EMT Final - Written

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Your patient is a​ 45-year-old man who is suffering from chest pain. Upon​ arrival, the patient is​ pale, sweaty, and seems short of breath. The patient is angry with his daughter for calling 911. He says that he had some spicy sausage for breakfast and has indigestion. Which of the following is an appropriate means of getting the patient the care he​ needs? A. Tell the patient that his chest pain is most likely caused by his​ diet, have him take an​ antacid, and go to bed. B. Try to find out why the patient does not want to go to the hospital. C. Call the​ patient's neighbors and tell them that you have been called to the​ patient's house but he is now refusing care. D. Inform the patient that if he does not agree to​ treatment, you will have to take him against his will because he has a potentially​ life-threatening problem.


Your​ 79-year-old female patient appears to show all signs and symptoms of a stroke. Her level of consciousness has rapidly​ deteriorated, she is now​ unconscious, and she can no longer control her own airway. While you intervene to manage her​ airway, the best position in which to keep fluid or vomitus from occluding her airway would be​ the: A. Trendelenburg position. B. recovery position. C. prone position. D. Fowler position.


An artery is a blood vessel that​ only: A. carries deoxygenated blood. B. returns blood to the heart. C. carries blood away from the heart. D. carries oxygenated blood.


What system is a group of organs and glands designed for the specific purpose of​ reproduction? A. Reproduction system B. Lymphatic system C. Renal system D. Respiratory system


Which of the following statements is true concerning protection by Good Samaritan​ laws? A. The purpose of Good Samaritan laws is to protect people who are trying to help in an emergency. B. A Good Samaritan law allows an EMT to exceed the scope of​ practice, if​ necessary, when providing emergency care​ off-duty. C. An EMT is expected to act as a lay person when providing emergency care​ off-duty. D. An EMT cannot be sued for negligence if the state in which he works has a Good Samaritan law.


Which of the following structures do NOT form part of the​ thorax? A. Ischium B. 8th through 19th vertebrae C. Sternum D. Ribs


Which organ secretes insulin after a person eats a large​ meal? A. Pancreas B. Spleen C. Liver D. Gallbladder


While documenting a​ call, you add a false statement that was made about a local doctor. This could constitute which of the​ following? A. Libel B. Degradation of character C. Slander D. HIPAA violation


Your patient is a​ 40-year-old known diabetic who was found unconscious at work by a coworker. What type of consent allows you to treat this​ patient? A. Implied consent B. Consent for treatment of minor emergencies C. Consent for mentally incompetent adults D. Expressed consent


The wrist is​ ________ to the elbow. A. dorsal B. distal C. inferior D. medial


Which of the following BEST describes the anatomic​ position? A. Standing in profile with the hands on the hips B. ​Standing, facing​ forward, with arms at the​ side, palms forward C. ​Standing, facing​ forward, with arms raised above the head D. Supine with arms crossed over the chest and knees slightly bent


Which of the following respiratory processes requires the active use of​ muscles? A. Exhalation B. Inhalation C. Gas exchange D. Bifurcation


You respond to the report of an unconscious female patient. You can acquire important medical information about the patient through which of the​ following? A. Medical history identifier B. Medical identification device C. ​Driver's license D. ​On-call Medical Director


In relation to​ anatomy, the term topography​ means: A. blood pressure fluctuations. B. the study of the skin. C. external landmarks of body structures. D. key elements of the central nervous system.


In which of the following locations is the femoral pulse​ palpated? A. Behind the knee B. On the medial side of the upper arm C. At the groin D. On the medial side of the​ ankle, posterior to the tibia


What is the bone on the thumb side of the​ forearm? A. Ulna B. Fibula C. Radius D. Acromion


What is the​ inferior-most portion of the​ sternum? A. Manubrium B. Sternal notch C. Xiphoid process D. Body


An​ off-duty EMT is driving down the road when she sees a major vehicle accident. There are no Emergency Medical Responders on the scene yet. There are only Good Samaritans. The EMT is late for a​ doctor's appointment so she decides that she will not stop and help. The driver of the vehicle dies before help arrives. One of the Good Samaritans notices her EMT license plates and writes them down as she passes by. The Good Samaritan is angry that the EMT did not stop and help and tries to get the EMT fired for not helping. Which of the following statements is​ true? A. The EMT is negligent for not stopping and helping. B. The EMT is negligent because the patient died. C. The EMT is not negligent because she did not have a duty to act. D. The EMT is not negligent because she had a​ doctor's appointment.


A​ child's ________ takes up proportionally more space in the pharynx than does an​ adult's. A. epiglottis B. cricoid cartilage C. tongue D. trachea


The administration of oxygen and the application of spinal immobilization is part of which of the following for the​ EMT? A. Duty to act B. Standard of care C. Scope of practice D. None of the above


The​ EMT's obligation to provide care to a patient either as a formal or ethical responsibility is known as which of the​ following? A. Legal responsibility B. Scope of practice C. Duty to act D. Standard of care


Two EMTs respond to the scene of a syncopal episode. A​ 50-year-old patient passed out and cut his lip. The EMTs talk the patient out of an expensive ambulance ride and suggest he will save money by driving himself to urgent care instead. The patient agrees and signs a refusal form. The patient dies from sudden cardiac arrest at home the following day. Which of the following statements is​ true? A. The EMTs are not negligent because the patient signed the refusal form. B. The EMTs are negligent because the patient died. C. The EMTs may be negligent if there is evidence of proximate cause. D. The EMTs are not negligent because the EMTs have no control over the​ patient's medical condition.


What is the​ large, wing-shaped bone on either side of the​ pelvis? A. Ischium B. Acetabulum C. Ilium D. Pubis


What two components are directly related to aerobic metabolism​? A. Electrolytes and carbohydrates B. Exercise and water C. Oxygen and glucose D. Carbolic acid and air


Which component of blood is responsible for forming clotting factors to stop​ bleeding? A. White blood cells B. Red blood cells C. Platelets D. Plasma


Which of the following BEST describes the medical condition of​ shock? A. An extreme emotional reaction to a stressful event B. Delayed capillary refill C. A state of inadequate tissue perfusion D. Hypotension


Which of the following is the primary function of the​ stomach? A. Absorption of water from food products B. Production of bile C. Chemical breakdown of food by acidic secretions D. Absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream


With regard to anatomical​ locations, which of the following is NOT​ true? A. The foot is distal to the knee. B. The umbilicus is located on the ventral aspect of the body. C. The mouth is proximal to the nose. D. The ears are located on the lateral aspect of the head.


You respond to a large concert venue where a number of spectators are reported to be severely intoxicated. You are directed to an area where several patients appear to be​ unconscious, lying face down on the ground. The position of these patients is described​ as: A. supine. B. anterior. C. prone. D. posterior.


Your patient is a​ 10-year-old boy who suffered a possible fractured arm while rollerblading at a​ friend's house. Which of the following is the BEST way to obtain consent for​ treatment? A. Get consent from the​ patient's 15-year-old​ sister, who is at the scene. B. Act on implied consent. C. Call the​ patient's mother at work. D. Allow the patient to consent as an emancipated minor.


If the EMT is in doubt as to whether a patient in cardiac arrest should be​ resuscitated, which of the following is the best​ decision? A. Consult with the​ patient's physician. B. Have the​ patient's family put their wishes in writing. C. Withhold resuscitative measures. D. Begin resuscitative measures.


Physiology is the study​ of: A. exercise and nutrition. B. body structures. C. muscles and movement. D. body systems.


The term lateral is best defined​ as: A. under the arms. B. to the back of. C. toward the middle of. D. to the side.


The two major portions of the skull are​ the: A. manubrium and mandible. B. frontal bone and ilium. C. atlas and axis. D. cranium and face.


What condition of immediate concern results from a loss of red blood cells due to​ hemorrhage? A. Decreased production of carbon dioxide B. Decrease in pulse rate C. Decreased ability to fight infection D. Decreased oxygen delivery to the tissues


What is the distinction between anatomy and physiology​? A. The terms are synonymous. B. Anatomy is the study of body components and​ systems, and physiology is the study of injuries and disease processes. C. Anatomy is the study of physical body​ structures, whereas physiology is the study of emotions and behavior. D. Anatomy is the study of body​ structures, and physiology is the study of body function.


What system produces chemicals called hormones that help to regulate many body activities and​ functions? A. Lymphatic system B. Digestive system C. Respiratory system D. Endocrine system


Which of the following is the only movable bone of the​ face? A. Maxillae B. Manubrium C. Zygoma D. Mandible


While treating a patient involved in a shooting at the​ patient's vacation​ home, which of the following actions may interfere with the investigation of a crime​ scene? A. Moving the patient B. Using the bathroom C. Using the​ patient's phone D. All of the above


Why should an EMT avoid the use of acronyms and abbreviations when​ communicating? A. The medical acronyms and abbreviations used by prehospital care providers and hospital staff are different. B. Using acronyms and abbreviations is considered unprofessional. C. They should only be avoided in verbal​ communications, where they can be​ misunderstood; they are expected in written patient care reports. D. There is a chance that they can lead to errors in continued care for the patient.


With regard to medical​ terminology, a prefix ​is: A. the foundation of a word or term. B. a modifier that indicates if a term is singular or plural. C. the combination of any two or more whole words. D. added to the beginnings of roots or words to modify or qualify their meaning.


You are on the scene with a​ 72-year-old male patient with chest pain. The patient is complaining of shortness of breath but also refuses to go to the​ hospital, even after multiple attempts urging him to go. Which of the following should you do​ next? A. Contact medical direction for orders to restrain the patient. B. Stay with the patient until he loses consciousness. C. Inform the patient that he is having a​ "heart attack" and must be taken to the hospital for evaluation. D. Fully inform the patient about his situation and the implications of refusing care.


You are providing care to a​ 54-year-old male patient complaining of chest pain. The patient asks to speak to you privately. He tells you he is taking CialisSuperscript ®® for erectile dysfunction and his wife does not know he is taking it. He does not want his wife to find out. As you are putting the EMS bags back in the​ ambulance, the wife corners you and insists that you tell her what her husband said. What should you​ do? A. You should tell her. He may be having an affair without her knowledge and she needs to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. B. You should tell her. As his​ spouse, she is legally entitled to know his medical information. C. You should not tell her. There is no reason to humiliate your patient by disclosing his embarrassing condition. D. You should not tell her. By​ law, your conversation with your patient is confidential.


You arrive on the scene of a​ 55-year-old male patient. The​ patient's wife called 911 because he is having chest pains. The patient is very angry with his wife for calling 911 because he states he only has heartburn and adamantly refuses any treatment or transport. After signing the patient refusal​ form, the patient collapses and goes into sudden cardiac arrest. The wife is crying uncontrollably and begging you to do something. What should you​ do? A. Respect his legal right to not have any​ treatment, regardless of how much the wife begs you to help. B. Provide emergency care for the patient only if his wife signs a document stating they will not sue the EMS service. C. Explain to the wife that her husband signed a legal document refusing​ care, and if you intervened to help him​ now, you would be breaking the law. D. Provide emergency care under implied consent.


You respond to a bus accident with multiple patients. As you arrive at the​ scene, you are approached by a local politician who states that his wife has been involved. He tells you that if you will take care of her​ first, he will ensure that you get the promotion you are up for. This becomes what type of decision for you as an​ EMT? A. Legal B. Medical C. Financial D. Ethical


A clot cannot form without which of the following blood​ components? A. Platelets B. White blood cells C. Corpuscles D. Plasma


A postal worker has been attacked by a dog during her mail delivery route. The patient is a​ 54-year-old female with several dog bites on her lower extremities and left arm. The worst of these bites is located on the back of her right leg just above the ankle. How can you explain the location of this injury using anatomical​ landmarks? A. The bite is located on the posterior aspect of the calf distal to the knee. B. The bite is located on the anterior aspect of the calf just distal to the knee. C. The bite is located on the anterior aspect of the calf just proximal to the knee. D. The bite is located on the posterior aspect of the calf just proximal to the knee.


Failure of the liver would result in which of the​ following? A. Inability to detoxify harmful substances in the bloodstream B. Inability to filter out old and damaged blood cells C. Inability to secrete insulin D. None of the above


In which of the following situations is it legal to share information about treatment you provided to a​ patient? A. The triage nurse at the emergency department asks about the care you provided to the patient. B. You are asked by a coworker who knows the patient. C. The patient gives verbal consent to release information to a friend. D. The​ patient's lawyer requests the information over the phone.


The abdominal quadrants include all of the following except​ the: A. right medial. B. left upper. C. right upper. D. left lower.


The bone most commonly fractured with a​ "broken hip" is​ the: A. femur. B. tibia. C. ilium. D. fibula.


The lower jaw bone is also known as​ the: A. mandible. B. maxillae. C. orbit. D. manubrium.


What are the two most easily injured portions of the​ spine? A. Cervical and lumbar B. Lumbar and sacral C. Cervical and thoracic D. Sacral and coccygeal


What is the largest bone of the lower​ leg? A. Tibia B. Patella C. Fibula D. Femur


What is the primary reason for an EMT to use specific and proper medical​ terminology? A. Medical communication needs to be exact and consistent. B. It will make patients and family members trust in the​ EMT's abilities more. C. People may think that an EMT is not intelligent or professional unless she uses medical terms. D. EMS providers​ can't bill for services unless the correct terminology is used in all documentation.


When discussing left and right in terms of anatomic​ locations, what do they refer​ to? A. Left and right from the​ patient's perspective. B. Anatomic left and right refer to the​ provider's left and right orientation when facing a patient in the anatomic position. C. What left and right refer to anatomically is dependent on the​ patient's positioning when care is provided. D. Whoever is speaking about the anatomic location determines left and right orientation.


Which of the following are the abdominal regions created by drawing two imaginary lines intersecting at the​ navel? A. Abdominal quadrants B. Abdominal sextants C. Abdominal regions D. Abdominal planes


Which of the following describes​ Fowler's position? A. Sitting upright with the legs straight B. Lying flat on the back C. Lying on the side D. Lying on the stomach


Which of the following is NOT part of the lower​ extremity? A. Carpals B. Patella C. Femur D. Pelvis


Which of the following is the​ EMT's primary responsibility at a secured crime​ scene? A. Providing patient care B. Preserving evidence C. Identifying any potential suspects encountered at the scene D. Taking notes that may be needed during court testimony


Which of the following makes up more than half of the volume of blood in the​ body? A. Plasma B. Platelets C. Red blood cells D. White corpuscles


Which of the following organs functions as a reservoir for blood that can be used in case of blood​ loss? A. Spleen B. Liver C. Heart D. Thyroid gland


Which of the following refers to the care that would be expected to be provided by an EMT with similar training when caring for a patient in a similar​ situation? A. Standard of care B. Professional standards C. Protocols and standing orders D. Scope of practice


Which of the following requires​ training, policies, and procedures related to​ storing, accessing, and sharing patient​ information? A. HIPAA B. COBRA C. HIAPA D. EMTALA


While transporting a patient with a traumatic wound to the​ back, you call in report to the receiving hospital over the radio. Due to radio static and background noise in the Emergency​ Department, the physician has had to ask you twice to repeat if the wound was superior or inferior. Why would this distinction be​ important? A. The location of the wound is important in determining which types of resources to have available when the patient arrives. B. It is a triage question to determine if the patient is critical or not so the hospital can prioritize. C. The answer is not necessarily important. The physician is just focusing on getting her standard questions answered while dealing with an inadequate radio system. D. The physician is just trying to determine if the wound is deep or not so she knows what to prepare for.


A patient with bilateral femur fractures would have which of the​ following? A. A femur fracture in which the bone ends have punctured the muscle and skin of the thigh B. Fractures of both femurs C. Two fractures in the same femur D. A femur fracture occurring with little or no trauma


In which of the following situations should an EMT withhold resuscitative measures from a patient in cardiac​ arrest? A. Family members request that nothing be done. B. The​ patient's caregiver presents a DNR order signed by the patient and his physician. C. The​ EMT's religious beliefs permit withholding​ resuscitation, and the caregiver presents documentation of the​ patient's wishes. D. All of the above


Sharing information about a​ patient's medical history with your neighbor after you hear a call on a radio scanner would constitute which of the​ following? A. Negligence B. Breach of confidentiality C. Slander D. Libel


The​ "fight-or-flight" response is activated by​ the: A. endocrine system. B. sympathetic nervous system. C. renal system. D. parasympathetic nervous system.


To check the distal pulse of a patient with an injury to the​ forearm, the EMT would check for a pulse in which​ location? A. Armpit B. Wrist C. Throat D. Upper arm


What causes the​ "seesaw" breathing pattern of young​ children? A. The cricoid cartilage and trachea are both more flexible than in​ adults, making breathing more difficult. B. They rely more on the diaphragm during breathing difficulty. C. The size of their tongues in proportion to their mouths. D. The pronounced inward curvature at the bottom of the ribcage.


What is another term for the frontal aspect of the​ body? A. Dorsal B. Anterior C. Posterior D. Caudal


What is the long bone of the upper portion of the​ arm? A. Scapula B. Humerus C. Ulna D. Radius


What type of blood vessels surround the​ alveoli? A. Veins B. Capillaries C. Arterioles D. Arteries


What word would be used to refer to a​ patient's rapid​ breathing? A. Dyspnea B. Tachypnea C. Tachycardia D. Dyseffusion


Which of the following BEST describes the location of the​ mid-axillary line? A. A line drawn diagonally from the outer end of the clavicle to the navel B. A line from the center of the​ armpit, extending vertically down the side of the chest C. A line drawn horizontally from one armpit to the​ other, across the front of the body D. A line drawn vertically from the xiphoid process to the pubic bone


The inside of a​ person's thigh is also known as its​ ________ aspect. A. lateral B. axillary C. inferior D. medial


The pressure against the walls of the blood vessels as blood is ejected from the heart and circulates through the body is the​ ________ blood pressure. A. diastolic B. central venous C. mean arterial D. systolic


What is the strongest and most muscular part of the​ heart? A. Right atrium B. Right ventricle C. Left atrium D. Left ventricle


Which of the following incidents is the EMT legally required to report to law​ enforcement? A. Your patient is a​ 12-year-old male who fell from his​ bicycle, breaking his left​ arm, and tells you his parents are at work. B. Your patient has facial and head injuries and states that her husband beat her with a telephone receiver. C. Your patient is an​ 18-year-old college student who has been consuming large amounts of alcohol at a fraternity party. D. You suspect the wife of the patient you are treating for chest pain has been smoking marijuana.


Which of the following refers to the set of regulations that defines the legal actions expected and limitations placed on the​ EMT? A. Protocols and standing orders B. Scope of practice C. Legal standards of practice D. Professional standards


Which organ is the principal organ of the renal​ system? A. Bladder B. Kidney C. Ureter D. Urethra


Which type of consent must be used by the EMT when seeking to treat a mentally competent​ adult? A. Implied consent B. Expressed consent C. Unconditional consent D. Conscious consenT


You are caring for a​ 47-year-old male patient with classical chest pain suggestive of a myocardial infarction. Based on your understanding of the cardiovascular​ system, you know he could be suffering from​ damage, narrowing, or blockage of what​ arteries? A. Femoral arteries B. Coronary arteries C. Brachial arteries D. Pulmonary arteries


You respond to a middle school for a​ 12-year-old male patient who has been hit by a car. You get consent to treat the patient from the school principal. What concept allows the principal to speak for the​ parents? A. Res ipsa loquitur B. In loco parentis C. Informed consent D. Healthcare proxy


Your partner asks why EMTs should avoid use of medical terminology when communicating with most patients. What should you tell​ her? A. You should say that you are an experienced EMT and since she is​ new, she should just take your advice and apply it. B. Tell her that the point of communicating with patients and other providers is so there is clear​ understanding; using medical terms when not necessary can cause confusion. C. Explain that using large words and medical terms can be seen as being​ egotistical, which can alienate both patients and other providers. D. Tell her that the general public​ isn't smart enough to understand medical terminology and that all communication must be​ "dumbed down" when talking to patients.


What two body systems are critical for the life support chain​? A. Cardiopulmonary and digestive systems B. Respiratory and endocrine systems C. Cardiovascular and lymphatic systems D. Respiratory and cardiovascular systems


What vessel carries deoxygenated blood to the​ lungs? A. Aorta B. Pulmonary veins C. Vena cavae D. Pulmonary artery


Which layer of the skin is exposed to the​ environment? A. Adipose tissue B. Dermis C. Subcutaneous tissue D. Epidermis


Which of the following body systems primarily produces​ hormones? A. Cardiovascular B. Exocrine C. Gastrointestinal D. Endocrine


Which of the following describes the midline of the​ body? A. An imaginary line dividing the body into a front and a back portion B. An imaginary line dividing the body into a top and bottom portion C. The intersection of two imaginary lines crossing at the umbilicus D. An imaginary line dividing the body into equal right and left halves


Which of the following information may be important to law enforcement officers investigating a crime​ scene? A. Your opinion of what happened before you arrived​ on-scene B. Your experience as an EMT C. What route you took when responding to the scene D. How you gained access to the scene


Which of the following is NOT part of the upper​ extremities? A. Carpals B. Scapula C. Clavicle D. Calcaneus


Which of the following is NOT required to prove a claim of negligence against an​ EMT? A. Proximate causation existed. B. The EMT failed to act according to the standard of care. C. The EMT had a duty to act. D. The patient was in fear of bodily harm at the time of the incident.


Which of the following situations BEST illustrates the act of abandonment by the​ EMT? A. The EMT resuscitates a patient who has a DNR order signed by his physician. B. An EMT begins care of a​ patient, then turns the patient over to a paramedic. C. An EMT who is​ off-duty sees a motor vehicle collision with probable injuries but does not stop to help. D. An EMT transports a patient to the emergency​ department, leaves the patient in the waiting​ room, but does not advise the ED staff.


Which of the following structures allows food to move from the mouth to the​ stomach? A. Vena cavae B. Trachea C. Duodenum D. Esophagus


Which of the following structures closes over the trachea to protect it during​ swallowing? A. Diaphragm B. Cricoid cartilage C. Pharynx D. Epiglottis


Which of the following terms describes the heart​ muscle's ability to generate its own electrical​ impulses? A. Irritability B. Conductivity C. Contractility D. Automaticity


You and your EMT partner are responding to a medical aid call in the rural West County area. The dispatcher advises that the caller is reporting the patient as having a history of​ "plegia." Why would it be beneficial to have the dispatcher clarify a prefix for the word plegia​? A. A patient with plegia is potentially​ contagious, and the EMTs need to know what precautions are required. B. Because a dysplegiac patient generally requires an​ EMT-Paramedic level of​ care, and it may change the level of response. C. There is actually no need to clarify the word. D. Without a clarifying​ prefix, it is difficult for the EMTs to effectively prepare for the type of patient they may encounter.


You are treating an elderly male patient in the back of your ambulance. En​ route, the patient becomes unresponsive. Upon​ arrival, the ED nurse asks you several questions about his condition. What should you​ do? A. You should not disclose the information because HIPAA laws only allow you to provide the information to the emergency department physician. B. You should disclose the​ information, as it is not protected by law. C. You should not disclose the information to the nurse because it is protected confidential information and the patient did not sign a release authorizing you to discuss his condition. D. You should answer her questions because you may legally share the​ patient's medical condition with other pertinent health care providers.


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