EMT - MOD 7 Review: Chapters 32-34

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A drop in blood pressure with a charge in position is referred to as: A. orthostatic hypotension B. metastatic hypotension C. malignant hypotension D. psychogenic hypotension


A patient with leg pain who complains of sudden shortness of breath, tachycardia, fever, chest pain and a feeling of impending down is likely expeirencing a(n) A. pulmonary embolism B. pneumonia C. myocardial infarction D. aortic aneurysm


A ventricular atrium shunt drains excess fluid from the ventriculars of the brain into the: A. right atrium of the heart B. left atrium of the heart C. right ventricular of the heart D. left ventricular of the heart


All of the following are common specific gastrointestinal problems in the elderly EXCEPT: A. ulcerative colitis B. diverticulitis C. peptic ulcer disease D. gallbladder disease


All of the following are possible causes of cerebral palsy EXCEPT: A. maternal preclampsia B. damage to the developing fetal brain in utero C. traumatic brain injury at birth D. postpartum infection


All of the following are signs associated with pneumonia in pediatric patients EXCEPT: A. bradycardia B. grunting C. nasal flaring D. hypothermia


Anatomic changes that occur as a person ages predisposes geriatric patients to: A. airway problems B. fungal infections C. communicable disease D. mental status changes


Breath sounds in the pediatric population are more easily heard because: A. their chest walls are thinner. B. the size of their lungs amplifies the sounds C. the chest cavity is small in proportion to the rest of the body. D. children typically have upper airway problems.


Bronchiolitis usually occurs during the first _____ of life. A. 2 years B. 3 years C. 4 years D. 6 years


Down syndrome are at an increased risk for medical complications. Which of the following is NOT one of those potential complications? A. Respiratory complications B. Cardiovascular complications C. Gastrointestinal complications D. Endocrine complications


Geriatric patients present as a special problem for caregivers because: A. the classic presentation of disease is often altered. B. geriatric patients tend not to understand their underlying conditions. C. their medications are rather difficult to learn. D. the typical diseases of the geriatric population are uncommon.


Head and neck injuries are common after high-speed collisions in all of the following contact sports EXCEPT: A. wrestling B. football C. lacrosse D. basketball


In most states, for a DNR to be considered valid it must have been signed within the last: A. 12 months B. 18 months C. 24 months D. DNRs are valid regardless of the timeframe


Incidents involving the death of a child pose extra stress on EMS workers. Which of the following is NOT a sign of post traumatic stress? A. Cold intolerance B. Nightmares C. Difficult sleeping D. Loss of appetite


Patients with spina bifida will have: A. partial or full paralysis of the lower extremities B. multiple cardiovascular problems C. daily episodes of neck pain D. a tendency to resist sitting


Pupillary response in pediatric patients may be abnormal in the presence of all of the following EXCEPT: A. anxiety. B. hypoxia. C. brain injury. D. drugs.


Tachycardia in pediatric patients may be an indication of all the following EXCEPT: A. hypothermia B. hypoxia C. fever D. pain


The "E" of the GEMS diamond stands for: A. environmental assessment B. events leading to the incident C. extrication of the patient D. emergency assessment


Which of the following is FALSE regarding the pediatric airway? A. The trachea is larger in diameter and shorter in length. B. The glottis opening is higher and positioned more anterior. C. The neck appears to be nonexistent. D. The lungs are smaller.


Which of the following is NOT a disease prevention strategy that people living in poverty are lacking? A. Vaccinations B. Nutrition C. Exercise D. Dental Care


Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects the development of osteoporosis? A. Hypertension B. Smoking C. Level of activity D. Alcohol consumption


Which of the following is NOT a question you would ask if you suspected a poisoning emergency? A. Did the substance have an odor? B. Are there any changes in behavior or level of consciousness? C. What is the substance involved? D. Was there any choking or coughing after the exposure?


Which of the following is NOT considered a clue that your patient might be hearing impaired? A. Slurred speech B. Presence of hearing aids C. Poor pronunciation of words D. Failure to respond to your questions


Which of the following is generally NOT acceptable when interviewing an older patient? A. Do not initiate eye contact, because many geriatric patients might find this disrespectful. B. Speak slowly and distinctly. C. Give the patient time to respond unless the condition appears urgent. D. Explain what you are doing before you do it.


Which of the following is not a sign of severe dehydration in pediatric patients? A. Bulging fontanelles B. Very dry lips and gums C. Eyes look sunken D. Sleepiness


Which of the following is true regarding airway management of patients with Down syndrome? A. Patients often have large tongues. B. Patients have large oral and nasal cavities. C. Mask ventilation is relatively easy to achieve. D. Use the head tilt chin lift maneuver to open the airway.


Which of the following statements regarding geriatrics is FALSE? A. Chronic mental status impairment is a normal process of aging. B. Multiple disease processes and complaints can make assessment complicated. C. Communication may be more complicated with an older adult. D. You should find and account for all patient medications.


Which of the following statements regarding pediatric asthma is FALSE? A. Use strong, forceful breaths when ventilating to get air past the obstruction. B. The wheezing may be so loud that you can hear it without a stethoscope. C. The patient may be in the tripod position. D. A broncho-dilator via a metered-dose inhaler may be helpful.


_____ and long-term exposure to loud noises are the main factors that contribute to hearing loss. A. Heredity B. Injury C. Infection D. Medications


Elderly pedestrians struck by a vehicle commonly suffer injuries to the: A. chest B. abdomen C. extremities D. back


Geriatric patients are at risk for _____, an accumulation of fatty material in the arteries. A. vasculitis B. arteriosclerosis C. atherosclerosis D. varicose veins


If a patient's mechanical ventilator malfunctions, you should remove the patient from the ventilator and: A. place the patient on a nasal cannula B. place the patient on a nonrebreathing mask C. begin ventilations with a bag-mask device D. contact medical control


In pediatric patients, guarding of the abdomen suggests: A. diarrhea. B. nausea. C. infection D. dehydration


Saying their first word, sitting without support, and teething are initially noticed in what age group? A. 0 to 2 months B. 2 to 6 months C. 6 to 12 months D. 12 to 18 months


Services offered to home care agencies include all of the following EXCEPT: A. providing personal hygiene. B. wound care C. taking the patient to restaurants D. yard maintenance


The most important piece of information to establish immediately when responding to a skilled nursing facility is determining: A. when someone last saw the patient B. which nurse is overseeing patient care C. what is wrong with the patient D. how often this patient is transported to the hospital


Toilet training is typically mastered at what age level? A. 6 to 12 months B. 12 to 18 months C. Preschool-age D. School-age


When caring for a patient with a previous head injury, you should: A. speak in a loud, commanding tone B. expect the patient to be able to walk C. watch the patient for signs of anxiety D. never consider restraining the patient


When examining the head of a pediatric patient, which of the following statements is FALSE? A. You should look for bruising, swelling and hematomas B. Significant blood loss can come from the scalp C. a bulging fontanelle suggests dehydration D. The head is larger in proportion to the rest of the body


When you assess a pediatric patient, it is best to place _____ on the patient's chest to feel the rise and fall of the chest wall. A. the left hand B. the right hand C. both hands D. the stethoscope


Which of the following is NOT a common stereotype regarding geriatrics? A. Most elderly people have dementia. B. Elderly people are hard of hearing. C. Geriatric patients are likely to die on an EMS call. D. Elderly people are immobile.


Which of the following is NOT a known risk factor for SIDS? A. Mother younger than 20 years old B. Mother smoked during pregnancy C. Gestational diabetes D. Low birth weight


Which of the following is NOT a sign of increased work of breathing in pediatric patients? A. Nasal flaring B. Grunting C. Equal chest expansion D. Retractions


Which of the following is NOT considered a common condition of the elderly? A. Hypertension B. Sinusitis C. Gastroenteritis D. Arthritis


Which of the following is NOT considered a potential cause of a developmental disability? A. Genetic factors B. Complications at birth C. Folic acid deficiency D. Malnutrition


Which of the following is NOT considered a typical intervention when treating an elderly patient? A. Oxygenation B. Administration of glucose C. immobilization D. Psychological support


Which of the following is NOT one of the leading causes of death in the older population? A. Heart disease B. Diabetes C. AIDS D. Cancer


Which of the following is NOT a common cause of altered mental status in pediatric patients? A. Drug and alcohol ingestion B. Hypertension C. Seizure D. Hypoglycemia


Which of the following is NOT a common exposure when dealing with pediatric burns? A. Scalding water in a bathtub B. Electrocution from poor wiring C. Hot items on a stove D. Cleaning solvents


Which of the following is NOT an infection that can cause an airway obstruction in pediatric patients? A. Pneumonia B. Asthma C. Croup D. Epiglottis


Which of the following populations is at the greatest risk from contracting meningitis? A. females B. Children who have had head trauma C. Children with preexisting heart conditions D. Children of parents with a history of meningitis


Which of the following is NOT risk factor associated with the implantation of a left ventricular assist device? A. Excessive bleeding B. Acute heart failure C. Renal failure D. Stroke


Which of the following statements about changes in the gastrointestinal system is correct? A. Gastric secretions are reduced as a person ages. B. Dental loss is not a normal result of the aging process C. Blood flow to the liver is increased as a person ages. D. Due to memory loss, they are able to adapt easily to changes in their daily routine.


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding patients with autism? A. They fail to use or understand nonverbal communication. B. They will talk with normal tone and speech patterns. C. They may have extreme difficulty with complex tasks that require many steps. D. They have difficulty making eye-to-eye contact.


Young children can compensate for fluid losses by: A. decreasing blood flow to the brain and heart. B. decreasing blood flow to the extremities. C. increasing blood flow tot he extremities. D. increasing blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract.


______ is the leading cause of death from infection in Americans older than age 65 years. A. Chronic bronchitis B. pneumonia C. Endocarditis D. Influenza


A fracture of the femur is rare and is a major source of ____ in the pediatric population. A. infection B. growth abnormalities C. blood loss D. never damage


A patient with an abdominal aortic aneurysm most commonly complains of abdominal pain that radiates to the: A. chest B. lower legs C. back D. shoulders


A pediatric patient involved in a drowning emergency may present with: A. cerebral edema B. hypoglycemia C. abdominal distention D. chest pain


A pediatric patient with a fever, pain on palpation of the right lower quadrant, and rebound tenderness is likely to be suffering from: A. cholecystitis B. gastroenteritis C. appendicitis D. constipation


All of the following are true of delirium EXCEPT: A. it may have metabolic causes. B. the patient may be hypoglycemic C. it develops slowly over a period of years D. the memory remains mostly intact.


Changes to the kidney and genitourinary tract in elderly patients can cause all of the following EXCEPT: A. urinary incontinence B. urinary retention C. an increased response to sodium deficiency D. enlargement of the prostate


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the care of a patient with cerebral palsy? A. Do not assume these patients are mentally disabled. B. Limbs are often underdeveloped and are prone to injury. C. Walkers or wheelchairs should not be taken in the ambulance. D. Be prepared to care for a seizure if one occurs.


All children with abdominal injuries should be monitored for signs and symptoms of: A. pain B. shock C. hypothermia D. nausea


All of the following are common predisposing events that can lead to suicide in the elderly EXCEPT: A. death of a loved one. B. hallucinations. C. alcohol abuse. D. physical illness.


All of the following are considered to be reasons for medication noncompliance EXCEPT: A. financial challenges B. patient disagrees with the diagnosis C. impaired cognitive ability D. inability to open pill bottles


An 82 year old woman has slurred speech, weakness on the left side of her body, visual disturbances and a headache. This patient is likely to be suffering from a: A. myocardial infarction B. stroke C. diabetic emergency D. spinal cord injury


Central venous catheters are located in all of the following areas EXCEPT: A. the upper arm B. the lower leg C. the chest D. the clavicle


Clues that might indicate elderly abuse include all of the following EXCEPT: A. bruises on the buttocks and lower back B. weight gain C. wounds in various stages of healing D. lack of hygiene


Exposure to cold air, infection, and emotional stress are all triggers of: A. pneumonia B. asthma C. bronchiolitis D. epiglottis


How many triage categories are there in the JumpSTART system? A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six


Making eye contract, recognizing caregivers, and following a bright light with their eyes are initially noticed in what age group? A. 0 to 2 months B. 2 to 6 months C. 6 to 12 months D. 12 to 18 months


Patients with gastric tubes who have difficulty breathing should be transported sitting or lying on the: A. left side, with the head elevated 30 degrees. B. right side, with the head elevated 30 degrees. C. right side, with the head elevated 45 degrees. D. left side, with the head elevated 45 degrees.


Signs and symptoms of possible abuse include all of the following EXCEPT: A. chronic pain with no medical explanation. B. no history of repeated visits to the emergency department or clinic. C. depression or lack of energy. D. self destructive behavior


The heart rate should be in the normal adult rage for a geriatric patient but can be altered by medications such as: A. insulin B. beta-blockers C. alpha-blockers D. aspirin


The term obese is used when someone is ____ over his or her ideal body weight. A. 10% to 20% B. 20% to 30% C. 30% to 40% D. 40% to 50%


A patient experiencing weight gain, fatigue, cold intolerance, drier skin and hair, and a slower heart rate could be suffering from: A. hyperglycemia B. ketosis C. hyperthyroidism D. hypothroidism


A pediatric patient with hives, wheezing, increased work of breathing, and hypoperfusion is likely suffering from: A. pneumonia B. bronchoiolitis C. asthma D. anaphylaxis


Activated charcoal is not indicated for pediatric patients who have ingested a(n): A. acid B. alkali C. petroleum product D. all of the above


All of the following are associated with Down syndrome EXCEPT: A. a small face B. short, wide hands C. a protruding tongue D. narrow set eyes


All of the following are common causes of a fever in pediatric patients EXCEPT: A. infection B. status epilepticus C. drug ingestion D. cholecystitis


All of the following are disease or conditions that are associated with patients receiving hospice EXCEPT: A. AIDS B. end stage Alzheimer disease C. cancer D. pneumonia


An apnea monitor indicated in all of the following situations EXCEPT: A. premature birth B. sever gastroesophageal reflex C. family history of SIDS D. asthma


An infant's heart can beat as many as ______ times or more per minute if the body needs to compensate for injury or illness. A. 110 B. 120 C. 140 D. 160


Because the brain tissue shrinks with age, older patients are more likely to sustain: A. basilar skull fractures B. depressed skull fractures C. open head injuries D. closed head injuries


Burns in elderly abuse typically result from which of the following? A. Cigarettes B. Matches C. Hot liquids D. All of the above


Cerebral palsy is associated with all of the following conditions EXCEPT: A. epilepsy B. cardiovascular complications C. difficulty communicating D. mental retardation


Conductive hearing loss can be caused by: A. advanced age B. damage to the inner ear C. nerve damage D. a perforated eardrum


Elderly people are more likely to experience burns because of: A. altered mental status B. inattention C. compromised neurological status D. all of the above


Geriatric patients are commonly found living in all of the following locations EXCEPT: A. their homes B. nursing homes C. skilled nursing facilities D. chuches


MRSA is commonly found on which of the following? A. Decubitus ulcers B. Feeding tubes C. Indwelling catheters D. All of the above


Older people develop an inability to differentiate colors and have: A. increased sensitivity to light B. decreased eye movement C. decreased daytime vision D. weight


Signs and symptoms of a lower airway obstruction in pediatric patients include: A. stridor B. friction rub C. drooling D. wheezing


Signs of shock in children include all of the following EXCEPT: A. altered mental status B. poor capillary refill C. asthma D. anaphylaxis


Stereotyping of elderly people that often leads to discrimination is called: A. geritism B. geriographics C. oldism D. ageism


The alveoli in an older patient's lung tissue can become enlarged and less elastic, making it: A. easier to inhale air. B. harder to inhale air. C. easier to exhale air. D. harder to exhale air.


The brain decreases in terms of _____ and volume as a person ages. A. length B. width C. size D. weight


The last meal is particularly important in a patient with: A. hypertension B. myocardial infarction C. COPD D. diabetes


When obtaining information from the family regarding the pediatric patient's history, which of the following is NOT an appropriate inquiry? A. Does the child have any rashes? B. What has been the child's recent activity level? C. Has there been any vomiting or diarrhea? D. What types of toys does the child play with?


When you are performing a scene assessment at an incident involving SIDS, you should focus your attention on all of the following EXCEPT: A. signs of illness, including medications, humidifiers, and thermometers B. the general condition of the house C. the site where the infant was discovered D. the temp of the room


Which of the following is NOT a common cause of shock in pediatric patients? A. Diseases of the heart B. Severe infection C. Dehydration D. Renal failure


Which of the following is NOT a possible cause of visual impairment? A. Disease B. Injury C. Congenital defect D. Regeneration of the eyeball, optic nerve or nerve pathway.


Which of the following is NOT considered a risk factor for geriatric patients to develop heart failure? A. Hypertension B. Coronary artery disease C. Atrial fibrillation D. Palpitations


Which of the following is NOT initially seen in children 12 to 18 months old? A. Speak four to six words B. Know the major body parts C. Can open doors D. Understand cause and effect


Which of the following is appropriate when treating pediatric patients with seizures? A. Clear the mouth with suction B. Provide 100% oxygen C. Consider placing the patient in the recovery position D. All of the above


When assessing capillary refill in pediatric patients, the color should return after: A. 1 second. B. 2 seconds. C. 3 seconds. D. 4 seconds.


When caring for a patient with a visual impairment, which of the following is NOT appropriate? A. Identify noises B. Always transport the patient's service dog C. Describe the situation and surroundings D. Tell the patient what is happening


When suctioning a tracheotomy tube, be sure not to suction for longer than: A. 5 seconds B. 10 seconds C. 15 seconds D. 20 seconds


Which of the following statements regarding dementia is FALSE? A. Patients may have anxiety about going to the hospital. B. Some patients are confused and angry. C. There may be decreased ability to communicate. D. Due to memory loss, there are about to adapt easily to changes in there daily routine.


Which of the following statements regarding depression is true? A. Treatment typically involves medication, because counseling typically does not work. B. Older adults in skilled nursing facilities are less likely to develop depression. C. It generally does not interfere with ability to function in the elderly. D. It is diagnosed three times more commonly in women than in men.


Drawing in of the muscles between the ribs or of the sternum during inspiration is called:


You are responding to the dementia unit at a nursing home from respiratory distress. When you arrive, you notice that the patient is experiencing mild dyspnea and has an altered mental status. What can you do to help determined if the patient's altered mental status is appropriate for her underlying dementia? A. As long as the patient is alert and able to answer most questions there is no need to determined if this is normal behavior. B. Ask the patient's roommate if this is normal behavior for the patient. C. Find a staff member who can explain the patient's underlying mental status to you. D. Because the patent already has dementia, there is no need to investigate this further.


______ is a progressive disease of the joints that destroys cartilage and leads to joint spurs and stiffness. A. Osteoporosis B. Osteoarcoma C. Osteoarthritis D. Osteoplegia


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