Endocrine System

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ACTH stands for:

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (or Corticotropin)

This hormone helps the kidneys keep sodium (increases blood levels of sodium)


3 Hormones Adrenal Cortex Secretes

Aldosterone, Cortisol, Androgens

Cells in Pancreas that secrete Somatostatin


Hormones that regulate female reproductive cycle, maintain pregnancy, prepare the mammary glands

Estrogens and Progesterone

Cells in Pancreas that secrete pancreatic polypeptide


This hormones causes development of oocytes and induces secretion of estrogens in females and stimulates sperm production in males


True or False: Calcitonin is considered a thyroid hormone


Cortisol is produced in Zona ___


FSH stands for:

Follice-stimulating hormone

___ cells surround colloid in a ___.

Follicular; cavity

Aldosterone is produced in Zona __


Hormone that releases stored glucose


This hormone stimulates growth and metabolism in muscle, cartilage, bone, liver, etc. It's involved in lengthening of bone, stimulates protein synthesis, and involved in tissue repair


7 Anterior Pituitary Hormones


HGH stands for:

Human growth hormone

Hormones enter the ___ ___ ___ to regulate activity of endocrine cells in the Anterior Pituitary; this is called ___ circulation

Hypophyseal Portal System; portal

3 Differences Between NS and Endocrine System

NS: neurotransmitters are released directly onto target cells, works w/in seconds, short-lived Endocrine: hormones released into blood and transported all over body, works w/in seconds or days, long-lasting action

The __ is where the thyroid hormones are stored until they're needed


The hypothalamus controls activity of the Anterior Pituitary Gland ___


The Thyroid hormones are in the ___


The adrenal ___ produces hormones essential for life


__ cells of the thyroid gland produce ___ which ___ plasma calcium levels

C; calcitonin; decreases

This hormone lowers blood calcium levels by effecting bone activity


This is the stress hormone


Cell bodies of neurosecretory cells are in the ___ and ___ nuclei of the hypothalamus and their axons form the ___ tract that ends near capillaries in the posterior pituitary gland.

paraventricular; supraoptic; hypothalamohypopyseal

The ___ pituitary gland contains axon terminals of hypothalamic neurons


Glucagon ___ blood glucose levels while Insulin ___ blood glucose levels

raises; lowers

The hypothalamus secretes __ ___ to control activity of the anterior pituitary

regulatory hormones

Melatonin levels __ during sleep


Norepinephrine and Epinephrine are important in the __ NS


___ or ___ are the endocrine portion of the pancreas

Pancreatic Islet; Islet of Langerhans

Hormone that inhibits somatostatin secretion

Pancreatic polypeptide

Found of the posterior surface of the thyroid gland and are pea-shaped glands (4)

Parathyroid Glands

This nuclei produces oxytocin


This gland is located in the brain (near roof of 3rd ventricle) and secretes melatonin


9 Endocrine Glands Whose Primary Job is to Release Hormones

Pineal, Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Ovary, Testes

This part of the pituitary gland has synaptic terminals of nerves (cell bodies are in the hypothalamus) and where hormones get released into the blood


PRL stands for:


Hormone that relaxes the pubic symphysis during pregnancy and dilates the cervix


Androgens are produced in Zona ___


___ ___ epithelial line the thyroid follicles

Simple Cuboidal

7 Endocrine Glands Whose Secondary Job is to Release Hormones

Skin, Liver, Small Intestine, Thymus, Heart, Stomach, Kidney

Hormone that slows absorption of nutrients from gut and inhibits secretion of insulin and glucagon


The ___ ___ artery branches off the ___ ___ artery

Superior Hypophyseal; Internal Carotid

This nuclei produces ADH


Cells that line the thyroid follicles are called:

T Thyrocyte cells

These hormones stimulate basic metabolic pathways. Not enough of this causes an increase in weight and vice versa

T3 and T4

Thyroid hormones include (2):

T4 and T3

This hormones stimulates synthesis of thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland


The numbers in T3 and T4 tell you how many __ ___ make that hormone up

iodine molecules

2 Anterior Pituitary hormones that go somewhere else to work

TSH (Thyroid gland) and ACTH (Adrenal gland)

Hormone that stimulates descent of testes before birth, regulates production of sperm, and promotes development and maintenance of male sex characteristics


True or False: Organs other than endocrine organs secrete hormones


3 Zones of the Adrenal Cortex (Superficial to Deep)

Zona Glomerulosa, Zona Fasciculata, Zona Reticularis

The Thyroid gland has __ lobes, it's __ to the Thyroid cartilage and is __-shaped

2; inferior; butterfly

This hormone regulates secretion of cortisol in the adrenal gland


This hormone goes to the kidneys and reabsorbs water, raises blood pressure by constricting arteries, and changes sweat glands to conserve waater


The posterior pituitary releases these 2 hormones

ADH and Oxytocin

Cells in Pancreas that secrete Glucagon


4 Cells in the Pancreatic Islets

Alpha, Beta, Delta, F

These are sex hormones important for reproduction and come from the adrenal cortex and gonads


This part of the pituitary gland has endocrine glands that make hormones and then dump them into the blood. It's the larger portion


The ___ ___ in the Posterior Pituitary secretes product into the capillary beds

Axon terminal

Cells in Pancreas that secrete Insulin


If homeostasis is disturbed by low levels of T3 and T4 concentrations in blood or low body temperature, what happens (3 steps)?

Hypothalamus releases TRH, Anterior Pituitary releases TSH, Thyroid gland increases T3 and T4 concentrations

4 Jobs of T3 and T4

Increase metabolism, increase use of glucose and fats, stimulates synthesis of proteins, and growth and development of NS

3 ways PTH increases calcium levels

Increasing bone matrix breakdown, Increasing reabsorption in the nephron, Increasing intestinal absorption

Connects the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus


Hormone that inhibits secretion of FSH from the Anterior Pituitary (stop sperm and egg production/secretion)


This hormone stimulates secretion of other hormones and ovulation in females and stimulates testosterone production in males


LH stands for:

Luteinizing hormone

The exact role of this hormone in humans is not known


Where the regulatory hormones are produced in the hypothalamus that tell the Anterior Pituitary whether to release or inhibit hormones it produces

Median eminence

MSH stands for:

Melanocyte-stimulating hormone

Involved in setting body's biological clock


Another name for posterior pituitary


This hormone stimulates smooth muscle of uterus during childbirth (stimulates contractions) and stimulates mammary glands to cause milk ejection. It's the "love hormone"


This hormone stimulates milk production by mammary glands


This hormone increases calcium levels


Parathyroid glands produce ___ which ___ calcium levels

PTH (Parathyroid hormone); increases

The Thymus produces what 4 things?

Thymosin, thymic humoral factor, thymic factor, thymopoietin

This organ is both a lymphatic and endocrine organ


This organ is involved in the proliferation and maturation of T cells


These make, store, and secrete thyroid hormone

Thyroid follicles

TRH stands for:

Thyroid-regulating hormone

TSH stands for:

Thyroid-stimulating hormone

T4 is called ___ and T3 is called ___.

Thyroxine; Triiodothyronine

True or False: Both parts of the pituitary gland have hormone secretions


Loss of __hormones leads to death in a few days to a week due to __ and/or __ __

adrenocortical; dehydration; electrolyte imbalances

The ___ pituitary gland is a true endocrine gland


99% of the pancreas is involved in the ___ functions and 1% is involved in the ___ functions

exocrine; endocrine

The adrenal ___ produces 2 hormones: ___ and ___

medulla; epinephrine; norepinephrine

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