

Prince Shotoku

Japanese regent, he was one of Japan's greatest leaders. He was influential in bringing Buddhism and Chinese ideas to Japan.


Japanese sun goddess

Buddhist missionaries:

Korean Buddhist missionaries had been in close contact with China and also made their way into Japan which led to Japan's selective borrowing from China.

Kublai Khan

Kublai Khan was the fifth emperor (reigned 1260-94) of the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty (1206-1368). He conquered China in 1279, becoming the first Yuan ruler of all of China. He was partially responsible for the development of "dual principle" political theory. As ruler, he made paper money the sole medium of exchange.

What values are reflected in the code of Bushido?

Loyalty to their master (daimyo) Honor Courage Personal responsibility Group over individual

What steps did Genghis take to build his empire?

Made Karakorum a trade and cultural center Established a permanent capitol city Lived in beautiful tents Ordered his followers to create records of his actions Each drive was given its own things to graze Built conquest through trade First, tried to conquer China since China is a very wealthy civilization

explosive powder (800s)

Made from mixture of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal. First used for fireworks, then weapons; technology spread west within 300 years


Mongol portable housing

Resources on the steppe were scarce.

Mongols learned to utilize their animals for everything food, clothing, shelter.

How is Genghis Khan similar to Muhammad?

Muhammad and Genghis Khan were similar because they both had very rough childhoods since Muhammads parents died and Genghis Khans mother was kidnapped and his father died and a young age. Both of their empires also had harsh climates and few resources.

Scarce natural resources 73% of the land is mountainous and only 12% is suitable for agriculture. The land has virtually no valuable mineral resources such as coal, iron oil or copper.

Must learn to utilize what resources they do have effectively. Scarcity creates a need for either trade or imperialism

What unique challenges does Japan face due to its geography?

Natural disasters (Volcanos, typhoons, tsunamis, and earthquakes) and small size (entire nation is just smaller than the size of California)

How might Japan's geography have impacted the development of its main religion, Shinto?

Natural disasters led the Japanese to believe that nature was controlled by powerful forces called kami that were to be honored and respected.

In your opinion, did China miss an opportunity when they stopped their overseas exploration?

No- the mission of restoring China's power was accomplished. Yes- within 20 years the Europeans began their age of exploration and became global superpowers.

What types of unique items did Zheng He bring back to China from his voyages?

Ostriches Zebras Camels Ivory Giraffe and other exotic animals Spices Corals Pearls Foreigners: merchants and foreign diplomats Christian missionaries

Features of Zheng He's Ships:

Over 400 feet long 5 decks Held over 1,000 people Were describes as a "floating palace"- luxurious accommodations Water- tight compartments- prevents sinking Moveable rudder- makes the ship very fast and easy to maneuver.

paper money (1020s)

Paper currency issued by Song government to replace cumbersome strings of metal cash used by merchants. Contributed to development of large scale commercial economy in China.

Because they were unable to farm, Mongols became pastoralists

People who herd large animals and travel in groups. (Animals such as horses, cattle goats, oxen.)

What Chinese values did Prince Shotoku borrow and incorporate into his legal code?

Prince Shotoku incorporated loyalty, that rulers should set a good example for their people, and that people must maintain proper behavior. (many values of Confucianism)

Song Dynasty

Rapid economic growth. b. Imported a fast-ripening type of rice seed from Vietnam that increased crop production by 50%. c. Population boom occurred. During this dynasty, 10 Chinese cities had population of 1 million. d. Southern China prospers as economic heartland. Merchants in southern cities grew rich from trade with northern Chinese. e. Traded with nomads of Central Asia and the people of Western Asia and Europe. f. China becomes very urbanized as cities grow rapidly.

What improvements did the Sui Dynasty make? How would these improvements benefit China?

Reunite the country after disunity Built Grand Canal- prosperity Rebuilt Great Wall- protection

Why would the Chinese believe that the Ming had been given the Mandate of Heaven?

Rid China of foreign (barbarian rule) Reinforced and expanded the Great Wall to protect the country


Ritual suicide or disembowelment in Japan; commonly known in West as hara-kiri; demonstrated courage and a means to restore family honor.

What did Zheng He want to obtain in Calicut? What goods did he offer in exchange?

Sand Found silver and gold Came halfway around the world to get there Stones Pearls Pepper- Very rare, expensive, valuable-could be used as currency, also believed to have medicinal properties- could cure stomach and heart ailments. In return he offers Ming Dynasty Porcelain (strength and beauty) and silks

What is selective borrowing and how is it different from cultural diffusion?

Selective borrowing is when a culture selects and adopts certain traditions, beliefs, or ideas from another culture. Cultural diffusion is the exchange of ideas, goods, and technologies between one civilization and another. These are different because selective borrowing is like borrowing ideas from another nation while cultural diffusion is the exchanging of ideas.

Prince Shotoku:

Since Prince Shotoku converted to Buddhism, it made him have an interest in the Chinese just like the Buddhist missionaries.

How might the hygiene habits of the Mongols added to their reputation as "barbarians"?

Since the Mongols were generally dirty and did not have good hygiene, this could worsen their reputation as barbarians. Since people will see them as dirty people, they won't want to be near them.

How might Japan's culture of conformity and cooperation have been influenced by its geography?

Since they had very little resources, small size, and high population density, it made them strong and had to learn how to utilize their resources. This meant that they had to cooperate and depend on each other as a team. (Group over individual)

The Seven Attributes of Perfect Feet

Small Narrow Straight Pointed Fragrant Arched Soft

Well-Organized Forces

Small Mongol cavalry Assembled Mongol warriors into fighting force Warriors in armies of 10,000, further divided into 1,000-man units, 100-man companies, and 10-man platoons

According to the author, why was it necessary for her feet to be bound?

So that she could find a husband and fit in socially.

How does the author describe the steps of the foot binding process?

So that she could find a husband and fit in socially. Her toes were bent under so that they touched the sole of her feet. They were then wrapped very tightly and jammed into shoes that were too small for her. It was painful to walk and stand. Her feet became inflamed and infected.

What challenges might ruling an empire of this size present?

Some challenges that the Mongols might face ruling an empire this size is that it is too big to govern, hard to communicate, long travel times to get across the empire.

Psychological Warfare

Sometimes a small Mongolian calvarly unit would attack and then gallope away in retreat Made the enemies believe that the Mongolian Army was bigger than it really was

What happened in 1206?

Temujin became "Khan"- Universal King- Ruler of all Mongols

What did Temujin mean when he said, "One tribe was like one arrow, easily broken. Many tribes are like many arrows- they cannot be broken"?

Temujin meant that one tribe alone will not survive and will fall apart, but when you have many tribes united together, it will become very strong and won't be broken or fall apart.


The Feudal Japanese code of honor among the warrior class.

Give an example from the reading where the Japanese borrowed and modified a cultural element from China:

The Japanese borrowed the Chinese government system but ended up modifying it to maintain their power through noble birth.

Which element did the Japanese discard from Chinese culture? Why?

The Japanese discarded the civil service exam, because when they tried to introduce it to the Japanese, it failed.

Zheng He Chosen as Admiral of the Seas:

The Ming Emperor chose a court official named Zheng He to lead the expeditions. He had no experience as an ocean admiral, but had other qualities the emperor believed made him the right choice for the job. Zheng He's expeditions would include a fleet of anywhere from 40-300 ships. The fleet's crew was around 27,000 on some voyages. Zheng He's Ships were more impressive and more technologically advanced than any other ships of the time, including those of Europeans.

Mongol Empire (1200s)

The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous (connected land masses) empire in history. At its height, the Mongol Empire covered 16% of the world land area or 9.27 million square miles of land - more than 16% of the earth's landmass. Since they were nomadic and had to move around frequently, the Mongols spent most of their lives on horseback and were considered the most skilled riders in the world. Mongol horseman were known for being fast and furious on their horses. They attached stirrups to their saddles which allowed them to turn in a wide range of directions while fighting on horseback.

The Mongols are often recognized for their incredible ability to adapt to various challenges and circumstances. From what you have learned about the Mongols and Genghis Khan, how did they show themselves to be great adapters?

The Mongols and Genghis Khan showed themselves to be great adapters because they ate just about every part of an animal and only drank water when they needed to since everything was so scarce. They also were nomads which means that they moved around a lot, in order to find new sources of food and water.

Land on the steppe was not suitable for agriculture.

The Mongols became nomads who moved around the steppes. They migrated seasonally to the same sites each year.

The harsh environment of the steppe made survival difficult.

The Mongols lived in tribes for protection and survival.

Why do you think the Mongols never expanded into the Arabian Peninsula or India?

The Mongols never expanded into the Arabian Peninsula or India because the climate there was very hot and desert-like and not very ideal and there wasn't much wealth in those areas.

how did Mongol rule affect Russia?

The Orthodox Church became very powerful since the Mongols allowed the Russians to keep their religion and culture. Russia ended up staying steady, while Western Europe flourished.

According to the excerpt, what effects did Pax Mongolica have on the Mongol empire and surrounding societies?

The Pax Mongolica led to political stability in the Mongol empire and allowed for lots of trade with surrounding societies. The Mongols left some lasting achievements that the world used later on in history.

The Tang & Song Dynasties- China's Golden Age

The Tang and Song Dynasties were eras of major technological advancement in China. The technologies improved China as a country and helped people conduct their daily business. Many Chinese inventions from this period eventually spread to other parts of the world where they had an enormous impact. Below are some of the inventions of the Tang & Song period.

Genghis Khan's early life

The birth and early life of the man later known as Genghis Khan are shrouded in legend. Born in 1162 to a Mongol tribal chief of the Borjigin clan, the boy named Temujin spent his childhood traveling with his father's nomadic tribe. Legend has it that Temujin was born holding a clot of blood in his hand, a sign that he would one day be a heroic warrior. At the time of Temujin's birth, many tribes on the Asian steppes were fighting and when he was a child, his father was poisoned by a group of enemies. The clan then abandoned Temujin and his mother, considering them too weak to lead them. Left to endure starvation, Temujin grew into manhood with a reputation for courage and resourcefulness. At age 17, Temujin married Bortei, a girl promised to him in marriage years earlier by her father. It was around this time that Temujin also began making alliances with the powerful Kerait tribe. Now that he was a grown man and no longer "weak", he wanted to get revenge on his father's tribe for abandoning him and his mother. As Temujin was growing in power, a rival tribe, the Merkits kidnapped his wife, Bortei, giving Temujin another enemy to avenge.

Why did feudalism develop in China during the Zhou Dynasty?

The emperor can't physically control such a large country.

How did the emperor in the Japanese feudal system differ from the emperor of China?

The emperor in the Japanese feudal system (a figurehead) had very little power, unlike the emperor in China. The Shogun had more power than the emperor had. China claimed connection to the gods.

Sui Dynasty

The last time we were in China was in 220 AD. That year, the Han Dynasty collapsed and 350 years of disunity would follow during which, no single ruler would control China for hundreds of years. Here's what happened next... a. Reunited China after centuries of disunity following the collapse of the Han Dynasty. b. Built the Grand Canal, linking Yangtze and Huang He Rivers. Cities in the north are now connected via canal to crop producing regions in the south. c. Rebuilt crumbling portions of the Great Wall. d. 618 AD: Sui Dynasty falls due to peasant revolts over high taxes and forced labor.

What similarity do you notice between the social class ranking in Japan and China? Why do you think this is the case?

The peasants were at a higher social class ranking than the merchants were. This was the case because they couldn't have one person rule the entire country, but rather rulers that ruled sections of the country. This social class is based on value not wealth. Merchants are the lowest class due to Confucian values.

Pax Mongolica ("Mongol Peace") (1250-1350)

The period of approximately 150 years of relative peace and stability created by the Mongol Empire. Most importantly, the innovations that started in the Golden Ages of the Tang and Song Dynasties in China, spread to the rest of Eurasia. Chinese techniques for making paper, printmaking, the compass, new agricultural techniques, and the use of gunpowder were then used and improved upon by people in Central Asia, India, the Middle East, North Africa, and eventually Europe.


The practice of eating the flesh of your own kind (something believed that the Mongols did)

What regions did the Mongols conquer and incorporate into their empire?

The regions that the Mongols conquered and incorporated into their empire were Eastern Europe, Asia, China, and Persia.

In addition to trade, what were the goals of Zheng He's voyages?

The spread and promote Chinese culture Make himself more well known Restore China's power and prestige after the years of Mongol rule by the Yuan Dynasty

What explains the seemingly strange hygiene habits of the Mongols?

There's no way to disguise it- the Mongols were filthy. It was a result of their animistic religious belief that important spirits dwelled in rivers and streams and for that reason, they refused to pollute the water by washing in it. Due to the same prohibition, they also declined to wash their clothes, instead wearing them until they disintegrated. Nor did they wash their cooking utensils, beyond swirling them in a little meat broth. The result was a stench that helped to foster the myth among the Muslims of the Middle East and the Christians of Europe that the Mongols were foul demons from the depths of hell.

Why is the Tang & Song Golden Age important?

These inventions will make their way to Europe when Europeans will use them to their advantage. Magnetic Compass- Allows Europeans to become explorers of the Americas and other parts of the world. Gunpowder- Allows Europeans to conquer and colonize the peoples of the Americas and other lands. Printing Technology- Used by Europeans to make advancements in education, knowledge and communication. BIG IDEA- Chinese technology invented during the Tang and Song Dynasties changes the world.

What did the Mongols resort to doing in order to survive on the steppe?

They ate only meat and dairy. They would eat every part of the animal except for the intestines and bladder. Since water was scarce, they drank it sparingly. They even would drink the blood of their horses when dehydrated. They did whatever it took in order to survive.

What issue divided Temujin and his blood brother Jamuka?

They both disagreed on the traditions in the tribe Disagreed on who should be the leader of Mongolia Jamuka divided up the tribe which created disunity between him and Temujin

Mongols often encountered settled communities as they migrated.

They either traded with settled communities for the things they lacked or they raided the villages.

Since the Mongols were constantly on the move

They lived in portable tents called yurts which could be easily transported across the steppes.

what enabled the Mongols to survive on the steppes and excel in battle?

They were able to use horses to get around and hunt for food to survive on the steppes and excel in battle. Soldiers can travel by horse as much as 120 miles.

What were the consequences for nations who rejected Zheng He's request for trade and tribute?

Threatened with military action against nations or rulers who rejected him Cannons and explosives on board ships (Chinese invented gunpowder)

What is the purpose of seppuku?

To erase a samurai's shame or disgrace for failing to fulfill his duties.

Why do you think it was important for warriors to have a code of honor that they are required to obey?

To regulate the behavior of warriors who have been trained to fight and kill. They must use skills appropriately and justly to maintain order in society.

1405- China Begins It's "Age of Exploration":

To restore China's power and prosperity and their image around the world, the Ming Emperor commissioned a fleet of ships to sail to foreign nations. Such expeditions would be costly and require significant resources, but the emperor believed it was money well-spent. To support these voyages, the emperor raised taxes, and hired some 30,000 workers who labored day and night to build the ships. He also hired artisans to produce porcelain and silk goods to be brought along as gifts for foreign leaders.

What conditions existed during the Tang & Song Dynasties that would have helped China reach a golden age?

Trade, Economic growth, population boom, stable government


Treeless plains (grasslands), especially the high, flat expanses of northern Eurasia, which usually have little rain and are covered with coarse grass. They are good lands for nomads and their herds. Good for breeding horses: essential to Mongol military.

Selective borrowing

Using some traditions from another culture, but discarding others

What types of ships were included in Zheng He's armada (fleet)?

War ships Treasure ships Massive ships (like floating cities) Transport ships Food/livestock ships Flagship (Zheng He's personal ship)

Island nation Japan is an archipelago- a chain of islands. It has 4 main islands but over 4,000 smaller and uninhabited islands make up Japan's territory. The waters surrounding Japan have strong currents and can be difficult to navigate.

Well protected from outside invasion/attacks. Separated from Asian mainland by water which allowed them to develop their own unique culture. Homogeneous population- 98% of the population is of full Japanese ethnicity. Political unity will be difficult due because people are geographically separated by islands.

How did Temujin's (Genghis Khan's) childhood make him into a brutal conqueror?

When Genghis Khan was born, a lot of the tribes of the Asian steppes were fighting. His mother was part of a clan who abandoned her, which made her and Genghis Khan have to learn to adapt to limited resources. This made Genghis Khan very courageous.

Based on the information in this article, what observations or inferences could you make regarding the status of women in China during this time period?

Women had very low social status because they were expected to undergo the painful process of foot binding all so that they could find a husband. This shows that marriage was the only goal that a female could have.

Is it surprising to learn that the Mongols created one of the largest and most successful empires in world history?

Yes, it is surprising to learn that the Mongols created one of the largest and most successful empires in world history, because they had very little resources, no agriculture, a dry and hot climate, and were constantly on the move (nomads) which made it hard for them to adapt to their environment.

Why do you think China ended its age of exploration?

Zheng He was dead- who could replace him? Scholar official- strongly opposed the missions because of the foreign influence they brought into China Too expensive- the voyages cost the modern day equivalent of $6 billion per year


a group of related families


a member of a nomadic group that herds domesticated animals

Borjigin clan

a member of the Mongol sub-clan, which started with Bodonchar Munkhag of the Kiyat clan.

Mandate of Heaven

a political theory of ancient China in which those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source

In Japan, feudalism developed in the absence of:

a strong centralized government


a title given to rulers and officials in central Asia


a type of grain

Tang Dynasty

a. Expanded Chinese territory north and west. b. Expanded the network of roads and canals begun by the Sui. c. Restored the bureaucracy and civil service exam begun by the Han Dynasty. d. Increased agriculture by distributing land to the peasants. e. Foreign trade expanded - merchants from Arabia, India and Persia trade with China. f. 907 AD: Tang Dynasty collapses due to government corruption, droughts, famines and peasant revolts against high taxes. Tang emperor assassinated. 907-960 AD: Warlords divide China into separate kingdoms- ANOTHER period of disunity in China. 960 AD: Warlord named Taizu reunites China and establishes Song Dynasty.

Shinto and Buddhism

began to blend soon after the introduction of Buddhism to Japan

Central Asian Steppes

dry, treeless grasslands that cannot support agriculture


one of several separate territories into which Genghis Khan's empire was split, each under the rule of one of his sons

Dynastic Cycle

rise and fall of Chinese dynasties according to the Mandate of Heaven


the title of the military dictators of Japan during most of the period spanning from 1185 to 1868. Nominally appointed by the Emperor, shoguns were usually the de facto rulers of the country, though during part of the Kamakura period shoguns were themselves figureheads.

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