ENG304 Final

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I. Shock-Headed Peter first published in 1945 - over 700 editions - more than 100 languages 2nd most widely published children's books ever Originally titled: Harriet Augustus Conrad

"Merry Stories and Funny Pictures for Children from 3-6 Years Old" plays with matches and catches on fire won't eat his soup and dies (?) in sheet who sucks his thumbs and gets them cut off

"It seems very pretty," she said when she had finished it, "but it's rather hard to understand!" (You see she didn't like to confess, even to herself, that she couldn't make it out at all.) "Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas - only I don't know exactly what they are! However, somebody killed something: that's clear, at any rate-"

"Through the Looking Glass" - interest in relationship between sense and nonsense

"Aren't you sometimes frightened at being planted out here, with nobody to take care of you?" "There's the tree in the middle," said that Rose. "What else is it good for?" "But what could it do, if any danger came?" Alice asked. "It could bark," said the Rose. "It says 'Bough-wough!'" cried a Daisy. "That's why it's branches are called boughs!"

"Through the Looking Glass" - relationship between sense and nonsense - word play - "duh" moment at the end

II. No Pictures or Conversations In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again. What is this symbolic of?

"double experience of seeing innocently and simultaneously through innocence" adult narrative voice emerges fully

III. And the Moral of That Is "At any rate I'll never go there again!" said Alice as she picked her way through the wood. "It's the stupidest tea-party I ever was at in my life!" Just as she said this, she noticed that one of the trees had a door leading right into it...

- - Nonsense takes Alice wherever she wants to go - - When she leaves the tea party, there's a portal out - - Almost like her words bring more of the world/the nonsense - - Gets to wish and the wishes come true

I. From Underground to Wonderland Lewis Carroll's Alice books "legitimized curiosity and audaciously released a rotten of curiosities fro the delectation of the child."

- Maria Tatar, Enchanted Hunters

II. No Pictures or Conversations "The supposedly adult material present as the shadow of texts of children's literature is potentially available to child readers as well as adult ones. In some important ways it is necessarily available to them, as a condition for their comprehension of the texts. It is possibly even intentionally available to them, as a requisite part of the process by which adults use non-childlike knowledge in their efforts to reach children how to be childlike."

- Nodelman, "The Hidden Adult" shadow text

III. The Pedagogy of Fear "Nineteenth-century rescriptings of 'Little Red Riding Hood' are, in fact, among the most frightening, in large part because they tap into...

...discursive practices that rely on a pedagogy of fear to regular behavior." - Maria Tatar, "Introduction"

I. Inventing Childhood Our course starts around __ just as new ideas about childhood were beginning to emerge and intensify.

1800 Children were no longer considered mini adults, but distinct and with distinct needs - children's bookstores develop - develops into a trend of protecting childhood

"Oh, I've had such a curious dream!" said Alice, and she told her sister, as well as she could remember them, all these strange Adventures of hers..."

Alice in Wonderland Adventures is capitalized because it's referring to the adventures we just read

"...as [Alice's sister] listened, or seemed to listen, the whole place around her became alive with the strange creatures of her sister's dream...But if she opened her eyes, all would change to dull reality."

Alice in Wonderland adult life as bad

Lastly, [Alice's sister] pictured to herself how this same little sister of hers would, in the after-time, be herself a grown woman; and how she would keep, through all her riper years, the simple and loving heart of her childhood; and how she would gather about her other little children, and make their eyes bright and eager with many a strange tale, perhaps even with the dream of Wonderland of long ago; and how she would feel with all their simple sorrows, and find a pleasure in all their simple joys, remembering her own child-life, and the happy summer days."

Alice in Wonderland emphasis on "and how" anticipatory nostalgia, simple childhood but not simple in reality

"Who cares for you?" said Alice (she had grown to her full size by this time). "You're nothing but a pack of cards!"

Alice in Wonderland, "Alice's Evidence"

In Wonderland... But in Looking-Glass...

Alice produces creative nonsense Alice mostly listens to others create nonsense

Once upon a time there was a dear little girl. If you set eyes on her you could not help but love her. The person who loved her most of all was her grandmother, and she could never give the child enough. She left the path and ran off into the woods looking for flowers. As soon as she picked on she saw an even more beautiful one somewhere else and went after it, and so she went deeper and deeper into the woods. He walked for a while beside Little Red Cap. Then he said, "Little Red Cap, have you seen the beautiful flowers all about? Why don't you look around for a while?...You are walking along as if you were on the way to school, and yet it's so heavenly out here in the woods. She called out a greeting but there was no answer. Then she went to bed and drew back the curtain. Grandmother was lying there with her nightcap pulled down over her face. She looked very strange."

Brother's Grimm, "Little Red Cap" - pedagogy of fear

I. Inventing Childhood in medieval times: infants (0-7) -> adults "As soon as the child could live without the constant solicitude of his mother, his nunnery or his cradle-rocker, he belonged to adult society."

French historian Philippe Aries, Centuries of Childhood (1962)

I. From Underground to Wonderland What does Alice and Wonderland and Struwwelpter have in common? Why did the title change from "Alice's Adventures Under Ground"? Positive reviews: "Delicious nonsense," "imagination" Negative reviews: "absurd," "leads to nothing" "Golden Age" of children's literature launched by __ Changed trajectory in 19th century from leftover Lockeanism towards __ What the book does - Enduring characters (new kind of protagonist; On her __, gets into trouble/out of trouble, can get mad/annoyed/etc (all on her own)) - Enduring metaphors (Down a rabbit hole) - A space of fantasy and invention (not didactic/moralistic/etc)

Handmade books made by an adult for a child Context: didn't want them to think the story was about kids mining (recently child labor was banned) - Wonderland = alternate world instead of just "underground" Alice in Wonderland fantasy own

"She took them by the hand and led them into her little house. They were served a wonderful meal of milk and pancakes with sugar, apples, and nuts. Later, two beautiful beds were made up with white sheets. Hansel and Gretel lay down in them and felt as if they were in heaven." "She was really a wicked witch, who lay in wait for children. She had built the little house of bread just to lure them inside. As soon as a children was in her power, she killed it, cooked it, and ate it. That was a real feast day for her." "Witches have red eyes and can't see very far, but they have a keen sense of smell, like animals, and they can always tell when a human being is around." "Finally, they could see their father's house from afar...His wide had died...and they lived together in perfect happiness."

Hansel and Gretel

II. Shadow text Nodelman, The Hidden Adult: Simple text = the __ text - Focalized through a __ protagonist Shadow text = the __ text - Focalized through an __ consciousness - Addresses the reader with adult repertoire - More complicated presence in the book, hiding below but suggested by the simple text In "Alice in Wonderland"... - The shadow text emerges "(when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her...)" - Could be Alice's voice, the narrator, another, etc - A kind of unchildlike voice telling us about Alice Nodelman's double experience of children's literature... - The shadow text might be available to children, and might even need to be available to children to understand it - A way to show children the adult world to... Consequences of shadow text - Children's texts are often structured as __ - Even "simple" texts offer the pleasures of __ - Children's texts tend to focus on __

Idea that children's literature posses an shadow/unconscious that supplements the simple surface childlike; child unchildlike; adult there is innocence and seeing through that innocence keep them in the children world conversations; complexity; plot

"And the great principle and foundation of all virtue and worth is placed in this: that a man is able to deny himself his own desires, cross his own inclinations, and purely follow what reason directs as best, though the appetite lean the other way."

Locke, "Some Thoughts Concerning Education" (1693)

III. And the Moral of That is "...familiar characters undertaking new but familiar adventures in a series of episodes that then act as variations of each other"

Nodelman children's literature is not just repetitive, it is variational

"Many texts for children express exactly this kind of nostalgia for a better world that never actually existed; they describe a childhood more sweet and innocent than most if not all children ever experience, far from the bitter complexities of adulthood..."

Nodelman, The Hidden Adult

II. No Pictures or Conversations "I keep arriving at the same conclusion. The simplicity of texts of children's literature is only half the truth about them. They also possess a show, an unconscious - a more complex and more complete understanding of the world and people that remains unspoken beyond the simple surface but provides that simple surface with its comprehensibility. The simple surface sublimates - hides but still manages to imply the presence of - something less simple."

Nodelman, The Hidden Adult

II. No Pictures or Conversations "At its best, and despite the inherent presence of an adult voice within it apparently speaking down to its implied child audience, it is a literature that actually talks up to readers rather than down to them. In its evocation of and dependence on shadow texts, it assumes those readers will be able to see more than superficially appears to be there."

Nodelman, The Hidden Adult shadow texts

I am a wolf, but not all wolves are exactly the same. Some are perfectly charming. Not loud, brutal, or angry. But tame, pleasant, and gentle. Following young ladies right into their homes, into their chambers, but watch out if you haven't learned that tame wolves are the most dangerous of all.

Perrault, "Little Red Riding Hood"

Once upon a time there was a village girl, the prettiest you can imagine. Her mother adored her. Her grandmother adored her even more and made a little red hood for her. The hood suited the child so much that everywhere she went she was known by the name Little Red Riding Hood. "Put the cakes and ht little put of butter on the bin and climb into bed with me." Little Red Riding Hood took off her clothes and climbed into the bed. She was astonished to see what her grandmother looked like in her nightgown. Upon saying these words, the wicked wolf there himself on Little Red Riding Hood and gobbled her up.

Perrault, "little red riding hood)

"Children's literature 'empowers' children - by fulfilling wishes. It also 'colonizes' them - by providing models to adopt. This is the essential 'double vision' of childhood."

Perry Nodelman, "The Hidden Adult"

"Children's literature - the literature published specifically for audiences of children and therefore produced in terms of adult ideas about children, is a distinct and definable genre of literature, with characteristics that emerge from enduring adult ideas about childhood."

Perry Nodelman, "The Hidden Adult"

"Those ideas are inherently ambivalent; therefore, the literature is ambivalent. It offers children both what adults think children will like and what adults want them to need, but it does so always in order to satisfy adults' needs in regard to children."

Perry Nodelman, "The Hidden Adult"

"[Children's literature] is both conservative and subversive, and it subverts both its conservatism and its own subversiveness."

Perry Nodelman, "The Hidden Adult"

"[Children's literature] possesses a double vision of childhood, simultaneously celebrating and denigrating both childhood desire and adult knowledge and, therefore, simultaneously protecting children from adult knowledge and working to teach it to them."

Perry Nodelman, "The Hidden Adult"

"On one of these occasions, I made the map of an island; it was elaborately and (I thought) beautifully colored; the shape of it took my fancy beyond expression; it contained harbors that pleased me like sonnets; and with the unconsciousness of the predestined, I ticketed my performance, 'Treasure Island.' The next thing I knew I had some papers before me and was writing out a list of chapters. How often have I don so, and the thing gone no further! But there seemed elements of success about this enterprise. It was to be a story for boys; no need of psychology or fine writing; and I had a bot at hand to be a touchstone."

Stevenson's "Golden Age"

"When the children have been good, That is, be it understood, Good at meal-times, good at play, Good all night and good all day, They shall have the pretty things Merry Christmas always brings." "Naughty, romping girls and boys Tear their clothes and make a noise, Spoil their pinafores and frocks, And deserve no Christmas-box. Such as these shall Never look At this pretty Picture-book."


"He call'd out in an angry tone: 'Boys, leave the black-a-moor along! For if he tries with all his might, He cannot change from black to white... Then Great Agrippa foams with rage -- Look at him on this very page! He seizes Arthus, seizes Ned, Takes William by his little head; And they may screw and kick and call, Into the ink he dips them all..."

Struvvelpeter, "The Inky Boys"

"'Dear me, if I had money I would buy roses, and boxes, and buckles, and purple flower-pots, and everything.'"

The Purple Jar

"'Oh, mother, how happy I should be,' she said, as she passed a toy-shop, 'if I had all these pretty things!' 'What, all! Do you wish for them all, Rosamond?' 'Yes, mamma, all.'"

The Purple Jar

What is the stance of Philip Aries's claim that medieval society had no concept of childhood?

There was a childhood, but not the way it is conceived of today

Alice didn't know what to say to this...so she stood and softly repeated to herself: "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall: Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty in his place again." The words to the old song kept ringing through her head like the ticking of a clock, and she could hardly help saying them out loud: "Tweedledum and Tweedledee agree to have a battle; for Tweedledum said Tweedledee had spoiled his new rattle." And the trotted off, Alice repeating to herself, as she ran, the words of the old song: "The Lion and the Unicorn were fighting for the crown: the Lion beat the Unicorn all round the town. Some gave them white bread, some gave them brown: some gave them plum-cake and drummed them out of town."

Through the Looking Glass Alice doesn't create word play, just recites existing ones - Alice no longer appears to wield creative power

"And then...all sorts of things happened in a moment. The candles all grew up to the ceiling, looking something like a bed of rushes with fireworks at the top. As to the bottles, they each took a pair of plates, which they hastily fitted on as wings, and so, with forks for legs, went fluttering about in all directions..." "There was not a moment to be lost. Already several of the guests were lying down in the dishes, and the soup-ladle was walking up the table towards Alice's chair, and beckoning to her impatiently to get out of its way. I can't stand this any longer!"

Through the Looking Glass Alice's loss of control

A boat beneath a sunny sky, Lingering onward dreamily In an evening of July - Children three that nestle near, Eager eye and willing ear, Pleased a simple tale to hear - Long had paled that sunny sky: Echoes fade and memories die: Autumn frosts have slain July. Still she haunts me, phantomwise, Alice moving under skies Never seen by waking eyes. Children yet, the tale to hear, Eager eye and willing ear, Lovingly shall nestle near. In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die: Ever drifting down the stream- Lingering in the golden gleam- Life, what is it but a dream?

Through the Looking Glass gesturing at the past speaking in triplets to replicate the three girls Alice as a ghost a scene of future storytelling deeply melancholic ending that laments the passage of time and fading of dreams

Child of the pure unclouded brow And the dreaming eyes of wonder! Through time be fleet, and I and thou Are half a life asunder, Thy loving smile will surely hail The love-gift of a fairy-tale. Come, hearken then, ere voice of dread, With bitter tidings laden, Shall summon to unwelcome bed A melancholy maiden! We are but older children, dear, Who fret to find our bedtime near. Without, the frost, the blinding snow, The storm-wind's moody madness- Within, the firelight's ruddy glow, And childhood's nest of gladness. The magic words shall hold thee fast: Thou shalt not heed the raving blast. And, though the shadow of a sigh May tremble through the story, For "happy summer days" gone by, And vanish'd summer glory- It shall not touch with breath of bale, The pleasance of our fairy-tale.

Through the Looking Glass pushing Alice toward adulthood while lamenting that transformation and also pretending it's not happening

"I declare it's marked out just like a large chessboard!" Alice said at last..."It's a great huge game of chess that's being played - all over the world - if this is the world at all, you know. Oh, what fun it is! How I wish I was one of them!"

Through the Looking Glass shows how Alice even recognizes the fact that it's structured like a chess board - less creative

"That's easily managed. You can be the White Queen's Pawn, if you like...when you get to the Eighth Square you'll be a Queen."

Through the Looking Glass shows how Alice is not an agent in this story, but just a pawn (less creative and powerful)

"For some minutes Alice stood without speaking, looking out in all directions over the country - and a most curious country is was. There were a number of tiny little brooks running straight across it from side to side, and the ground between was divided up into squares by a number of little green hedges, that reached from brook to brook."

Through the Looking Glass shows how the actual structure is like a chessboard

"A pawn goes two squares in its first move, you know. So you'll go very quickly through the Third Square - by railway, I should think - and you'll find yourself in the Fourth Square in no time. Well that square belongs to Tweedledum and Tweedledee - the Fifth is mostly water - the Sixth belongs to Humpty Dumpty - the Seventh Square is all forest - however, one of the knights will show you the way - and in the Eigth Square we shall be Queens together, and it's all feasting and fun!"

Through the Looking Glass shows how the whole book is organized as a chess game, giving Alice less agency and telling her how her experience will be

"Now, Kitty, let's consider who it was who dreamed it at all...Was it the Red King, Kitty? You were his wife, my dear, so you ought to know. Oh Kitty, do help to settle it! I'm sure your paw can wait!"

Through the Looking Glass the shift of responsibility Alice as losing story-teller

"There's glory for you!" "I don't know what you mean by 'glory,'" Alice said. Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. "Of course you don't - till I tell you. I meant 'there's a nice known-down argument for you!'" "But 'glory' doesn't mean a 'nice knock-down argument,'" Alice Objected. "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "Which is to be master - that's all."

Through the Looking Glass - relationship between sense and nonsense - word play - "duh" moment at the end - language as something to wield power over

II. Fear or Fun Is "Struvvelpeter" the most severe cautionary tale ever or...? - Aka, is it about fear or fun? Evidence for the most severe cautionary tale ever - Ruthless punishments - When Frederick is cruel to animals... - When Phillip fidgets at the table... - When Flying Robert is distracted... - Relentless __ (do this bad this, this badder thing will happen) Evidence for the parody of cautionary tales - Tend to focus on the __ - "cartoon-like nature of drawings help keep __ and __ apart" - Metcalf "Civilizing Manners" Evidence for both: - "cartoon-like exaggerations...hint of revolt against conformity" -Metcalf - vicarious thrill of __ - The writing is in __ - Rhyming couples, 4-beat rhyme - English translation is __

a parody of cautionary tales he's bitten gets smothered by the table he gets blown away causality pictures fiction; reality misbehaving prose funnier

"The especial charm of these verses is their perfect naturalness. They are written almost entirely from the child's point of view. They do not talk about children as mothers or tutors might talk, but the children speak themselves."

a review on "A Child of Verses" that demonstrates the newness of the genre

III. A November Story Set on Nov 4 (exactly 6 months __ Alice's Adventures) - Fall becoming __ - Correspondingly more __ tone - Steeped in __ for the passing of Summer while pretending... Opening poem about time __ (sad November) - Innocence of childhood/power of their imagination, but also the inevitable passage of time - Addressed to a child/the memory - Possibly because when the sequel was written, the real Alice was 19 - Being offered the __ of Alice (curious and animated) Stanzas 4-6 change to the present and more melancholy - An __ maturity - November outside (___) - Summer inside (__) - Ignore the blasts of adulthood that have come and changed you - End basically says "let's pretend like the blast of adulthood is not there during the story" - Pushes Alice toward her metaphorical adulthood as it simultaneously laments that transform while pretending it's not even happening - Explains Alice's lo

after; winter; melancholy; nostalgia it does not exist fleeting; idea unwanted; adulthood; childhood; creativity

III. What About Both? the inky boys - a confusing message: the story of the man that went out shooting - He's going out to have some fun - classic __ story - rabbit nearly shoots her own child - who is being __ here?

anti-racist on the surface but on one appears to learn anything the black boy appears to enjoy the fun? inversion satirized

IV. Eating Children Hansel and Grete - idealization of childhood v the pedagogy of fear New __ about children's vulnerabilities as the family circle grows in importance.... "and they lives together in perfect happiness." - healing? - absolution? - forgetting? - repressing trauma in order to survive?

anxieties tales of its violation resonate more powerfully

IV. Children's literature is... - the only genre defined by its __ - some critics argue it isn't a __ at all Definition 1: no such thing, just literature, because children aren't a __ form of life Definition 2: children's literature is different from adult literature in degree but not kind - On a __ Definition 3: children's fiction is impossible in the impossible __ between adult and child - Adults, by and large, write books for children - This means that the children in these books and the child readers are entirely __ of the adult authors - Never have an authentic child in or reading the book

audience; genre separate continuum relation; constructions

V. How Queer Everything is Today Nodelman: Children's literature is __ in structure and theme, brings ideas into balance (or at least tries) In Wonderland, everything is out of balance (animal/human, dream/reality, adult/child, etc) - Why Alice keeps describing things as weird, nothing is in its "right" place because all of the binaries are __ - Even when the book brings Alice to her normal world, it is fascinated by her fascination with the fundamental queerness of Wonderland Nodelman: Nodelman says children's literature can't move beyond __ thinking - But Alice in Wonderland does - Represents non-normative identities

binary unstable dualistic

II. A Timeless Garden: what makes this book timeless? - Being requested __ the children, similar to a toy (rather than something educational being forced) - Synonymous with "poetry for children" and __ expectations for what children's poetry should be and do What's timeless about it is its concept of __ - Childhood is not only a protected space, but also "__" time (from adult supervision) to dream - The concept of "time" in these poems is NOT __ time - Instead, offer glimpses into a __ from time - - Only constrained by seasons, rising sun, sleeping, etc - Time is almost __ Argument: these poems present a glimpse into a freedom from adult time - and that freedom is part of why these poems still appeal to children and adults and are described as "timeless" - ex: "Bed in Summer" - ex: "The Lamplighter" - ex: "My Kingdom" - For Stevenson, adulthood is when the child's imagination is

by; reset childhood - Time of dreaming/creating/imagining free; narrative; freedom; elemental Parents are saying it's time for bed. Child is being subjected to adults. Child wants to live by the cycle of the sun/moon. A BIRD wakes him up, not his parents. Teatime and the lamplighter marks time. Not based on TIME, but on sunlight, so changes through the year. Not watching the clock, and while the adult is calling him back, it's done by darkness. The imagined freedom of a "before time" that is before "before adulthood" and "before time is measured by a work day". adults in dreams or nostalgia for their own "free" childhoods

I. 'Twas Brilling In the novel, Alice isn't scared, she's just __ about the poem - The poem is one of the best creations of the novel because it is __ that makes sense - It fits the __ pattern of English, but the words don't make sense Looking Glass is interested in the relationship between __ and __, especially in terms of language - Lots of word play, puns, etc Touch on theories of language - Are words connected to things they describe, or are they entirely arbitrary? Language becomes something to wield __ over - In the Humpty Dumpty scene, he says "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean." - When Humpty Dumpty is asked to make sense of the poem, he does so with a lot of sense - Invents a new use for a word (portmanteau) - Book is full of linguistic inventions to make sense into nonsense and nonsense into sense - Suggests the power of language as a __ force

confused; nonsense; grammatical sense; nonsense power; creative

II. Consuming subjects "The Purple Jar" - Lots of STUFF and __ at this time, London as a bustling world or commerce and trade Shopping was a common/extraordinary part of life Consumption as __

consumerism joy

IV. From Host to Ghost At the end, Alice becomes a queen and "hosts" a dinner-party - But also not because she had no __ over planning it - She almost doesn't get to __ When she thanks guests, everything out of control - ends by saying "I can't stand this any longer!" - Parallels to "you're just a deck" Who dreamed adventure? - Wonderland is Alice's dream, but Through the Looking Glass shifts __ - No longer created by Alice - Before, Alice was a storyteller, but now loses her sense of a __ - don't get to see effect of her retelling impact - The fact the novel ends by posing the question turns things toward __ - Ends with poem that returns to storyteller taking three little girls out on the river to tell them stories - Speaking in triplets (mimics the three girls) - Alice as a __ that lives only in the __ of the story - doesn't exist anymore, now she's an __ - Desire to go back to moment

control; eat responsibility; storyteller indecision; ghost; dreamworld; adult; original

I. The Morphology of Alphabet Books Three takeaways from Crain: 1. The images in alphabet books... 2. Sometimes the text betrays itself... 3. These images get you to think about...

create a world for you, and thus articulate an ideological framework even as they inhabit that world the images and text can run up against each other, and so we see the instability of ideology as well who is the audience for a given text

I. Locke's Dice Margery (Goody Two Shoes) and Rosamend (The Purple Jar) were very well known and popular books Locke believed in "instruction with __", or the idea that books should teach lessons but also try to __ - Dominant mode of children's literature from 1970-1850 John Locke wrote "Some Thoughts Concerning Education" in 1693 that was hugely influential with these key ideas: - Children have no __ ideas ("I considered only as white Paper, or Wax, to be molded and fashioned as one pleases") - Children learn from __ and you must start __ to emphasize repetition to create habits ("The great Mistake is that the Mind has not been made obedient to Discipline, and pliant to Reason, when at first it was most tender.") - Education should be __ ("There may be Dice and Play-things") - Goal of education = to __ and delight ("Liking and Inclination," "Children may be cozen'd") Had profound impacts on children's li

delight; entertain innate; experience; young; gamified; instruct

IV. Adults in Hiding Perry Nodelman, The Hidden Adult pp. 206-244: What defines children's literature as children's literature? - Claim #1: Children's literature is a __ and __ genre written by adults for children. - Claim #2: These ideas (adult ideas about childhood) are inherently __, so the literature is also ambivalent. - Claim #3: Children's literature __ children by fulfilling their wishes and __ them by providing models to adopt - Claim #4: Children's literature is both conservative and __.

distinct; definable ambivalent - If offers children both what adults think children will like and what adults want children to need empowers; colonizes subversive - Fidgety Phillip subverts the conservatism - Rabbit subverts its subversiveness

I. The Morphology of Alphabet Books Crain's morphology 1: "Swallow Alphabets" - Alphabets are __ - - "C is a __" - Alphabets as __ - - Not just food, also consumer __ - - Metaphor for becoming part of __ Crain's morphology 2: "Body Alphabets" - __ shaped like letters - The emphasis is not the act of consumption, but the __ of consumption - - You are what you eat Crain's morphology 3: "Alphabet Array" - The order you learn ABCs in - Order is important because there's no real __ reason for the ordering we're used to - At this time, there was a lot of __ being developed - Scrambling them serves as an __ task Locke says that words mean things not because they naturally mean things but instead because there's a __ - Also in social contract/civil government - "Words being entered for signs of my ideas, to make them known to others, not by any natural signification, but by a voluntary imposition.

eaten; cheese; consumption; goods; you bodies; result natural; taxonomy; identification convention

III. Ideologies of education Rosamund as a naturally inquisitive girl and the acquisition of stuff enables her rise in the world (like Goody) society/people can be improved through __ Daughters should have an allowance so that they can learn how to __ - "it is a very good method for girls to have a certain allowance...a practical lesson of the economy..." (Mary Wollstonecraft, "Thoughts of the Education of Daughters") The rise of woman through proper education - "...that she will imitate her mother or aunts, and amuse herself by adorning her lifeless doll..." (Wollstonecraft) Excess of stuff is __ - The goal of education is to be able to deny your own __ and reason (Locke) - "...but a watchful eye should be kept upon the child, to mark the first symptoms of a love of finery and fashion..." (W) Is Rosamund naturally inquisitive/wanting or is it something that is learned? If it's learned, from who?

education spend bad; inclinations

IV. Eating Children "Hansel & Gretel" returns children to __ structures of power "Little Red Cap" teaches children to... Struct boundaries on the __ in a supposedly __ genre

existing 'never again' to stray from the path imagination; irrational

IV. Nothing But a Pack of Cards Nodelman: children's literature is marked by... - Because adults are writing with __ for a children's world that never __ - Wonderland ends once Alice insists the characters are nothing but a pack of cards wakes up and tells her sister - Leads to the activation of Alice's __ and transmits wonder - But then story is turned to Alice's sister, who redreams it as if it were __ experience - - But she knows it's not real and if she opens her eyes, it'll go back to dull reality - __ figure And then changes to sister thinking about Alice growing up - __ nostalgia - Child life as happy/simple, adult life as ripe (negative) - But the story isn't just simple, Alice is also frustrated - The narrative knows that, and tries to insist that childhood IS great - Further highlights adult __ Why end this way? - encourage children to... - introducing children to adultness while simult

happy endings nostalgia; existed imagination her unchildlike anticipatory nostalgia remain childlike protecting them from it

IV. Implied readers Instruct by pleasing - "The end of writing is to __; the end of poetry is to instruct by __." Samuel Johnson, Preface to Shakespeare's Plays (1765) Absence of the father in "The Purple Jar" implies that the audience is intended to be... "Rosamund" = girl of the world Typical girl, typical __ Actually two implied readers: "The Beautiful Cassandra" - Similar motifs to "the Purple Jar": shopping, the joy of the city, learning lessons and coming back to __ - "I have often thought it might be set down as a maxim, that the greatest disappointment we can meet with is the gratification of ur fondest wishes." Wollstonecraft, Thoughts on the Education of Daughters (1787)

instruct; pleasing for mothers and daughters, not fathers and sons audience a child and an adult mom

III. A is for Adam, N is for Newberry The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes - reading is __ Instrumentalist approach:

instrumental early childhood reading is instrumental for young children to acclimate

II. From Field to Parlor #2 Perrault, "Little Red Riding Hood" - NOT for children - part of new "__" approach to fairy tales - moral: from this story one learns that __, especially young girls, are __ to listen to just anyone, and it's not at all strange if a wolf ends up eating them - both a warning and a __

literary children; wrong satire

IV. Children's Literature is... John Rowe Townsend (1980): "There is no such thing as children's literature, there is just __...Children are not a separate form of life from people, no more than children's book are a separate form of literature from just books." Rebecca Lukens (1995): "Children are not little __. They are different from adults in experience, but not in species, or to put it different, in degree but not in kind. We can say then of literature for young readers that it different from literature for adults in __ but not in __." Jacqueline Rose, "Peter Pan, or the Impossibility of Children's Fiction" (1984): "Children's fiction is __, not in the sense that it cannot be written, but in that it hands on an impossibility, one which it rarely ventures to speak. This is the impossible relation between __ and __."

literature adults; degree; kind impossible; adult; child

"at large for the benefit of those, who from a state of rags and care, and having shoes but half a pair; their fortune and their fame would fix, and gallop in a coach and six."

little goody two shoes

I. Fantastic Visions "Why should the mind be filled with fantastic visions instead of useful knowledge? Why should so much valuable time be lost?" - The Parents Assistant; Or, Stories for Children (1796) "Children generally have a very lively imagination, which does not need to be expanded or made more intense by the reading of fairy tales." - Kant, On Education - give them __ Increasing __ of fairy tales in England after 1830 influence of German romanticism and new theory of education (like __) In the US, fairy tales took __ to get a foothold before __ in popularity in the 20th century (through Disney) "Fairy tales deliver not only the shock of beauty but also jolts of horror, rewiring our brains and also charging them up...The pleasures of the genre arouse curiosity about the world...and provide social, cultural, and intellectual capital for navigating its perils." - Maria Tatar, The Classic Fairy Tales

maps acceptance kindergarten longer; exploding

II. From Field to Parlor #1: "The Story of Grandmother" - earliest LRRH from late Middle Ages - __ tradition - tales told and retold in the fields or over a meal - often graphic, violent, erotic, etc What is the purpose of such a story? - to entertain but also to __ - to serve as a __ function - to celebrate Little Red's __

oral warn - watch out for wolves social - 'needles and pins' = coming of age ingenuity - she escapes and survives (and "replaces" her grandmother)

I. Fantastic Visions "If fairy tales have a high quotient of weirdness, it is because they recruit the extraordinary to help us understand the ordinary and what lies beneath it." - Maria Tatar, The Classic Fairy Tales "For that reason, fairy tales have been credited with an insurrectionary and emancipatory potential that goes against the grain of conventional wisdom about fairy tales as trivial pursuits." - Maria Tatar, The Classic Fairy Tales Three different versions: - __ folktale - consciously __ - didactic

oral; literary

II. Just Like a Chessboard! Thesis: Although TtLG continues the insistence on the creative powers of language/nonsense that permeated Alice's Adventures, in this novel Alice becomes... Evidence: structure - Looking Glass land is a kind of __ of Alice's experiences in Wonderland - King & Queen of Hearts -> "Red King" & "Red Queen" - Different kinds of characters even though there's a __ - Explicitly __ like a game of chess - Alice recognizes this - Still has the "wish it, get it" idea - Chessboard structure makes Alice... - The chapters structured as chess moves - Queen uses motif of pawn moves to tell Alice exactly... On her way to becoming a queen, Alice does not produce ... - In Wonderland, she was an agent but now she is instead mostly... - She participates and asks questions, but... - The best she can is repeat well known nursery rhymes and the rhyme... - Alice doesn't wield the power of la

paradoxically less creative and less powerful inversion; parallel; organized a pawn (her story is already marked out for her) how her journey will go - "A pawn goes two squares in its first move...So you'll go very quickly through the Third Square..." - An exact outline of the book creative nonsense in the same way that she did in Wonderland listens to others create nonsense she doesn't actually create it predicts exactly what will happen moves like a pawn

II. Society's Lies Early children's books: playful, but also __ and __ - Locke was suspicious of fantasy/imagination and early children's literature was focused on __ the world around them - Not many fairy tales, more rational/practical - Important if you believe that children are a blank slate and so you need to teach them __ through books False Stories Corrected: story going through and "__" fairytales - "Learn to unlearn what you have learned amiss." - "Many wrong ideas are impressed on the infant mind; grow with its growth, and strengthen with its strength. Some of them, however ridiculous and troublesome, get such deep root and firm possession, as to bid defiance to reason..." - "Stories about ghosts and goblins exist only in the misguided imaginations of the ignorant." - "Stories about make-believe creatures are calculated to produce an injurious effect upon children's inexperienced minds."

practical; realistic; explaining; accurately debunking

III. A is for Adam, N is for Newberry The New-England __ - first published c. 1686 - between 1700-1850 approximately six __ copies in print - began with quotes from __ and then all the letters and then a syllabary, then two syllable words, then three, etc - these words were religious-esque - the ABC book was also __, with things like "in Adam's fall, we sinned all" for A The purpose was __ and __ and also a __ and __ - genderedness Not just an alphabet, meant to teach about __ Choice of words shows how kids are initiated into __

primer million scripture religious instruction; amusement; ball; pincushion religion culture - ex: using "drunkenness" so they know to AVOID it - not just words, but meanings/lessons

III. Goody's Shoes - different adaptations represented Goody differently depending on the time - Profoundly Lockean (__ and __) but also surprisingly irrational and fantastic Lockean: story of illiterate orphan girl who rises in the world through __ - Starts with only one shoe, but by the end of the novel (because of experience and good __) has success - A model of __ - name changes from Little Goody Two-Shoes to __. Margery Two-Shoes - "Goody" comes from phrase "good wife" which means a young, poor wife - Goody's teaching methods are straight from Locke: irrational and fantastic - Goody as a kind of __ story - __ helpers - The Considering Cap is kind of a magic relic where if you put it on and say the alphabet, your marriage will be saved - The alphabet itself functions __ - - Inconsistencies with how many letters she says she had and what she says she spelled - Goody's own shoes function like mag

rational; practical; education; habits emulation; Mrs Gamified learning the alphabet; Learning by doing (very active); Even involves the reader (addresses the reader directly) cinderella; animal; magically Right when her brother was leaving, a shoemaker very opportunely made her new shoes - Seem to magically protect her from harm, When she's cast out homeless, she's perfectly fine the next day

IV. Eating Children The Grimms' version of "Hansel and Gretel" is actually about "the __ of abandonment and the domestication of the __." - Jack Zipes, Happily Ever After - legitimizing the father's __ - socializing H & G into his world and __ them from using their imagination

rationalization; imagination authority; discouraging

III. The Pedagogy of Fear #3: Brothers Grimm, "Little Red Cap" Kinder- and Hausmärchen - 1st edition (1812) intended for __ - 2nd edition (1819), began revision for __ introduced a new character: "Oh how terrified I was! It was so dark in the wolf's belly!" "Little Red Cap thought to herself: 'Never again will you stray from the path and go into the woods, when you mother has forbidden it." - how is this compared to Rosamond at the end of "The Purple Jar"

scholars children the huntsman Unlike Rosamond at the end of "The Purple Jar" - "I am sure - not, not quite sure - but, I hope, I shall be wiser another time."

I. Inventing Childhood French historian Philippe Aries, Centuries of Childhood (1962) 1. Made children the subject of... 2. Argued that childhood itself...

serious academic study is a recent invention

II. No Pictures or Conversations So she was considered in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid)... There was nothing so very remarkable in that; nor did Alice think it so very much out of the war... (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural). What is this symbolic of?

shadow text "focalized" through adult consciousness begins to emerge

II. No Pictures or Conversations Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, "and what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversations?" What is this symbolic of?

simply language "focalized" through Alice

III. The Pedagogy of Fear early oral versions of LRRH = "violence in the service of __" (Tatar, "Introduction") 19th-century written versions = "violence in the service of a __ __" (Tatar, "Introduction")

slapstick disciplinary regime

"'Oh, mamma, would you stop a minute for me? I have got a stone in my shoe; it hurts me very much.'" "'How came there to be a stone in your shoe?'" "'Because of this great hole, mamma, it comes in there...I wish you would be so very good as to give me another pair.'" "'Nay, Rosamond, but I have not money enough to buy shoes, and flower-pots, and buckles, and boxes, and everything.'" Rosamond thought that was a great pity.

the purple jar

"Oh, dear, mother!" cried she, as soon as she had taken off the top, "but there's something dark in it which smells very disagreeably. What is it? I didn't want this black stuff." "Nor I, my dear." "But what shall I do with it, mamma?" "That I cannot tell." "It will be of no use to me, mamma." "That I cannot help."

the purple jar

"Oh, mamma," said she as she took off her hat, "how I wish that I had chosen the shoes! They would have been of so much more use to me than that jar: however, I am sure, no, not quite sure, but I hope I shall be wiser another time."

the purple jar

They went a little farther, and came to another shop, which caught Rosamond's eye. It was a jeweler's shop, and in it were a great many pretty baubles, ranged in drawers behind glass. "mamma, will you buy some of these?" "Which of them, Rosamond?" "Which? I don't know which; any of them will do, for they are all pretty." "Yes, they are all pretty, but of what use would they be to me?" "Use! Oh, I am sure you could find some use or another for them if you would only buy them first." "But I would rather find out the use first."

the purple jar

Whenever her mother was going out to walk, she could not take Rosamond with her, for Rosamond had no soles to her shoes; and at length, on the very last day of the month, it happened that her father proposed to take her with her brother to a glass-house, which she had long wished to see. She was very happy; but, when she was quite ready...the shoe dropped off. She put it on again in a great hurry, but, as she was going across the hall, her father turned round. "Why are you walking slipshod? no one must walk slipshod with me. Why, Rosamond," said he, looking at her shoes with disgust, "I thought that you were always near; no, I cannot take you with me."

the purple jar

Implied reader:

the reader that the text imagines, that has the ideas/context the writer thinks

There once was a woman who had made some bread. She said to her daughter: "Take this loaf of hot bread and this bottle of milk over to granny's." The little girl left. At the crossroads she met a world, who asked: "Where are you going?" "I'm taking a loaf of hot bread and a bottle of milk to granny's." "Which path are you going to take," asked the wolf, "the path of needles or the path of pins?" "The path of needles," said the little girl. "Well, then, I'll take the path of pins." The little girl had fun picking up needles. Meanwhile, the wolf arrived at granny's, killed her, put some of her flesh in the pantry and a bottle of her blood on the shelf. The little girl got there and knocked on the door. "Take your clothes off, my child," said the wolf, "and come into bed with me." "Oh granny, how hair you are!"

the story of grandmother (LRRH)

This is the man that shoots the hares; This is the coat he always wears: With game-bag, power-horn, and gun He's going out to have some fun. He find it hard, without of a pair of spectacles, to shoot the hare. The hare sits snug in leaves and grass And laughs to see the green man pass. At last he stumbled at the well, Head over ears, and in her fell. The hare stopped short, took aim and, hark! Bang went the gun - she missed her mark! The poor man's wide drinking up Her coffee in her coffee-cup; The gun shot cup and saucer through; "Oh dear!" cried she; what shall I do?" There lives close by the cottage there The hare's own child, the little hare; And while she stood upon her toes, The coffee fell and burned her nose. "Oh dear!" she cried, with spoon in hand, "Such fun I do not understand."

the story of the man that went out shooting

III. What About Both? Perry Nodelman, "Words About Pictures": every picture book tells at least three sources

the verbal story the visual story the ironic story (verbal v visual)

IV. Look - A Ghost! Chapter VI of "Goody Two Shoes" when... - The narrator himself piles on - - "A ghost, you blockhead, says Mr. Long...give me the key you monkey..." - - "After this, children, I hope you will not believe any foolish stories..." - insistent interruptions of __ and a mishmash of __ (ghost story, primer, adventure novel) - - "It was dark, and I could see nothing...something jumped up upon me behind..." Very complex for the first children's book - Because children's literature doesn't know what it should be yet - Doesn't know who the audience is The intro is weird - Interrupts own introduction to say "how is this for children?" - - "But what, says the reader, can occasion all this; do you intend this for children?" - Talking to both children and parents - Tells us that the parent might have wanted to know __ about the story before reading it to their child

the whole parish was frightened at the thought of the ghost believe; irrationality; genres extra

I. Stevenson's "Golden Age" Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) - __ __ = his first big success - Like Alice's Adventures and Struwwelpeter, began as an object for a __ - Inspiration for the book came when him and his step-son were drawing and he made the map of an __ - Books marketed toward boys and girls - - Boys don't need psychology or fine writing, they just need __ First appeared in a children's magazine "Young Folks) - "to inform, to instruct, to amuse" Golden Age of this kind of literature - __ tales, __ action, gothic tales for adults A Child's Garden of Verses - Critics were not sure what to do with these poems - Stevenson was inventing a new kind of literature for children - Written from __ point of view - Different from when Alice/Goody Two Shoes recites already invented poems - Changed how we thought about children's relationship with poetry - Not just a tool to __ children

treasure island; child; island action boys; historical child's instruct

III. The Pedagogy of Fear #3 Brothers Grimm, "Little Red Cap" #1 folktale: ending turns toward __ #2 Perrault: ending hints at __ #3:

triumph satire lesson learned

III. The betrayal of style "Rosamund was obliged to pause..." - By saying this, the author makes it __ The stone sticks itself into the story by sticking itself into her foot - The natural order of __ gets disrupted - Stone comes through this hole A lot of __ ("Will you buy this? Buy this? Buy this?") - "I will find a use for this" turns to "I'm sure you can find some use" - Learning a lesson through the __ of the text Idea that everything has to have a use - Buying practical stuff is a central part of understanding our relationship to the __

true narration repetition; structure world

How did Philip Aries make his claim that medieval society had no concept of childhood?

used art as evidence - children being depicted as "mini adults" in early paintings, but as more childlike in later paintings

III. And the Moral of That is Repetition - Nodelman: what looks like repetition is actually __ - Repeated references to children's literature __ - "Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it." - The Duchess - - Defeats the point of a __ - Validation of __ - - "Twinkle, twinkle, little bat..." - Uncontrollable nonsense - Repetition of fascination, curiosity, wonder, aggravation Chief goal is to convince children that wonder is good and imaginations are great

variation itself - "...she had read several nice little stories..." - Alice tries to repeat well known poems that she changes in Wonderland moral nonsense

According to Nodelman & Reimer: assumptions about what children's literature should be say less about children's literature than they do about...

what adults imagine children are like or should be like

I. Inventing Childhood Childhood means something different depending on... ...Thus, childhood is... What counts as children's literature?

when, where, and who you are a historical and social construction whatever a given society writes for its children

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