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After assisting with an emergency childbirth, you assess the newborn's APGAR score. While doing this, you realize a perfect score is:

B. Early high-quality CPR

After immediately initiating the emergency response system, what is the next link in the Adult In-Hospital Cardiac Chain of Survival? A. Early defibrillation B. Early high-quality CPR C. Injury prevention and safety D. Integrated post-cardiac arrest care


Air in the pleural cavity.


An accumulation of both blood and air in the pleural cavity.

C. Localized skin rash

An adolescent who has been stung by a wasp begins to exhibit signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis. Which of the following would you least expect to find during your assessment? A. Wheezing B. Facial swelling C. Localized skin rash D. Chest tightness

D. Perform CPR for about 2 minutes.

An automated external defibrillator (AED) indicates "No Shock Advised." Which of the following is most appropriate to do next? A. Turn the AED off for 5 seconds and try again. B. Monitor the victim's airway and breathing. C. Readjust the pad placement. D. Perform CPR for about 2 minutes.


An irrational fear of objects or events that are usually harmless, but can cause the person high amount of stress.

D. 100 percent

An oxygen cylinder contains an oxygen concentration at what percentage? A. 25 percent B. 50 percent C. 75 percent D. 100 percent

B. 30 compressions and 2 ventilations.

As the only rescuer performing CPR on a 7 year old child, you would perform cycles of: A. 15 compressions and 2 ventilations. B. 30 compressions and 2 ventilations. C. 20 compressions and 1 ventilation. D. 25 compressions and 2 ventilations.

Second Impact Syndrome

Happens if symptoms have not cleared and take another type of force to the head. Causes increase pressure on brain stem and can be fatal.

D. Place one pad in the middle of the chest and the other on the back.

If there is a risk of the automated external defibrillator (AED) pads touching each other, such as with a small child or infant, you should: A. Place one pad on the stomach and one on the chest. B. Place them as usual. It does not matter if the pads touch each other. C. Reverse the pads' position on the chest. D. Place one pad in the middle of the chest and the other on the back.

B. False

Most newborns receive a perfect APGAR score 1 minute after delivery. A. True B. False

B. The nervous system

Muscle action is controlled by which of the following? A. The endocrine system. B. The nervous system C. The genitourinary system. D. The respiratory system.


Occurs when air of a different temperature moves across the body's surface.


Occurs when the body makes direct contact with an object.

D. Superficial burns

Of the following burns, which of the following does NOT necessitate referral to a burn unit? A. Chemical burns B. Electrical burns C. Circumferential burns D. Superficial burns

A. Apply the pads and allow the AED to analyze the heart rhythm.

Once you have turned on the AED, you should: A. Apply the pads and allow the AED to analyze the heart rhythm. B. Give abdominal thrusts. C. Give chest compressions. D. Check for breathing.

Post-Concussion syndrome

Range of symptoms that occur AFTER a concussion, that can last from minutes to several months.


Severe, chronic mental illness which the person hears or feels that their thoughts are being controlled by others.

C. Hypoperfusion

Shock is another medical term for which of the following? A. Sepsis B. Anaphylaxis C. Hypoperfusion D. Hyperperfusion


Spider veins; dilated skin vessels that are visible on the skin or mucosa.

Epidural hemotoma

The "talk and die" fast bleed, causing a quick deterioration of symptoms.


The conversion of liquid to vapor on the skin.

B. Through the lungs, by being swallowed, through the skin or via injection.

The four (4) ways poison can enter a person's body are - A. By absorption, through the lungs, through the skin, and by injection. B. Through the lungs, by being swallowed, through the skin or via injection. C. By being inhaled, through the skin, on the skin, or by injection. D. By being injected, being inhaled, being eaten or being ingested.

D. Replace the cylinder with a new one.

The pressure gauge on an oxygen cylinder reads 200 pounds per sq. inch (psi). Which action is most appropriate? A. Attach the flowmeter. B. Lubricate the connection status. C. Change the O-ring gasket. D. Replace the cylinder with a new one.


The transfer of heat from one object to another without physical contact.

Conduction, Convection, Radiation, Evaporation

These are 4 main ways the body either loses or gains heat.

A. Allow the chest to fully recoil between compressions.

To ensure effective chest compresions during CPR, which of the following is the most appropriate? A. Allow the chest to fully recoil between compressions. B. Position your hands on the upper part of the victim's chest. C. Place the victim on a soft, flat surface. D. Compress the chest to a shallow depth.

D. Summon more advanced medical personnel.

Upon arriving at the emergency scene, you suspect substance abuse. Which of the following is a priority? A. Securely restrain the patient. B. Identify the exact substance. C. Maintain the patient's body temperature. D. Summon more advanced medical personnel.


Using the Rule of Nines system, if an adult gets burned over their entire back, their entire left arm, and the back of their head, what percentage of their body is considered burned?

Anxiety and panic disorders

Usually begin with a reaction to stress that develops into a feeling of not being in control of emotions.


Vomiting fresh blood

C. Flush the injured part with vinegar.

Water rescue personnel summon you to an emergency scene where a child has been stung by a jellyfish. Which of the following is appropriate to do? A. Apply aluminum sulfate to the area. B. Rinse the area with cool tap water. C. Flush the injured part with vinegar. D. Apply a meat tenderizer to the area.

D. Early recognition and access to the EMS system.

What is the first step in the Cardiac Chain of Survival? A. Early CPR. B. Early more advanced medical care. C. Early Defibrillation. D. Early recognition and access to the EMS system.

C. Evaporation

What mechanism for cooling the body is most affected by high humidity? A. Conduction B. Radiation C. Evaporation D. Convection

1. Anatomical/Buddy Splint 2. Jammed finger

What type of splint is depicted in the figure? What is an injury used for this type of splint?

1. Circumferential Splint 2. Rib or Back injury

What type of splint is depicted in the figure? What is an injury used for this type of splint?

1. Soft Splint 2. Open fracture

What type of splint is depicted in the figure? What is an injury used for this type of splint?

1. Traction Splint Hip 2. Femur Fracture

What type of splint is depicted in the figure? What is an injury used for this type of splint?

1. Vacuum (Commercial) Splint 2. Dislocation/open fracture

What type of splint is depicted in the figure? What is an injury used for this type of splint?

D. Lead

Which of the following would be the least likely source of bacterial food poisoning? A. Botulism B. E. coli C. Salmonella D. Lead

D. Contractions are about 2 minutes apart.

Which of the following would lead you to believe birth is near? A. The woman reports no urge to push. B. Contractions are about 5 minutes apart. C. The woman's abdomen is soft and relaxed. D. Contractions are about 2 minutes apart.

C. Traditional family structure

Which of the following would least likely be a possible contributing factor for substance abuse? A. Peer pressure B. Media glamorization C. Traditional family structure D. Low self-esteem

A. Hypotension

Which of the following would you interpret as LEAST indicative of a brain injury in a person who has sustained a head injury? A. Hypotension B. Bruising behind the ear. C. Clear fluid draining from the nose. D. Slowed pulse


Which oxygen delivery device delivers the highest oxygen concentration to a victim? A. BVM B. Nasal cannula C. Non-rebreather mask D. Resuscitation mask

C. A person who fell off a 2 ft step stool.

Which patient would you identify as having the LOWEST risk for sustaining a head, neck or spinal injury? A. A person who slipped off a two-story platform. B. A passenger in a car who hit the dashboard in a motor-vehicle collision. C. A person who fell off a 2 ft step stool. D. A person who dove into 4 feet of water in a swimming pool.

D. 92% SpO2

Which pulse oximeter reading indicates possible hypoxia? A. 98% SpO2 B. 95% SpO2 C. 100% SpO2 D. 92% SpO2

B. A patient who was painting a house and has fallen off a ladder onto the soft grass.

Which situation is least likely to warrant moving a patient? A. An unconscious patient who is blocking your access to another severely injured patient. B. A patient who was painting a house and has fallen off a ladder onto the soft grass. C. A patient who has collapsed inside the doorway of a burning building. D. A patient involved in a motor vehicle collision lying next to a smoking vehicle.

C. A patient with numerous old and new bruises on his arms and thighs.

Which situation would lead you to suspect elder abuse? A. A patient who attends a senior citizen day program 3 days/week. B. An elderly patient with a live-in caretaker hired by his son. C. A patient with numerous old and new bruises on his arms and thighs. D. An older female patient who had a hip fracture from a fall in the bathroom.

D. 24 breaths per minute

ou should administer emergency oxygen to an adult victim with which of the following breathing rates? A. 16 breaths per minute B. 12 breaths per minute C. 20 breaths per minute D. 24 breaths per minute

C. An infant with a breathing rate of 72 breaths per minute

ou would expect to administer emergency oxygen to which of the following victims? A. An adult with a breathing rate of 18 breaths per minute B. A child with a breathing rate of 16 breaths per minute C. An infant with a breathing rate of 72 breaths per minute D. A child with a breathing rate of 22 breaths per minute

A. 15 liters per minute

victim is receiving emergency oxygen that is attached to a BVM. The minimum appropriate flow rate is: A. 15 liters per minute B. 10 liters per minute C. 20 liters per minute D. 12 liters per minute

A. 2

A well-organized team response when performing high-quality CPR includes ensuring that providers switch off performing compressions every _____ minutes. A. 2 B. 4 C. 5 D. 10

C. Stabilize his head and neck with the helmet in place.

A 9 year old boy playing youth football collided with another boy, helmet to shoulder pads, and was knocked to the ground, losing consciousness for ~3 min. The boy is lethargic but responds to verbal stimuli. Which of the following is the most appropriate when providing care to this patient? A. Remove his helmet to assess his head injury more closely. B. Place the patient in a prone position. C. Stabilize his head and neck with the helmet in place. D. Elevate his legs about 12 inches.

A. Occlusive dressing.

A patient has an open and sucking chest wound. You should apply which type of dressing? A. Occlusive dressing. B. Adhesive compress C. Trauma dressing. D. Roller bandage.

A. Summon more advanced medical personnel.

A patient has an open wound with several organs protruding through the wound. Which of the following should you do first? A. Summon more advanced medical personnel. B. Remove clothing from around the wound. C. Position the patient on his or her back with the knees bent. D. Apply moist clean dressings loosely around the wound.

C. Cough with blood.

A patient has fallen off a stepladder. During the fall, his chest hit the side of the ladder. You suspect he may be experiencing internal bleeding. Which of the following helps support your suspicions? A. Slow, bounding pulse B. Warm, flushed skin C. Cough with blood. D. Slow breathing

B. Tendon.

A patient has sustained a musculoskeletal injury involving the structure that attaches muscle to bone. Which structure would this be? A. Connective tissue (CT) B. Tendon. C. Ligament D. Fibers

Clinical depression

A severe mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness of loss of interest in normal everyday activities.

Subdural hematoma

A slow bleed, that causes mild concussion symptoms to worsen over time.


A temporary disruption of electrochemical activity in brain cells, causing a temporary loss of brain function.

D. 12 LPM (liters per minute)

A victim is receiving emergency oxygen via a non-rebreather mask. Which flow rate is appropriate to use with this victim? A. 2 LPM (liters per minute) B. 6 LPM (liters per minute) C. 8 LPM (liters per minute) D. 12 LPM (liters per minute)

D. 4 LPM (liters per minute)

A victim is receiving emergency oxygen via nasal cannula. Which flow rate is most appropriate to use with this device? A. 14 LPM (liters per minute) B. 12 LPM (liters per minute) C. 8 LPM (liters per minute) D. 4 LPM (liters per minute)

B. Turn the victim as a unit on his or her side.

As you are giving ventilations with a resuscitation mask, the victim vomits. Which of the following would you do first? A. Reposition the victim's head to reposition the airway. B. Turn the victim as a unit on his or her side. C. Use greater force when ventilating to bypass the vomit. D. Clear the airway of the vomit immediately.

D. Audible high-pitched gurgling

Based on which of the following signs and symptoms would you determine that a victim is experiencing respiratory distress? A, Complaints of feeling "really thirsty" B. Yellowish skin. C. Sneezing with watery eyes. D. Audible high-pitched gurgling


Bleeding from the nose


Blood in the pleural cavity.

B. One who is in cardiac arrest.

CPR should only be performed on which of the following victims? A. One who is experiencing difficulty breathing. B. One who is in cardiac arrest. C. One who is conscious and has an airway obstruction. D. One who responds to painful stimuli.

Bipolar disorder

Can range from severe low of depression to extreme highs of mania.

C. Respiratory emergencies

Cardiac arrest in children most commonly results from which of the following? A. Underlying heart disease B. Multiple traumas C. Respiratory emergencies D. A blow to the chest

Tension pneumothorax

Collapsed lung due to air in the plural cavity which causes a mediastinal shift of the heart.


Coughing up blood from the lungs


Feelings of persecution and exaggerated notions of perceived threats.

A. On their back, with their knees flexed.

For a patient with a closed abdominal injury, position the patient - A. On their back, with their knees flexed. B. On the right side, with the left leg elevated. C. Sitting up, leaning forward. D. On their side, with their knees flexed.

C. It is possible to safely apply direct pressure over the wound.

For severe life threatening bleeding, it is appropriate to apply a tourniquet as the first step for controlling bleeding in all of which of the following situations, except when: A. The scene is unsafe. B. A multiple casualty incident involving several patients with life-threatening injuries and there are limited resources available. C. It is possible to safely apply direct pressure over the wound. D. An entrapped limb makes it impossible to apply direct pressure to control the bleeding.

A, B, and C

For which of the following would you summon more advanced personnel? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. A. Open femur fracture. B. Inability to walk C. Suspicion of multiple traumatic injuries or medical conditions D. Suspected fracture of the toe E. Swelling of a joint.

A. Allows blood to flow back into the heart between compressions

Full chest recoil is necessary for a successful resuscitation as it: A. Allows blood to flow back into the heart between compressions B. Gives blood in the lungs time to exchange CO2 and oxygen. C. Allows the person doing compressions to conserve energy. D. Increases intrathoracic pressure and increases coronary blood flow.

C. Ensure oxygen is flowing through the device before putting it on the victim.

When administering emergency oxygen to a victim, which of the following is most important to do? A. Hold on to the valve on the oxygen cylinder when dragging or rolling it. B. Apply a general purpose petroleum product to help lubricate the regulator. C. Ensure oxygen is flowing through the device before putting it on the victim. D. Ensure that the oxygen cylinder is standing upright, free from any securing devices

B. Flowmeter

When administering emergency oxygen to a victim, which of the following is used to set liters per minute? A. O-ring gasket B. Flowmeter C. Pressure gauge. D. Oxygen regulator

B. 90 or greater

When administering emergency oxygen via a BVM, the victim receives which percentage of oxygen? A. 44 or lower B. 90 or greater C. 55 D. 85

C. Skull fracture.

When assessing a patient with a closed head injury, you notice fluid leaking from the patient's ear, leading you to suspect a - A. Penetrating skull injury. B. Concussion. C. Skull fracture. D. Scalp injury.

B. Sucking chest wound.

When assessing a patient, you notice a "whooshing" sound every time he takes a breath. You should suspect which of the following? A. Rib fracture B. Sucking chest wound. C. Pneumothorax D. Flail chest.

A. Airway and breathing problems

When cardiac arrest occurs in children, it commonly results from which of the following? A. Airway and breathing problems B. Coronary artery disease C. Myocardial infarction D. Stroke

D. Speak directly to the patient.

When dealing with a patient experiencing a behavioral emergency, which of the following is most important to establish rapport? A. Touch the patient on the shoulder. B. Avoid making direct eye contact. C. Tell the patient everything is fine. D. Speak directly to the patient.

D. Consider it to be a serious injury.

When dealing with any injury to the neck or spine, you must always - A. Establish the certainty of the injury. B. Rule out an injury to the head or neck if the person can walk. C. Treat the underlying cause. D. Consider it to be a serious injury.

A. In the middle of the abdomen, just above the navel.

When giving abdominal thrusts to an adult, where should you position your fist? A. In the middle of the abdomen, just above the navel. B. On the ribcage. C. In the center of the breastbone. D. In the middle of the abdomen, just below the navel.

A. 16

When giving ventilations to a victim, the oxygen concentration you exhale into the victim contains approximately what percentage of oxygen? A. 16 B. 21 C. 32 D. 44

B. In the position you found it.

When providing care for a patient with a suspected elbow dislocation, you should immobilize the arm - A. After extending the arm. B. In the position you found it. C. First, and correct any deformity. D. After reducing the dislocation.

D. Use verbal expressions instead of emotions.

When providing care to a child with autism, which of the following is most important to remember? A. Use touch to communicate with the child. B. Expect the child to exhibit age-appropriate behavior. C. Tell the child to look directly at you. D. Use verbal expressions instead of emotions.

B. Positioning the infant so the head is lower than the chest.

When providing care to a conscious infant who is choking, which of the following is most appropriate? A. Standing slightly behind the infant with one arm across the chest. B. Positioning the infant so the head is lower than the chest. C. Using the heel of your hand to give chest thrusts. D. Giving 10 chest thrusts following by 10 back blows.

B. Identifying potential life-threatening conditions.

When providing care to a patient with suspected substance abuse, which of the following is most important? A. Administer emergency oxygen, if available. B. Identifying potential life-threatening conditions. C. Determining which substance is involved. D. Restrain the patient if he becomes aggressive.

A. Using personal protective equipment during care.

When providing care, which of the following is the most important measure to prevent the spread of bloodborne pathogens? A. Using personal protective equipment during care. B. Checking with the victim to see whether he or she has any infectious disease. C. Using disposable supplies such as bandages and dressings instead of gloves. D. Washing your hands only before providing care.

A. The majority of the poisonings take place in the home.

When reading an article about the statistics related to poisoning in the United States, which of the following would you expect to read? A. The majority of the poisonings take place in the home. B. A decrease in suicides has led to a decrease in adult poisoning deaths. C. The number of child poisonings has been gradually increasing. D. The death rate is highest in the 6 - 10 year old age group.

B. Call for more trained personnel and do not approach the scene.

When responding to an emergency situation where the person is threatening suicide, which of the following is most appropriate? A. Tell the patient he or she is too scared to commit suicide. B. Call for more trained personnel and do not approach the scene. C. Deny the person wants to commit suicide. D. Call the patient's bluff about actually completing the attempt.

C. Tell everyone to "Stand Clear"

When using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), which of the following should you do immediately after attaching the AED pads to the victim's chest? A. Push the Analyze button. B. Turn on the AED. C. Tell everyone to "Stand Clear" D. Wipe the victim's chest dry.

Face: ask the patient to smile Arm: ask the patient to raise both arms Speech: ask the patient to speak a simple sentence Time: ask how long the symptoms started

When working with someone you believe may be experiencing a stroke, you should use the mnemonic FAST. What do the letters in FAST stand for AND what should the EMR ask the patient to do to test each one?

C. Avoid breaking any blisters that may have formed.

Which action is most appropriate when providing care to a patient who is experiencing frostbite? A. Keep the toes secured closely together. B. Gently warm the affected area in hot water. C. Avoid breaking any blisters that may have formed. D. Bandage the affected area tightly with a clean dressing.

A. Observing the victim's chest clearly rising

Which method is most appropriate to determine that ventilations given with a bag-valve-mask (BVM) are effective? A. Observing the victim's chest clearly rising B. Watching for movement of the victim's body. C. Noting air being exhaled through the victim's nose D. Listening for air to escape through the victim's mouth

D. Flicking the underside of the foot.

Which method is most appropriate to use when checking an infant for responsiveness? A. Calling the infant by his or her name. B. Clapping your hands near the infant's ear. C. Asking the parent if the infant is okay. D. Flicking the underside of the foot.

A. Rapid pulse

Which of the following alerts you to the possibility that a patient is experiencing an overdose of a stimulant? A. Rapid pulse B. Drowsiness C. Sudden mood changes. D. Slurred speech.

C. It is a disruption of blood flow to the brain, which may cause permanent damage to brain tissue.

Which of the following best describes a stroke? A. It has a sudden onset and rapid disappearance of symptoms. B. It results in irreversible brain damage every time. C. It is a disruption of blood flow to the brain, which may cause permanent damage to brain tissue. D. It is a temporary episode due to reduced blood flow to the brain.

B. The power grip allows for maximum stability and strength.

Which of the following best reflects the principles of moving patients? A. You should pull rather than push whenever possible. B. The power grip allows for maximum stability and strength. C. Reaching over a distance of 10 inches should be avoided. D. The squat lift is preferred over the power lift when moving a patient.

A. Reduced ability to hear high-frequency sounds

Which of the following changes is considered a normal age-related change in an older adult? A. Reduced ability to hear high-frequency sounds B. Diminished stiffening of the blood vessels. C. Enhanced sense of smell D. Widening of the aortic valve.

C. The infant is crying uncontrollably

Which of the following findings would lead you to determine an infant's airway is open? A. The infant is unable to speak. B. The infant is not breathing. C. The infant is crying uncontrollably D. The infant's chest fails to rise and fall.

D. The leg is shortened and turned outward.

Which of the following indicates a fractured femur? A. The leg is lengthened and turned outward. B. The leg is lengthened and turned inward. C. The leg is shortened and turned inward. D. The leg is shortened and turned outward.

C. Establishing manual stabilization.

Which of the following is a priority when providing care to a patient with a head injury? A. Encouraging the patient to talk to you. B. Controlling any bleeding. C. Establishing manual stabilization. D. Perform a primary assessment.

A. Postpartum hemorrhage

Which of the following is considered to be the most common complication of childbirth? A. Postpartum hemorrhage B. Breech birth C. Prolapsed umbilical cord. D. Spontaneous abortion

A. Victim is lying still

Which of the following is least likely to interfere with the accuracy of a pulse oximeter reading? A. Victim is lying still B. Edema C. Hypothermia D. Poor perfusion

C. Remove any excess blankets or clothing.

Which of the following is most appropriate to help a child with a high fever? A. Place the child in a bathtub of ice water. B. Rub the skin vigorously with rubbing alcohol. C. Remove any excess blankets or clothing. D. Sponge the child down with cold tap water.

B. If fluid or vomit is in an unresponsive stroke victim's mouth, position him or her on their side to allow any fluids to drain out of the mouth.

Which of the following is most appropriate when assessing and providing care for a patient who has had a stroke? A. Try to get the patient to speak to you as much as possible. B. If fluid or vomit is in an unresponsive stroke victim's mouth, position him or her on their side to allow any fluids to drain out of the mouth. C. Use a finger sweep on a conscious victim who vomited during the stroke. D. If the patient is unconscious, place them in a supine position.

C. Clear, slow, calm explanations are important.

Which of the following is most important when assessing and providing emergency care to an older adult? A. The older adult's skin requires less gentle handling, as it gets tougher with age. B. Dentures rarely interfere with maintaining an open airway. C. Clear, slow, calm explanations are important. D. Significant pressure is needed when giving ventilations.

C. Ventricular fibrillation (V-Fib)

Which of the following is the most common heart rhythm associated with sudden cardiac arrest? A. Atrial fibrillation B. Sinus rhythm C. Ventricular fibrillation (V-Fib) D. Ventricular tachycardia (V-tach)

B. Caring for the child's injuries.

Which of the following is your first priority when caring for a child whom you suspect may have been abused? A. Notifying local law enforcement. B. Caring for the child's injuries. C. Confronting the child's caretaker D. Reporting your findings to the proper authorities

D. Children's bodies can compensate for some of the factors that lead to shock.

Which of the following most accurately describes shock in children? A. Hypovolemic shock requires a larger amount of blood loss in children. B. Children are less susceptible to the development of shock than adults. C. Early signs of shock occur sooner than usual because of their small size. D. Children's bodies can compensate for some of the factors that lead to shock.

C. Two bones that normally are together become separated.

Which of the following occurs with a dislocation? A. The bone gets broken or chipped. B. The ligament at the joint is partially torn. C. Two bones that normally are together become separated. D. A broken bone protrudes through the skin.

D. Give the patient a drink.

Which of the following should you not do for a person experiencing shock? A. Adminster emergency oxygen, if available. B. Cover the patient with a blanket. C. Take steps to minimize shock. D. Give the patient a drink.

B. No longer sweating C. Core body temperature of 104°

Which of the following signs and/or symptoms would lead you to believe your patient is suffering from exertional heat stroke rather than heat exhaustion? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY A. Normal mental status B. No longer sweating C. Core body temperature of 104° D. Profuse sweating E. Core body temperature of 102° F. Pale skin

D. Rhythmic uterine contractions with cervical dilation leading to birth.

Which statement best describes labor? A. The rapid development of an embryo into a fetus after implantation. B. Complete dilation of the cervix as the baby moves through the birth canal. C. Birth of the baby with separation and delivery of the placenta. D. Rhythmic uterine contractions with cervical dilation leading to birth.

B. 15-20 grams of sugar, preferably in the form of glucose tablets

While providing care to a female patient with a history of diabetes. The patient us awake but has cool, pale and sweaty skin. The patient's home glucometer shows a low blood glucose level. The patient is able to follow simple commands and can safely swallow. You should give this patient: A. A diet soda B. 15-20 grams of sugar, preferably in the form of glucose tablets C. A glass of water D. A teaspoon of honey.

The body experiences some sort of fluid loss, creating an oxygen deficit. The body has to prioritize which areas get the oxygenated blood and which do not. This causes tissue death in areas, causing a fluid shift and taking oxygen away from vital organs, which leads to a decrease in the level of consciousness, so more tissue death occurs

Why does the body go into shock?

B. At the carotid or radial artery.

You and 2 other rescuers have been performing CPR on a patient. If the patient appears to show signs of ROSC, where should you perform the pulse check? A. At the carotid or femoral artery B. At the carotid or radial artery. C. At the carotid or brachial artery. D. At the femoral or brachial artery

C. Stop CPR, check for breathing and a pulse and monitor the patient's vitals until advanced life support arrives to take over.

You and your colleagues have been providing high-quality CPR and using the AED on a patient that collapsed in the basketball arena during a game. While providing ventilations, you notice the patient moves and appears to be breathing. What is the correct course of action? A. Wait for the AED to re-analyze his heart rhythm and follow the AED prompts. B. Continue CPR until advanced life support arrives to take over. C. Stop CPR, check for breathing and a pulse and monitor the patient's vitals until advanced life support arrives to take over. D. Stop CPR and perform the shout-tap-shout sequence to check for responsiveness

B. Apply the pads to the chest, making sure to avoid the jewelry.

You are about to apply the automated externa defibrillator (AED) pads to a victim's chest when you notice the victim has several body piercing and jewelry on his chest. Which of the following should you do? A. Wipe the chest, including the jewelry, with alcohol. B. Apply the pads to the chest, making sure to avoid the jewelry. C. Use only 1 pad and apply it directly over the jewelry. D. Remove the jewelry before applying the pads.

D. Listen for a hissing sound coming from the device.

You are administering emergency oxygen to a victim and you need to verify that oxygen is flowing. Which of the following should you do? A. Watch for steam coming out of the delivery device. B. Look for bubbles in the oxygen tubing. C. Feel for air coming out of the victim's mouth. D. Listen for a hissing sound coming from the device.

B. Stabilize the object with gauze in its current position

You are assessing a patient whose leg was cut by a steel rod when he fell off a construction scaffold. As you complete your physical exam, you find a small piece of a steel rod sticking out of his other leg. Which of the following would you do? A. Immediately remove the protruding object B. Stabilize the object with gauze in its current position C. Press the surrounding clothing around the object to stop the bleeding. D. Wiggle the object to evaluate the depth of penetration.

A. Battle's sign.

You are assessing a patient with a head injury and observe bruising behind the ears. You identify this as which of the following? A. Battle's sign. B. Raccoon eyes. C. Concussion. D. Nosebleed.

D. The onset of symptoms started about an hour ago.

You are assessing an older adult for signs and symptoms of a stroke using the FAST mnemonic. Which findings reflect the "T"? A. The patient can repeat words clearly and correctly. B. The patient is unable to keep the left arm raised. C. Drooling was observed from outside the patient's mouth. D. The onset of symptoms started about an hour ago.

C. Internal blood loss.

You are assessing the pulse rate of a patient who has fallen 10 feet off of a ladder. Before landing on a cement floor, his abdomen struck the edge of a metal shelf protruding from the side of a wall. You find his pulse rate is 120 beats per minute and weak. You should interpret this to indicate which of the following? A. Cardiac trauma. B. Low blood glucose levels. C. Internal blood loss. D. Early sign of septic shock.

B. Cover the wound with sterile dressing.

You are attempting to control moderate external bleeding. Which of the following should you do first? A. Apply direct pressure to the wound. B. Cover the wound with sterile dressing. C. Check for circulation beyond the injury. D. Secure the dressing with a roller bandage.

D. Injection.

You are called to a scene where a child was bitten by a coral snake. You suspect poisoning via - A. Inhalation. B. Absorption C. Ingestion D. Injection.

B. Superficial burn

You are called to the scene of an accident where a person was struck by lightning on the beach. Which of the following would you most likely NOT find? A. Cardiac asystole B. Superficial burn C. Entrance and exit wound D. Ruptured tympanic membrane

A. Check to see whether more advanced medical personnel have been called.

You are performing CPR when a second (equally trained) rescuer arrives. Which of the following is most appropriate for the 2nd rescuer to do first? A. Check to see whether more advanced medical personnel have been called. B. Begin giving ventilations. C. Have the first rescuer stop CPR to allow reassessment of vitals D. Call for a change in position to assist with CPR.

A. Ensuring that the oxygen is flowing before placing over the nose and mouth.

You are preparing to administer emergency oxygen using a fixed-flow-rate system. Which action is most appropriate? A. Ensuring that the oxygen is flowing before placing over the nose and mouth. B. Connecting a nasal cannula to the system to deliver the oxygen. C. Disassembling the necessary components of the system. D. Obtaining the regulator and pressure gauge.

D. 15:2

ou and your colleagues are performing CPR on a 6-year-old child. What is the compression-to-ventilation ratio during multiple-provider CPR? A. 15:1 B. 30:1 C. 30:2 D. 15:2

D. Follow standard precautions.

You are preparing to care for a patient with an open fracture to an extremity. The wound is oozing blood. Which of the following should you do first? A. Check the patient's range of motion. B. Attempt to straighten the extremity. C. Control the bleeding. D. Follow standard precautions.

D. 3 seconds.

You are preparing to give ventilations to a 5-year old boy using a resuscitation mask. You should give 1 ventilation about every A. 1 second. B. 5 seconds. C. 2 seconds. D. 3 seconds.

C. The unit must contain at least a 15-minute oxygen supply.

You are preparing to use an oxygen unit to provide care to a patient who is having difficulty breathing. Which of the following would be most important to keep in mind? A. Federal regulations control how the unit is refilled. B. The flow rate can be adjusted to 10 to 14 LPM C. The unit must contain at least a 15-minute oxygen supply. D. A prescription must be obtained to use the unit.

B. The team should provide ventilations at a rate of 1 ventilation every 6 seconds without pausing compressions.

You are providing care for a patient who has an oropharyngeal airway in place. How does this affect compressions and ventilations? A. The team should provide compressions and ventilations at a ratio of 15:1. B. The team should provide ventilations at a rate of 1 ventilation every 6 seconds without pausing compressions. C. The team should provide ventilations at a rate of 1 ventilation every 10 seconds without pausing compressions. D. The team should provide compressions and ventilations at a ratio of 30:2.

D. Move the patient to a warmer environment.

You are providing care for a patient with hypothermia. Which of the following do you do first? A. Perform a primary assessment. B. Remove any wet clothing. C. Call for more advanced medical personnel. D. Move the patient to a warmer environment.

C. Have the woman assume a knee to chest position.

You are providing care for a woman in labor. As you inspect the area, you notice the baby's head is crowning, but there is a rope like tissue coming from the vaginal opening. Which of the following should you do immediately? A. Massage the abdomen gently. B. Insert your gloved index and middle fingers in a "v" shape in the vaginal opening. C. Have the woman assume a knee to chest position. D. Refrain from touching or pulling on the baby.

B. Administering emergency oxygen

You are providing care to a 75-year old woman who is conscious but having difficulty breathing. After completing your primary assessment and summoning more advanced personnel, which action is most appropriate? A. Beginning CPR B. Administering emergency oxygen C. Inserting an oral airway D. Giving ventilations using a resuscitation mask

C. Maintain an open airway.

You are providing care to a patient having a seizure. Which of the following is a priority? A. Position them in a supine position. B. Putting an object in their mouth to prevent them from biting their tongue. C. Maintain an open airway. D. Offering comfort and reassurance.

A. Hypovolemic

You are providing care to a patient who has been stabbed. He is bleeding profusely and develops signs and symptom of shock. You would identify this type of shock as - A. Hypovolemic B. Obstructive C. Distributive D. Cardiogenic

B. Cooling the burned area.

You are providing care to a patient with a thermal burn injury. The patient has been removed from the source of the burn. You prepare to act, focusing on which of the following as a priority? A. Maintain normal body temperature. B. Cooling the burned area. C. Minimize shock. D. Cover the burned area.

D. Summon more advanced personnel.

You are providing care to a victim having a heart attack. Which of the following do you do first? A. Provide comfort to the victim. . B. Loosen any tight clothing. C. Monitor the victim's appearance. D. Summon more advanced personnel.

D. Obtain consent from the victim to provide care.

You are providing care to a victim who has fallen from a 6-foot ladder. The victim is conscious. Which of the following should you do first? A. Ask the victim what happened when he or she fell. B. Check the victim's pulse. C. Question the victim about any complaints of pain. D. Obtain consent from the victim to provide care.

C. Retilt the head, then attempt another ventilation.

You are providing care to an adult who is unconscious and not breathing. You give 1 ventilation during CPR and notice the chest does not rise. Which of the following should you do next? A. Change the position of the mask, then look for chest movement. B. Give 5 back blows, then check the victim's mouth. C. Retilt the head, then attempt another ventilation. D. Blow into the mask forcefully, then look for the chest to rise.

A. Cycles of 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts.

You are working in a primary care clinic and are called to help in the lobby. You determine the patient is a responsive adult and she is choking. Which intervention should be implemented? A. Cycles of 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts. B. CPR making sure to look in the mouth for an object between compressions and ventilations C. Continuous back blows. D. Continuous abdominal thrusts

A. AED use is safe for pregnant patients.

You are working in an medical office office when your patient suddenly goes into cardiac arrest. While preparing the AED, your colleague reminds you that patient is 28 weeks pregnant. Which statement is true regarding the use of an A. AED use is safe for pregnant patients. B. AED use is not safe for pregnant patients during the third trimester. C. AED use is contraindicated in pregnant patients. D. AED settings should be adjusted to pediatric doses in pregnant patients.

D. Call for specialized services for assistance.

You arrive at the emergency scene and notice a strong smell of sulfur. You notice a patient in lying unconscious inside the building. Which of the following should you do first? A. Administer emergency oxygen. B. Get the patient out of the building. C. Open the patient's airway. D. Call for specialized services for assistance.

B. Crush injury

You arrive at the scene of a collapsed building. One of the workers is trapped in the debris. The worker's right leg is caught between 2 large pieces of cinder block. You should identify and document this as which type of the following injuries? A. Puncture wound. B. Crush injury C. Avulsion D. Amputation

B. Pack the area around the wound with sterile gauze.

You arrive at the scene of an emergency and complete your primary assessment of a patient. You notice what looks like a bone protruding from an open and bleeding wound on the patient's lower leg. Which of the following should you do? A. Apply a tourniquet to constrict the blood vessels above the injury. B. Pack the area around the wound with sterile gauze. C. Raise the lower leg above the level of the heart. D. Apply direct pressure above the wound.

D. Narcotic

You arrive at the scene of an emergency in response to a 9-1-1 call where a college student cannot wake up her roommate. While sizing up the scene, you notice an open bottle of pills lying on the floor next to the victim. The label shows "oxycodone." You identify this as which type of drug? A. Inhalant B. Depressant C. Designer drug D. Narcotic

D. Brush material off with a gloved hand.

You arrive at the scene of an emergency in which a 45-year-old man has inadvertently spilled concentrated dry powdered weed killer on his arms and hands. He is complaining of severe burning and itching of his skin. Which of the following should you do first? A. Tell the patient to apply a topical antihistamine. B. Rinse the area with copious amounts of cool tap water. C. Scrub the area vigorously with soap and water. D. Brush material off with a gloved hand.

C. Avulsion

You arrive at the scene of an emergency in which an adult male caught their hand in the blades of a lawn mower. Two of the patient's fingers are completely severed, and a third finger is partially severed and is hanging loosely. You should identify and document the partially severed finger as which of the following? A. Crush injury B. Amputation C. Avulsion D. Laceration

B. Wrap the finger in sterile saline moistened gauze.

You arrive at the scene of an emergency involving a patient who has lost a portion of his finger while attempting to repair a lawn mower. The portion of the finger is no longer attached but is found in the grass nearby. Which of the following is the most appropriate to do while caring for the severed finger? A. Put the finger in a brown bag, after your rinse it off. B. Wrap the finger in sterile saline moistened gauze. C. Pour ice cold water on the finger continuously. D. Put the finger in a container of water and ice slurry mix.

D. Make sure the current is secured.

You arrive at the scene of an emergency involving a patient who has sustained an electrical burn due to a malfunctioning toaster. Which of the following should you do first? A. Care for any life threatening injuries. B. Inspect for entry and exit sites. C. Perform the primary assessment. D. Make sure the current is secured.

D. Summon more advanced personnel.

You arrive on scene where you suspect a patient is experiencing status epilepticus. Which of the following should you do first? A. Place the patient in the recovery position. B. Suction the patient's mouth. C. Administer emergency oxygen. D. Summon more advanced personnel.

B. Immediately

You have assessed your patient and recognized that they are in cardiac arrest. You should begin CPR: A. Within 20 seconds B. Immediately C. Within 10 seconds D. When the AED becomes available.

B. Maintain the head in the position found.

You need to stabilize a patient's head and neck. The patient's head is turned sharply to the right. Which of the following should you do? A. Place one hand on the side of the patient's head. B. Maintain the head in the position found. C. Apply a cervical collar. D. Ensure the head is facing forward, even if it means moving through resistance.

D. Give 2 initial ventilations

You notice an unconscious adult who was pulled from the water is taking infrequent gasps. Which of the following should you do next? A. Begin CPR B. Continue to monitor the victim's breathing closely. C. Check for severe bleeding D. Give 2 initial ventilations

D. The injury has been properly splinted.

You should not elevate a suspected muscle or bone injury above the level of the heart unless - A. A bone injury should never be elevated. B. A victim has no feeling or circulation in the extremity beyond the extremity. C. Ice has first been applied to reduce the pain and swelling. D. The injury has been properly splinted.

B. Place your hands on both sides of the patient's head.

You suspect a patient has a neck injury. The patient is lying supine (on his back) and you determine you need to perform manual stabilization. Which of the following should you do first? A. Apply a cervical (C) collar. B. Place your hands on both sides of the patient's head. C. Maintain the patient's airway. D. Position the head in line with the body.

C. Asymmetrical facial movements.

You suspect a patient has sustained a concussion. Which of the following would LEAST likely support this suspicion? A. Headache. B. Light sensitivity. C. Asymmetrical facial movements. D. Inability to recall what happened.

D. Bloodshot eyes.

You suspect a patient is experiencing hallucinogen abuse. Which of the following would you most likely find? A. Mood changes. B. Pale face. C. Drowsiness. D. Bloodshot eyes.

A. Cool, pale skin

You suspect a runner is experiencing heat exhaustion. Which of the following would confirm your suspicion? A. Cool, pale skin B. Slow, bounding pulse. C. Deep breathing. D. High blood pressure.

D. Sporadic in nature.

You suspect a woman is experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions when the contractions are - A. Occurring with increasing frequency. B. Increasing in intensity. C. Occurring at regular intervals. D. Sporadic in nature.

B. Bipolar disorder

You suspect that a young woman at an emergency scene to which you have been called is experiencing mania. You understand that mania is characteristic of which disorder? A. Clinical depression B. Bipolar disorder C. Panic attack D. Schizophrenia

A. Every 2 to 3 minutes as needed.

Your adult patient is in respiratory arrest due to an opioid overdose. The team is delivering 1 ventilation every 6 seconds. You administered the initial recommended dose of naloxone. How often may this dose be repeated? A. Every 2 to 3 minutes as needed. B. Every 4 to 6 minutes as needed. C. Every 7 to 9 minutes as needed D. Every 10 to 15 minutes as needed.

B. Changes in consciousness

Your primary assessment indicates that the victim is experiencing a breathing emergency and you suspect that she may be developing hypoxia based on which of the following? A. Decreased breathing rate B. Changes in consciousness C. Abdominal pain D. Pink lips

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