ENG 101 Final Exam

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Which of the following phrases is not in "Those Winter Sundays" from chapter twenty-two?

Fast cars speeding

A typical narrative essay will use, but not overuse, the _ - point of view.

First person

How many paragraphs will your narrative essay have?


Which is the following is NOT a characteristic of a thesis statement?

From rough draft to final draft, it is unchanging

For a narrative essay, the textbook suggests four steps to the writing process--except for:


Which of the following rules does the textbook suggest for a narrative paper?

The book claims that all of these rules are important

Why do we write about literature--according to the information from chapter twenty-two?

All of these apply

A quality topic sentence will be vague, fuzzy, and unfocused; this type of first sentence will add mystery and guesswork to to the writing which is a good thing.


According to Wyrick, analysis and plot summary are pretty much the same thing.


According to the video, STARS basically is a program that helps you determine your career path in life.


According to the video, apostrophes "have only one purpose or job in writing!"


An introduction is usually only half as long as the rest of the paragraphs in the essay.


Before the use of quotation marks, it is mandatory that you use a comma as in the example below. She stood up and said, "I am not going!"


For the STARS essay, you will not use MLA formatting but rather APA formatting.


If you write a narrative essay about a trip to Disney World, you should spend the first three paragraphs "packing your suitcases!"


In a typical narrative, it is important to make sure that nearly every sentence begins with the word, "I" That way, the reader will not forget that the essay is about you.


It is very important to insert into your thesis such phrases as "I think" and "In my opinion." This way, the reader will understand that it is your point of view.


On the second essay, the "STARS" essay, you are encouraged to use the "I" point of view.


One trick for a quality conclusion is to simply copy and paste your introduction and change a few words.


Our textbook clearly stresses that "journals are old-fashioned" and that in today's world, "writing more often than not happens on smart phones or on computers."


Question marks should be used for direct questions and when you are reporting what someone else said.


THIS SENTENCE IS WRITTEN CORRECTLY---TRUE OR FALSE? It is a twelve hour flight to Montreal, Canada from Rome, Italy.


The paragraph from the textbook that will most help with the STARS essay is paragraph seventeen.


There are fifteen "priming the pump" techniques; the chapter clearly states that you must use all fifteen for each essay you write.


There will be six paragraphs on the STARS essay.


To produce a clear sentence, you need to use commas after conjunctions, as shown in this example: CORRECT: You can ask her but, I don't think she'll agree.


When reading a poem, our textbook says that it is important to read it silently to yourself one time, and then start writing about it immediately.


When reading a poem, the title is seldom of any importance.


When using commas for lists, you must always add the comma before the word "and" or it is incorrect.


When you "annotate" a story, this is the process of "giving your opinion about what happens."


When you are "freewriting" you must slow down, pay attention to spelling and grammar, and carefully edit and organize as you write.


You need to space before including an exclamation point and also a question mark.


You will need three STARS quotes for this essay, as well as five money quotes.


A quality topic sentence does all of the following ЕХСЕРТ:

It repeats the thesis statement, word for word

Wyrick claims that people read literature for all of the following with the exception of:

None of these apply

What is the function of a body paragraph?

Supports the thesis

A "period" is also known as a "full stop" in Great Britain.


A colon can be used in a sentence to divide a general idea from details about that idea. Here is an example: "Rapid urbanization has led to multiple problems: congestion, air pollution, and a shortage of affordable housing!"


A conclusion is a "last chance to convince a reader" and it is also helps to "emphasize the validity and importance of your thinking."


A final use for commas is for non-essential information in a sentence as shown in this example: Tawas City, which is located on Lake Huron, is home to about three-thousand people.


A good lead in will catch the reader's attention and announce the tone of an essay; traditionally, it is in the introduction.


A successful body paragraph will likely have quotes to back up what the writer is talking about.


Which of the following do you want to do---in a successful body paragraph?

You want to do all of them

According to the video, dashes are used to add extra information to a sentence.


An "essay map" will basically introduce the major points that you intend to cover in the essay; your body paragraphs will elaborate on these points.


Another use for quotation marks (speech marks) is to express irony, skepticism, or sarcasm. Here is a example: When she got up, Claudia "wasn't feeling well" and therefore had to take the beautifully-sunny day off from work.


Dashes and commas can "work the same way" but according to the video, dashes are clearer and add a better flow to the writing.


During the twenty-minute video, a man and a women explain punctuation.


Exclamation points (!) work best with informal writing. They can be used to show emotion.


Generally, you do not use apostrophes to write plurals---except when talking about letters. EXAMPLE: There were four Steves in my group. EXAMPLE: She got five A's in the class.


If you change the content of your essay, it is essential that you revisit your thesis and change it accordingly- -otherwise, you may be using an "old head on the body of a new statue."


If you have a compound adjective that is a number, such as "They had a ten-year-old horse," you should use hyphens.


If you hear the "s" sound at the end of a word you would want to add an apostrophe and another "s" as in this example: "This is Boris's shirt, tie, and hat."


Important advice included in the chapter includes to "start early" and to "find your best space."


In Great Britain, it is generally common to see the abbreviation "Mr" with no period; in America, it is most common to see it written as "Mr."


It is important to note that fractions such as "three-quarters" require a hyphen.


It is not advisable to use parenthesis for longer phrases; usually, commas or dashes will work better.


Like the first essay, you must first create your STARS essay in HONORLOCK---as a draft.


Most poems feature an important symbol to convey meaning; some poems have multiple symbols.


Mr. LaPalme said that "some students say that the STARS essay is boring" BUT overall, the information you learn will be quite valuable to you.


One use for commas is to separate items in a list. This adds clarity to a sentence.


Parenthesis can be used to add extra and nonessential information to a sentence.


The introduction will be interesting, contain a thesis statement, and establish your voice as a writer.


The name of the famous rock & roll band that was mentioned in the video was the Rolling Stones.


The people / person who will ultimately read your writing is known as the "audience."


There are three kinds of abbreviations, according to the video.


Unlike the narrative essay, the second essay will require quotes in all paragraphs.


Using a semicolon shows that the ideas before and after the semicolon are connected.


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