EMT 1/2 Emergency Drags and Lifts (Chapter 3)

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Piggyback carry

Assist the patient to stand. Place her arms over your shoulder so they cross your chest. Bend over and life the patient. While she holds on with her arms, crouch and grasp each leg. Use a lifting motion to move her onto your back. Pass your forearms under her knees and grab her wrists.

Clothes drag

Drag patient by top of clothing. Move the patient in the direction of the long axis of the body when possible.

Foot drag

Drag the patient by his feet. Be sure to drag in the direction of the vertical axis of the body, and do not bump his head.

Shoulder drag

From a position with both knees on the ground, grab the patients armpits from behind.

Blanket drag

Gather half of the blanket material up against the patient's side. Roll him toward your knees, place the blanket under him, and gently roll him onto the blanket. During the drag, keep the patient's head as low as possible.

Firefighters carry with assist

Have someone lift the patient. The second rescuer helps to life the patient.EMT

Pack strap carry

Have the patient stand. Turn your back to her, bringing her arms over your shoulders to cross your chest. Keep her arms as straight as possible, with her armpits over your shoulders. Hold the patient's wrists, bend, and pull her onto your back.

Cradle carry

Place one arm across the patient's back with your hand under their arm. Place your other arm under her knees and lift. If the patient is conscious, have her place her near arm over your shoulder. Should only be used for very light patients.

Firefighters drag

Place patient on his back and tie his hands together. Straddle him, crouch, and pass your head through his trussed arms. Raise your body, and crawl on tour hands and knees. Keep the patients head as low as possible.

One rescuer assist

Place the patient's arm around your neck, grasping their hand in yours. Place your other arm around the patient's waist. Help the patient walk to safety. Be prepared to change your movement technique if the level of danger increases. Be sure to communicate with the patient about obstacles, uneven terrain, and so on.

Two rescuer assist

Place the patient's arms around the shoulders of both rescuers. They each grip a hand, place their free arms around the patient's waist, and then help him walk to safety.

Firefighters carry

Place your feet against the patient's feet and pull them toward you. Bend at your waist and flex your knees. Dick and pull them across your shoulder, keeping hold of one of their wrists. Use your free arm to reach between their legs and grasp their thigh. This way, the weight of the patient falls onto your shoulders. Stand up. Transfer your grip on her thigh to the patient's wrist.

Incline drag

Place your hands under a patient's armpits and grab their wrists. Be sure to drag head first down the incline.

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